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April 02, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-04-02

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

The general on the home front.

National Advertising Service, Inc-
College Publishers Representative

Editorial Staff

John Erlewine.
,4ud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford
Charlotte Conover
tic Zalenski
Betty Harvey
James Conant
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg.-

. Managing Editor
* . . Editorial Direct~or
City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . . Columnist

507Je34 60t
Isolationism Not Dead..
Seemingly, Isolationism is not
dead on our campus. For of the
students polled this week, 47% ei-
ther do not want, or are indifferent
to, the Senate's enunciating now
a policy of post-war International-
Perhaps some of these students,
thinking that all post-war plan-
ning should follow victory, voted
thus because of the word now. But
if the United Nations hope to ef-
feet a durable peace, they, altho
concentrating on the prosecution
of the war, must recognize and
consider the singularly moment-
ous problems lying over the thresh-
old of victory. The mere product
of the peace table, undeveloped by
time, may well find people insuf-
ficiently prepared emotionally to
receive it-witness 1919. Further-
more, by passing of the Ball Reso-
lution, for example, the Senate
would not only indicate an aware-
ness of these problems, but would
provide an inspirational clarifica-
tion of our war aims.
However, it is likely that most
of these students are simply op-
posed to Internationalism. We are
appalled that so many fail to real-
ize that this is not just a war of
survival, but that we are commit-
ted to the ideals of the Atlantic
Charter. Our leaders have pro-
claimed to our servicemen that
they are fighting, not for a return
to "normalcy", but for a new world
based on cooperation. Wehave
been told, moreover, that a return
to Isolationism in tomorrow's world
is not only politically foolish but
economically impossible. And still
some of us adhere to it!
This shortsightedness on the
part of college students, presjim-
ably the leaders of tomorrow, por-
tends danger. If we really want
this to be a lasting peace, we must
accept our responsibility to think
clearly and realistically.
- Harold Sokwitne

Business Staff
Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager

Tm. Req. U S. P . Off

WASHINGTON, April 2.-Fear-
ing possible outbreaks in the coal-
mining states, the- War Depart-
ment has made secret preparations
to use troops if necessary.
But Ed McGrady, crack labor
adviser to the Undersecretary of
War, feels that the best way to
keep order in the mining dis-
tricts is to talk to the miners in
their own language. Formerly
Assistant Secretary of Labor, he
suggested to the War. Depart-
ment that instead of using
troops, he be commissioned as a
one-man army to keep order.
Accordingly, Ed McGrady has
left for the' coal areas, to keep his
finger on the pulse of the coal
miners-and to keep that pulse
Ladies First
At the White House, Mrs. Roose,
velt was chatting with Madame
Chiang Kai-shek. Said the First
Lady of the United States: "I was
offered $1,56b, to write a maga-
zine article giving my impressions
of you."
Smiling, the First Lady of China'
replied, "I was offered $3,000 to
write a magazine article giving
my impressions of you."
Both were ladies. They had both
declined to write about each oth-
Food Czar II
Friends who , know Chester
Davis, the new farm tar, say he
is the best qualified man for the
job-which probably is about the
toughest in the country.
But they also wonder whether
Davis is going to have the brass-
knuckles to put farms on a com-
plete war footing,
Chester, as he is called in Wash-
ington where almost everyone
knows andlikes him, is an Unusual
mixture.-When he was on the Na-

tional Defense Advisory Commit-
tee in the old pre-war days with
Big Bill Knudsen, he tangled with
Knudsen about the concentration
of war contracts in the hands of
a few big corporations. He wanted
them spread out among many
firms, as the British did. And his-
tory has proved he was right.
Chester Davis also bucked the
chemical trust when it moved
heaven and earth to block the pro-
duction of ammonia under the
TVA. And even in those early days
before Pearl Harbor he demanded
more farm production, with the
abandonment of crop controls.
Cotton Is Still King
On the other hand, Chester Davis
always has been a staunch Farm
Bureau man. And the Farm Bu-
reau Federation represents the
aristocracy of agriculture. Among
other things it represents the cot-
ton farmers, and the biggest nut
to crack in converting agriculture
to war basis is the cotton bloc.
At present the country has a
huge surplus of short staple cotton,
but because of the cotton bloc the
Government still is pegging the
price at a point where it is not
profitable to raise other crops. If
part of this huge cotton acreage
were diverted to corn, hogs, pea-
nuts, cattle, the food shortage
would disappear. The South can
grow almost anything. But Ed
O'Neal, President of the Farm Bu-
reau, most powerful farm lobby in
Washington, demands that the
price of cotton artifically be kept
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.)
Australia, through reciprocal aid,
has furnished American forces with
more than 26 million pounds of fresh
meats, 20 million pounds of potatoes,
'25 million pounds of fruit, and al-
most 51/2 million quarts of milk.'

Telephone 23-24.1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. 943 Chicaeo Times. int

Farm Bloc Activities
Threaten Firm Economy
D ESPITE the Senate's recent side-tracking of
the Pace Bill, the powerful farm bloc is still
holding an ace up its sleeve. Playing all the
angles of the game, the farm bloc intentionally
maneuvered a withdrawal of Pace's proposal,
which would add 14% to farm prices, in order
to better the chances of getting the Bankhead
Bill passed, which would increase farm prices
only 7%.
The farm leaders, realizing that the Adminis-
tration has them temporarily on the spot by link-
ing the farm price increase bills with the Lewis
demand for increased coal miners' wages, quietly
bowed out of the picture until the coal dispute is
settled-preferably in favor of the miners. After
Lewis's demands are satisfied, they can send the
Pace Bill back to the floor from the friendly
Senate Agricultural Committee which pigeon-
holed it.
UTWARDLY seething and inwardly smirking
.while biding its time, the farm bloc is now
devoting its efforts to force passage of the less
objectionable Bankhead Bill.
'But this bill, like the Pace proposal, would
alone break the price ceilings and make control
of wages impossible. The lid on the boiling
kettle of inflation would be removed once and
for all, and the Administration's task of trying
to keep our economy on a firm footing would
be made practically impossible.
These are activities which open-eyed Ameri-
cans should not ignore, for they represent a
minority attempt to pull wool over the eyes of
their countrymen.- Claire Sherman
Definite Post-War Policy
Favored by Student Poll
THE THIRD in a series of student opinion polls
on post-war problems sponsored by the Post-
War Council in conjunction with The Daily was
taken this week.
Following are the results of the poll with an
interpretative statement by Prof. James K. Pol-
lock of the political science department.
Question: Do you want the Senate now to
declare a policy for the United States to follow
after the war, declaring specifically our stand
on Internationalism?
Yes ............... .............52.08%
No........ .. ..............41.56%
No Opinion .... .................6.36%
Prof. Pollock's Analysis ..
THE MOST recent student opinion poll discloses
a rather close division of opinion on the cam-
pus about declaring at this time our policy to-
ward post-war international collaboration. The
Gallup Poll for the country as a whole showed a
much higher "yes" vote, and so did the poll of the
Natural Opinion Research Center in Denver and
the poll in the Woman's Home Companion on
similar topics. It seems that this campus has
rather serious doubts as to the ability of the Sen-
ate to help the situation at this time.
Perhaps thelarger point which underlies this
question. namely, whether present uncertainty
about America's probable post-war attitude is
weakening the unity of the United Nations and'
thus injuring the war effort, was not too clearly

College President Gives
Aims, Policies of NWLB1
(Editor's Note: The following article, stating the
aims and policies of the National war Labor Board,
was written especially for the collegiate press by
Dr. Frank Porter Graham, president of the Univer-
sltv f North Carolina, and a public memer of
twoWL#. ' i
IT IS TO ME significant and hopeful for the
future of freedom and democracy in America
that college students are keenly interested in
public affairs. The National War Labor Board
is one of the agencies which is grappling with
the hottest issues of industrial relations on the
home front.
Our country, already in the throes of industrial
travail in those dark December days of 1941, was
on Dec. 7 shaken to the very foundations of its
faith and life. Out of the shock of Pearl Harbor
was born the National War Labor Board. In the
National crisis, the President of the United States
called the epochal conference of the representa-
tives of labor and industry, who, with the public
co-chairmen, adopted the agreement that there
shall be no strikes and no lockouts for the dura-
tion of the war, and that all disputes shall be
settled by peaceful means before a national war
labor board.
No strike since that agreement has had the
sanction of a responsible leader of American
labor. In the year since that agreement the
loss in man-hours due to strikes in the war
industries was 6/100 of one per cent, one of
the most remarkable records in the industrial
history of our times. This record of compara-
tively no strikes and lockouts is due to the fact,
first that American labor and American bus-
iness are both in the main genuinely patriotic
and all out to win the war; and second, that
labor, management and the public have equal
representation, voice and weight in the con-
sideration and decision in all cases.
T HE INDUSTRY and labor members of the
Board go into the facts and merits of the
cases as they see them, with the public members
in between trying to be as objective, thorough
and fair as human limitations permit. Once the
decision has been made, the decision of the
majority becomes the decision of the Board with
the support of all members.
The National War Labor Board is the only
Government Board on which labor, industry
and the public have equal representation, voice
and voting power in both discussions and deci-
sions. With all its limitations and frustra-
tions, it is at once both a pioneer social device
for winning the war and a prophetic example
of the democratic idea for which the war must
be won.
THIS tripartite board has, in the interest of
maximum production for winning this war,
worked gropingly at first but relentlessly more
clearly toward a great two-fold stabilization:
first, the stabilization of union-management re-
lations through a balanced and fair maintenance
of membership provision voluntarily accepted by
the workers as a substitute for a fight to the
bitter end over the union shop; and second, the
flexible and fair stabilization of wages through
adjustments of maladjustments, gross inequities
and substandard wages in the interest of health,
efficiency and a more robust drive for winning
the war.

P"d Rather
Be Right
Danes have just been allowed by Germany to
vote. This little country, with less than 4,000,000
people, this tiny captive country has been given
a privilege which you in Italy do not have. Is it
not odd, Italians, that a little country which has
been captured by the axis should have rights
which the citizens of great Italy, full partner in
the axis, do not have?
Italians! Who is the master and who is the
slave? Is it not strange that the master coun-
tries of the axis are not permitted to have elec-
tions, while a slave country of the axis is allowed
to have them?
And now, Italians, you must ask yourselves
why this should be so. Why is the new order
so much kinder to Denmark than to Italy?
Italians! The reason is clear. The new order
fears Denmark's capacity to make trouble;
yes, even the capacity of a little country of less
than 4,000,000 people to maike trouble. Even
4,000,000 people can be dangerous, when they
are 4,000,000 people who have never disguised
their hatred; 4,000,000 who have promised
nothing to the masters.
Here is the paradox of conquest, Italians: The
masters feel they must do more for the slaves, to
keep them from rising, than they need do for you.
If an Italian stands up for his rights, another
Italian will arrest him, a third Italian will judge
him, and a fourth Italian will shoot him. But
Germany cannot find Danes to do this dirty work
in Denmark, so 4,000,000 Danes are more greatly
feared by the new order than 40,000,000 Italians.
Who need give any privileges to Italians? Who
has to worry about Italians? Italians are holding
down the Italians.
Italians! Of the Danish voters, 95 per cent
have voted against the Nazis. They have said
openly, at the voting places, what you only dare
to think secretly in the bottoms of your hearts.
And you are the masters, and they are the con-
It is a strange thing, Italians, how many
privileges even slaves can win, so long as they
do not accept their slavery. France lost. You
helped td defeat her. But because the French
would not accept slavery, the Vichy govern-
ment collapsed, and France now has spokes-
men among us, the Allies, to speak for her
people. You, the conquerors, the victors, d-6,
not even have that. Your government is the
only Vichy government that really works. It
holds Italy for Hitler, as he wanted Vichy to
hold France for him.
The clever stratagem that failed among the
conquered succeeds among the conquerors. Who
has won, Italians, and who has lost?
Italians! The Frenchmen, who have been con-
quered, do not have to go to Russia to fight. The
Danes can stay at home. They can even (by all
that is incredible under the broad sky over Eur-
ope!) stay home and vote. They can stay home
and say they don't like Nazis, while you have
the privilege of keeping your mouths closed and
marching to the eastern front.
And the Danes and Frenchmen have addi-
tional privileges. They have the privilege of
hoping that Russia will win. They have the
privilege of being dissociated from you in your


(Continued from Page 2)
English 109. American English. Marck-
wardt. Angell Hall Study Hall.
English 112. Milton. Humphreys. Angell
Hall Study Hall.
English 121. English literature 1798-1832.
Weaver. Angell Hall Study Hall.
English 124. Masterpieces of literatu're in
English. Weaver. Angell Hall Study
English 128. English literature of the Vic-
torian period. Litzenberg. Angell Hall
Study Hall.
English 182. American literature since
1870. Williams. Angell Hall Study Hall.
English 198. Honors course for seniors.
Humphreys. Angell Hall Study Hall.
French 164. Contemporary France. Mc-
Laughlin. Angell Hall Study Hall.
French 166. French -literature of the 19th
century. Denkinger. Angell Hall Study
Fine Arts 192. Art of China. Plumer.
Grad. R. R. 1.
Fine Arts 204. Potter's Art in China. Plu-
mer. Grad. R. R. 1.
Geography 74. Geography of Europe. Kiss.
Study Hall, General Library.
German 81.- Outstanding German drama.
Reichert. Angell Hall Study Hall.
German 82. Modern German plays and
stories. Wahr. Angell Hall Study Hall.
German 156. History of German literature.
Wahr. Angell Hall Study Hall.
History 106. Intellectual history of medie-
val Europe. Throop. Angell Hall Study
History 150. British Empire and Common-
wealth. DeVries. Angell Hall Study
History 154. Constitutional and legal his-
tory of Europe. Willcox. Angell Hall
Study Hall.
History 172. Military history of the United
States. Boak. Study Hall, General
History 178. Anti-slavery movement. Du-
mond. Study Hall, General Library.
History 182. U.S. from the Spanish-Ameri-
can War. Dumond. Study Hall, Gen-
eral Library.
History 190. Hispanic America. Aiton.
Study Hall, General Library.
Honors 101.*
Honors 103. Rice. Grad. R. R. 2.
Oriental Lang. 52. Elements of ' Malay.
Senstius. Angell Hall Study Hall
Oriental Lang. 60. Linguistic techniques.
Haas. Angell Hall Study Hall.
Oriental Lang. 108. Mohammedan civil-
ization and religion. Worrell. Grad.
R. R. 1.
Oriental Lang. 148. Japanese language.
Yarnagiwa. Angell Hall StudyHall.,
Oriental Lang. -150. Japanese language.
Yamagiwa. Angell Hall Study Hall.
Oriental Lang. 190. Elementary Japanese
language. Yamagiwa. Angell Hall
Study Hall.
Political Sci. 52. .Continental European
government. Kraus. Angell Hall Study
Political Sci. 67. International politics.
I Gale. Angell Hall Study Hall.
Political Sci. 96. Political biography. Cun-
cannoni. Grad. R. R,. 4.
Political 98. Reading course for seniors.
Gale. Angell HallI S. H.
Political Sci. 122. American constitutional
law. Dorr. Grad. R. R. 4.

Sociology 198. Sociological aspects of post-
war problems. Hawley. Study Hall,
General Library.
Social studies 93. Problems of the war and
of the peace. Dodge. Angell Hall
Study Hall.
Spanish 81. Spanish and Spanish Amerl-
can life.. Mercado and Albaladejo.
Study Hall, General Library.
Spanish 91. Spanish literature of 19th
century. Kenyon. Study Hall, Gen-
eral Library.
Spanish 92. Spanish literature of 19th
century. Eddy. Study Hall, General
Spanish 166. Spanish grammar for teach-
ers. Lincoln. Gradf. kB. 2.
Spanish 172. Modern Spanish novel. Linc-
. oln. Grad. R. R. 2.
Warner G. Rice
Students, College of Engineering: The
OUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 3.
A course may be dropped only with the
permission. of the classifier, after confer-
ence with the instructor.'
A. ff. Lovell, Secretary
Students, .College of Engineering: The
final day for-- REMOVAL OF INCOM-
PLETES will be Saturday, April 3. Pet!-
tions for extension of fUilie must be on
file in the Secretary's -before that date.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
School of Education Freshmen: Courses
dropped after Saturday, April 3; will be
recorded with the grade of- E except un -
der extraordinary circumstances. No
course Is considered dropped unless It has
been reported in the' office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
Freshmeni, C6olege of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Freshrrien nisy not
drop courses without E grade after Satur-
day, April 3. In administering this rule,
students with less than 24 hours of credit
are considered freshmen. Exceptions may
be made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long-continued illness.
--E. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
Doctoral Examination for Robert Cragin
Ball, Zoology; thesis: "Relationship of the
Invertebrate Fauna to the Fish Popula-
tiori in Third 'Sistee' Lake, Washtenaw
County, Michigan," will be held on Sat-
urday, April 3, in '309 Naturii Science,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, P. S. WelchA.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties find advanced' doctoral candi-
dates to, attend: the examination and he
may' grant permission to those. who for
sufficient reason might wish to be pres-
C. S. Yoakum
Physical Education for Women: Stu-
dtents in the ARec6reational Leadership
class should report dressed in play clothes
May Festival- Tickets: Beginning Mon-
day morning, April 5, at 9:00 o'clock,
samuitaneously- with the continued sale

tenor, soloists. Conductors: Ormandy and
Van Deursen.
Third Concert, Friday afternoon;. Astrid
varnay, soprano, soloist. Saul Caston,
Fourth Concert, Friday evening: Lily
Pons, soprano; Saul Caston, Conductor.
Fifth Concert, Saturday afternoon: Vlad-
imir Horowitz, pianist; Ormandy, Con-
Sixth Concert, Saturday evenAng: Ver-
di's "Requiem" with Stella Roman, Ker-
Atin Thorborg, Frederick Jagel, and Alex-
ander Kipnis, soloists. Ormandy, Con-
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition: Examples of Landscape Ar-
chitecture and Planning furnished by the
Michigan Department of Conservation,
State Parks Division; Michigan State
Highway Department, Huron-Clinton Met-
ropolitan Authority, Michigan State Plan-
ning Commission, Detroit City Plan Coin
mission, Department of Parks, etc., will
be on exhibit in the Exhibition Hall, third
floor, Architecture Building, through Sat-
urday of this week.
The Division of the Social Sciences is
sponsoring a symposium on contemporary
Germany, with Dr. Hans Simons of the
,New School forSocial Research as the
principal speaker, today at 4 :00 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. All members
of the Division are cordially invited and
may bring guests if they desire.
The regular Friday afternoon Coffee
Hour will be held in the Library at Lane
Hall today from 4:30-6:00 p.m. All stu-
dents are welcome.
The Surgical Dressing Unit will be open
this afternoon, 1:00-5:00, in the Game
Room of the League. All women wishing
to help make surgical dressings for the
American Red Cross are urged to come.
Coming Events
The Spring Initiation and Dinner of Phi
Kappa Phi Honor Society will be held
Friday, April 30, at 6:00 p.m. in the ball-
room of the Michigan League. The address
will be given by Dr. Malcolm H. Soule,
Professor of Bacteriology and Chairman
of the Hygienic Laboratory. All members
of Phi Kappa Phi are invited. Tickets
may be purchased and reservations made
by mail, addressed to the Secretary, Mary
C. Van Tuyl, 3123 Natural Science Bldg.,
or by calling University Extension 316.
The Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, April 5, at -7:30 p.m. In the
West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. The
program is in charge of the psychology
The Saturday Luncheon Group will
meet at 12:15 p.m. at Lane Hall for a dis-
cussion of the Protestant viewpoint of
"The Existence and Nature of God" as
presentedsby Dr.Richard Niebuhr in hi
lecture Friday evening. Reservations must
be made -at Lane Hall by 10:00 a.m. Satur-

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