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April 09, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-09

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
6therwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

eCeteri lo the &cllOrt

Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover
Betty Harvey
James Conant
Elizabeth Carpenter
Pat Gehlert
Jeanne Lovett;
Martha Opsion
Sybil Perlmutter
Molly Winokur
Margery Wolfson
Barbara Peterson
Rosalie Frank .

Editorial Staff
Business Staff

. Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Women's Editor

. . . Local Advertising
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. Contracts
. . . . . Accounts
National Advertising
. . Classified Advertising
. Women's Business Manager

v.-'-, .4'N~ -~ *- -

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Harvey Protelsts
Herrinton Article
HAVE READ with amazement
the article published in your
issue of Wednesday, March 31st,
under the signature of Barbara
Herrinton. That article is so un-
fair and untrue that I must pro-
test against it.
The author writes: "Harvey's
liberalism advocates the use of only
the English language in Canada."
Never in my life did I advo-
cate the exclusive use of the
English language in our country.
Miss Herrinton must have a
strong imagination or be very
badly informed. I pretend that
everybody in North America
should be able to speak English,
but I was always and am one of
the most energetic defenders of
the French language and cul-
The author must have read some
of our Canadian newspapers who
have accused me of everything
without any consideration to truth
or justice. In the same article I
read the following paragraph:
"The French-Canadians may be
divided into three groups. The
great majority wish to mind their
own business in their own way-as
loyal subjects of the British Crown
entitled to social and political
equality with other Canadians.
The second small group favors ex-,
cessive subserviency to the English
majority. It is the group Harvey
represents. Another small group
favors separation from England
and the creation of a French coun-
try called "Laurentia"; a policy
which, even if it were in the realm
of possibility, would serve no use-
ful purpose. But neither of those
last groups has appreciable influ-
HAVE never favored any sub-
serviency to the English ma-
jority. As the owner and editor
of the weekly Le Jour for the
past six 'years, I have always ad-
vocated good understanding be-
tween races in Canada, unity
with equality of rights and duty
for every Canadian. That is the
main article of our program, and
it is the reason why our liberal
group has encountered the most
violent opposition from the so-
called nationalists, which are
more or less "separatists" and
do not wish any union with the
other racial elements of our
country. The nationalistic ele-
ments in French Canada are a
minority. Their patriotism is
more provincial than Canadian
at large. They are recruited
mostly among young students,
priests, nuns, and the various

religious congregations and as-
sociations. The mass of the peo-
ple is more Canadian at large
and loyal to the Canadian fed-
Miss Herrinton seems to have
been informed by our various na-
tionalists and furthermore she
does not know anything about the
Province of Quebec.
Jean-Charles Harvey,
Editor of Le Jour, Montreal
Extends Thanks . .
WISH to express my sincere
appreciation to all the men and
women students of the University
for their unselfish devotion to the
work of the War Fund Campaign
of the American Red Cross which
has just been completed. To the
leaders and workers of all the
Campus groups, I extend my con-
gratulations on the splendid job
of participating in this grand work,
which I think is a proof of your
patriotism and belief in our demo-
cratic structure.
At the date of this communi-
cation, the women students have
raised over $2,500, and the men
students have exceeded $1,600,
or a total of $4,222. This is a
commendale showing. On be-
half of myself and the General
Committee, I wish to express my
sincere thanks.
I am only sorry that it is not
possible for me to congratulate
each individual worker separately
who has done his part in this
Chas. R. Henderson,
Campaign Chairman
* * *
Congratulations on
(Can adian Article..
ONE WORD to congratulate you
on your article, "Canadian War
Attitude", which a friend has sent
me. We should have more of these
straightforward and objective arti-
cles in American papers to better
inform our American friends on
the so-called "Quebec Problem."
Jean d'Auteuil Richard, S. J.,
Editor of Relations, a
Monthly Review, Montreal
'Tennessee Johnson'
/4 Menae ...
THE release of the movie "Ten-
nessed Johnson", now playing
in a local theatre constitutes a
threat to national unity in a world

at war. It is one of the most dan
gerous pictures ever to come ou
of Hollywood because its majo
theme, the Reconstruction peri
in American history, is represente
merely as the coming together o
those forces which were in conflic
during the four years of the Civi
"Tennessee Johnson" is the
story of a man who succeeded
Lincoln and upon whom the re-
sponsibility for the rebuilding of
the nation was thrust. The mov-
ie is supposedly the story of this
reconstruction, the entire per-
formance leading up to the final
sequence where elderly Johnson
stands in the Senate addressing
his final words to his august
"reunited" body.
This reunited body is the sam
as that of the pre-Civil War days
The Southern rebels are back i
their places. There is no indica
tion that there are any new-o
remains of the old-liberal forces
who represented the poor white
and Negroes who were elected to
the Senate during this period.
There is no picture of the great
Negro Senator, Hiram R. Revel
of Mississippi, who was elected at
that time. There was no indica-
tion that there might have existed
any of the democratic successor
of Thaddeus Stevens, who cham
pioned democracy and the righ
of the Negro long before the Civi
No, we see none of this. We see
only the mechanical welding to-
gether of a nation which had just
gone through an unfortunate per-
iod in history. We see the vindica-
tion of the actions of Jefferson
Davis and Robert E. Lee, and the
vindication of the blundering poli-
cies of Andrew Johnson, who faile
as a builder and as an appeaser.
THE PICTURE is dangerous
because it suggests what
could happen today. It shows
that America today could also
be mechanically mended and re-
vert back to its position In the
pre-war world. For the movie
puts over the thought that al-
though the progressive forces
won the war, they completely
and correctly lost the peace.
Although it is true historically
that the tasks of the Civil War
and Reconstruction remained un-
fulfilled, it is a repudiation of th
cause in which we fight today to
portray on the screen that it was
"right and just" for the slave-
owning class to be returned to
power at the expense-not only
of the Negro people, but of the
poor whites as well.

Ball Resolution Would
Allay Post-War Fears
THE NEWEST development in Congress with
the Ball-Burton-Hatch-Hill resolution indi-
cates that United States senators aren't taking
any chances on being committed to presidential
plans or proposals for post-war collaboration.
Proponents of the resolution last week finally
consented to an amendment advanced by Sen.
Raymond E. Willis, Indiana Republican, which
makes it clear that the Senate is not surrender-
ing any of its prerogatives. The real fear, it
seems, among Congressional leaders and the
American public, is that the President might mis-
interpret any peace declaration passed by the
Senate as a blank check.
This amendment, in reality, is a compromise
with some of the isolationists and more conserva-
tive representatives who are still haunted by the
bogey of "too much government control will lead
to a dictatorship." However, if this compromise
is enough to enlist the support of a majority in
the Senate it will be worthwhile.
The real issue on this proposal will probably
resolve itself to this: Can we fight and win the
war while making plans for a post-war world?
This issue places everyone in one of two groups.
Either you will belong to the school which
holds that planning, definite blueprinting must
begin at once and be worked out by the United
Nations while they still stand shoulder to
shoulder in fighting the war, or you will hold
that we must devote all our energies toward
winning the war, and forget about drawing up
plans for a post-war world till that world has
taken a definite form.
The Ball resolution, of course, proposes that
the United States start making definite plans at
once. Should this resolution pass the Senate, it
will have important repercussions. For one
thing it will reassure our Allies and allay the
fears of other nations that the United States
might refuse to participate in a post-war organi-
zation to preserve the peace. It hasn't been
easy for Americans to answer the queries of other
nations when they ask just how much we will
cooperate in post-war planning. And it hasn't
been too simple to decide just what we are fight-
ing for in the way of definite participation in
reconstructing a world shattered to bits.
E UROPE and Asia are in much the same posi-
tion of a small boy who burned his fingers
once. They haven't forgotten Versailles yet,
where Wilson, in good faith, promised that the
United States would join the League of Nations.
This time they will want more than mere prom-
ises, more than empty words. They will want
definite assurances from the people and groups
who are in a position to give them.
The Ball proposal places the responsibility
right where it belongs-in the hands of the
Senate. It is this body which must ratify the
peace treaty; it is this body which will have the
final say-so on whethe e will join in an inter-
national organization to preserve the peace.
This resolution has the support of both the
Democrats and Republicans-a hopeful sign. It
also has been heartily endorsed by fifteen Uni-
versty of Michigan professors in the fields of
history, political science, education, economics,
English, and philosophy.

WASHINGTON, April 9.- Cabinet members
who talked with Foreign Minister Anthony Eden
during his visit were more impressed with his
vision and grasp of world problems for peace
than those of any other British statesman who
has been here in years. Churchill has never
seemed to worry much about peace, concentrated
on winning the war.
Eden, however, had one great worry. He
didn't say so outright, because every British
diplomat remembers the Sackvlle-West inci-
dent in 1888 when a British minister was re-
called from Washington for favoring the elee-
tion of Grover Cleveland. However, reading
between the lines of Eden's conversation one
could see that he was definitely worried over
the possibility of an isolationist Republican
victory which might scuttle the peace after the
This was one reason he took such pains to talk
to leading Republicans.
British-Russian Alliance
To get the full significance of Eden's conversa-
tions it is important to remember that before
1940 the pillar of British foreign policy was close
cooperation between the British Navy and the
French Army. The French were tp dominate the
Continent and the British the high seas.
To strengthen this, the French had built up
a series of alliances, or buffer states-Czecho-
slovakia, Poland, Jugoslavia, Rumania. But
when Hitler chopped out the weakest link,
Czechoslovakia, the entire structure fell, and
with it the French army.
It is no secret therefore, that Britain, since the
fall of France, needs a new ally in Europe and
that new ally will be-in fact already is-Russia.
The 'B-H'Resolution
(Editor's Note: To eliminate uncertainty prev-
alent about the provisions of the Ball-Burton-
Hatch-Hill resolution now pending before the
Senate. we reprint here the "B-H" resolution
in full.)
"Resolved, that the Senate advises that the
United States take the initiative in calling
meetings of representatives of the United
Nations for the purpose of forming an organi-
zation of the United Nations with specific and
limited authority:
"(1) To assist in coordinating and fully
utilizing the military and economic resources
of all member nations in the prosecution of
the war against the Axis.
"(2) To establish temporary administra-
tions for Axis-controlled areas of the world
as these are occupied by United Nations for-
ces, until such time as permanent govern-
ments can be established.
"(3) To administer relief and assistance in
economic rehabilitation in territories of mem-
ber nations needing such aid and in Axis ter-
ritory occupied by nited Nations forces.
"(4) To establish procedures and machin-
ery for peaceful settlement of disputes and
disagreements between nations.
"(5) To provide for the assembly and
maintenance of a United Nations' military
force and to supnress by immediate use of
such force any future attempt at military

1Id Rather
Be Right
Germans! You are now on the defensive. Your
Fuehrer has told you so. You are trying to recruit
100,000 Frenchmen to build a wall around the
coast of Italy. That will be part of a wall you will
try to build along the entire Mediterranean, a
"Mittelmeer" wall from the Turkish frontier
around Greece, Italy and the southern shores of
But look here, Germans! Do you really know
what it is like to be on the defensive? Well, we
know. We, the Allies, have been on the de-
fensive. Let us tell you about it.
It is not good, Germans. It means that you
must have enough materials and enough men
at every point, at all times, while we need have
only enough for the points of attack. Oh,
Germans, how well we know what it means to
be on the defensive! It means that you will
never have enough goods and you will never
have enough men, from this moment on. The
defensive is a hungry strategy, Germans. It
absorbs all the goods and all the men that you
can supply, and then it cries out ravenously for
We know. We lived through it. We wrote and
read books about it. One was called "Defense Will
Not Win the War." It became a classic in Amer-
It spoke the simple truth (taken from your own
generals!) that those who are on the defensive
must scatter their weapons at a hundred points,
where they lie, rusting uselessly, while those who
are on the offensive need only choose the weakest
point, and marshal the most of their power there.
Germans! What a strange turn has taken
place in the events of this war! You, who proved
that walls are good for nothing, must now build
a wall and hide behind it. You, who made a
joke of the Maginot, must now hide behind the
You are condemned to adopt the same strat-
egy that you, yourselves, have proved to be
You are forced to play the game of the other
side, after having completely demonstrated its
disadvantages. Germans! How can an army
fight when it is compelled to give up its own
strategic conceptions, those on which it was built,
and to adopt the strategic conceptions of the
very armies it has defeated?
When you defeated those armies, you defeated
their ideas You Germans have talked much of
that. You have made a mystic conception of the
offensive; you have made it the military expres-
sion of the Nazi political idea But can Wotan
hide behind a fence, Germans? Can the light-
hing lie in a box?
Germans! Your generals try to comfort
YoU. They tell you that every town in Europe
is a "fort," impassable, unconquerable. But
Germans, that is Polish talk of the summer of
1939, that is French talk of early 1940. Your
Dr. Albert Speer, building the Mittelmeer Wall,
is the Andre Maginot of 1943! Your blitzkrieg
has become the sitzkrieg, and you turn for
comfort to the philosophy of your own victims.
When you quote your own slaves to prove your-
selves safe, how safe can you be?
Oh TGrmn there is onur ntmil tfell


Ted King



(Continued from Page 2)
petition, and bring eligibility card to the
To Hopwood Contestants: All manu-
scripts must be in the English Office,
3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
April 12.
R. W. Cowden
May Festival Ushers: women students
are needed to usher for all five perform-
ances for May Festival. Rate of pay will
be the same as for men students. Any-
one interested may sign up in the Under-
graduate Office of the League.
Interviewing for the three positions on
the Executive Committee of the Person-
nel Administration of the Women's War
Council will be held today from 3 to 5
p.m. in the Undergraduate Office of the
League. Women who will be seniors next
year are eligible for the Committee.
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to the public from 8:30 to 10:30,
Saturday evening, April 10, if the sky is
clear. The moon and the planet, Jupiter,
will be shown through the telescopes. In
case the sky is covered or nearly covered
with clouds, the Observatormy will not
be open. Children must be accompanied
by adults.
Seniors and Graduate Students, who
have been invited to be guests of honor
at the Twentieth Annual Honors Convo-
cation, are requested to order caps and
gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately.
It is necessary that they be ordered this
week to be delivered in time for the Con-
vocation on April 16.
Ira M. Smith, Secretary,
Committee on Honors Convocation
The Women's Personnel Committee of
the Inter-Cooperative Council announces
that there will be an information booth
in the lobby of the League for the pur-
pose of acquainting students with co-
not do! 'The defensive means that
the other side chooses the battlefield,
and, naturally, he chooses the one
best for him." We used to say to
each other: "There are not enough
weapons in the whole world for a
complete defensive."
And it was all true, and we

operatives and taking applications for
University Lecture: Professor W. Carl
Rufus of the Department of Astronomy
will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus,
Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated)
in commemoration of the 400th annivers-
ary of the death of Copernicus, under the
auspices of the Department of Astronomy,
on Thursday, April 23, at 4:15 p.m. in
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is
The University Lecture by Dr. George
Sarton, of Harvard University, arranged
for Friday evening, April 30, has been
indefinitely postponed.
Academic Notices
Physics 196: Class will not meet today.
E. F. Barker
Doctoral Examination for Charles Orrin
King, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "The
Solvent Extraction of Soybean Flakes,"
will be held today in 3201 East Engineer-
ing, at 2:00 p.m. Chtirman, D. L. Katz.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Robert A.
Gregg, Chemistry; thesis: "The Synthesis
of Analogs of the Sex Hormones,",will be
held today in 309 Chemistry at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. E. Bachmann.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candidates
to attend the examination and he may
grant permission to those who for suffi-
cient reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Fred Ray Ca-
gle, zoology; thesis: "The Growth of the
Slider Turtle, pseudemvs scripta elegans,"
will be held on Saturday. April 10, in 3089
Natural Science, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman,
N. E. Hartweg.
By action of the Executive Board the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candidates

Sunday through April 10. The

public i

The twentieth annual exhibition
work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinit
Is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art
Association in the Exhibition GallerieE
of the Rackham Building, through April
23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after
noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The publc
Surgical Dressing Unit will be open thil
afternoon from 1:00 until 5:00 in th
Game Room of the League. All wome
interested in helping the American Red
Cross by making surgical dressings are
urged to come.
Wesley Foundation Bible Class with Dr
C. W. Brashares at 7:30 p.m. Oo-part
with the Presbyterian students at 9 o'clock
in the Wesley Lounge.
Presbyterian Student Bible Class from
8:00 to 9:00 p.m. "The Parables of Jesus"
3ubject for Lentenstudy.
The Guild joins with the Methodist
group for the Friday evening party.
Hillel Foundation: Conservative'servicei
will be held at the Foundation this eve-
ning beginning at 7:30 p.m. instead of
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Tuesday, April 13. 7:45 p.m.,in the East
Conference Room of the Rackhain Build.
Ing. Mr. Ralph Eberly will read a papei
entitled "A Critical Test for Poetry: Is1i
Truthful?" Graduate students and mem-
bers of the faculty are cordially invited,
Dinner in honor of Professor A. H.
White's 70th Birthday: Reservations foi
this dinner must be made through Pro-
fessor G. G. Brown's office by April 15
Any friends inadvertently omitted froni
the invitation list are cordially invited
and may obtain particulars by caflinE
extension 454.
Choral Union Members: There will be ,
full rehearsal of the Chorus on Mondaq
evening, April 12, at ' o'clock at th'
School of Music Building, instead of Tues.
day evening as originally scheduled.

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