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March 30, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-30

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U' Band Spring
Concert Tit Be
CiVefi Thursday
30th Annual Program
To Open and Close
With Patriotic Theme
The thirtieth University of Michi-
gan Spring Band Concert will be giv-
en Thursday night at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium.
The University of Michigan band,
conducted by Prof. William D. Revel-
li, is an organization acclaimed
throughout the United States for its
standard excellence. The concert
prepared for Thursday night prom-
ises to merit the enthusiastic approval
of all who attend.
The program now receiving finish-
ing touches at Morris Hall will open
and close on a patriotic note, opening
with the National Anthem and clos-
ing with "The Stars and Stripes For-
ever" by John Phillip Sousa.
The intervening numbers will in-
clude the Overture to the opera "Ob-
eron" by C. M. von Weber, and the
second movement from "Symphony
in C Minor" by Ernest Williams.
"March Courageous", G. E. Holmes's
latest composition, will also be fea-
Among the more familiar numbers
will be Wagner's "Fire Music" from
his opera "Die Walkure", and the in-
troduction to the third act of "Lohen-
grin". Another favorite will be the
first movement from Rimsky-Korsa-
kov's "Scheherazade", "Sea and Sind-
bad's Ship."
Other arrangements will include
Wotan's "Farewell and Magic", and
a special number entitled, "American
Salute", by Morton Gould.
Tvice during the program the con-
ducting will be taken over by stu-
dents. William Fitch, student con-
ductor of the band, will conduct
"Song of the Bayou" by Rube Bloom,
and George Roach will conduct his
own arrangement of "Ritual Fire
Dance" by Manuel De Falla.
Many traditions have been foregone
this year because of the war, butnthe
annual spring band concert, one of
the finest traditions, remains the free
gift of the band to all who wish to
Wood To Lead
Post-War Panel
Group Will Discuss
FDR's Security Plan
The cradle-to-grave security plan
of President Roosevelt will be dis-
cussed at a: panel discussion on the
topic, "Freedom from Want in the
United States", at 8 p.m. tomorrow
at the League.
Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the soci-
ology department will open the dis-
cussion with a short presentation of
the topic. Prof. Leigh J. Young of
the silviculture department of the
forestry school and mayor of Ann
Arbor, and Prof. Harold McFarlan
of the geodysey and surveying de-
partment will then express their
views. Following this the topic will
be thrown open to the audience.
Student chairman will be Harvey
L. Weisberg, '46.
The panel will attempt to analyze
the President's plan, and to discuss
a situation in which over-production
and poverty exist simultaneously.
This is one of a series of weekly
panels on post-war topics, both eco-
nomic and political.

Frosh Project
Meeting Will
Be Tomorrow
A mass meeting will be held at 4:30
P.m. tomorrow in the ballroom of the
League forall second semester fresh-
men women interested in working on
Freshman Project.
At that time the central committee
will disclose its plans for the rest of
the semester, and the organization
of the project and the activities of the
various committees will be explained,
Jean Gaffney, general chairman, said
yesterday. After the meeting the wo-
men will have an opportunity to sign
up for the committees in which they
are interested.
Freshman Project- will concern it-
self with entertaining the members
of the armed forces of the United
States who are stationed on campus.
Present plans include an open house
to be held every Saturday. Dancing
will take place in the Grand Rapids
room, and entertainment in the Kala-
mazoo room will be provided by card
games, bingo and a coke machine.
Women who are unable to attend
the meeting are requested to get in
touch with the chairman of the com-
mittee in which they are interested.
The publicity committee will be head-
ed by Rudy Bales; Shirley Sickels and
Shirley Cobb will take charge of the
entertainment committee; the hostess

Uncle Sam's Big Plane Busters


A battery of 90-mm. anti-aircraft guns, heaviest used by the U.S.
Coast Artillery for defense against planes, gets a workout in the field.
These guns can be set up ready to shoot in 13 minutes, are manned by
a crew of 15 and fire 18 rounds per minute. They are now in use in
North Africa, the Solomons, and on other United Nations fronts.
Freshman Engineer To Date
50 Stockwell Beauties on Bet

Moscow Battle
fere pir1'iiI 10
Woman Air Warden
Will Speak To Help
Russian War Relief
Mrs. Nila Magidoff, eye-witness of
the Battle of Moscow and wife of
that city's NBC correspondent, will
speak in the Rackham Auditorium at
8 p.m. April 10, under the auspices
of Russian War Relief.
Now on a lecture tour of the United
States, Mrs. Magidoff not long ago
was in the heart of Russia serving as
an air raid warden, guarding, roof
tops from incendiary bombs and
spending her nights in the subway
raid shelters.
As a yesult of her experiences and
her intimate knowledge of the Rus-
sian people, she has received innum-
erable requests to speak and has
toured hundreds of cities in a cam-
paign to raise $6,000,000 for medical
and emergency aid to Russia.
Although a native Russian, she was
forced to leave her country because
of the requirement that the wives
and children of American war corre-
spondents be evacuated.
Since that time she has been con-
stantly at work for Russian war re-
lief and attempting to cement Rus-
sian-American relations because, she
says, "I looked upon my idleness in
America as disgraceful at a time
when women in my own country were
devoting all their energies to fighting
the war."
Col. Hume Will
Speak Today
To Discuss Present
Army Health Activities
ColoneltEdgar Erskine Hume, Med-
ical Corps, U.S. Army, will present a
lecture on "The Health Activities of
the U.S. Army in Wartime" at 4:15
p.m., today at the Kellogg Auditor-
Brought here under the auspices of
the Medical, Dental, Public Health,
and Pharmacy schools, Col. Hume
will discuss the training of physicians
and scientific personnel in the Medi-
cal Department, and explain the pos-
sibilities of University students ob-
taining commissions in that Depart-
ment, in addition to discussing the
various health activities of the Army.
. Colonel Hume has a long record of
distinguished medical service in the
Army. After obtaining his medical
degree at Johns Hopkins, he contin-
ued his studies in Munich and Rome.
During the last world war he com-
manded Base Hospital No. 102 in Italy

Fair femmes in paint-daubed over-
alls and slacks wielding brushes and
hammers are becoming an accepted
sight in the lab theatre as Play Pro-
duction of the speech department
prepares to take in its stride the loss
of men to the armed forces.
"The show must go on" gets a little
practical application these days, be-
coming the byword of these Play
Production members. The call of the
Air Force and the ERC has greatly
damaged the dramatic potentialities
but they say that they will use what
few men they have until they leave
and then use women exclusively.
And what to do when plays be-
come harder and harder to select
because there aren't enough men to
play the parts? You just find a play
that has fewer men in it and more
women. This has been done this
past year. The use of such plays as
"Stage Door" and "Heart of a City",
which call for large women casts,
are examples.
The present production, "Caste",
by Thomas W. Robertson, requires
few men and the technical staff is
composed entirely of women. From
evidences, the women are doing all
right in the physical aspects of the
technical work too.
Chief of stage managing for

"Caste" is Barbara Wisner. For the
first time a woman will be the elec-
trician-the work being done by El-
eanor Guy. Others on the technical
staff are Zabellen Adrounic, Olive
Beebe and Marjorie Leete on props:
crew, Rebecca Kynock; bookholder.
Barbara White: Thelma Davis, as-
sistant to the director: call girl.
Margaret Coxan; Bette Harvey and
Rae Larson. head ushers.
High School Juniors
To Give (lass Play
"Letters to Lucerne", one of the
outstanding plays to come out of the
war, will be presented by the Junior
Class of the Ann Arbor High School
at 8:20 p.m. Friday and Saturday in
Pattengill Auditorium.
The play is listed by Burns Mantle,
New York critic, as one of the ten
best of the year.
A representative of the Derma-
tology Department will talk on
"Deep Skin Grafting" to the Pre-
Medical Society Tuesday evening
at 8 o'clock p.m. in the Union.

PMay P rdwtchar Cfqi stfs

Spanish Prof.
Prof. Irving A. Leonard of the De-
partment of Romance Languages will
discuss the United States as seen by
a South American, "Los Estados Uni-
dos vistos por dentro", at 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Room D, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
Prof. Leonard. who has traveled
widely in South America, will base
his dis on a 1ookwritten by
Sarmiento, who was at one time Pres-
ident of Argentina, and who visited
the United States in 1846 and again
in 1866. When Sarmiento was in
Ann Arbor he was granted an honor-
ary degree from the University of
Michigan. He then returned to South
America and wrote his impressions of
the United States.
Prof. Leonard will discuss Sarmi-
ento briefly and will then read ex-
cerpts from his book to show how the
United States impressed a South
American a century ago.

lull-. - . ___

If there is one man on campus
who can date fifty girls at once, it
is Dolph Jaeger, '46E.
That is his statement and he in-
tends to prove it tonight when he
escorts fifty Stockwell girls, the most
prominent of whom is the house-
mother, Mrs. Ray, to the League for
Dolph just hopes that "none of
them will stand me up" as his fu-
British Smash
Mareth Lie,
Rommel Flees
(Continued from Page 1)
the Mareth Line were but 20 miles
south of Gabes.
Farther north, the eager American
divisions of Lieut. Gen. George S.
Patton, Jr., advanced through diffi-
cult country east of El Guetar and
stood on high ground ready to vent
their offensive fury on Rommel's
flanks should he try to flee the 200
miles north for a junction with Col.
Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim in the north
around Tunis and Bizerte.
Entrapment Threatened
Other American columns mena-
cing Mezzouna and Kairouan farther
north likewise gravely imperiled the
Germans and Italians with entrap-
ment and consequent slaughter.
Rommel had suffered heavy losses
in the Mareth Line from a virtual
non-stop assault by land and air
since the night of March 20, and
there were indications that the en-
emy realized the threat to his flank
and was intent upon racing up the
coast to momentary safety, if he
could. Frontline dispatches said
enemy landing fields west of Gabes
had been plowed up, a sure indica-
tion of flight.
British Smash Nazi Positions
The Allied offensive in Tunisia be-
came general as the British First
Army in the north opened an assault
from Debel Abiod sector, smashing
against German positions straddling
the Tarbaca-Mateur road. The Al-
lied communique .said, "Successful
local advances were made and a con-
siderable number of prisoners were
William B. King, Associated Press
Correspondent with the Army In the
North, called the First Army action
an offensive that followed an Allied
withdrawal totaling 25 miles earlier
in March. (Among Allied troops
participating were the Goums, pig-
tailed warriors from northern Mor-
occo, under French officers. They
fought with guns and knives.)
Allies Take 400 Prisoners
A French communique said the
Goums and Allied troops had cap-
tured 400 prisoners and cleaned out
a large area. Strong French recon-
naissance patrols in the Ousseltia
Valley farther south were said to
have advanced toward the east
branch of the Grand Dorsal encoun-
tering no determined opposition.
Several dozen Germans were cap-
tured by one patrol.
The final assault that cracked the
Mareth Line started during the af-
ternoon of Friday, and Allied Head-
quarters credited the flanking col-
umn which had swept around the
line with generating the pressure
that caused its fall. The communi-
que said:
"oin tbp ETihth Arm front the

ture financial status is dependent
on the results of his dates.
It all started when he jokingly
remarked to several engineers at
Lloyd House that he could get fifty
dates for one evening. It is a cus-
tom at the house that any exagger -
ated statement must be proved or
else the speaker pays money to all
To back up his statement, Dolph
enlisted some confederates at Stock-
well and with a little campaigning,
the dates were sig ned up.
Mrs. Martha L. Ray, housemother;
Mrs. Margaret Rekemeier, her as-
sistant, and Miss Rachel Kaufman,
Miss Helen Hebblewhite, and Miss
Helen Shirk, dietitians, are all on
the list, which is now 53 names long.
One technicality of the agreement
specifies that Dolph must not only
take the girls to the League but they
must all come home with him. He
will lose about twelve dollars if he
is not able to meet all of these terms.
And there will be engineers aplenty
on hand to persuade his dates to
"'leave him in the lurch".
But the girls declare themselves
"It is only good sportsmanship for
the girls to return with him so that
he may win his wager," said Mrs.
In the meantime, Dolph's hair is
turning grey. - "I don't care what
they look like," he said, "I just hope
they all show up. It'll sure be good
to have it over with so I can study."
Could be he doesn't appreciate the
fair beauties of Stockwell. But will
they appreciate him? Tonight they'll
Glee Club Is
To Be Featured
In 'Singtimne'
From its beginnings as light enter-
tainment at tea parties held in Bar-
bour Gymnasium the University Wo-
men's Glee Club has grown into an
organization that will fill Hill Audi-
torium, April 7, when they are fea-
tured in the Manpower Corps' "Sing-
time-a Symphony in Song."
Organized in 1904 with only eight
girls singing, the group had its direc-
tor, Mrs. George Hastreiter and the
then Dean of Women, Mrs. Myra P.
Jordan, to guide it through the early
years of its existence.
Today, the group broadcasts weekly
over WJR presenting "Music That
America Likes To Hear". The Glee
Club broadcasts directly from campus
and can look back to the day of their
first broadcasts in 'acrudely installed
studio in University Hall where the
acoustics were bad and the mechan-
ics of broadcasting were worse.
Glee Club Mother Miss Nora Crane
Hunt, now associated with the Alum-
nae association, directed the activi-
ties of the club from 1905 until 1933.
The present director, Bill Sawyer,
took over two years ago and he admits
that he has been directing the group
for one quarter of that time and they
directed him the rest of the time.
Justifiably proud of the tremendous
success the Glee Club had in Detroit
last Thursday, Sawyer anticipates
"overwhelming tribute to be accorded
them when they perform in 'Sing-
The women in the club have a wid-
er range of voices than have most
choruses and theirvoices go within 5
tones of the normal range of basses.
Sawyer has arranged all the music
for the group except "Mary's Lulla-


\We re

on theline

to promote our
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The Michigan Daily believes that new readers bring new

and also saw active service in France.
Later, he directed the campaign
against typhus fever in Serbia, and
served as Red Cross Commissioner
in the Balkan states and in other
parts of Eastern Europe.
On his return to the United States,
he served as Librarian in the Sur-
geon General's Library, generally
considered the largest medical library
in the world. He also was Editor of
the Index Catalogue and of the Mili-
tary Surgeon. More recently he has
been the second ranking officer of
the Medical Field Service School at
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania.
Colonel Hume holds a Distin-
guished Service Medal from his own
country and 35 decorations from for-
eign countries. He is a Fellow of the
American Academy of Arts and Sci-
ences and a member of many dis-
tinguished medical organizations here
and abroad.
In the past few months, he has
given similar talks at many universi-
ties including Harvard, Yale, Prince-
ton, and Johns Hopkins. The public
is invited.
U. of Iowa Food Expert
To Lecture Here Today
Dr. Genevieve Stearns of the Uni-
versity of Iowa will speak on "The
Relation of Changes in Body Compo-
sition to Food Requirements and
Utilization during Growth" at 8 p.m.

life to Odvertisers' businesses.

This is why we now point

with pride to our increased circulation among service-
men. Our paper offers its accounts an opening to a field
hitherto untouched by advertising.


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