(74 VFOU3 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESKNTEO FOR NATIONI.L ADVERTIJIG t0Y NationMal Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative. 420 MADiOoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO DOSTOR - L04ARGELES -SAN FRANCISCO SITR& 11CHIGAT+- ATH TRIMAT-e APMAt i -.Ak' , . XIJL N JL~r A.*A.- M A A 4%WNFWAwi ASNARO 44 J I, Blood and sand 4 - , . . The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON Editorial Staff Bud Brimmer .'. Leon Gordenker Marion Ford. Charlotte Conover Betty Harvey James Conant. B Elizabeth Carpenter Pat Gehlert Jeanne Lovett Martha Opsion Sybil Perlmutter Molly Winokur Margery Wolfson Barbara Peterson . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . .Associate Editor . . . . Women's Editor, . . . , . Columnist Ousiness Staff - . . Local Advertising . . . . . Circulation . . . . . Service . . . . . Contracts * . . , Accounts National Advertising . . . . . Promotion . . Classified Advertising * Women's Business Manager R- ~ja. - ~- & . WASHINGTON-Thursday. Apri 1 $.-It won't be announced, and ma.': even be denied, but for all practical purposes we now have a new Secre- tary of State. Cordell Hull, over 70, having given 40 valiant and fruitful years to pub-! lic service, gradually is stepping aside. Looking out of his window upon' the magnolia trees, gorgeous in the spring, Hull thinks back to the days when he was a circuit judge in Ten- nessee, then a member of Congress; to the days when he helped pioneer the first income tax law; to the fight he made against the sky-high, disas- trous tariffs of the Smoot-Hawley days; and to his briefer career in the Senate. Looking back over that vista, Hull has thought many times he might retire. But two chief things have held him on. One is his am- bition to see his trade treaties con- tinued and renegotiated (this bill is now pending in Congress). The other is Mrs. Hull, who, nursing his strength carefully, is deter- mined that he not resign. Hull frequently finds, however, that he simply .does not have the physical strength to carry on. The daily grind is too much and he ab- sents himself a part of each week. Last year he was forced to spend a total of six months away from Wash- ington. New Secretary of State I As a result of these absences and the fact that Mr. Hull moves more slowly now, the President has found: himself calling upon Undersecretary Sumner Welles, who has nbw virtu- ally become Secretary of State. More and more frequently now. when the President picks up the telephone he calls Welles instead of Hull. He finds that Welles has the facts at his fin- gertips and works faster. Hull's answers of late have grown more vague. This is partly his cau- tious temperament. partly age. Once Hull was proud of the fact that he was the only member of the cabinet maintaining daily contact with the press. But now sometimes a week goes by without a press conference. All of the recent speeches have been made by Welles, which makes the old gentleman a bit touchy. In fact, he wondered why it was that Welles rather than he was asked to speak for the State Department in the Herald-Tribune Forum. The answer was that the President spe- cifically requested Welles to do the Ijob. But the Secretary is determined to stick it out until the last horn blows -and he may be able to continue. Wickard-In or Out? Two men from Coon Rapids, Iowa, met in Washington seven weeks ago and made a bet about the demise of Claude Wickard as a Cabinet officer. Said A. E. "Red" Bowman; sugar expert of the WPB: "Wickard is on the skids; he won't last till the first of May." Said corn farmer Bob Garst, "I ad- mit he's on the skids, but here's ten dollars that says it will take longer than May first.' Last week, the two men met again in Washington, just after the President had stripped Wick- ard of power and put Chester Da-' vis in control. "Here's your ten bucks," said Garq to Bowman. "But Wickard isn't out yet," re sponded Bowman. "Aw, hell," said Garst, "I won' stand on a technicality." Capital Chaff Grace Tully, private secretary t the President, calls her office Unior Station. "If that door opens once day," she says, "it opens a hundre( times." . . . Says Major Ruth Street. er, head of the Lady Marines, ", wish we could serve overseas. FO one thing, it would give us a chanci to earn service bars, and they cer tainly would brighten up the uni form." . . . Washington is about t see- the greatest string of visitinj foreign Presidents in history. Begin. ning May 5, and spaced one ever; two weeks, they are: President Pen. aranda of Bolivia, President Barcla* of Liberia. President Morinigo o Paraguay, andimost important o all-Pesident Rios of Chile.. H~erry-Go-Round Sam Bledsoe, Number One aidJ to Claude Wickard, has resigned be. caused he didn't want to be caughi in the cross-fire between Wicka and Chester Davis . . - When news men saw Finnish Minister Procopf dashing into the State Depaxtmen' the other day, they speculated o1 peace between FirAlafid and Russia Real fact is, however, Procope wai dropping in to pay an installmen on the Finnish debt.. (Copyright, 1943,, United Features Synd.)i Rosalie Frank . Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: EVELYN PHILLIPS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. bb. DIFFICULTY: Stabilization Fund Plan Favors United States THE MAIN difficulty with Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau's proposal for a post- war international currency-stabilization fund, which he presented to Congress Tuesday, is the fact that in its present form the other United Nations won't accept it. Vita dEcisions could be made only by an 80 per cent vote, the voting strength of the nations to be determined by the amount each nation contributed to the suggested five billion dollar total fund. No government could command more than 2 per cent of the total. However, according to the present idea, the United States would con- tribute two billion of the five billion dollar total, the rest coming from 37 different countries. Ameri a would command 25 per cent of the vot- ing pcwer and thus could prevent the other na- tions from controlling more than 75 per cent of the total, although 80 per cent is needed for important decisions. The goal of this fund would be the stabiliza- tion of currency rates of member countries to prevent depreciation of currency because of competition. The idea is excellent, but hoes Morgenthau really believe that the rest of the world will walk into an agreement which gives the United States virtual financial control over all international currency? To mention only one nation which would never enter such In agreement, Great Britain has not yet reached the point where she will hand over any part of her power to the United States. Rather than that, she will adopt a counterpro- posal, scheduled to be considered in the House of Comr, ns very shortly. America does not yet have her eyes open to all the facts of -the present war and the coming peage. The growing international opinion that England is conducting the war and Russia fight- ing it, while the United States sits by doing com- paratively little but sending supplies, has not yet come home to the American government. If we expect any voice in the construction of a post-war world, we have to get started on the war. Any proposal, such as the currency- stabilization fund, giving the United States much more power than she deserves from the part she has done in fighting this war, stands so little chance of adoption by the rest of the world that the mere suggestion is foolish. Only one thing will give the United States even a voie, much less power, in post-war planning. It is stiil not too late to get started in the fighting of this war to a degree equal to that of the other United Nations. America's potential power is such t1r at a concentrated effort should be easy, but soon it will be too late. - Jane Farrant IRONIC FACT: Mexico Shows UP U.S. By Accepting Loyalists THE 2,300 Spanish Loyalists who have been held for over two years in French concentration camps in Africa have at last found an out. The Mexican government's agreement last week to accept them as soon as transportation can be obtained shows an honestly progressive foreign policy that makes our State Department look like a backward child. It vouid indeed be ironic if the ship carrying these men who went to Spain from all over the world to fight Fascism, should meet a United Take ft op tea10e fit By Jason SUPPOSE you're sitting in your nine o'clock, and a new instructor walks in to take over the class. Suppose he happens to be a Negro. What would your reaction be? I've been asking people that question the last few days. Fellows in the dorms, kids around The Daily, down at track practice, anywhere there's a bull-session. If you're like them, you'll gulp a few times when you read the question. It will startle you, and you won't say much for a couple of minutes. Then you'll come to, and start to frame an answer. It will be a hesitant, "Gee, I dunno . . . at first. You won't be quite sure of what you would think, and you'll be even less sure of the reac- tion of the fellow next to you. Then you'll reflect on what you ask of a teacher, anyway. Intelligence, an ability to put the stuff over, a wisecrack now and then. Nothing said about blonde hair, or color of the skin. If you're like the people I've already talked' to, you'll look up at that point and say, "I don't know why not; if he's got what it takes, it won't make any difference whether he's colored or not." T HENyour mind will go back to the fellow next to you. Maybe he'd object; you never know how people are about those things., So you'll look kind of worried, and say, "Aren't you getting into pretty hot water? That kind of question gets you into a lot of trouble; if there aren't any Negro instructors, maybe the University has good reason for not appointing them." That was the attitude of a very good friend of mine on the track squad. But it didn't last more than five minutes; he asked me whether Har- vard, for instance, had a Negro on the faculty. I told him yes, and he thought the subject through again. "I guess it probably would be all right to have A Negro teaching, at that," was his final conclusion. Here's the point I'd like to make in this col- umn. No one's trying to start a revolution; no one's "attacking the Administration." B ECAUSE appointing a Negro to the faculty wouldn't be a revolution, or a radical innova- tion, even. It would be just another indication that Michigan is a great University. Michigan has had Negro students for years; you can't even get into Princeton, for instance, if your skin is black. There is virtually no dis- crimination on campus here; Negroes go to Union dances, eat at the Union, live in the dorms. That's the way it should be. Students, I think, are proud that it is that way. They're glad that the break you get here depends on what you've got, not who you are. Take track, or football. If a miler's got the stuff, he'll run, whether he's poor or rich, Negro or white. A coach who didn't pay off strictly on ability wouldn't last more than a week; in track, the stop watch talks. In teaching, it should be the same way. If you're like the fellows and girls I've talked to, that will be your conclusion. And you'll hope that the University faculty and administration have enough confidence in you and the fellow sitting next to you to put it into actual practice; that they wouldn't turn down an applicant for a teaching job because of his color. Id Rather Be Right DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -- BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 8 (Thursday)- I have set up the 'theory that every one of our actions must be judged in the light of the coming offensive, the second front.' If that is true, then we must iecognize General de Gaulle formally and imme- diately as the leader of the French people in France. Secretary Hull has said he is not interested in politics, he is interested in furthering the shooting side of the war. All sides agree that de Gaulle has the loyalty of the great majority of the French-in-France. His voice is the best voice for giving them instructions and com- mands when the second front begins. If Mr. Hull is not interested in politics, let him subor- dinate his political objections to de Gaulle, for the sake of the second front. If Mr. Hull does not do this, he will be subor- dinating the second front to his own kind of politics. With the approach of the French revolution, the politics of the war and the shooting side of the war become one and the same. That is the kind of merger which makes his- tory. If Mr. Hull insists on his absurd distine. tion between polities and war, then let him go the whle way and write a new history of the' United States, distinguishing between the Con- tinental Congress and Bunker Hill. Where would he draw that wobbly and ridicu- lous line? To say that "politics" is not important is to say that people are not important. To* further an attitude of contempt for."politics" is to further an attitude of contempt for people. "Politics" is only people in motion. Mr. Hull seems to prefer them when they do not move. But they are moving. When de Gaulle comes to Africa, the French-in-France, in effect, come to Africa with him. The moment they arrive, the absurd scheme under which the reactionary African tail has been wagging the French, dog collapses and dies. That is why this administration is compelled to keep de Gaulle out of Africa and in London. It is really keeping France out of Africa. At a'moment when we are contemplating an invasion of Europe to restore 'democracy to France, this administration is keeping democratic France from invading reactionary Africa. The moment de Gaulle stands beside Giraud, the disproportion between the leaders of all France, and the leader of some of the French- in-Africa becomes too obvious; the game is up; the effort by some of our smaller minds to build a "safe" and ultra-conservative-Fra ice, modeling the mother on her colonies, flies up the chimney. So de Gaulle stays in London. But even that is not enough. He must be denied his formal right to speak for the Frenich-in-France. The French people are decapitated, in effect, at the very peak of their revolutionary impulse; de- capitated so that they will remain silent during the interesting operation of clapping a new head on them.. And is it any excuse to say that this is done innocently, that we are merely yielding to local French pressures in Africa, then turning around and applying them to France itself, magnified a hundred times by our intercession? THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1943 VOL. MITI No. 133 All noticesfor the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding Its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. N1votices To Those Concerned: In connection with recent publications by the War Manpower Commission with respect to requirement that men of draft age shall either be in essential industry or be subject to draft, I am advised by a representative of the War Manpower Com- mission that the University of Michigan is classified by the Commission as an essential industry. The following kinds of positions are, however, stated to be non-deferrable regardless of the general activity in which they may be found: Charmen and Cleaners; Dish Washers; Elevator Operators (Passenger and Freight, excluding industrial freight elevators used in connection with production); Gardeners; Greens Keepers; Grounds Keepers; Messengers, Errand Boys, Office Boys; Porters (other than those in rail- road train service). Shirley W. Smith To Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council, Monday, April 12, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Univer- sity Senate Memberr are invited. AGENDA: Report of the Advisory Committee on the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information-Ira M. Smith, Chairman. Report of Standing Committee on Plant and Equipment-Francis D. Curtis, Chair- man. Hospitalization Statistics-compiled by H. P. wagner. Remarks by: Professor L. M. Gram-- Housing; Professor M. L. Niehuss-Con- tracts; Mr. Clark Tibbitts-War Board. Group Hospitalization and surgical Service: During the period from April 6 through April 17 the University Business Office will accept new applications as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect. These new applications and changes will become effective May 5 with the first payroll deduction on May 31. Please be advised that after April 17 no new applications or changes can be accepted until the month of October. Dinner Meeting and Forum, sponsored by the local chapter of the A.A.U.P., on Friday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Union. The subject will be "What the PeopleI Expect of the University in the Post-war World." Make reservations for the dinner by call- ing Professor Christian wenger, 33 East Hall, Tel. 578. Forum starting about 7:30 will be open to all members of the University staff. Students who plan to enter one of the following professional schools:, Medicine, Law, Dental Surgery, Nursing, Business Administration, Forestry and Conservation at the beginning of the fall term on the Combined Curriculum must file an appli- cation for this Curriculum in the Office of the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 Angell Hall, on or before April 20. After this date applications will be accepted only upon the presentation of a satisfactory excuse fcr the delay and the payment of a fee juniors and seniors majoring in chemis- try, Preference will be given to those needing financial assistance. Application blanks may be obtained in Room 212, Chemistry Building and, must be filed not later thanl April 26. School of Music Students expecting de- grees in May must complete and return. to the office of the School of Music not later thp April 20 the applications for such ctgrees" which were recently re- ceived by mail. Individual records are not complete until the completed blanks are on file. Mail is being held at the Iusiness Office of the University for the following people: Lelah Burkhart, Captain Robert Barr, Mrs. Mary Boyd Dr. William' J. Clough, Helen Cook, Private David L. Dexter, Mrs. Betty Gatewood, Miss Shirley Goldberg, Joseph Goodrich, Marcia Haisington, Rob- ert Hague, Cpl. Edward Higgins, Private Charles Hoag, v. F. Jakubik, Jane John- scni, Arthur H. Joistad, Dr. Lemuel E. Mayo, Jr..uJulia MeEwan, Captain Clark Magill, Lt. J. R. Miller,'Dr. Leon R. Nonte, Dr. Newell K.' Norton, J. Fred Patton, Winston Riley, Corporal John P. Sheahan, Professor Thwaites, Elsara Wallace. Sophomnore women: Petitions for the central committee Of your Junior Girls' Project are due by 5:00 p.m. Monday, April 12, in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Interviewing will be held Tuesday, April 13, through Friday, April 16, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sign up for time of interview when you bring in your petition, and bring eligibility card to the interview. Women blood donors, from now on, are to report to the League Blood Donor Bank for an appointment to donate blood. Those between the ages of 18 and 21 must bring parents' written consent. The next dates for blood donation are April 9 and 10, Women's Athletic' Building. Margaret Bell, M.D. The Women's Personnel Committee of the Inter-Cooperative Council announces that there will be an Information: booth In the lobby of the League for the pur- pose of acquainting students with co- operatives and taking applications for membership. Lectures University Lecture: Professor W. Carl Rufus of the Department of Astronomy will lecture on the subject, "Copernicus, Polish Astronomer, 1473-1543" (illustrated) in commemoration of the 400th annivers- ary of the death of Copernicus, under the auspices of the Department of Astronomy, on Thursday, April 8, at 4:15 p.m. in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Academic Notices Zoology Seminar will meet in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre at 7:30 'tonight. Report by Fred R. Cagle on "The Growth of the Slider Turtle (Pseudemys Scri ta .Ele- gans)." ROTC Drill: Company 'D' will 'Fall In' on Hoover Street today In front of the IM Building with rifles. Cadets will wear clothing suitable for field work. Officers will be prepared to give instruction in individual protective measure,-. Physics 196: Class will not meet on Friday. April 9. E, F. Barker faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination' and he nas grant permission to those who for suffi cient reason might wish' to be present. C. S. Yoakun Doctoral Examination for Robert A Gregg; Chemistry; thesis: "The Synthesi of Analogs of the Sex Hormones," will bt held on Friday, April 9, in 309 Chemistry at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. . Bachmann. By action of the Executive Board, th Chairman may Invite members of th faculties and advanced doctoral candidate to. attend the examination and he ma grant permission to those who for suffi clent reason might wish to be present. C. $. Yoakum Concerts Faculty Recital: Compositions of Bach, Brahmns and Beethoven, will be heard to night at 8:30 in the Assembly Hal of the Rackham Building, at which time Thelma Lewis, soprano, and John Kollen, pianist, of the School of Music faculty, will pre- sent a recital. In addition to the abov works, the program will Include a grou of English songs by Miss Lewis. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Drawings made by Pueblo Indian children of the Art Department In the Indian School at Albuquerque, New Mex ico. Ground floor corridor cases, Archi. tecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except sunday through. .April 10. The public. is Invited.I The twentieth annual exhlbitiox of work by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art AssociationrIn the Exhibition Galleries of the Rackham Building, through April 23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after- noons and 7 to 10 evenings. The pitbli is cordially invited. Events Today varsity Glee Club: All men requested to be present at important rehearsal tonight which will start promptly at 7:00. Those men who cannot attend should call their president at 3918 and lqave a message. The regular Thursday evening recorded program' in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building tonight will be as fol- lows: Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor. Rachmaninoff: Concerto 'No. 2 in C minor-Piano and Orchestra. Stravinsky: Petrouchka-Ballet. Michigan Sailing Club will meet tonight at 7:30 In the Union (room 316). Surgical Dressing Unit will be open this afternoon from 1:00 until 5:00 in the Game Room of the League. All women Interested in helping the Ameridan Red Cross by making surgical dressings are urged to come. Inter-Racial Association is sponsoring 4 seminar on "Can We Practice What We Preach?" at 8 o'clock tonight at the Union. Michigan Dames home nursing group will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in North Hall. Sociedad Hispanica will not meet this week.