P4i4~P; ~T% THE MICHIGAN DAILY APPIL i. i' 4S =mammas=* congress To Map Woi Organization Wesley Foundation To Sponsor Discussion of Post-War Federation Something new in the way of con- ferences will be held this weekend when students from all over the cam- pus meet at Wesley Foundation to discuss the question of the organiza- tion and powers to be delegated to a post-war world federation. Called a "mock congress," this con- ference is unique in that students who will consider themselves representa- tives of some of the Axis powers and the four United Nations-Great Brit- ain, China, Russia and the United States. Each resolution and bill pre- sented before the general assembly will be considered from the point of view of the representatives' govern- ment. I Dr. Wolfgang Kraus of the political science department will open the con- ference with the keynote address at 2 p.m. Saturday. Bill Mueh, acting director of the Student Religious As- sociation, will be the congress chair- man. Following Dr. Kraus' address, the delegates will break up into four groups to work out bills on the prob- lem of an international federation. Leaders of these groups include George F. Liechty, Hobart Taylor, '43L, Gregor Hileman, '43 and Harold Sokwitne, '45. All bills will then be presented to a general assembly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The concluding meet- ing of the conference will open at 6 p.m, Sunday when all delegates meet for a 'free-for-all" discussion of the four proposed plans. These proposals will probably include a plan for re- settlement of refugees and a redis- tribution of world territory.. Dr. Kenneth G. Hance of the speech department is working with the committee planning the confer- ence. Rabbi Adler To Speak at Hillel "The Problems of Jewish Marriage" is the topic with which Rabbi Morris Adler, of Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Detroit, will open the third annual Marriage Lecture Series at 8:30 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Adler graduated from the City College of New York in 1929 and then attended the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York from which he graduated with distinction in 1935. Aviation Cadets Replace MSC Student Enrollment EAST LANSING, March 31.-()- Michigan State College's civilian en- rollment as the spring term opened today had dwindled to 3,710 as com- pared with 5,491 last spring, but the campus was as crowded as ever thanks to the recent arrival of 1,500 Army Aviation Cadets. Varga'.Special British First PoicV Ped Amiy Advances By Lecturer Dr. Eduardo da Cruz Says Brazilians Have 'Sense of Freedom' "The result of President Vargas' administration was to instill in the Brazilians democratic and social consciousness in some ways more profound than in the United States," Dr. Eduardo Guidao da Cruz stated in a lecture yesterday. "Brazil is now a democracy," he continued, "because the people have gained a sense of freedom deep in their hearts. In America, there still remains a certain prejudice for race, creed, and color which does not exist in Brazil." "President Vargas has been con- tinually trying to keep ahead of President Roosevelt in political evo- lution," he remarked. "His first step was to establish social insurance reaching over 2,500,000 people in 1942." "The social insurance policy of President Vargas is the main factor which sustained him in office for these twelve years, and helped in the preservation of Brazilian democratic principles. Practically all his social legislation was developed to counter- act the distinct Communistic move- ment prevailing among Brazilian laborers!" "The two main principles applied by Vargas in his social insurance program was the unification of all institutions in geographical depart- ments, and the creation of an insti- tution taking over the investment of all funds," Dr. da Cruz added. Sem inar Will Discuss India Orhan Bati To Speak On Mohammedanism The first of a series of seminars on Oriental Religion to discuss the prob- lem of independence for India, will be held at 7:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall, under the sponsorship of the Student Religious Association. Orhan Bati, Grad, of Istanbul, Turkey, will speak on "Mohamme- danism and the Influence Which It Exerts on Modern Culture in the Near East." The argument used by those oppos- ing Indian freedom is that the Mos- lems and Hindus are irreconcilably opposed to each other. CAP Planes Will Do Courier Service A courier service, designed for emergency air transportation of vital materials and personnel, will be in- augurated today in Washtenaw Coun- ty by the Civil Air Patrol. Planes flying for the service are limited only by the boundaries of the United States. The service in other sections of the country, has been credited with averting numer- ous production stoppages, Ronald Hinterman, adjutant of the Ann Ar- bor CAP, said. Recaptures edjeane As Rommel Retreats (Continued from Page 1) coastal junction with the British Eighth Army. Rommel's main forces appeared to be making a hurried flight in open country northward toward Sfax, 70 miles above the onrushing British vanguards, and the coastal road was reported strewn with many enemy bodies and wrecked machines-vic- tims of a ceaseless- shuttle-bombing by American and British airmen. The Eighth Army captured Met- ouia and Oudref, the latter 12 miles north of Gabes, early yesterday morning and advanced units swept on to contact "hastily prepared en- emy defenses," the communique said. Italian rear guards left by Rom- mel in between these two Allied arm- ies appear to be cut off unless they make a precipitate withdrawal through mountain trails leading northeastward out of the pocket. House Says 'No' To Clare Luce (Continued from Page 1) Why, a taxpayer earning a million dollars a year would have to pay $1,023,100 in taxes each year for 5 years, or more than he gets. "This just shows what a mess is created when half-baked ideas are tossed in here by someone who doesn't know anything about taxes." The House whooped with joy. From all parts of the chamber came cries: "vote, vote, vote!" When the chairman asked for "those in favor of this amendment," you could have heard a hairnet drop. When he said "those opposed?"- well, if you didn't have your ear- muffs along you could tell that.if Clare ever wins a popularity contest in Congress,it won't be next week. Students, Do Murals For Air Corps Men Twenty-six University students have brightened the days for the air corps men at Willow Run-not by furnishing dates or sending books, but by painting 3 murals and 30 side panels for two recreation rooms. It all started last November when the Red Cross suggested to Miss Ethel McCormick, director of the League, that It wouldn't be a bad idea if someone painted a few murals for the bare walls of the Willow Run ground school. With the Red Cross furnishing the money and the School of Architecture supplying the artists, the murals were completed this week and will be hung on the walls next Monday. The "unveiling" will take place at 4:30 p.m. today in the third floor dis- play room of the architechture school. Students wh worked on the three murals included Gertrude Conover, '43A, Aileen Olsen, '43A, Joan Clem- ent, '44, Betty Kefgen, '43Ed, Steve Michael, '43A, and Eleanor Kuivenen, '43A. Twenty other students com- pleted the side panels. ASSOCIATED POCTUR E RES S NEWSM THIS HOLLYWOOD STARLET makes exercise look easy, or per- haps it's because she's easy to look at. PEW was never like this. INTERNATIONAL CODE FLAGS are hoisted by: a Coast Guards- man aboard a cutter somewhere at sea to communicate with other ves- sels of a foreign-bound merchant convoy. Use of the radio is barred because of the submarine menace. se ae ao 0VX v e Oll VICE-PRESIDENT HENRY A. WALLACE, speaking in Chile, said that after the war U.S. investments in Latin America should be under the control of "an international board." \ ~, REP. HAROLD KNUTSON (R-Minn), leader in the unsuccessful drive for the Rumi pay-as-you-go tax plan, confers with Rep. Frank Carlson (R-Kans) (right), father of the bill incorporating the Ruml plan.