9 AA U Ck' Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press Te Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 oPHLSENTeO FOR HATON.L AOVERTh*)O My National Advertising Service, luc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORn. N. Y. rmICAaO * 9OSTON * Los ANGELIS * SAN FwAncisco 'Well, It's Good Enough for Me.' - - ,..-.- . CWe WASHINGTON . e, t S P~tC ;; W4ERRY GOROUND! By D REW PIARSON Editorial Staff John Erlewine Bud Brimmer Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte Conover Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey James Conant Edward J. Perlberg Fred U. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane lndrerg . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . .Sports Editor Women's Editor . . . . Columnist Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager WASHINGTON- There was a hot flareup between veteran Sena- tor Tom Connally of Texas and freshman Republican Senator Ho- mer Ferguson of Michigan in a closed door session on the appoint- ment of James Allred to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Until this meeting, Administra- tionites had high hopes of con- verting Ferguson to Allred's side. which would have meant a 10'8 vote for the Texan's nomination. Even Connally, a political skeptic, thought the Michigan Republican might forget politics and oppose the efforts ofLouisiana's two sen- ators to ditch Allred in favor of Archie Higgins, a former Huey Long henchman. However, Ferguson immediately launched a violent political attack on the President for naming "lame ducks" to federal posts. Apparently Ferguson was not convinced by evidence produced by Connally and others that All- red had no understanding, direct or indirect, with the President that he would be reappointed to the bench after stepping down from the Federal District Court -to oppose Texas Senator "Pap- py" O'Daniel in the last cam- paign. The Michigan Republi- can has made a fetish of oppos- ing the President on all major appointments, and proved it on this occasion. "I'm against all these New Deal lame ducks getting jobs from the President after they have been licked in an election," he stormed, "I'm especially against playing politics with the federal judiciary." Connally lost patience after cit- ing that Allred ha~d chalked up a brilliant record on the federal dis- trict bench in Texas-an indisput- able fact. He decided to fight fire with fire. Ferguson Played Safe "If I recall correctly, the Sen- ator from Michigan didn't re- sign from the bench when he decided to run against former Senator Prentiss Brown of Mich- igan in the last election," Con- nally lashed out. "The new Sen- ator is opposed to lame ducks now, but he took good care to protect himself at that time." This agile dig brought hot flush- es to the face of Ferguson. "I resent the Senator's insinua- tions," blurted Ferguson furiously. "He can't tell me how to vote." "I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote," countered Connally smoothly. "If I have ruffled the Senator's feelings by recalling something relevant in his own rec- ord, let me hasten to apologize." At a subsequent meeting, when Allred was voted on, Connally revealed that-neither he nor the late -Senator Morris Sheppard of Te-as had been consulted by the President about Allred's appoint- ment to the district bench. "Both Senator Sheppard and I had different candidates at the time," Connally said. "But I'm not going to let that. stand in the way of my support of Jim Allred now. He has had a fine record and is deserving of this higher appoint- ment.", Note: Allred could have kept his judgeship as Ferguson did. But he decided it was only fair to step down from the beach if he was going to run for the Senate. St. Peter vs. Ruml Plan During the Ruml Plan debate, Republican Representative Noah Mason of Illinois argued, amid some spirited heckling by Repre- sentative Bob Doughton of North Carolina, that pay-as-you-go tax receipts would be a strong talking point with Saint Peter. He ex- plained: "I will say to Saint Peter when I reach the Pearly 'Gates: 'I have brought with me a receipted tax bill for every year that I was sup- posed to pay taxes down below. Unless You 'have got something else against Mason you have just got to open up. those pearly gates and let me in.' What else could Saint Peter do but let me in? What could he say to me?" "If he knew you were for the Ruml Plan," Interrmpted fough- ton, "he would say to you: 'De- part from me ye worker of in- iquity, for I know ye not.'"9 (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Z; Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the viewps of the writers only. ,. . Te PULPIT HATRED: 'Patriotism' Mst Not Replace Church Ideals DOUBTLESS some grass-root preachers, as Jim Conant pointed out last week, are sincere in expounding their God of hate. At any rate, all speak the same language: street parlance magni- fied outlandishly. An example is furnishedin the February 3,. 1943, issue of The Christian Conserv- ator, the official organ of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, (Constitution of 1841), which carries an article, "In Defense of War", by Reverend L. V. Harrell of Grand Junction, Mich. In it he says: "Certain delusive contentions should be ex- cluded from the minds of all candid thinkers ... "Contention number one: 'War is wh9lesale or mass murder'. Unreliable blabbers belch cut this declaration without any attention whatever to the difference between the blood- spattered gangster criminals and the red- blooded heroes who fight and die in defense of true civilization. According to those cottontail and copper-headed two-legged impossibilities, our soldiers are all bloody murderers. "Contention number two: 'Wr is hell' . . . All that any of us have worth living for has cost the blood, the red blood, and-not the yellow blood-of thousands of battlefields "One cannot be a soldier in battle and be a true Christian'. Here again the opposite caus- es ... are subjected to the same pot-shot clas- sification, and since a person is a chld ofGod or a child of the Devil, it must follqw that every one of our boys in this conflict are (sic) bloody hell-doomed sinners. "God will give this world a live-and-let-live military supremacy that will make the arch- disturbers of the peace afraid to start any more of this hell . . . 'The meek shall Inherit the earth'. It is their God-given inheritance. God made it for them and not for the Devil and his hell-makers, and He will help the meek as they help themselves to hold possession." T 0 DIGNIFY this tirade with an answer would be a mistake. However, that is not to say it is without significance for us. Shielded by their positions, ignorant or fanatical ministers may exploit their trusts to spread jingoistic hatred among "the faithful." It is ironic that such a creed should be spread under the banner of Christianity, which proclaims man's brotherhood. Indeed, we may question whether such national- ism is even patriotic. Fundamentally, our Amer- ican patriotism is pride in our humane "Western Tradition." Belief in the inequality of peoples is scarcely in keeping with that democratic heritage. Regardless of patriotism and of our avowed idealistic goals in this war, the Church's re- sponsibility to hold aloft nobility of purpose, genuine humanitarianism, is beyond question.. But manifestly, not all Churchmen can say with Lincoln, "With malice toward none, with charity for all . . ." Fanned by the unrestrained emotionalism of men like Harrell and the dema- gogy of men like Gerald L. K. Smith, who was a preacher before becoming a politician, minds are distorted. Many Detroiters will flock to hear. Frank Norris preach on "What Hitler Will Soon See in Hell," because in "old-fashioned religion,", they find a necessary personal panacea; and the shrewd parson simply injects his insidious nolitiena idav itn ni o i rPioyiniiqa .anrnndqf- OPPORTUNITY: Unrest in Martinique Could Be Aid to Allies OUR STATE DEPARTMENT is not only dealing with the fascistic elements-of France, Spain, and Africa, but it is also carrying over its .incon- sistent policy to the Western Hemisphere in its attitude of ignoring the unrest in Martinique. Latest reports indicate that the island's 500,000 Negroes, whose sympathies are plainly on the side of the United Nations, are on the verge of rebellion against the rule of Vichy-inclined Ad- miral Georges Robert, Martinique high commis- sioner. But the United States has hesitated to make any move which would encourage such an up- rising ,and bring cooperation between Mar- tinique and the Free French forces. Under the Third Republic the natives of Mar- tinique had their own local governing body. When Robert took over control, he abolished most of their civil rights. The Negroes were proud of their freedom before Robert. But today they are imprisoned by him for the high crime of listening to short wave broadcasts from the United States. They are now resentful of their virtual slavery under him. Speeches made daily in this country overflow with plans for freeing the enslaved peoples of Europe. In the post-war period we will have an excellent opportunity to guarantee that those who are capable of self-government secure that privilege. No people should be under an intoler- able rule of force. In Martinique is an excellent opportunity to practice what we preach. BUT even if the cause of freedom in itself is not sufficient to justify action in the eyes of our Department of State, it seems that our self -inter- est would furnish a convenient excuse. In the first place, Martinique, as an island in the Caribbean, is of great strategic importance. Aside from its position as an approach to the vital Panama Canal, it has value as a potential submarine base for the Axis. Several months ago, when the activities of the enemy subs in the Caribbean were interfering so much with our shipping, it was strongly suspected that the U- boats were using Martinique as a base of opera- tions. In the second place, it is a matter of record that a number of French cargo boats as well as ships of war are in the island's harbors. All of these vessels could be well-employed by the United Nations if Robert would just grant con- sent to the plan. A short time before the surprise landing of troops in Africa, the United States had negotiated with Robert for the transfer of these ships. The agreement was all drawn up, but at the last minute he refused to sign, giving the African campaign as his excuse. So the ships stand idle at Martinique while Frenchmen die for lack of supplies which these boats could be transporting to them. LAST NOVEMBER the State Department estab- lished a food blockade of the island. The result has been a situation bordering on starva- tion for most of the population. But even while they go hungry, the people have not blamed the United States. Instead, they have become even more resentful of Ad- miral Robert because of his refusal to cooperate with the Allies. At present the political conditions of Mar- tinique seem to have rached a. rnini nnin I'd Rather LBe Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, April 6.- ON STYLE: We have never made any substantial effort to mobilize the plain people of France to our side. We -have, rather, rebuffed them. So, they mobilize them- selves. They form their own organizations. They take to the woods, and fight. They hide in the mountains of the Haute-Savoie district, and fight. We know little of these organizations. So, the whisper goes through Washington, and through a large part of the western world, that the French underground is largely Communist. We began by ignoring the movement. We end by suspecting it. Error piles on error. De Gaulle is certainly no Communist. He appeals to us for support. We deny him it. He builds a friendly relation be- tween his movement and Russia. Now we have a new ground for suspecting him. He is too close to Russia. Having kept this entire movement from orgai- zational contact with our side, we now have our fears about it, because it is not organizationally joined to our side. We divorced it, and now we're sore at it because it doesn't live here any more. It is a tale of forfeited opportunities, and natural consequences. We could, in our own mighty strength, have been the full partner of the oppressed people of France. How they begged us to assume this role! We preferred to deal with the dry bones of CagoulardisM.4 Having lost touch with the people of France, we now begin to fret about them. Suppose they get out of hand? So we are compelled, still carrying the weary burden of our indecision, to strengthen the "trustworthy," which means ultra-conservative, elements of France. French Guiana rebels against Vichy. We rush a Giraud man there, In undignified haste, so that he will arrive before the de Gaulle man. It is a gesture unsuited to a great power, as graceless as the hasty covering of a lost dime with the foot. The divorce becomes more and more comr- plete. On the eve of the (it seems likely) in- vasion of France, our relations with the natural leader of the French people, de baulle, are at their worst, and will affect any arrangement he may make with Giraud. We come to save the people of France, and we don't quite trust them. We want to make it possible for them to do what they want, but we don't want them to do what they want. Then the thing kicks back, and at the point which should mark the culmination of coalition warfare with Russia, we are thrown into a fresh state of alarm over Russia's contacts and influ- ence with the people of Europe. We begin hastily to re-examine our relations with Russia, :as if this were a wholly new subject, as if this were a war which is scheduled to start perhaps next year, and not a war which is almost four years old and is rapidly nearing its climax. We are worried, and we look it. We are off balance, and we show it. After England had taken the plunge, for de Gaulle and the people of France, for some sort of alliance with Russia, we have come rushing into the scene with a strange revival of the politics of five or six years ago. We have injected a dose of the past into the making of the future.m TO THE EDITORS: Karpinusk i Asks Higher Caliber 'Spiritual Reief' THE UNIVERSITY generously sends to me The Michigan Daily gratis; I am expected to read the Daily Official Bulletin. Con- tiguous to this I have been com- pelled to observea strange mixture of unrelated ideas, at least in my humble opinion, under the cap- tion: "Dominie Says." Formerly The Daily repeated "ad nauseam," if you know what I mean, the pic- ture of one of the so-called Deans and that recurrence has by some mysterious Providence been elim- inated and I am profoundly grate- ful. Possibly by calling your at- tention to the ineptitudes of this other revolting material, that could also disappear without leav- ing a trace. I doubt if it would be missed. There seems to be some exter or extra-territoriality, or both, about these futile emanations. The title at the bottom has been conferred, I believe, with a measure of legal- ity by duly constituted authority; the title at the top seems assumed; the articles partake in one way of the nature of algebraic equations, in that read from either end they make the same amount of meaning which, unfortunately, seems to be zero or negative. Could there not be substituted for this column, for a month or two of relief, "The Sociologist Says;" "The Philoso- pher Says;" "The Political Scien- tist Says;" "The Orientalist Says," and I am willing to admit even Law, Medicine, Engineering, and, reluctantly, so-called Business Ad- mfinistration, without wishing to exclude Dentistry and Library Sci- ence, Physical Education, or Edu- cation with a capital R. The speak- er nshouldbe University men, duly qualified and selected on the basis of intellectual competence, able to instruct University students n, University disciplines. HIS NONSENSE about the gen- tile home is something I can refute. As the father of six gen-- tiles-even Aryans and that hasn't ever seemed to me too important- all six being graduates of the Uni- versity, I have read the Post, told my children about the propaganda nature of the material, but I have never attempted to inform "Mama about political affairs." Thank God I can say, and so can thous- ands of other families, that we have "in the family" "group thought," on America's attitudes (ceremony not much) and "imagi- nation" sufficient. "The intellec- tual sterility of campus conversa- tion" is not so great as this "Coun- selor" assumes. So far as "spir- tual sterility," that means to the "Counselor" only attendance at formal services and has little to do with the truly "spiritual." Per- sonally, I attended formal serices as a boy and young man and even as a teacher here from three to five times per Sunday, accumulating a surplus upon which I have recently been drawing without loss of an interest in the spiritual. We ask the Board and the Edi- tors for spiritual relief of a Uni- versity calibre. -Prof. Louis C. Karinski the current series. It is open to the gen- eral public. Exhibitions The twentieth annual exhibition of work, by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity is being presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association in the Exhibition Galleries of theRackham Building, through Aprl 23, daily, except Sunday; 2 to 5 after- noons and 7 to 10 ev nings. The public is cordially invited, Events Today Junior Research Club will meet at 7:30. p.m. today in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. The program will be given by A. S. Hazzard of the Institute for Fisheries Research and by S. A. Graham of the Department of Zoology. Polonia Society will meet today at 8,:00 p.m. in the International Center. All per- sons of Polish extraction cordially invited. Refreshments will be served. Mortar Board Alumnae: Meeting today, 9:00 p.m., Michigan League. Michigan Dames service hospital unit will meet at 8 p.m. in the game room at the Michigan League Building. Disciples Guild: Tea will be herved this afternoon, 5 to 6 p.m., at the Disciples Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Both Disci- ples and Congregational students and friends are invited. Christian science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D and E of the Michigan League. Coming Events The Annual French Play: "Le Monde n DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1943 VOL. LII No. 131 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11,30 a.m. Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth- ven will be at home to students Wednes- day afternoon, April 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service: During the period from April 6 through April 17 the University Business Office will accept new applications as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect. These new applications and changes will become effective May 5 with the first payroll deduction on May 31. Please be advised that after April 17 no new applications or changes can be accepted until the month of October. Women blood donors, from now on, are to report to the League Blood Donor Bank for an appointment to donate blood. Those between the ages of 18 and 21 must bring parents' written consent. The next dates for blood donation are April 9 and 10, Women's Athletic Building, Margaret Bell, M.D. Martha Cook Building: All women inter- ested in living in Martha Cook Building next year should complete their applica- tions at once. The list will soon be closed. Mrs. Diekenia To Memqbers of the Faculty: Because of War conditions, the Michigan Schoolmas- ter's Club Program was late in coming off the press. It is now available and read for distribution in Room 221, Angell Hall. Members of the faculty are cordially invited to join the Michigan Schoolmas- ter's Club (small membership fee), if they are not already members, and to register early with Miss Genevieve Sproat in Room 221. Angell Hall, for the annual meeting oQn April 15, 16, and 17. Tickets for the Friday night banquet on April 16 are also available, which includes admission to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a patr! otic revue, "Listen, Mr. Speaker," by 150 Office of War Information, has said that the United States has become a greater enigma than Russia. Start, ing with a diplomacy that was out of character for us, we have followed it with our nose down until we, c,ur- selves, are out of charapter. It is we, youngest of nations, that, incredibly, seems the oldest and most wary and most fearful among the nations of the world. We brood. We, who should have entered this war -,tudents from the Roosevelt High School, Wyandotte. Lectures American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr. Frederick D. Rossini, of the National Bureau of Standards, will lecture on the subject, "Chemical Thermodyiarnics of. Hydrocarbons", on Wednesday, April 7, at 4:15 p.m. In Room 303 Chemistry Build-] Ing. The public Is Invited. Lecture: Dr. Joseph P. Free, Professor of Archaeology at Wheaton College, will lecture on the subject, "'Archaeological Discoveries and Christian Faith Today", tonight at 8 o'clock in the Rackham Lee- ture Hall. The lecture is sponsOed by the Committee for Dynamle Christianity (affiliated with the Student Religious Association). Illustrated. Dr, Luis Ramirez, of Paraguay, will give the third of a series of talks on Latin America on the subject, "Survey on Para- guay", under the auspices of the Latin America Society of the University of Michigan, Wednesday April 7, at 8 p.m. in the RackhAm Amphitheatre. Faculty, students and townspeople are welcome to the lecture, which will be de- livered in English znd without charge. Academi Notces Attention, Marine Reservists: There will be a meeting at ;30 p~m. today in the Union. Read the section on "Musketry" in your manuals. Preliminary Ph.D. examinations In Eco- nomics will be held the week of May 3. Those persons qualified-to write the ex- aminations and wishing to do so at this time should leave their nmes in the of- fice of the departMent As soon as possible. Shorey Peterson Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Wednesday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Some Naturally Occurring Antibaeterial Agents" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited. Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet today at 4:15 pm. in Room 1564 East Med- ical Building. Subject: "Epidemie" Rheu- matic Fever. All interested are invited. Zoiogy Seminar will met in the Rook- _am pn idthetre at,7:30. pjn. on Thurs- day, AprIl 8. Report by Fred R. Cagle on "The Growth of the Slider Turtle (Pseq- demys Scripta Elegans)." Faculty Recital: John Kollen, pianist, and Thelma Lewis, soprano, of the Sehoo, of Music faculty, will appear in recital at I