TWBnDAV AJPRr 8, 1943 T-11 r,, NtIC-THIGAN' UrVitV r4GZ.0v Dean of Women To Offer New Requests Coeds War Training First Lady Chats with Welder To Take Tests Total Participation Is Needed To Make Aptitude Examination Tabulations Accurate, Useful All coeds who fail to take the apti- tude tests on Tuesday, April 13 will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Women and the individual record of each University woman will be so marked, Dean Alice Lloyd said yester- day. "This is the first thing in which all University women have been asked to cooperate and the results are not too encouraging," Monna Heath, '44, new head of the Women's War Council said yesterday." We want every girl to participate because the only accur- ate tabulation will be one in which every person is represented. "We have received a little over a thousand applications but there are still over 400 to come in. Tomorrow is the deadline and after that no woman who has not handed in her application card can take the test. "Six league houses have not picked up their material as they have been requested to do. The house presi- dents of these six league houses must pick up this material today. These houses are: Starring House, Strick- lanI House, Sullivan House, Radford House, Gafill House, Davies House. Coed War Work' Report Is Given A total of 2,349 women out of the 3,582 on campus under the direction of the Women's Planning Commission participated in the war effort during this school year, according to recent figures published by the League. Though these statistics are by no means final, and do not include those women who have worked for Red Cross, the figure is still not greatly changed when duplications in project personnel is considered. That is, many participants were counted twice because they engaged in several activ- ities. Blood donors, Junior project, phys- ical education teachers for volunteer exercises, Sophomore Hospital Ser- vice and Freshman Project are among those activities with the greatest number participating. Money contributions reached $,- 795.97 for Bomber Scholarship, while the Red Cross received $2,566.48, In one night the girls participating in Junior Project Skit at the Ann Arbor Eagles Club sold $3,402 worth of stamps and bonds. The total sales reached $4,892, with $1,673 worth to be sold before compencement. Total contributions by all the cam- pus organizations are so far $5,566.88, excluding the stamp sales, and this does not include all the recreationI facilities for soldiers and war hospi- tals that sororities and dormitoriesI and other individual organizationsI have given. Error Proves Costly TULSA, Okla.- ()- He's paid more than $1,000 for birth affidavits, and meanwhile has been forced to give up a $150-a-week naval base job in San Diego, Juell Reed Ford com- plains- All because a Pasadena, Calif., court clerk 42 years ago wrote Ford's birth certificate: "Jewell-female." Ford said he will ask the countyt court to establish the fact he's a mat Army, Navy To Give Intensive Japanese Course to Women Both the Navy and the Army are now interested in obtaining women' for intensive training in the Japanese language, according to information received recently by Dr. Burton Thu- ma, armed services representative of the University. The Navy's special course which is given at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo,, was previously limited to men, but it has now been opened to women, reported Dr, Thuma. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained from Prof. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, in Room 13 Angell Hall, or from the War Information Center in the League. The training program in Japanese which is given by the Army Signal Corps has also been opened to women I although application blanks are not yet available. Dr. Thuma said he did not know the full details regardingj the program at present. However, interested persons may consult Prof. Yamagiwa or write, to Col. Harold Doud, Office of Chief Signal Officer, War Department, Washington, D.C. Applicants for the Navy course should be between the ages of 19, and 30 and should have completed a, minimum of three years of college. A college degree with Phi Beta Kappa. or at least six months previous study. in Chinese or Japanese is required. The Navy course will last for one year. Suitable candidates will be en- rolled in a civilian capacity under a contract which will provide for pay at the rate of $150 per month, out of which the student is expected to pay for room, board and medical expenses. The women students under this program will apply for a commission in the WAVES. Those commissioned. will continue the. course on active duty. War Council To Hold, Interviewing Friday JQP Petitioning For Next Year To Commence Petitioning for positions on the central committee of Junior Girls Project for next year will begin today and continue until 5 p.m. Monday, it was announced yesterday by Ann MacMillan, '44. Women are requested to sign up for interviews on the bulletin board in the Undergraduate Office in the League when they turn in their peti- tions. Interviewing will take place from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. The purpose o starting the peti- tioning early, said Miss MacMillan, is to aid the current United States Treasury Department drive to double the amount of stamps and bonds sold during the month of April all over the country. It is also to relieve the junior women who have recently tak- en other positions. Eleven positions will be open. They are general chairman, assistant chair-' man, secretary, treasurer, publicity chairman. Women will also be cho- sen to takge charge of sororities, league houses and dormitories. The remain- ing positions which will be open will' be chairman of booths, corsage com- mittee chairman, chairman of skits and songs. By PHYLLIS PRESENT "I am greatly impressed with the voluntary work service being put forth by members of the Women's Athletic Association and students in the Phys- ical Education classes," said Dr. Mar- garet Bell, in an interview yesterday. "Their work, which is directly war work in several respects, has been most encouraging to me," she con- tinued. "Not only does it show an interest in the upkeep of the WAB in order to help keep down great de- preciation during the war, but this work is valuable in that it produces strength in the individual and teach- es leadership. It is a truly demo- cratic effort, and at the same time that it teaches something about the job, it renders appreciation of the' work formerly done by others on the 88 Student Nurses Receive Their Caps In Annual Ceremony Eighty-eight student nurses were given caps recently, signifying that they had successfully completed the- six months probationary period, and' were now accepted to go on With their training. The annual capping ceremony was held in the assembly room of Couzens Hall and was attended by parents and guests of the honored girls. Candle- lightradded to the significance of the affair. Father McPhillips and Miss Read- ing addressed the students, and the Choral Club sang two selections. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held in the parlors. The Jun- iors, as big sisters, acted as hostesses and served. Helen Culley, president of the Junior Class and Jean Olson, secretary, poured. The "capped" student nurses, while continuing their studying, will now work on eight hour duty at the hos- pital. buildings and grounds around the WAB." Work to which Dr. Bell is referring began when the WAA Board members took over the complete operation of the WAB bowling alleys four weeks ago. Student members of the Board acted as pin boys and managers of the alleys six days a week, evenings included. They kept the alleys cleaned and polished and kept accurate ac- counts of the business end of the project. Without their "free and voluntary" service it would have been absolutely necessary to close the alleys, and therefore, deprive women students of the exceptionally low bowling rates formerly afforded. However, not only did their work make it possible to keep the alleys open,'but'a small op- erating profit has been gained. Not only has the labor shortage been felt in such jobs as those of pin boys, but in every labor service on campus. Relieving the Buildings and Grounds committee of some of that squeeze, plans have been made for the old WAA Board and the new one to spend "a spring work week-end, April 17, together at the WAB, and wash the walls of the Lounge and the council room. ' Alleviation of the manpower short- age is indicated by the complete work of the regular tennis classes in the Physical Education department. The students raked, scraped, soaked, filled, rolled,' and plan to lihe the courts, before making use of them this sea- son. ,&. Bell stated that they had ex- pressed a desire to cut the grass on Palmer Field, and that men inPEM classes have volunteered their ser- vices in heavy work. She concluded by pointing out that this type of work is especially exemplified in that vol- untary effort being. put forth by 12 men and women in doing the "dirty work" at the University Health Ser- vice, and that as the shortage gets increasingly serious students may find it necessary to take up other similar tasks. Dr. Bell Lauds Voluntary Work Of Women Students for WAB Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt 4righ1) took time off on an inspection tour Of the shipyard at Vancouver, Wash., to chat with Mrs. Frances Carpenter, a shipyard welder. A'pearance of Campus Qrounds Will Be Project of War Council For Junior Positions Interviewing for the executive com- mittee of the Personnel Adcrinistra- tion division of the Woman's War Council will take place from 3:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday in the Undergraduate Office of the League, according to Geraldine Stadelman, '44, newly cho- sen first vice-president, and personnel administratw, Three Committee positions are open to junior women. Work will begin immediately and continue all next year. The conmittee will take charge of job placements of women students in ground work, clerical work, hos- pital work and work in local positions available here in Ann Arbor. The work of the committee will be of extreme importance. as the man- power shortage, has created a large number of paying positions that must be filled. The three girls selected will take charge of dormitories, league houss and sororities. Announce Initiation Alpha Xi Delta announces the re- cent initiation of Mary Driver, '45, Euclid, 0.; Janice Fletcher, '45, Wy- andotte; Jean Brumm, '44, Ann Ar- bor, and Betty Beernink, '45, Grand Haven. New officers have also been elected. They are, Anne Maloney, '45P, presi- dent; Pat Kammerer, '45Ed, vice- president; Virginia Dodd, '45, secre- tary, and Dorothy Callahan, '45, treasurer. ( I I By MARJORIE ROSMARIN "Groom the Campus" will be the password 4for spring this year and in keeping with this the Personne Administration division of the Wo- man's War Council has already formed plans to take care of the appearance of the campus, according to Geraldine Stadelman, '44, Pe - sonnel Administrator, The first project of the division is to be a "Building and Grounds Crew' to clean up the grounds for spring. In fact, there will be definite crews formed, each under the direction of a foreman, to take care of specific areas where care is needed. Four crews have already been de- cided upon, one of which will take care of the garden behind Moshei Hall where it is planned to plant 600 tomato plants. Another crew will be in charge of raking the lawns an generally cleaning up. Still anothei will be the lawn-mowing crew, and the fourth is the hedge crew. Later on, still other crews will be formedetc take care of the needs as they crop UiP. Standard uniform for the various' crews will be bluejeans and a shirt since it is believed that most girls are in possession of such "work clothes." Pay for being a, member WPB W ill Regulate Shoe Manufacturers WASHINGTON, WI)- The War Production Board recently prohibited manufacturers from producing more shoes in higher priced lines than they made before shoe rationing was undertaken.I Frank L. Walton, director of WPB's textile, clothing and leather division, said there had developed a 'deplorable tendency" among somc retailers to emphasize only the high priced line of shoes, in order to offset the. reduced volume of sales. of a crew will be sixty cents an hour, so it's a case of doing a job for the war effort, earning money for it, and having fun in the bargain. 'Yhere is also kitchen work avail- able at the League at the rate of fifty cents an hour. Maximum hours re- quired for this type of work should not exceed three to four hours. It is possible to work one day a week or as many other days as is possible. It is possible to sign up immedi- ately in the Undergraduate Office of the League for work will begin very shortly. 8 Groups Will Be, Guests of Surgical Dressing Today Among the groups that will be special guests at the surgical dress- ing unit sometime between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. today in the game room of the League are Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Zone I, Zone II, Alumnae House, the Women's War Council, Panhellenic Board, and Ju- diciary Council. Those groups that have been espe- cially 'Invited to attend tomorrow in- clude Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Zone III, Zone IV, Adelia Cheever, WAA Board, and Assembly Board. The women's campus organization, as well as' the sorority which has the largest representation at the unit will be announced next week. Beauty is your Duty! 'kWeddings c-, and ,o Engagements 4 Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. Appleton of Niaar9 Falls,. N.Y. announce the ' eugagef'erd of their daughter, Vir- ginia, to Lieutenant Robert Hen- dricks Darden, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Archie Hendricks Darden, of Raton, N. M. Both are graduates of the Univer- sity of Michigan, where Miss Apple- ton was a member of Pi Beta Phi, Mortarboard and Pi Lambda Theta. Lieutenant Darden was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and was attending the law school when called to the Army Air Force. No date has been set for the wed- ding. Mrs. Hayward was graduated from, the University School of Dentistry last semeter and Mr. Hayward is completing his senior year there. He is affiliated with Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hibst of Cadil- lac have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jere, '45, to Dr. Carl E. Masberg, '43D, son of Mr. Carl H. Masberg of Cadhllac. The wedding will take place this summer. Miss Hibst is affiliated with Theta Phi Alpha sorority, now serving as recording .'secretary and historian. Dr. Masberg received his A.B. degree from Western State College and his D.D.S. from the University last Jan- uary. He has received his commis- sion as a First Lieutenant in the Army Dental Corps. Mr. and Mrs. -R. W. Beebe of Pon- tiac have announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Diana, '44, to E. M. Steegar, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Steeger of Nutley, N.J. Both Miss Beebe and Mr. Steeger attend the University. Miss Beebe is affiliated with Kappa Delta soror- ity. No plans have been made for the wedding. Dr. and M.r. Harold Sheridan Slo- cumn of Detroit have announced the recent wedding of their daughter, Jane Louise, '43D, to James Rogers H'ayward. '43D. son of Dr. and Mrs. Roy G. Hayward 'of Detroit. Mrs. Hayward was graduated from the University School of Dentistry last semester and Mr. Hayward is completing his senior year there. He is affiliated with Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. Rec- ally will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday in Bar- bour and Waterman 'gims. Sol- diers and civilians are'Invited to participate In the various games and sports and to square dance from 9:30 p.m. 'to 11 p.m. 'there will be a sMall admissihn charge. Sorority Announces Elections, Pledging Kappa Delta sorority elected the following new officers: president, Alice Dehlin; vice-president, Francis Griffin; treasurer, Mary Jane JanIga; assistant treasurer, Claire Warren; secretary, Betty Itosa; and editor, Anita Uvick. The folldwing girls have been pledged recently: Gwendolyn Cooper, '44, Detroit; Mury logan, '45, Fort Wayne, Tnd.; Phyllis Huntley, '44, Grand, Rapids; Delilah Murra', '46, Herrin, Ill.; 'and Diana Warehan, '45, Ferndale. 1205 S. University Ph. 4818 611 E. University Ph. 4300 CNU A M PU,14 For a more lasting and inore coifortable permianent try a Cooler Wa Ie. GROOMWELL BEAUTY SALON, 'War-work is hard on your hands and your hair. Let us keep them lovely for you. GENEVIEVE BIEAUTY SHOP H I I nen 'ISO e&e t v je r e b A ff'~leuAlL - TAILORED DRESSES TWO-PIECE SUITS 10.95 895 JUMPERS . LOAFER JACKETS 5.95 3.95 2.95 SHIRTS In aqua, yellow, white, red, and cocoa. Sizes 10-20 I U