?A~ T~O T t uIfaG i ,R ID A -1LY ............ 80 German Planes Downed In Dogfights Ameriean Cunners Bag Seventy- Allied Escorts AwM (Cernaii Planes By The Associated Press LONDON, April 8.- Eighty Ger- man planes including many from Reichsmarshal Goering's elite yellow- nose Focke-Wulf fighter squadrons were destroyed in running dogfights incidental to the American heavy bomber attacks on the Renault works near Paris last Sunday and the Erla Aero engine factories at Antwerp on Monday, an official tally showed to- day. Seventy were bagged by American gunners firing from the bombers and the other ten were the victims of the Allied fighter escorts. Allied losses in the two big raids were eight bomb- ers and eight fighters. The official recapitulation issued by the Eighth U.S. Army Air Force showed 47 German planes shot down during the Renault raid at a cost of four American bombers and seven fighters; 23 German fighters de- stroyed over Antwerp at a cost of four American bombers and one fighter. There was no breakdown of the fig- ures to show how many Germans were bagged by the Allied fighter escort in each of the two raids to make the total of ten destroyed. In each instance the American bombers and escorts were challenged while crossing the continental coast, engaged all the way in to their tar- gets and followed back to the channel coming home. Some returning pilots said the Ger- mails again had tried to bomb them out of the air but again had failed to score with the experiment which ap- parently has been undertaken in a desperate effort to find a means of successful combat against the Ameri- can four-engine bombers. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Contnuous from 1 P M NOW PLAYING TOPS FOR FUN! - fi ll Captured Guns Are Pointed at Axis One of many guns caatured from the Italians during a successful American counterattack at Kasserine Pass, Tunisia, is manned and turnred against Axis planes by Sgt. Willard C. Cox (left), of Detroit and Technical Sgt. Neville Mahoney of Louisville, Ky. Those are 20-mm. high explosive shells. FLYING GRANDMA: 'Amehia Earhart o Ann Arbor' Flies Plane in Courier Service By VIRGINIA ROCK "Flying grandma" is rather worried these days. Mrs. W. Carl Rufus, the "Amelia Earhart of Ann Arbor" is very much afraid the local airport may have to close up-and that, to her, would be a dire catastrophe. "We private fliers," she said, "believe that our courier service here in Ann Arbor will make a definite contribution to the progress of the war, and if we close up the airport, we will be un- able to do any kind of flying. "What is courier service? Well it's being on the job every day of the week with planes ready to carry parts from factories, to transport personnel fromI one locality to another, or to take of- ficers and soldiers on relays from coast to coast. There's no end to the things courier service can do," Mrs. Rufus said. "We already have three planes signed up for this service, and ten alternates. Served As Courier "I've acted as a sort of private courier servicer myself, picking up a bubble sextant from Lake AngelusI for a celestial navigation class held at the Observatory; I've also taken bunnies from the University Hospital, to doctors around the country for experimental purposes." Mrs. Rufus is-a short woman with a friendly, winning smile, a twinkle in her eyes and with more energy than a sixteen-year old. You can see her on campus, "walking" along in a half-run, half-trot, dressed in a' khaki uniform with her overseas cap -she's a lieutenant in the Civilian Air Patrol-and all ready to keep up with the best of the students. Besides being the wife of Prof. W. Carl Rufus, head of the astronomy department, keeping house and enter- taining, and writing a book called "Flying Grandma, or Going Like Sixty," she is also a member of CAP,! and intelligence and publications of- ficer, and a popular speaker. You would never guess that "grand-I ma" (for she has three grandchil- dren) would have gone in for flying, but she did-and in a big way. Already she has more than 450 flying hours to her credit; in 1941 she made a 7,000 mile transcontinental trip to the state of Washington where she took her 91 year-old father for his first airplane ride; she has also made a couple of hops to Miami to participate in the air races. Visited Wave Headquarters Of course, she doesn't stop there. She still makes cross-country trips. Last week-end she flew to Blooming- ton, Ind., to the WAVE headquarters, "where the girls on the 'ship' gave me a wonderful time. I had bad flying weather all the way back to Ann Ar-, bor. When I circled over the Fort Wayne airport, I saw an ambulance and the boys of the airport all ouit on the field. I knew there must have been trouble of some kind, but I never dreamed that the ambulance was for me. I guess they expected my to crack up in the. forty-six mile-hour wind, but I fooled them by making a per- fect landing. I was told later that a flying student from Detroit, who had landed just before I got in, had cracked up. Mrs. Rufus owns a Piper Cub plane with 65 horsepower, and received her private license in 1940. Regents Accept Gifts, Reduce Transcript Fee (Continued from Page 1) Dr. Louis H. Newburgh, medical school, to visiting fellow of the Naval Medical Center, Medical Research Tnstitute. Prof. C. J. McHale, library science to acting director of the department. Erich Hans Rothe, visiting assis- tant professor in the Army engineer- ing course in the College of Engin- eering. Gene A. Antonette visiting assis- tant professor in the Army engineer- ing course in the College of Engin- eering. Mrs. Edson R. Sunderland, mem- ber of the Board of Governesses of Adelia Cheever House; Prof. Floyd E. Bartell to the executive committee of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. The following persons were ap- pointed to the Board of Directors of the University Musical Society for three year terms: Oscar E. Eberbach, James Inglis, Horace G. Prettyman, and E. Blythe Stasson. Five promotions were granted. The list follows: Frederick A. Hienson from in- structor to Assistant Professor in mechanical engineering; Robert W. Bogle from research assistant to re- search associate in engineering re- search. Lawrence N. Hadley, Jr., Robert J. Lowry, and Robert T. Nie- set received the same promotion. The resignations of Assistent Pro- fessor Claude V. Winder of the phys- iology department and Assistant Pro- fessor Chester D. Ward of the den- tistry school were accepted. Students Voice Opinkrns About Negro Teachers (Continued from Page 1) colored, I would judge him the same as any white teacher." Nancy Hattersley, W.A.A. presi- dent, declared, "Because of the war we are going to have to be broad- minded, on campus. Equality should start on campus. This is the begin- ning of recognizing anindividual for what he can do instead of his race or crd." Dick Emery, Interfraternity Coun- cil president, said: "I see no reason to make dis- tinctions, as far as race or color is concerned, on the faculty. If a man is capable, that's what counts." Charlotte Heliker, speaking for the women's cooperative houses, said, "Discrimination against an individ- ual because of his race or religion in selecting the members of the faculty of a college of liberal education is inexcusable." Bob Ufer, - champion quarter- miler, commented, "Anyone who is qualified and meets the require- ments should be allowed to teach. After all, that's what we're fight- ing for." These campus leaders were inter- viewed in connection with the state- ment in yesterday's Daily by Prof. Harry C. Carver that William Clay- tor, an outstanding Negro mathe- matician well qualified to teach here, had failed to receive a final recom- mendation to an instructorship be- cause of his race. The Administra- tion, Prof. Carverbelieved, would not have stood in the way of Claytor's appointment if the recommendation had gone through. UAW Members To Entertain Soldiers DETROIT, April 8.- (/P)- Detroit members of the United Automobile Workers (CIO) plan to show 80 non- commissioned Army officers from Camp Atterbury, Ind., what is being done here on the war production front next week-end, April 17 and 18. The visiting soldiers are to be the men who served as guides to the UAW-CIO delegation from Detroit during the latter's three-day stay at Camp Atterbury last month. -I' I - , - FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1943 VOL. LIIIN No. 134 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices To Those Concerned: In connection with recent publications !y the War Manpower Commission with respect to requirement that men of draft age shall either be in essential industry >r be subject to draft, I am advised by a -epresentative of the War Manpower Com-- pission that the University of Michigan .s classified by the Commission as an essential industry. The following kinds f positions are, however, stated to be non-deferrable regardless of the general Activity in which they may be found: Charmen and cleaners; Dish washers; Tlevator Operators (Passenger and Freight. xcluding industral freight elevators used in connection with production); -3ardeners; Greens Keepers; Grounds Keepers; Messengers. Errand Boys, Office Boys; Porters (other than those in rail- 'oad train service). Shirley W. Smith To Members of the University Council: rhere will be a meeting of the University "ouncil Mondpy, April 12, at 4:15 p.m. 1n the Rackham Amphitheatre. Univer- Aity Senate Member, are invited. I AGENDA: Report of the Advisory Committee on he Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information-Ira M. Smith, 3hairm an. Report of Standing Committee on Plant ind Equipment-Francis D. Curtis, Chair- nan. Hospitalization Statistics-complied by H. P. Wagner. Remarks by: Professor L. M. Gram- Housing; Professor M. L. Niebuss-Con- tracts; Mr. Clark Tibbtts-War Board. If you wish to finance the purchase of a -iome, or if you have purchased Improved property on a land contract and owe a 'alance of approximately 60 per cent of the alue of the property, the Investment Of- 'ice, 100 South Wing of University Hall, voud be glad to discuss financing through he medium of a first mortgage. Such fi- HIGHWAY PROJECTS APPROVED LANSING, April 8.-(A)- Six proj- ects for additions to the Detroit-Wil- low Run express highway were ap- proved by the state administrative board today, after Charles M. Ziegler, incoming Republican State Highway Commissioner, had accepted the plans of his Democratic predecessor. CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED ARTIST - Defense work - Must be able to make perspective drawings from blue prints. Apply 1510 David Stott Building, Detroit. HELP WANTED: Bookkeeper and office manager for small office. $150.00 per month. Write Box 95 Michigan Daily in own handwrit- ing and include qualifications and references. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Palm Beach Suit-worn once--size 38. Inquire Apt. 5, 721 Church St. WANTED WANTED: 50 students to work for meals. Cooperative plan. Special weekly rate. Baker's Restaurant, 512 E. William. MISCELLANEOUS WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of- fice and portable models. Bought, rented, repaired. Student and Of- fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314 South State St. Phone 6615. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. LOST and FOUND LOST Sunday-Grey gabardine rain- coat-Wagner's label. E. H. Ken- dig, Jr., 1530 Washtenaw. Phone 4295. nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest, M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry: These scholarships of $150 each are open to juniors and seniors majoring in chemis- t,ry. Preference will be given to those needing financial assistance, Application blanks may be obtained in Room 212 Chemistry Building and must be filed not later than April 26. Students who plan to enter one of the following professional schools:, Medicine, Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business Administration, Forestry and Conservation at the beginning of the fall term on the Combined Curriculum must file an appli- cation for this Curriculum in the Office of the Dean of the College of Literature, 'Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall, on or before April 20. After this date applications will be accepted only upon the presentation of a satisfactory excuse for the delay and the payment of a fee of $5.00. School of Music Students expecting de- grees in May must complete and return to the office of the School of .Mugie not later than April 20 the applications . for such degrees which were recently re- ceived by mail. Individual records are not complete until the completed blanks are on file. Dinner Meeting and Forum, sponsored by the local chapter of the A.A.U.P., on Friday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Union. The subject will be "What the People ERxpect of the University in the Post-War World." Make reservations for the dinner by call- ing Professor Christian -Wenger, 33 'East Hall, Tel. 578. Porum starting about 7:30 will be open to all members of the University staff. Sophomore Women: Petitions for the central committee of your Junior Girls' Project are due by 5:00 pm. l Monday, April 12, in the Undergraduoate Office of the League. Interviewing will be held Tuesday, April 13, through Friday, April 16, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sign up fr time of interview when you bring in your (Continued on Page 4) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .,tte *ILc I:'I IL I q I I you 'llwhisti for months A Paramount Picture starring * BING CROSBY * BOB HOPE * FRED MacMURRAY * FRANCHOT TONE * RAY MILLAND * VICTOR MOORE * DOROTHY LAMOUR . * ITE"'RSE TALKING.ABOUT IT! 'II Aw Come on Joe, Lemme up, I gotta get the Ga rgoyle I * PAULETTE GODDARD * VERA ZORINA * MARY MARTIN * DICK POWELL * BETTY HUTTON * EDDIE BRACKEN * VERONICA LAKE * ALAN LADD * ROCHESTER coord col * coet V0 donol r kker Also I I I I SWIFT'S Dru Store 340 South State Prescriptions Drug Sundries Stationery Student Supplies Magazines it 40 do 0000 I I .1 I III