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April 02, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-02

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Treachery in Pacific Is Expected

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U31AA AP S2,1943

Propaganda Is
Claimed To Be
Line of Attack
Nippon Needs Time
To Further Develop
'Prosperity Sphere'
Associated Press Correspondent
NEW YORK, April 1.-Many who
know what goes on on the Pacific
today are expressing a deep-seated
fear that Japan is planning new
treachery, this time on the propa-
ganda front.
:Vaving overrun a rich area which
she now needs to develop, Japan
would like a few years of peace to
prepare fo extension of her "pros-
perity sphere" to more of the world.
A stalemate in the war, or a deal
whereby she might even return the
Philippines (subject to later recap-
ture, of course) would fit Nippon's
long-range plans nicely, these ob-
servers say.
'Costly' Fighting Planned
Prior to Pearl Harbor the Japa-
nese made no bones about it-they
would make the fighting so costly
and the reward for a counter-offen-
sive so small that an otherwise im-
potent minority of appeasers in the
United States might be able to force
a deal.
Joseph C. Grew, our former am-
bassador in Tokyo, has hinted at this
Japanese program; others who have
come back from the Pacific front
have voiced the same concern.
From AP correspondent Clark
Lee's new book, "They Call It Paci-
fic," the following brief quote indi-
cates what may well be the official
philosophy of the Japanese Navy.
Admiral Tells Plan
Adniral Kanazawa said . to Lee,
who was on the battlefront before
and after the outbreak of war:
"We will fight inch by inch. We
will fight to the last man. We will
make the cost in blood, ships and
planes so frighteningly great that,
we believe, America will eventually
become discouraged.
"Te American people will say
that, after all, the Orient is a long
way off and perhaps Japan is the
logical nation to govern it. Then
our war will be won."
This conversation took place in
Shanghai months before Pearl Har-
bor. Many Japanese in high places
told me virtually the same thing in
For nine months before Pearl Har-
bor the Japanese government tried
to convince us that it had the mili-
tary under control.
'Businessman Cabinet' Likely
Such strategy is not impossible
again, through use of a so-called
businessman cabinet in Japan. The
logical time for such a development
would be after the collapse of Hit-
ler's European Empire.
. The ruse would be planned with
skill and fanfare. The military would
be out; the businessmen would be in
the saddle. In other words, men we
could trust. , Radio Tokyo would
flood the short-wave channels with
alleged interviews with captured
Americans that it was time to stop
the war and talk peace.
Thus far the Japanese have made
only one serious mistake in their
estimate of sentiment in the United
States. That was that we would be-
come discouraged through early re-
verses and would be willing to talk
peace on their terms.
Ruthven Gets

State Proposal
Special State Workers
May Be Trained Here
Garret Heyns, state corrections di-
rector, and Edward H. Litchfield, as-
sistant states civil service director,
jointly submitted to President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven a proposal yester-
day to have the University train 15
to 20 students each year for correc-
tions administrative positions.
This was the first attempt to train
techincal employes for specific state
positions ever launched. In comment-
ing on the program Litchfield said,
"The University is interested and
hopes to start the program next fall."
The proposal would call for stu-
dents to specialize in the last college
years, following a groundwork of lib-
eral education in subjects that fit
them for specific state jobs.
Elementary psychiatry, criminol-
ogy, prision management, statistics,
accounting, vocational guidance,
rural sociology, metropolitan com-
munities and mental measuresments
are the subjects which would be in-
cluded in the corrections fields.
Similar programs for workers in
state hosnitals. welfare. ersonnel.

Dr. Kraus Will
Speak at Mock
World Congress
Dr. Wolfgang Kraus of the politi-
cal science department will open the
all-campus World Congress sponsored
by the Wesleyan Foundation when
he will discuss the political organiza-
tion of the post-war world at 2 p.m.
tomorrow in the First Methodist
This "mock" congress is different
from the ordinary conference in that
each student will consider himself a
representative of an Axis power or
one of the United Nations-Great
Britain, China, the United States and
Russia. Resolutions and bills to be
presented to the general assembly at
7:30 p.m. Saturday will be consideredI
and debated from the point of view
of the nations they represented.
Leaders of the four groups which
will frame the bills are George F.
Liechty, Hobart Taylor, '43L, Gregor
Hileman, '43, and Harold Sokwitne,
'45. Bill Muehl, acting director of
the Student Religious Association,
will be the speaker of the congress.
At the concluding meeting of the
congress, which will begin at 6:30
p.m. Sunday, mimeographed copies
of the four resolutions will be pre-
sented to the delegates and a "free-
for-all" discussion will follow.
The proposed bills will probably
include provisions for oppressed min-
orities, resettlement of refugees, post-
war food distribution, and recommen-
dations for a world federation, Gregor
Hileman, one of the resource leaders,
said yesterday.
Prof. Kenneth G. Hance of the
speech department, several Protes-
tant church guilds, Hillel Foundation
and the Post-War Council have co-
operated in planning the conference.
County Red Cross
Total Is $83,610.63
A total of $83,610.63 was contribu-
ted to the Red Cross by patriotic resi-
dents of Washtenaw County in a one-
month fund campaign which ended
officially Wednesday.
Campaign Chairman Charles R.,
Henderson revealed that Ann Arbor
alone had contributed $53,928.37 of
this month's total. This amount is
larger than the $53,000 total assigned
to the entire county by the American
Red Cross National Headquarters.
This report does not include the
amount contributed by some of the
individual townships nor an estimat-
ed $5,000 to $10,000 collected .as
Washtenaw County's share of the
special May Red Cross Drive in the
Willow Run bomber plant.
Chairman Henderson stated that
he expects the county to have at-
tained more than $90,000 before the
lbooks on the campaign are closed.

They Fight for the British Now

Greek Brothers Find Answer
To Food Problem in Cooperation

Of the 33 fraternities on the Michi-
gan campus, only 21 are serving meals
in their own dining roms, and these
few houses are serving only 550 men,
compared with the 1,000 fraternity
men eating in their houses at the
beginning of the semester.
The cause of this decided drop in
fraternity representation on campus
is naturally due to the war, and the
effect has been to see fraternities co-
operating with each other so that
they might still hold their houses to-
gether. With the kitchen closed,
many houses declared they have
found it difficult to keep the frater-
nity members united.
The houses are now pooling their
resources, money, and coupons so
that they may eat together. While
one dining room stays closed, the
other feeds twenty or thirty men. In

this way, the houses eat as a unit,
and "We're all happier."
Statistics on the number of men
eating in the houses at present reveal
that the fraternity representation on
campus has dropped in half. Despite
this decrease in membership, the
houses have managed to keep their
dining rooms open, at least until the
recent departure of the ERC and the
Advanced ROTC. Since these two
units of men have left for the armed
forces, seven fraternities have closed
their dining rooms.
Further inquiry reveale thave
additional fraternities expect to close
their dining roms within the next
week, unless they can devise some
means of cutting expenses to the
bone. In this respect they look to
food rationing for help, hoping that
the decrease in food allowed to each
member may cut operating costs.

These Senussi Arabs of the Arab Police Garrison once fought for the Italians but with the ousting of the
Axis from the area they deserted to join the British.
-New Graduate Awards Announced

The annual University scholarship
and fellowship awards were made
public yesterday by Dean Clarence
Yoakum of the Graduate School.
The awards were made by the Ex-
ecutive Board of the Graduate School
and are for 1943-44 beginning with
the coming summer semester.
Following is the complete list:
Predoctoral Fellowships of $1,000 (2
Terms): Lynn Ulfred Albers, Denver,
Col.; Mark Whitezel Bills, Lewisville,
Ind.; Maud Eva Callis, Leipsig, Ger-
many (Ann Arbor); John Frederick
Ebelke, Toropy, Brazil; Isabella Helen
Lugoski, Detroit; Hugh Zeno Norton,
Rensselaer, N.Y.; Michael Joseph
Rzasa, Shelton, Conn.; Harriet Eliza-
beth Smith, Coldwell, Id.
University Fellowships of $300 to
$750: Vera Vessey Andrews, Colorado
Springs, Colo.; Margaret Elizabeth
Bertsch, SouthBend, Ind.; Robert
Mitchell Biggs, Detroit; L. June
Bjorklund, Rockford, Ill.; Kathleen
Ethelwyn Butcher, Ontario, Can.;
Jean Marshall Campbell, Ann Arbor;
Mary-Elizabeth Cater, Atlanta, Ga.;
Ralph Dunbar Eberly, Norfolk, Va.;
Helen Laura Foster, Adrian; Christos
Aristides Fotias, Grand Rapids; Sara
Jeanne Hauke, Detroit; Joan Emily
Hirsh, Kansas City, Mo.; Mary Noka
Hood, Scottsville, Ky.; Leonard Gus-
tave Johnson, Negaunee; Hung-yu
Loh, Shanghai, China; Leta Linn Mc-
Kinney, Los Angeles, Calif.; Ruth
May McMullen, Warsaw, N.Y.; Gloria

Domingo Manalo, Philippine Islands;'
Gerald Wayne Maxwell, Yates City,
Ill.; Harriet Louise Mehaffey, Boston,
Mass.; Marie Evelyn Nymen, Chicago,
Ill.; Jack Vincent Pierce, Kalamazoo;
Eugene Roberts, Ekatirinadar, Rus-
sia; Leo Morton Shames, Ann Arbor;
Cedomir M. Sliepcevitch, Anaconda,
Mont.; Harry Herman Steinhauser,
Princeton, N.J.; Emma Lou Thorn-
brough, Indianapolis, Ind.; Chi-Mou
Tsang, Chengtu Sze, China; Suzanne
Elizabeth A. van Dyke, Forest Hills,
N.Y.; Bertus Harry Wabeke, The
Hague, Holland; Hideo Yoshihara,
Denson, Ark.
University Scholarships (Tuition)
(3 Terms): Margaret 'Foster Ball,
East. Lansing; Arselia Marie Block,,
Indianola, Ill.; Ella Louise Bradford,
Baldwin City, Kan., Frances Renee
Brand, Providence, R. I.; Gloria
Gwendolyn Brontman, Toronto,
Can.; Marcella Cooper, Meadville,
Pa.; Hester Ann Cooper, Baltimore,
Md.; Laing Gray Cowan, Toronto,
Ont.; Felice Hilda Davidson, North-
ampton, Mass.; Obdulia Victoria
Doan, Tucson. Ariz., James Moyer
Duncan, Gainsville, Fla.; Robert
Simion Feldman, Utica, N.Y.; Flor-
ence Szuba Fletcher, Athens, 0.;
Elaine Glass, Ann Arbor; Eleanor
Jane Goltz, St. Paul, 'Minn.;
Audrey June Heimbach, Madison,
Wis.; Evelyn Rose Hyde, Brook-
lyn, N.Y.; Mabel Beatrice Kempf,
Chicago Heights, Ill.; Evelyn Kos-

soff, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Miriam Am-
alie Lipschutz, Scheveningen, Hol-
land; Betty Jane Meggers, Philadel-
phia, Pa.; Frances Van Every, 'Bryn
Mawr, Pa.; Eva Lili Mueller, Hart-
ford, Conn.; Theodore Peters, Jr.,
Bethlehem, Pa.; Thomas Harrington
Pigford, Atlanta, Ga.;. Gretchen .Len-
ore Poore, Champaign,.Ill.;.Rona El-
len Ratner, Los Angeles, Calif.; Jack
Alvin Rhodes, Norman, OkIla.; Charles
Marvin Richards, :Boulder, -Colo.;
Julia Adelai Roberts,;.Alentpwn, Pa.;
Bernadine Lee Sewell, 'Athens, 0.;
George Robert Shepl erd,:Holly*Wood,
Fla.; Ann Elizabeth:Stauffer, Kla-
mazoo; Wolf-Dietrich von ,Otter-
stedt, Austinburg, 0.; Dorothy Eloise
Westlund, Kalamazpo. ,-.
State College Scholarships of $400
(2 Terms): Adrian College, Helen
Elizabeth Stephenson; Albin Ccl-
lege, Miriam StockWell; Allna Col-
lege, Virginia Elizabeth Reilbrg; Cen-
tral Michigan Collegecof Education,
Jenpie Ellen Master; HilIsdaIe Col-
lege, Eldon Ludvig- -Alexanderson;
Hope College, Edit i Ellen Klaaren;
Kalamazoo College, Elinore Hoven;
Michigan State College, Leonard Wil-
liam Semrau; Michigan State Nor-
mal College, L. Marie Turner; North-
ern Michigan College of Education,
Barbara Dorothy Smith; University
of Detroit, George Peter' Martin;
Wayne University, Solveig Margaret
Larsson; Western, Michigan College
of Education, Janet Mary Gray.

Such smart little toughi~a
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Black, Tan,
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As rugged as they are good lookig, the7 fitpor.
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Foot Saver Skiffies today?
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Brisk little shoes that are good
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To feel right in the swing wit his n
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air fabric, and butcher boy linen, in checks
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soon in Vogue and

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