Weather Warmer Jr 4ft. 4ait t VOL LIII No. 134 ANN ARBOR, MICPGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt Freezes Prices To Control Inflation Conference On PostwWar OpensTonight Slosson Will Speak; Four Panels To Be Held Tomlorrow Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will open the semi-annual Post-War Conference sponsored by the Post-War Council today and tomorrow with a lecture on "Internation Government" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Auditori- um. The conference will continue with four panel discussions held simultan- eously at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. The predominating student opinion in each group discussion will be summarized in the form of a reso- lution. There will be no charge for either the lecture or the group 'dis- cussioi.s. Fuller To Speak Topic of one of the panels will be "Global-education" discussed by Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the sociology de- partment, Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the education school, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Ed- ucation, Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department and Henry Curtis of Ann Arbor. It will take place in Room 304 of the Union. with Marvin Borman ,'44, acting as stu- dent chairman. A panel on "The Principles of Boundary Determination" will be led by Prof. Slosson,Max Dresden of the Physics department. Dr. Jan Hostie, a former professor of political science at the University, Dr. Hel- mut G. Callis of the economics de- partment, and Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geography department m Rooin 305 with Bill Muehl, '43L, acting as student chairman. Dorr Will Speak Prof. Harold M. Door of the politi- cal science department, Prof. Clark Dickinson of the economics depart- nent, and Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department will dis- -cuss "The Constitutional Form of a Proposed International Government" in Room 318, with Harold Sokwitne as student chairman. "Objectives and Measures of In- ternational Control" will be discussed by Prof. Harold J. McFarlan of the geodesy and surveying department, Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science department and Albert K. Stevens of the English department in Room 316. Student chairman will be Hobart Taylor, '43L. 1Ban on Military Men in Polities Is Protested Vandenberg Shocked; Stimson Denies Rule IS Againsti MacArthur WASHINGTON, April 8. -(A)- Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) warned the War Department today not to try to stop any man from becoming President merely because he is serving with the military forces, while Secretary Stimson flatly denied that the Department's ban on politi- calactivity was aimed at General Douglas MacArthur or any other specific person. Vandenberg told the Senate e was "completely shocked" by the regula- tions preventing military personnel from seeking or accepting election to any public office not held by them when they entered active military ser- vice, or accepting reelection without prior approval of the War Depart- ment. Declaring that the order "nullifies the fundamental rights of American citizenship" and tends to "militarize the processes of American democ- racy," Vandenberg told the Senate: "We are not yet totally at the mer- cy of our self-serving overlords. If a great American emerges, for example, as the next most eligible President of the United States, the War Depart- ment can not stop him just because he happens to be a 'member of the military forces on active duty'-and Reopening of Majestic Temvorarilv Stalled Job Changes, A Allies Approach Base for Raids on Italy Vichy WITZ. GERMANY FRANCE T0e 0000 ena ... .. YUGOSLAVIA .rse.. ..Touton:::.40O- ITALY SAI R D I.N..A.-.r. A..... . '- Gahes A LG R Mediterranean Sea 7ALGEIA~/T UN ISIA / RSSr Tr ,pobsSrrte The British Eighth Army has joined forces with the Americans In the drive for Tunis. This map shows the distances to various points on the Continent which are the objects of bombings by the Allies. Such attacks have already been initiated from bases at Tripoli and Algiers. ::C0 0 i Regents Accept Gifts, Reduce Transcript Fee $10 Charge Established For 'U' High Students For Summer Course Announcing acceptance of gifts totaling $40,296.23 for the University, the Board of Regents conducted their regular monthly meeting here yes- terday, transacting routine business. The Board voted to reduce the fee for transcripts of students' records issued directly to the student con- cerned from one dollar to fifty cents. The University makes no charge for transcripts for students who enter the armed services and other gov- ernment agencies. In accordance with the previously adopted policy of accelerated aca- demic programs, a ten dollar fee for University High School students wishing to accelerate their high school studies in a ten-week summer course was established. Gifts Accepted Among the gifts accepted for the University are the following: A grant of $25,500 from the U.S. Public Health Service, through the State Health Department for in- struction in public health. From the Upjohn Co. .of Kalama- zoo $2,400 for renewal of the Upjohn Fellowship in Clinical Research; from the Council of Social Agencies in Detroit, $1,250 for the Community Fund of Detroit Scholarships. From Mr. James B. Nelson of Indi- anapolis, Ind. $1,231.23 for the James B. and Grace J. Nelson endowment for teaching philosophy No. 1. Leaves Wanted Leaves of absence were granted and affirmed for the following fac- ulty members: Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman economics department; Prof. Robert S. Ford, economics department and Director of the Bureau of Govern- ment; Prof. Karl Litzenberg, Eng- lish department and Director of Res- idence Halls. Prof. Albert H. Marckwards, Eng- lish department; Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, speech department; James T. Wilson, geology department; Prof. Rudolph Gjelsness, Library Science. William L. Cristanelli, zoology technician; Wesley C. Darling, Uni- versity High School; Prof. James M. Plumer, Far Eastern Art; Dr. Cyrus L. Lundell, curator of the University Herbarium; Dr. W. Frank Blair, ver- tebrate biology; Grace E. Potter, assistant editor of scholarship pub- lications. Appointments Granted British Drive Gains Ground in Central Tunisia Eighth Army Nears American Column in Pursuit of Rommel By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, April 8.- The British Eighth Army, gaining 15 miles in the coastal pursuit of Mar- shal R.ommel's forces, was reported tonight only 25 miles from a junc- tion with another American column, which was driving toward the sea in the Maknassy-Mezzouna sector of central Tunisia. In the north Gen. K. A. N. Ander- son's British First Army, striking out northeastward in the Medjez-EI-Bab region, reached a point within 27 airline miles of the Axis stronghold of Tunis. Field dispatches said all southern Tunisia now is in Allied hands after the British shattered the Wadi Akar- it lines and made their first junction with the Americans on the Gafsa- Gabes road. The next juncture of the British with an American column was ex- pected in the area between Mezzouna and Graiba, more than 50 miles up the coast from Gabes. There were indications that ad- vance Eighth Army troops already had swept beyond Cekhira (La Skhirra), a coastal settlement within 50 miles of Sfax. Engineers May Receive Insignia 'While Deferred CLEVELAND, April 8.-()-The Case School of Applied Science an- nounced today a movement to issue special insignia to draft-deferred spe- cial engineering students who might be embarrassed by simultaneous aca. demic training of uniformed service men on college campuses. Declaring that sweater-and-slacks- clad civilian students feel conspicu- ous, William E. Wickenden, Case's president, explained: "There are two sides to the morale problem involved One is of immediate concern. The other may develop within a few months. "First, and already present at many colleges, is the fact that the But Council May Frame Revised Code Proposal Would Set Up Different Standards For Theatres, Hotels By MONROE FINK Efforts to reopen the Majestic Theatre by relaxing Ann Arbor's building safetylawsnappared tempo- rarily stalled last night when the City Council voted to ta le two build- ing code amendments while it inves- tigates a new proposal separating theatre from hotel ordinances. Alderman Cecil Creal made the new suggestion after Alderman John B. Waite brought to the floor the first of two proposed amendments to the building code which provides that all buildings now open should be repaired to conform ith present standards. Majestic Could Open The second proposed .amendment, under which the Majestic could re- open, would permit unused hotels and auditoriums to reopen after re- pairs permittedunder existing prior- ity laws had been mad. When the Council, considering the first amendment, opened the floor to public discussion, Alderman A. D. Moore said that he had received "many telephone calls" djring the day about the laws. Roby Williams of 1010 Lincoln expressed agreement with Creal's proposal and pointed to the danger of unsafe theatres. Alderman Moore aslged whether there was "any good reaon for lump- ing hotels and amusenfidt- places o- gether" and Alderman Waite said that he believed that the 1937 ordi- nance should be changed in con- formance with Alderman Creal's pro- posal. inspections To Be Rushed The Council also passed a proposal by Alderman Waite permitting the ordinance committee, of which he is -hairman, to bring additional build- ing code amendments before the 2ouncill if investigation disclosed a need for them. Earlier in the day, George H. San- denburgh, city engineer, said that in- 3pection of Ann Arbor apartment houses to determine whether they meet building code provisions would be quickened. Two men from the city engineering department were in- structed to assist William Maul- betsch, building inspector, in his in- vestigations. Jap Bombers AD * Attack Shiping Off Guadalcanal Stimson Says Enemy Air Strength Is Now Greater in Pacific WASHINGTON, April 8-(P)-The Japanese, in their greatest aerial as- sault against the Guadalcanal area since last November, hurled almost 100 planes Wednesday against pre- cious American shipping off that battle-weary isle. American fighters, rising to intercept, shot down 37 en- emy planes and lost seven, the Navy disclosed today-a ratio of one to five. Whether any bombers got through to attack the ships was not made known. Speculation immediately rose on whether the assault signaled the be- ginning of big new Japanese moves some have expected for wee ks. Not since early February had the enemy shown up in force near Guadalcanal. Here's what happened to the force of 50 Japanese bombers and 48 Zerc s fighters escorting them, according tc the Navy: 21 Zero fighters, 5 dive- . bombers and 10 planes, "of types un- reported," destroyed; another Japa- v nese plane crashed. United States planes lost were one t Airacobra fighter and six Wildcal e fighters. One American pilot was jection. Two blank ballts were also recorded. The classes were in the fields of German, physics, matiematics, phil- osophy, English, and economics. Eight of them, including two sections of freshman English, are on the in- troductory level. The least objection came from the 67 philosophy students polled. In- cluded among the 64 "no's" were 14 highly emphatic replies. In these classes there was a strong prepon- derance of girls. As in the others polled, there were no Negroes pres- ent. Strong feeling was, also shown by the other students questioned. "No," read one answer, "I would not object because, after all, they are no different than we." An- other asked, "If a man-has enough brains to teach me, why should I have any objections?" The only strong "yes" statement read: "About the timewe get Negro itructors-so long, M1ichigan." President Ruthven, Interviewed in connection with yesterday's Daily story, said: ."In considering applications for teaching positions, the University has never made dis- tinctions of race, color, and creed, and never will." Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Lit- erary College commented, "The gen- Nila Magidoff Will Describe . , Russia at War Russian-born Nil& Magidoff, eye- witness of the battle of Moscow, will. describe her experiences in war-torn Russia at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham amphitheatre. Mrs. Magidoff, wife of NBC's Mos- cow correspondent, was living in that city when the Germans invaded. As representative of the fighting Rus- sian women she immediately plunged into war work, serving as an air raid warden, building sand bag protec- tions and guarding roof tops from in-I cendiary bombs. Forced to leave Russia because of the regulation requiring the wives and children of American correspondents to be evacuated, she came to the United States and joined the Russian War Relief, Inc. Mustering her limited command of English, Mrs. Maginoff embarked on a nation-wide speaking tour to raise $6,000,000 for medical and emergency aid to the Russian people. "You cannot imagine how hard our Russian women are working to win this war," she says, "driving locomo- tives, mining coal, piloting ambulance planes . .. they cannot stand aside from a war in which their own ele- mentary rights as human beings are threatened." "I no longer fel alone in this coun- try," she adds, "I think what most impresses me about Americans is their generosity, their kindliness, and their friendliness."~ RESULTS OF DAILY POLL: 5Per Cent of Students ResentNegro Instructors By JIM CONANT Only five per cent of literary school students would raise any objection to a Negro instructor, a Daily poll indicated yesterday. At the same time President Alexander G. Ruthven stated squarely that the University has never made racial distinctions in considering applicants for teaching jobs. Students in ten classes answered, by secret ballot, the question: "Would you object to a Negro instructor?" Out of 215 students questioned, only 11 answered "yes" while 202 stated that they wouAd have no ob-