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February 12, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-12

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

V for Victory



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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative

Editorial Staff
John Erlewine. . . Managing Editor
Irving Jaffe . . . . . . Editorial Director
Bud Brimmer , . . . . City Editor
Marion Fordts. . Associate Editor
CharlotteoConover Associate Editor
Eric Zalenski . . . . . Sports Editor
Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor



Business Stafff

Edward J. Perlberg.
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .

. Business Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff,
and represent the views of the writers only.Y

House Action Reveals
Complete Lack of Logic
SOME queer things have happened in the House
of Representatives before, but the handling
of the perpetual Dies Committee problem does not
have to take a back seat to any of them.
It represents a melange of a peculiar lack of
logic and political maneuvering . an all too
familiar duo.
In support of Rep. Herman P. Eberharter's
declaration that, "the House does not place full
faith in the allegations of the Dies Committee"
were three very definite actions taken by the
House. They were:
1. A vote to set up a' special subcommittee of
the Appropriations Committee to review Dies'
charges against 39 Government employees be-
fore acting against them.
2. Refusing to suspend the employment of
these officials pending outcome of the inquiry by
the new committee.1
3. Reversing its action of last week forcing
William Pickens, a Negro employe of the Treas-
ury, cited by Dies, from the Federal payroll. Here
the roll call vote was 267-136 against:Dies.
Well, there is certainly no lack of logic in
those decisions. BUT the House didn't choose
to stop there. No, they choose, ratheri to ignore
the implications of what they were doing and
to give Martin Dies another two years in which
to harass government officials who show them-
selves to be "crackpots" enough to have liberal
T HE BEST example of partisan politics at its
worst, if there can be such a thing, came in
the handling of the Pickens case. Last week, be-
fore most Republicans realized that Pickens was
. Negro, they voted to fire him 163-111. Then
came the discovery which scared the politically
ibinded Republicans. And now Mr. Pickens .is
back on the payroll. After all votes do come first.
The only consolation, possibly, is that whole
deal did nothing to strengthen the coalition
between the Republicans and Southern Demo-
crats. Mississippi's representative William M.
Colmer, in fact, warned Republicans that if
they expected to run Congress in coalition with
the southern Democrats they would have to
"play fair" with them.
IT HAS been said that some Congressmen resent
the appellation, "Dunderheads."
Jim Wienner
ERC Men Should Be
Given Definite Orders
Army announces the call of its Air Corps
Reserves to active duty is good to see. Clearly
and without equivocation the SixthService Com-
mand says all Army air reservists who have begun
a new term since December 31, 1942 will be called
up between Feb. 18 and 23.
Many general Army reservists, on pins and
needles since the first uncertain calling up
order of Jan. 1, would have liked the same
The most recent date set for the calling up
of these ERC men not in the Air Corps, was
Feb. 1. It too was made somewhat vague by
reports of a 14-day leeway before actual orders
were to come out. Despite uncertainty and con-

FDR Order Will Add
To Inflation Hazards
ONE OF the prime objectives admitted by high
government officials in Washington in fight-
ing the war on the home front is to combat and
control inflation. To date multiple alphabetical
government agencies have failed to hold down
the inflationary gap and the present 48-hour
minimum work week with its accompanying in-
crease in wage payments for overtime work will
increase the hazards of inflation rather than de-
crease them, as James F. Byrnes stated in a radio
In support of the contention that our infla-
tionary fight has-not been successful is the
admitted fact that the inflationary gap has
increased from 13 millions to 16 mllions with-
in the past year.
Inflation, in an economic sense, results from
money causes, and an excess of available pur-
chasing power over available consumers' goods.
In the light of this conception how can we
maintain adequate control of purchasing power
when hourly workers will be receiving a 30 per
cent increase in total wage returns?
The executive work order released Wednesday
applies to industries engaged in manufacturing
for interstate commerce. This includes, in the 32
critical shortage areas, all plants and factories
engaged in war production.
- These plants are dominated by union activity,
and thus, would come under the WMC definition
of what workers will be entitled to overtime pay.
Our effort is to increase war production "to
carry out 1943 war plans calling for a tremendous
invasion of Europe," according to the order. This
means that the increased working hours will not
be directed toward increasing civilian production,
the only area where consumers' buying power
can be expended.
THUS, an increase in the total wage return
means a greater amount of money paid to
consumers without a greater amount of consum-
ers' goods being made available for purchase. It
is recognized that we are now experiencing an
inflationary era; starting froin bad (inflation)
and proceeding to worse (more inflation from the
executive work order) cannot lead to an advan-
tageous end result.
The cost of living has increased an admitted
15 per cent in the United States, but it has in-
creased for the fixed income group as well as
hourly workers. The former are the most seriously
affected by inflation.
War workers have more money and there is
less to buy. The War Labor Board grants a pay
increase and they have still more money that
cannot be used for a decreasing amount of goods.
To complicate the situation, President William
Greene of the American Federation of Labor
yesterday indicated that his union would attempt
to block any further move to increase working
hours without also increasing hourly pay rates.
Should the course of the war demand that we
work 52 hours a week and the unions refuse to
comply without pay increases, only chaos will
On the other hand, if the pay raises are grant-
ed, only more serious inflation will result.
Union policy would lead us to think we are in
this war to make money. But are we? Our goal is
military annihilation of the enemy with the least
distress to the nation.
FOR THE WAR on the home front in the eco-
nomi e nhprp +hrp mn in spn pm o aha

I'd Rather
Be Right_
NEW YORK- Someone has asked me whether
we ought to consider ourselves at war with the
German people, or only with their rulers. The
answer is that we are at war with all who are at
war with us. Hitler is at war with us, and a Ger-
man workman making artillery shells is at war
with us, and a German jungfrau daintily stuffing
machine gun belts is at war with us. Therefore
we have no choice in the premises; we are at war
with all of them.
But cannot a line be drawn between the Ger-
man people and their bosses? Yes, it can be, but
only the German people can draw it. They can
draw it by ceasing to make artillery shells and
ceasing to stuff machine gun belts. They can
draw it, in a word, by revolution. Short of that,
the line cannot be drawn.
To give any German workman the hope that
we will treat him with kindness, even ifhe goes
on refilling flame-throwers until the armistice,
is merely to encourage him to go on refilling
flame-throwers until the armistice. Shall we
draw a line between a man who refills flame-
throwers while hating Hitler, and a man who re-
fills flame-throwers while loving Hitler? That
would be a line writ in water; the only line we
can draw is between the German who refills
flame-throwers, and the German who throws
them in the boss's face.
To say to the German people that we "under-
stand," that we "sympathize," that, everi
though they seem to be doing their best to try
to kill us, we know their hearts are not really
in it, only reduces the pressure for German
revolution. It -takes away from the average
German any responsibility for German policy.
It sets him free of consequences in a world his
country has set on fire. It makes him history's
juvenile, the only man in the world who is not
answerable for the work of his hands.
To the question of whether we should love or
hate the Germans, the only fair and accurate
answer is that we shall love them when they
make themselves lovable. But it is not liberalism,
it is sentimentalism, to treat them as incompe-
tents, toward whom our attitude will remain the
same;no matter what they do. That merely issues
a license to them to do nothing.
But what shall a poor German boy do, when
he is ordered to stuff a dozen Poles into an
execution chamber and suffocate them? Shall
he commit suicide? The answer is, yes, if
necessary, and perhaps kill an officer first.
That is what we expect of the French people,
and the Dutch people, and the Norwegian peo-
ple, and there are no velvet cushions on which
the German people can sit out the decade.
The whole German people are our enemies
until they drop their weapons against us. They
need not do that on any specific Friday morning;
of course a revolution needs to be tactically
sound, and 'premature or spotty revolution can
be worse than none. On the other hand, the
German people'must not be encouraged to hope
they can delay the process until after the war,
and that the consequences will then be precisely
the same as if they had not delayed it, and 'had
7,,,,. .5 ...+t -- F.

WASHINGTON- The vote on the
War Mobilization Bill to revamp the1
jittery War Production Board and put
certain Army-Navy production under
civilian control was one of the most
significant in ten years of the Roose-
velt Administration.1
This vote, which transferred the1
bill from the Education and Labor
Committee to the Military Affairs'
Committee, saw the President appeal-
ing to Republican leaders - Senators
McNary, Bridges, Lodge - to defeat
his old New Deal friends. It saw him
falling back on Old Deal Democrats
who have bitterly attacked him -
Byrd of Virginia, Reynolds of North,
Carolina, Tydings of Maryland - to
get their support.
And the men Roosevelt slapped
down in this vote were those who
had gone down the line for him
when the going was really tough-
on labor legislation, on neutrality
revision, on social reform - men
like Pepper of Florida, Thomas of
Utah, Kilgore of West Virginia,
Murray of Montana, Truman of
The vote left a lot of sour faces in
the Senate and may mean a gradual
new line-up. For some New Dealers
now declare they are finished with
the "rubber-stamp" act.
Brass Hat Ire
Here is the inside story of what'
happened. The War Mobilization Bill
had been carefully prepared by some
of the President's best friends. They
held months of hearings, wrote the
bill after diligent, painstaking study.
It set up machinery to referee the
chronic battling between the Army,
Navy, Maritime Commission and Mr.
Jeffers as to whether critical mate-
rials would go to airplanes, rubber
factories, escort vessels, etc.
In settling this battle, the bill pro-
posed to take away some production
powers from the Army and Navy, put
them in the hands of a civilian um-
pire. This aroused terrific brass hat,
So the Army-Navy lobby got into
full swing. And two weeks ago,
young Republican Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts, whom the President
tried to defeat, told a closed-door
session of the Military Affairs Com-
mittee how certain high-up Army-
Navy officials had appealed to him.
They had asked him to try to have
the War Mobilization Bill referred
to the Military Affairs Committeei
where it could be bottled up.
Ordinarily the bill would be re-
ferred to the Senate Education and
Labor Committee, which had heard'
witnesses before, and knew the story.
But Lodge said Army-Navy officials
were afraid the Education and Labor
Committee would report the bill fav-
orably, then it would reach the Sen-
ate and might pass.
Thomas Blows Up
Hearing this, mild-mannered Sen-
ator Elbert Thomas of Utah interrup-
ted angrily. Thomas is ranking mem-
ber of the Military Affairs Committee,'
also chairman of the Education and
Labor Committee.
"In other words," he said to Lodge,
"they told you that the bill must be
transferred to this committee, and
taken out of my hands, so it can be
Lodge made no attempt to deny
this. Senator "Happy" Chandler of
Kentucky broke in to say that Eco-
nomic Stabilizer James Byrnes, was
manipulating against the bill back-
stage, and had telephoned Chandler.
There was so much commotion in
the next few minutes that those
present can't remember all the de-
tails. But for the first time in his
10-year career in the Senate, placid
Senator Thomas blew up. le be-
gan with some sulphurous com-
ments on the executive branch of
government "dictating" to Congress
and ended with a scorching philip-
pic on the blunders of Army and
Navy procurement officials in pro-
viding equipment for the armed

"I have always been faithful to the
Army and Navy and have carried the
ball for them on important war meas-
ures, including the dependents' allot-
ment bill," the Utah senator stormed.
Star Lobbyist Byrnes
What especially irked him was that'
he wasn't even consulted about ad-
ministration plans, but had to be in-
formed by Republican Lodge.
"Somebody at least could have
called me up and told me what was
going on," he exploded. "After all,
I'm chairman of the committee that
has been handling the bill."
Lodge was disturbed by the out-
burst, later phoned Byrnes, urged him
to placate Thomas. Byrnes called
Thomas' office several times, but
couldn't reach him. The Stabiliza-
tion Boss also was on the phone most
of the morning of the day the Senate
voted on the "transfer" resolution,
the lines, between de Gaulle French

All notices for the Daily Official Bu- '
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Members of the University Sen-
ate: The meeting of the University Sen-
ate on Monday, February 15, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre has been
called at the request of certain members
to afford opportunity for discussion of
University salaries, provisions for those
called into the national service, relation
between the University Senate and the
Board of Regents, and other topics of gen-
aral interest.
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home,ror if you have purchased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fiee. 100 South Wing of University Hall.
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Public Health Assembly: An assembly for
students in the School of Public Health
will be held on Monday, February 15, at
4:00 p.m. In the Auditorium of the W. K.
KelloggnFoundation Institute. Dr. Haven
Emerson of Columbia University will ad-
dress the assembly on the subject, "The
Principles and Content of a Uniform State
Public Health Law."
All Public Health students are expected
to attend.
Applications in Support of Research'
Projects: To give Research Committees
and the Executive Board adequate time to
study all proposals, it is requested that
faculty members having projects needing
support during 1942-1943 file their pro-
posals in the Office of the Graduate School
by Friday, Feb. 19. Those wishing to renew
previous requests whether now receiving
support or not should so indicate. Applica-
tion forms will be mailed or can be ob-
tained at Secretary's Office, Room 1006,
Rackham Building, Telephone 372.
C. S. Yoakum
Application Forms for Fellowships and
Scholarships in the Graduate School of the
University for the year 1943-1944 may be
2tbtalned from the Office of the Graduate
School now. All blanks must be returned
to that office by Feb. 15 in order to re-
ceive consideration. C. S. Yoakum
Freshmen who entered the Hopwood Con-
test for Freshmen should call for their
manuscripts at the Hopwood Room, 3227
Angell Hall, between the hours of 2:00 and
5:50 today or Monday, February 15.
Students who plan to enter one of the
following professional schools: Law, Busi-
ness Administration, or Forestry and Con-
servation at the beginning of the summer
term on the Combined Curriculum must
file an application for this Curriculum in
the Office of the Dean of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 An-
gell Hall, on or before March 1, 1943. After
this date applications will be accepted only
upon the presentation of a satisfactory ex-
cuse for the delay and the payment of a
fee of $5.00.
Due to Labor Shortage, Sunday Serving
Hours at the Michigan League will be
changed as follows: Breakfast--8:00-10:30;
Sunday Dinner: Cafeteria-12:00-4:00, Din-
ing Room-12:00-4:00.
No evening meals will be served on Sun-
Week day serving hours will remaiu un-
University Lecture:. Dr. Alberto Ara-
Parro, National Director of Statistical Serv-
ices, Republic of Peru, will lecture on the
subject, "Peru's Population Problems: Eco-
nomically Active and Inactive Population,"
under the auspices of the Department of
Geography, on Tuesday, February 16, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is invited.

FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1943

whipping Democrat senators into line
to smother the "New Deal" Bill in the
anti-New Deal Military Affairs Com-
Later Senator Thomas confided to
a friend: "I've been an administra-
tion wheelhorse for 10 years, and have
had to take a lot of abuse in the
newspapers on labor bills. But this
double-dealing is the payoff as far as
I'm concerned."
Frank Knox's Jinx
Around the Navy, they figure that
Prank Knox has the jinx on him
when it comes to public relations.
Though the Secretary of the Navy
has spent his like as a newspaperman,
and should be an expert on public
relations, it is his luck to say the
wrong thing at the worst time.
It isn't his fault. It's the jinx.
Who would have foreseen, for in-
stance, that just as a magazine came
out on the streets with an article by
Frank Knox, "We Can Win on Both
Oceans," the Japs would put eight


battleships out of commission
Pearl Iarbor and practically paral3
us in one ocean.
Then, just as Frank Knox got ba
from a 22,000-mile flight through P
cific areas and announced that i
were supreme in that ocean, the Na
admitted that a serious sea and i
battle was launched by the Japs
retake the Solomons.
It looks as if the Japs almost wa
ed to synchronize their attacks wi
Frank's statements.
When Col. Melvin E. Gillette of t
Army Signal Corps asked Hollywc
producers to cooperate in maki
more training films, Harry Warn
of Warner Brothers held back ur
the Army apologized for investigati
the training -films produced by C
Darryl Zanu.ck and 20th Centui
Fox. Real fact is that the Army i
vestigated the cost of producing
training films, not merely those
one company .

Feb. 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistr
Building. The public is invited.
French Lecture: Professor William M
Laughlin of the Romance Language Depart.
ment will give the fifth of the French Lec
tures sponsored by the Cercle Francais en
;itled: "Un Lyce En France Souvenirs Per
sonneis" on Wednesday, February 17, a
4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memoria
Tickets for the series of lectures may b
procured from the Secretary of the Depart
ment of Romance Languages or at the dooe
at the time of the lecture.
Open to the public.
A cademic Notices.
University Choir (Ensemble 50) Mal
voices are needed for the spring term
Membership Is open to students in aia
school or college of the University whethe4
electing the course for credit or not. Ie
hearsals Monday through Friday at.1
o'clock in Lane Hall. Sacred andsecula
a cappella literature comprises the mater
ia for study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen
the director, Room 223, School of Musi
Algebra Seminar will meet today at 4:1
.p.m. in 3201 Angel Hall. Professor Nesbit
will speak on Frobenlus' Formula for th
characters of the symmetric group.
Mathematics 148 will meet today at 3:
p.m. in Room 400 S.W.
Preliminary examinations in French an
German for the doctorate will be hiel
today at 4 o'clock, in the Amphitheatre a
Rackham Building. Dictionaries may b
Biological Chemistry 111: Laboratoryr
fund slips may be obtained from Mr. Kai-
cher at the Storeroom Office on Tuesday:
and Wednesdays from 2:00 to 4:30, and r
Saturday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30. Stu
dents who are not able to obtain the e-
fund slips personally must send signed 9r-
ders for them, if they are to be given tq
fellow students.
Faculty Recital: Mrs. Maud Okkelberg
Assistant Professor of Piano in the school
of Music, will present a recital at 4:15 sun-
day afternoon, February 14, in the Lyde
Mendelssohn Theatre. Her program wil
include compostons bf Mdosaft, Echubrt
Haydn; Weber, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mil
hand and Brahms. The public is cordialy
Events Today
All girls who have contributed their serv
ices as volunteer typists or office workers
or those who would like to contribute thei
services in this type of work, are asked (
come to a meeting this afternoon at 4
'cicck in the Social Director's Office o
the Michigan League. Anyone who is un-
able to come to this meeting should cad
Jane Thompson, 2-4471.
Craft Work: Mrs. Osma Gallinger of the
Hartland Area Crafts will be at the Craft
Shop at Lane Hall today from 1:30 to 5:00
p.m. to give instruction in weaving. Al]
interested students are Invited to come t
the shop during these times.
The regular Friday afternoon Coffee Hou
will take place today in the Library at Lane
Hall from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Attention, Women Students! Lieut. Nina
Muncy of the WAAC will be in the League
Undergraduate Offices today from 1O: (
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. to answer any ques-
tions pertaining to that branch of the
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class tonight
at 7:30. This is the first meeting for the
second term and will begin a series of dis.
cussions on "The Acts." Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares, leader. A valentine Party will fol-
low the class at 9:00 o'clock.

Coming Events
The All-Girl Band will meet with
"Pops" Band at Morris Hall, on Sunc
Feb. 14. from 3:00 to 5:004p.m.
Michigan Outing Club will go on a h



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