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April 09, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-09

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Final Meeting
Of A. A.U.P.
To Be Today
Experts rT Discuss
Different Phases of
Post-War Education
"What the Public Will Demand of
the University in Post-War Educa-
tion" will be the theme of the final
1943 open meeting of the American
Association of University Professors,
Which will open with a dinner at
6:15 p.m. today in the Michigan
Experts will discuss various phases
of the general topic. Fred Frostic,
A.B. '18; A.M. '27, Superintendent
of Schools, Wyandotte, will speak on
the point of view of secondary edu-
cation in this field of post-war edu-
cation. Agriculture's side in the ar-
gument will be presented by J. E.
Yaeger, Michigan Farm Bureau.
Willard Martinson, A.B. '36, Edu-
cational Director of UAW-CIO Lo-
cal 50, will introduce William Nicho-
las, of the International Housing
Commission, who will present labor's
side of the picture. The business-
men's viewpoint will be discussed by
Bruce Laing, A.B. '11; LL.B. '13,
president of the Natural Wolverine
Motor Insurance Co., Dowagiac. Em-
ilie Sargent, A.B. '16; MSPH '38, Ex-
ecutive Director of the Visiting
Nurses Association, will present the
woman's viewpoint on the subject.
Prof. Louis Hopkins will act as
Flag Pole To
Be Dedicated
In Law Quad
A special review open to the pub-
lic, followed by a ceremony dedi-
cating the new flagpole located in
the Law Quadrangle will take place
at Saturday, eleven p.m. at the
Judge Advocate General's School in
the Law Quadrangle.
A concrete marker at the base of
the flagpole, which is a gift of the
Ninth Class at the school, will be
presented to the University by Colo-
nel Edward H. Young, Commandant,
as a token of appreciation for the
use of the campus facilities by the
Army School.
Representatives of the University
who will be present at the ceremony
are: President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven; Mr. E. Blythe Stason, Dean of
the Law School; Mr. Edson R. Sun-
derland, Professor of Law, and Mr.
Grover C. Grismore, Professor of

Locomotives Shattered in-TraiW


A Rock Island passenger train and a special troop train collided
head-on near Little Rock, Ark., killing at least one trainman. Not a
single member of the military group was seriously injured. Engineer
David R. Smith of the troop train was missing and Engineer Jack
O'Rear of the passenger train was killed after their locomotives teles-
coped in the collision. The crewmen lived at Little Rock, Ark.
Rabel Suggests Establishment
Of International Organization

Because of the bitter contrasts and
extreme differences between the
countries of Europe some inter-state
organization must be set up after
the war to overcome these difficulties,
Dr. Ernst Rabel, European jurist now
doing research work ot the University,
said yesterday.
"As the United States has become
a melting-pot for the nationalities
and races of the world," Dr. Rabel de-
Prof. Rufus To Talk on
Copernicus, Astronomer
"Copernicus, Polish Astronomer,
1473-1543" will be the subject of a
lecture by Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the'
astronomy department at 4:15 p.m.
Thursday, April 23, in the Rackham
This is to be an illustrated talk
in commemoration of the 400th an-
niversary of the death of Copernicus
and is under the auspices of the De-
partment of Astronomy.


clared, "so must such an organization
melt the conflicts of the European na-
Dr. Rabel asserted that the United
States has a great mission to perform
in the post-war world. We must "bear
the torch" to the peoples of Europe
he said.
"Europe has worked very hard for
progress," Dr. Rabel said, "and has
been frustrated in her quest. However
they will continue, but they need in-
ternational assistance."
A member ad hoc of the World
Court at the Hague from 1925 to
1928, Dr. Rabel is now working at the
University on a book dealing with the
law of conflicts. He started his re-
search here two years ago under the
auspices of the American Law Insti-
tute. For a year now Dr. Rabel has
been working under the auspices of
the University and has his office in
the Law Quadrangle.
Dr. Rabel founded the Institute for
Foreign and International Private
Law in Berlin and was for eleven
years director of the organization.
Prof. Rheinstein and Prof. Kessler
now on the faculty of the University
of Chicago assisted Dr. Rabel in his
work at the Institute.
Formerly a member of different
European courts and also a member
of various mixed arbitral tribunals,
Dr. Rabel has also held professorships
at many of the universities of Europe.
He has taught at Basel, Switzerland,
Kiel, Gottrogen, Munich and Berlin.
Dr. Rabel said that at many times
Ann Arbor reminder him of Munich
which he explained was one of the
most pleasant cities in which he was
located. "The sky was always blue
in Munich," Dr. Rabel said looking
out of the window, "but in Berlin it
was always misty and grey."
A wallet containing $50 was lost
yesterday afternoon, possibly in
the Michigan Theatre, by Norma
Robinson, '45, of 1102 Oakland.
The wallet contained her Univer-
sity identification card in addi-
tion to the money. Police were
notified of the loss.

Of War Movies
Will Be Given
Series Is Attempt to
Acquaint Campus with
Informiation Films
Three films will be presented in
the fifth program of war movies by
the Michigan Union and the Uni-
versity Extension Service at 8:15 p.m.
Sunday in the auditorium of the Kel-
logg Dental Building.
"Peoples of 'Canada" is a movie
which presents Canada's answer to
Hitler's doctorine of race superiority.
It shows men of many races with
different cultural, social and politi-
cal backgrounds cooperating to build
a unified nation. The action of the'
movie is concentrated in Quebec and
among mixed populations of the
Canadian West.
Another movie to be shown is
"Great Lakes," which portrays the
main stream of shipping down the
Lakes and an outline of the industries
along the shore. "Mexico Builds a
Democracy" will also be shown.
These movie programs are being
sponsored in an effort to acquaint the
campus and community with the type
of movie being circulated by the Of-
fice of War Information and similar
war departments.
The last movie program in the cur-
rent series will be given April 18; the
movies to be shown are "Treasure
Trove of Jade" and "Western Front."
Tolley To Speak
At Phi Beta
Kappa Banquet
Dr. William Pearson Tolley, chan-
cellor of Syracuse University will
highlight the annual banquet of the
Michigan Phi Beta Kappa chapter to
be held Tuesday, April 20, in the
Michigan Union.
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the liter-
ary college who is president of the
local chapter pointed out that this
banquet is held in honor of new in-
itiates into the national scholastic
honorary society.
Chancellor Tolley who is president
of the American Association of Col-
leges holds three degrees. He is a
former president of Allegheny Col-
lege and has degrees from Syrcuse
University, Drew Theological Semi-
nary and Columbia University.
Dean Kraus pointed out it is ap-
propriate that a Chancellor of Syra-
cuse University address this scholar-
ly banquet since two prominent
Michigan men have held chancellor-
ships at Syracuse, President Erastus
E. Haven and Prof. Alexander Win-
H. R. Austin Gets
Navy Commission
Henry Root Austin, '35, of 1407
Cedar Bend Drive, Ann Arbor will
enter the Naval Reserve as a lieuten-
ant, junior grade, this week.
The 32-year-old singer, who had
been serving as a member of the
Army Air Corps at Sheppard Field,
Tex., before the Army released him
so he could accept the commission

offered by the Navy Department, re-
ports to Dartmouth College for a
three months' indoctrination course,
preliminary to his assignment for
duty as a deck officer.

Associated Press Correspondent
April 9. (Friday)-In a statement
commemorating the first anniversary
of the surrender of American and Fib
ipino forces on Bataan Peninsula,
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said today:
"A year ago today the dimming
light of Bataan's forlorn hope flut-
tered and died. Its prayers by that
time, and it prayed as well as fought,
were reduced to a simple formula
rendered by hungry men through
cracked and parching lips: 'Give us
this day our daily bread.' The light
failed. Bataan starved into collapse.
"Our flag lies crumpled, its proud
opinions spat upon in the gutter; the
wrecks of what were once our men
and women groan and sweat in pris-
on toil; our faithful Filipino wards,
16,000,000 souls, gasp in the slavery
of a conquering soldiery devoid of
those ideals of chivalry which have
so dignified many armies.
"I was the leader of that lost cause,
and from the bottom, of aseared and
stricken heart I pray that a merciful
God may not delay too long their re-
demption, that the day of salvation
be not so far removed that they per-
ish, that it be not again too late."
An intercepted message from
Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan Wainwright to


Twin Girls Studying Ordnance
Courses Confuse Instructors


Among the 60 women who arr'ived
in Ann Arbor three weeks agofor a4
12-week Ordnance Course for Engi-
neering Aides are Dorothy and Jane
Frear, twins from Pittsburgh, Pa.
Small, blonde and attractive, the
sisters look very much alike and are
causing their professors a great deal
of confusion.
Before the outbreak of the war
Dorothy and Jane were both - study-
ing costume economics at Carnegie
Tech. Then came Pearl Harbor and
they abandoned their needles and
paint brushes and enrolled in a war
training -course.
After the course was finished they
both got jobs at the Pittsburg Ord-
nance Department. It was this de-
partment which sent the girls here
for'further training.
"The work is very interesting,"
Musk Program
Will'Be. Givenit
Thursday Night
,Highlighted by the presentation of
two compositions written especially
for the occasion, the "American Music
Program" will be given by Sigma
Alpha Iota at 8:30 p.m. April 15 in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The premieres are to be those of
"Elevepturous Dances" by Jeanne
Boyd .and "A Prayer for the Old*
Courage"' by Eric Detamarter.
Miss- Boyd, who is with the Ameri-
can Conservatory of Music, is an 4hon-
orary member of the Alpha Chapter
of Sigma Alpha Iota, music fraternity.
her compositions, include numerous
songs and many choral works and
piano compositions.
Mr. DeLamarter has written 450
compositions, including four sympho-
nies. Several times he has been guest
conductor of the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra and for ten years was mu-
sic critic for various Chicago news-
Numbers by Randall Thompson and
William Stubbins are also to be given.
Purchase of a war stamp or bond
will be the admission charge.

Dorothy said, "although it is cer-
tainly very different from anything
I had done before the war."
The girls have classes in the En-
gine School where they have 48
hours of classwork a week. They are
studying such things as machine
processing, mathematics and, engi-,
neering drawing.
After 12 weeks the girls will all be
sent to engineering departments of
various arsenals to help in design,
drafting and production.
"We don't intend to do this sort of
work permanently but just want to
help out for the 'duration,' " Jane
said, speaking for them both.
When asked how she liked Ann
Arbor she remakked, "It's very beau-
tiful-especially after Pittsburgh."



MacArthur Commemorates Bataan

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Bataan after three bitter, heroic
Twenty-four hours later MacArthur
penciled on a sheet of ruled note-
paper his tribute to the Bataan force
which "went out as it would have
wished, fighting to the end of its
flickering and forlorn hope. Nothing
became it more than its last hour of
trial and agony."
Probably not until the end of the
war will it be known for how many
of 36,000 soldiers, manles, sailors and
airmen on Bataan the General's trib-
ute was an epitaph. Some of the ba-
taan defenders made their way to
Corregidor, only to be killed or cap-
tured when that last great Philippine
stronghold was overwhelmed.
Very few slipped through the Jap-
anese lines to the mainland and made
their way to Australia, for those lines
were manned by nearly 200,000 Jap-
When MacArthur reached Australia
from the Philippines to assume com-
mand of United Nations forces in the
Southwest Pacific he declared: "I
shall return."
LAS VEGAS, Nev., April 8.-(/P)-
Tommy Dorsey, orchestra leader, and
Patricia Ann Byrnes, actress known
professionally as Pat Dane, were mar-
ried today after an airplane trip from
Los Angeles.
The elimination of nickel from the
new five-cent piece is expected to
save 300 tons of critically needed

prays again.
the War Department gave MacArthur
in Australia the fateful news of the
collapse of American resistance on


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