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Pr~es. Hannah
1' Soldiers
1k Cautions Students
To Prepare as Leaders
In Post-War Affairs
Inui rs ,te T owarreats
it First Siep Toward Victory
Associated Press Correspondent
One of the war's most brilliant tac-
tical successes ushered in last week
on a note of high hope which was
EAST LANSING, April 3.-W)-I sobered somewhat by the weekend.
President John A. Hannah, of Michi- The Mareth Line was reduced, Rom-
gan State College, formally welcom- mel was beaten again but he and his
ing soldier-students assigned to the Afrika Corps survived to fight an-
college for training, cautioned them other day and apparently the long
in an address today: process of pursuit and bringing him
"When this war is won, let it be to bay was all to be done over again.
your business to see to it that our
public servants at home and abroad
preserve in peace what we now fight
for. Unless you men who now fight
our battles have vision, foresight and
leadership to assume that responsi-
bility, your sacrifice may have been
in vain."
Straight from Hannah to the sol-
diers, who are members of an Army
Air crew training detachment, came
the injunction that uniformed stu-
dents would be bound by the same re-
striction as civilian students, and that
this means there could be no smoking
on the campus, save in certain build-
ings. The soldiers are under quaran-
tine to check an outbreak of colds
and influenza.
He assured them they would re-
ceive full credit toward a degree for
their studies here, would have all the
privileges of civilian students but
would be bound by the same restric-
Society Plans
Study Series"
The Karl Marx Society has sched-
uled a series of classes to be held on
alternate Sundays throughout the
rest of the semester in the Union.
The first discussion group, which
is to meet today, will center around
the topic "The Nature of Fascism."
Factors which will enter into the dis-
cussion are Britain's world front and
the nature of imperialism and cap-
The meeting on April 18 will dis-
cuss the "Nature of the Soviet Union"
and the next meeting, scheduled for
May 2, will consider "Labor's Role
in the War." The series will be con-
cluded with a discussion of "The NA-
tional Question" on May 16.
Nevertheless there was nothing to
indicate that the Allied schedule for
clearing Rommel and Von Arnim out
of Africa as a preliminary to invasion
across the Mediterranean had been
disarranged. Rommel's next haven
almost certainly must be his last on
African soil.
Eisenhower Expresses Satisfaction
General Eisenhower, the American
Commander in Chief, summed up the
week's achievements with a declara-
tion that the British, French and
Americans under him "are working
in complete harmony and unison not
only toward immediate victory on
this front but also toward eventual
complete defeat of all our enemies."
On other fronts there was little
surface evidence of the progress of
the United Nations program but
neither were there any setbacks.
Allied planning for victory and for
post-war problems made obvious
progress. Anthony Eden, Britain's
Foreign Secretary, ended a visit to
Washington which President Roose-
velt said produced agreement on 95
per cent of the ground covered.
United States officers from the three
major Pacific commands were re-
turning to their posts after Washing-
ton war councils which promised the
early unfolding of action to confound
the Japanese. United Nations confer-
ences on food and currency problems
were announced for the near future.
Rising Intensity in Atlantic
Scant bits of news from the Battle
of the Atlantic, which the Allies must
win if they are to snatch victory in
12 Hurt in Elevator Fall
OMAHA, April 3.- (A)- Twelve
passengers, all women and children,
were injured when an elevator fell,
about 25 feet at the J. C. Penney de-
partment store in downtown Omaha
this afternoon.
the other battles, indicated it was
rising to a new pitch on intensity. The
Germans made their monthly boast
of U-boat and submarine sinkings,
926,600 tons. That, properly discount-
ed, was not alarming! Allied spokes-
men gave assurances that the margin
of new building over sinkings was
being maintained, perhaps even in-
creasing at a rising pace.
Annual Honors
To Be Given
At Convocation
The twentieth annual Honors Con-
vocation has been scheduled for 11
a.m. Friday, April 16, Mrs. Fanni
Kaufmann, Assistant to the Registrar,
announced yesterday.
Dr. Waldo Gifford Leland, director
of the American Council of Learned
Societies, will deliver the convocation
address on "Scholars In Govern-
Senior students who have attained
at least a "B" average and hold rank
in the highest ten per cent of their
classes in the various schools and
colleges of the University will be hon-
Junior, sophomore and freshman
honors are awarded to those students
who have attained an average equiva-
lent to at least half "A" and half "B"
Honors will be given for graduate
school students selected for distin-
quished scholarly work in special
Various awards will also be given
for outstanding work in special fields,
including chemistry, Latin and Greek,
and metallurgical engineering.
Invitations for the convocation are
being sent to the students and their
families this week.
Church Holds
Aptitude Test
Due Tuesday
'U' War Board Asks
Students To Return
All Blanks to League
Application forms distributed over
the weekend for the all campus apti-
tude test to be given April 13 must be.
returned to the War Information Of-
f ice in the League by Tuesday, the
University War Board said yesterday.
These examinations are the first of
their kind to be given by the Univer-
sity and are designed to give to each
student a comprehensive objective
measurement of his basic abilities.
The test will be written at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, April 13, in Hill Auditorium.
The examination period will run for
three hours.
Students who did not enter the Un-
iversity as freshmen-transfer stu-
dents, will be asked to write a second
test the following Thursday in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The battery of aptitude tests were
designed by University faculty mem-
bers and are being administered with-
out cost to the students.
The complete results will be made
available to each student so that he
may use them to best judge his proper
place in the armed services or in war
Vogyan To Give,
Organ Recital
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, of the
School of Music faculty, will be pre-
sented in a program by the Chicago
Club of Women Organists at 6:15 p.m.
tomdrrow in the First Congregational
Church of Oak Park, Illinois.
The program will begin with the
"Psalm XIX" ,py Marcello, which will
be followed by the "Concerto in D
Minor" by Vivaldi-Bach. Else Har-
than Arendt Seder will assist in the
program and will sing the solos from
Bach's Cantata No. 151, "Susser
Other numbers on the program will
be "Fantansie and Fugue in C Minor,"
byBach, Vierne's "Symphonic No. 6,"
and "Two Nocturnes" by DeLamater.
This will be Mrs. Vogan's. second
Chicago appearance this year. Last
June she played for the district con-
vention of the American Guild of
Organists. She will repeat the pro-
gram here April 14 in Hill Auditori-
Di dlw
o C E A N P AT R 0 L-Ready to drop shattering depth charges, Coast Guard planes soar over an
, outward bound merchant ship while their crewmen xwatch the water below for Axis subs.
Pure linen, cotton, or spun
rayon cloths in charming do-
imestic-looking prints. We have
them in all sizes with or without
10 Nickels Arcade Always Reasonably Priced
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Lutherans To Celebrate
Golden Jubilee Today
Two special golden jubilee services
will be held today at Trinity Evange-
lical Lutheran Church in celebration
of its fiftieth anniversary.
Dr. Elmer E. Flack, Th.D., S.T.M.,
dean of Hamma Divinity School at
Springfield, 0., will preach for the
regular Sunday service at 10:30 a.m.
on the subject "The Stability of the
Church." The Rev. Claudius Jensen,
president of Michigan Synod of the
United Lutheran Church, will speak
at the vesper service beginning at
6:30 p.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church is largely
the product of a University professor's
ideal. Prof. Carl W. Belser of the Se-
mitic Languages department, became
interested in establishing a Lutheran
Church conducted in English. The
first regular church service was held
on Easter' Sunday, April 2, 1893.
During the past ten years the
church has been served by the Rev.
Henry 0. Yoder who has also acted
as pastor for the Lutheran students
of the University.
John C. Vivian (above) of Colo-
rado ordered the state's selective
service to stop Induction of farm
workers in the state, charging
"chaotic confusion" In situation.
BLOOD FOR BATTLE LINES -An attendant loads
one of the refrigerated Church containers used to ship blood do-
nations to the laboratories where it is processed into plasma for
treating casualties in the U. S. armed forces. The containers pre;
vent changes in temperature, thus facilitating Red Cross program
for 4,000,000 donations this year.
their dining rooms within
the next week, unless they
can devise some means of
cutting expenses to the
* * *
SORS shine in politics too.
. . . Prof. Leigh J. Young
and Prof. John L. Brumm
are competing against each
other for mayor of Ann
Arbor in the election to be
held Monday . . . Prof.
Young, Republican incum-
bent, is professor of silvi-
culture in the forestry
school . . . Prof. Brumm,
Democratic candidate, is
chairman of the journal-
ism department.
* * *
campus are finding more
and more that they can do
for the war effort . . .
They are going to be or-
ganized next week to ful-
fill the University's part in
a national drive scheduled
to begin April 12 to loan
the government money to
meet the emergency loan
drives ... Gordon Griffith,
business staff, said that it
was the intention of the
faculty committee to ask
students to contribute to
the drive . . . His commit-
tee, which was appointed
by the Ann Arbor War
Finance Committee and is
made up of Prof. Leigh J.
to a dreary day of rain
and stuff.. . Tennis rack-
ets, shirt sleeves, bicycle
trips, baseball games and
other signs of spring have
been increasingly evident
during the past week . . .
Then the weather broad-
cast for Friday said "prob-
able snow flurries" . . . It
snowed, and snowed and
Victory" will be the topic
of the semi-annual Post-
War Conference sponsored'
by the Post-War Council
April 9-11 . . . Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the his-
tory department will give
the keynote address on
"International Govern-
ment" . . . Panel discus-
sions will be the order of
the day with many phases
of the post-war world be-
ing studied.
* * *
the speech department did
it again, ending their per-
formances of "Caste," Eng-
lish comedy by Thomas W.
Robertson, Saturday night
at the Lydia Mendelssohn.
.. .Janet Stickney played
the lead of Esther, the
daughter who marries into
society and John Babing-
ton was cast as her father
Eccles, crafty and lazy ...
Just another point for the
Ilyny"O" +nTT t. - +-I
that a common occur-
rence? . . . Campus capers
cut loose in a gala fun
day . . . Coeds appeared
for dinner in night shirts,
shorts, slacks, pajamas and
other such dress that just
"ain't nice for dinner" ...
In fact paper bags from
Goldman Bros. Cleaners
did for some of the Jordan
"bags" . . . Mosher gals
decked themselves out in
that there old traditional
Health Service style, com-
plete with the "angel
robes" and even wings ...
The waitresses at Helen
Newberry behaved in un-
ladylike fashion, retiring
to the sun parlor for a
little poker game . . . All
in all quite a time .. . But
the girls have all settled
back into their usual lady-
like selves.
* * *
MORE THAN 500 Uni-
versity students participa-
ted in the largest exam-
ination program in the
country when they wrote
the combined Army-Navy
examination in the Rack-
ham auditorium . . . The
exam was part of the na-
tion-wide program to se-
lect students for both the
Army's A-12 and Navy's
V-12 college training pro-
grams . . . After the tests
are graded, those men who
passed will be informed
was contributed to the Red
Cross by patriotic resi-
dents of Washtenaw Coun-
ty in a one-month fund
campaign which ended of-
ficially Wednesday . . .
Campaign Chairman Chas.
R. Henderson revealed
that Ann Arbor alone had
contributed $53,928.37 of
this month's total . . . This
amount does not include
the amount contributed by
some of the individual
* * *
WAY to increase the pres-
ent obstacle course for
PEM students here . . .
The object is to make the
course plenty tough but
safe enough to prevent in-
jury . . . The present ob-
stacle course is 120 yards
long and 16 feet wide ---
It will be increased to 350
yards with the addition of
new obstacles . . . Michi-
gan men are waking up
every morning with a new
muscle staring them in the
face ... But word from a
former Michigan State
athlete says that PEM and
Army exercise for the men
has nothing on the train-
ing that the WAAC is go-
ing through . . . He said
that they do twice as much
exercising and stand up
under it twice as well as
you Army men there .
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B R A Z I L I A N M A R I N E S-These are Brazilian marines-soldiers of the land and sea. They
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