TAKING IT EASY By ED ZALENSKI Daily Sports j!Aitor (Editor's Note: Today's column was Written by Harvey Frank. a 'Junior memiber of the Sports Staff.) SOMEONE ~Way back in the days of antiquity once said that history repeats itself. We don't know if this holds true for the rest of the world, but it certainly does on the sports scene. This was brought home to us by the predicament that tennis coach L~eroy Weir finds himself in now while trying to pick the number one, two, and three men for this year's team. He has three men battling for the spots, and all are about even. This is the precise situation he found himself in last year, a situa- tion that was still unsettled a week before the first Wolverine meet. Three players, Co-captains Layt Hammett and Wayne Stille, and Jim Porter were battling each other for th~e top spots and the results of their matches decided exactly noth-' ~ng IF AMMETT would beat Porter, Porter would take Stille, and Wayne would turn around and take Hammett, and then Inatters would be right back where they started from. Finally they did arrive at a decision. H40mett started at number one, Por- ter at two, and Stille at three, and they played that way all year. They did all right for themselves, Vpo. Hammett and Porter each went to th semi-finals in their brackets at tl Big Ten meet, and Stille won the cryown in his. This year the same thing is hap- psning. The three fighting for the top spots are Captain Jinx Johnson, Vred Wellington 4nd freshman Ro- ger Lewis. Jinx started off at num- br one, was beaten by Lewis and Wellington and is now number three. Wellington, started at num- boer two, went down to three after losing to Lewis, moved back into the second spot by taking Johnson, apd then took the top spot by win- nip, a decision over Lewis. Lewis, started at three, moved up to one, ap4 then fell back to two. But the matter is by no means set- tied. Anyone of the three can sud- deply become "hot" and move up at the expense of the other two. They won't know their final rankings until the first match begins, THE ~h A fAH PAQV4 x4j."t L V APAGx TU AL r Crisler Calls ridders for First Spring Practice Orlando Pleads All Experienced Players Urged to Report April 5 Veterans Lost to Army, Baseball Squad; Tentative Nine Game Schedule Arranged Great IFinisher Ohio s Depth of Power Takes NCAA Swim Title Gui to Evasion Charge iVichigan, Buckeyes Split Firsts; Wolverine Relay Team, Kozlowski Smash Records By JACK MARTIN Spring football sessions will begin for Michigan gridders next Monday April 5, H. 0. "Fritz" Crisler, head coach and athletic director, has re- vealed. "I realize the uncertainies of the future," -said Crisler, "but we will , all conditioning activities and men who anticipate being called into ser- vice this summer will benefit greatly by turning out for spring drills." Team Members Uncertain Crisler pointed out that it is im- possible to determine who will be on next fall's team, but it is highly probable that boys will play who would never have made the squad in normal times, and this applies to all other schools, too. Thus it is import- ant, Crisler states, that all experi- enced men of any size or weight re- port for spring work-outs. Those attending daily practice will be excused from all PEM classes the rest of this semester, beginning April 5. In addition, they will have a chance for the annual Chicago Alum-, ni Award, a full-sized silver football, given to the player judged most out- standing by the coaching staff. Full- back Bob Wiese won it last year. Over 50 Candidates Expected Crisler and his staff are making plans to receive from fifty to sixty cncates, but these figures can only be rough estimates. Those who do report will not get any training in plays, but will be drilled in the hard fundamentals such as blocking and tackling. There may be an occasional scrimmage. Only a very few veterans remain on campus to take part in the drills; and these mhay choose to devote their time to other activities. All-American guard Julie Franks is here, as are center Merv Pregulman and tackle Bill Pritula. Tom Kuznia Is present, too, with an ROTC uniform. Four Gridders Playing Baseball Four grid stars of last season are out for the baseball hine: Bob Wiese, Paul White, Don Lund and Bob Stenberg. Freshman Dick Walter- house is also practicing daily with Coach Ray Fisher. A nine game schedule has been ar- ranged for next fall's Wolverine eleven, including tilts with Michigan Sfate, Pennsylvania, Notre Dame' Northwestern, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Ohio State. There may be some changes to work in service teams wishmg to play Michigan. Men reporting April 5 for- the spring squad are to obtain their equipment at Yost Field House. By JOE McHALE The results of the National Col- legiate swimming meet at Columbus last week-end njay be summed up with three words: too many Buckeyes. The Ohio State team which ran up a record 81 points in capturing its first NCAA championship won, not so much by individual brilliance as by depth of power. The Michigan swimmers, according to Coach Matt Mann, were wonder- ful; they did everything that was ex- pected of them." Buckeyes Win Four Firsts To be sure, the Ohioans won four out of .ten first places, but so did Michigan. The difference between the Buck total and the 47 points that the Wolverines amassed lay largely in the four events where three Ohio swimmers placed in the finals. These were the 1,500 meter and the 220 yard JACK PATTEN Wolverine swimming captain who copped the 100-yd freestyle crown Saturday night in the NCAA meet, nosing out Billy Smith of Ohio State, in one of the greatest races of his collegiate career. Quartet Sets Varsity Record for Two-Mile Race at Purdue Relays FRITZ CRISLER issued call today, for all candi- dates for spring football practice, although he realizes that those men who come out for practice now, may easily be elsewhere when fall practice begins. maintain a football team as long as there are 11 men in school who want to play. Football is one of the best of By ED ZALENSKI Daily Sports Editor When Michigan's record-busting relay quartet took the two-mile race at the Purdue Relays last Saturday night in the sensational Vine of 7:40.9, it was the fastest clocking ever turned in by a Wolverine team for the distance. The mark not only erased the former national record set by George- town in 1925 of 7:41.6, but it bettered the best time ever established by a Michigan team, either indoors or out- doors. The 1941 relay team ran the two miles at Los Angeles in 7:41, and that team had Bob Ufer, Dave Mat- thews, John Kautz and Warren Briedenbach. Quartet Best in 'M' History However, this year's Maize and Blue quartet established itself as the greatest collection of haif-milers in Michigan history. Running on the cinder track in the Purdue Field House, the quartet of John Roxborough, Ross Hume, Cap- tain Matthews and Ufer finished 20 yards ahead of the second-place Il- linois team. Michigan led all the way. The long- striding Roxborough had his man by four yards when he slipped the baton to Hume. His time was 1:55.5 for the first leg. Hume clipped off a 1:55.7 half-mile and gave Matthews a two- yard lead. Matthews Wins by 10 Yards The swimmer-turned-runner from Royal Oak turned up with one of his best 880-yard runs of the indoor sea- son. He was timed in 1:54.8, beating his man by 10 yards. Ufer, after taking the baton from Matthews, didn't waste any time in putting distance between himself and his Illini opponent. He finished ahead by 20 yards and was clocked in 1:54.9 for the last leg. Coach Ken Doherty decided to give his entire team a full week of rest afier the strenuous indoor season be- fore sending the boys outdoors next Monday. First outdoor event listed on the program is the Drake and Penn Re- lays scheduled for April 24. Coach Doherty hasn't yet decided whether he will send his men East or to Drake. freestyles, and the high and low board diving. In the 220, and again in the three meter diving, Buckeyes finished, one, two, three. Varsity Breaks Two Records Two of the Maize arid Blue victories also broke NCAA records. Harry Holi- day in the backstroke and the medley relay team erased former marks. The tall sophomore swam the 150;yard backstroke in 1:33.5, seven-tenths of a second faster than Princeton's Al Vande Weghe raced in the 1938 meet. Harry wasn't out for the world record of 1:30.4, preferring to save himself for the medley relay, where Ohio might threaten. As it was, Buckeye Captain Mark Follansbee turned in his fastest time to end up not far behind. Holiday in 1:34. Medley Takes Easy First The medley trio did not have the trouble it looked for. In order to make victory sure, Michigan Captain Johnny Patten did not enter the 220, where he was certain to pick up at least a third. The Bucks, though, couldn't even start the withering pace the threesome of Holiday, Irvie E- binderand Patten maintained, and the Wolverine trio thrashed its way to a new record, 2:53.4. The old mark of 2:54.5 had stood since 1939, when the Princeton team of Vande Weghe, Hough and Van Oss set it. Kozlowski Breaks World Record In probably the biggest accomplish- ment of the year, freshman Ernie Kozlowski broke the old world stan- dard of 22.6 seconds in the 50-yard freestyle by a half-second, a remark- able feat for such a short distance. Most of his speed came in his turn, which is different from that of any- one swimming today. It enables him to reverse himself with such alacrity that the spectators rub their eyes in disbelief. Michigan's Mert Church sped to his fastest clocking to take the runner-up spot in 23.1. Patten Takes 100-Yard Freestyle Senior Johnny Patten, who was swimming in his last collegiate race, captured the 100-yard freestyle in 52 flat when he just touched out Billy Smith, the Ohio State flash, who has often been called "the world's greatest swimmer". When he took a fifth in the low board diving, Wolverine freshman Gil Evans became the first frosh to win a Varsity letter since the dim dark past. If he could remain in school, Gil would have a bright future ahead of him. 440-Freestyle Hard Fought Probably the best race of the whole meet was the 440-yard freestyle, won by little Buckeye Keo Nakama, Big Ten champ and winner of the 1,500- meter title on Friday. He and Taioi of the College of the Pacific staged a thrilling duel, with Keo ending out in front by a yard in the best time of the year, 4:43.2. Williams House Takes Dorm Basketball Crown Last night the boys from Williams House really shellacked Fletcher Hall in the finals of the Dormitory League to the tune of 32-16. Johnny Russell and Jack Zucker were the stars for the Williams team as they poured ten points each into the basket. The game was a walkaway for Williams House who played bril- liant offensive and defensive basket- ball. DETROIT, March 29.-- (-Jimmy Orlando, 28-year-old star defenseman of the Detroit Redwings National League hockey team, pleaded guilty today to a charge of obtaining draft deferment by posing as an essential war worker. He was arraigned before U.S. Com- missioner Clarence Pettit shortly af- ter FBI agents arrested him as he was entraining at the Michigan Cen- tral depot, with other members of the Redwing squad, for Toronto and Tuesday's Stanley Cup playoff. Kenneth Wilkins, Assistant U.S. Attorney, said Orlando-known as the ".ad Man" of National League hockey because of his frequent trips to the penalty box-represented him- self as a machinist employed by the Linecln Tool and Die Co. of Detroit when he registered with his draft board last September. Wilkins said the ice star actually was employed as a machinist for only two weeks, and later was transferred to office work. MICHIGAN As excting' as the landing at Casablanca HA , W IS PRODUCION CONRAD CLAOE RAINS-VIOJ SYDNEY PETER CREENSIR[[I' L ORR[ Nf,eMtd byMICHAEL CORTIl Varsity Golf Squad Whips into Shape as Ben Smith Returns Migrating from the coziness of the indoor drivinF nets of the IN Build- ing, Michigan Varsity is continuing* its practice on the slope southeast of the stadium. Considering them'suf- fiently limbered up by the indoor drudgery, Coach Courtright sent his potential 1943 golf team outside with instructions to use their no. 8 iron feeling that by hittingshorter shots they will be able to work into their swing quicker. If the weather holds CLASSIFIED -IXRECTORY WANTED WANTED-Used clothes. Best prices paid. Ben the Tailor, 122 E. Wash- ington St. Phone 5387 after 6 p.m. LOST and FOUND LOST-Alligator cigaret case; black and grey Shaeffer pencil, inscribed -Burton Burg. Reward. 2-4409. LOST-Exchanged topcoats at Pret- zel Bell Saturday night. Call Robt. beLong, Victor Vaughan House, Phone 2-4483. > FOR SALE FOR~ SALE: Table model Emerson radio. Nearly new. $15. Edith Mosher, 2-3241. IDENTIFICATION PHOTOGRAPHS -Any size. For 1-day service come to 802 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. ROOM and BOARD FRATERNITY serving meals, desires more boarders. 2 meals per day. Phone 7142. HELP WANTED STUDENT to work for room and board. Good home. Easy hours. Phone 6753. STUDENTS PART-TIME JOBS available. Willow Lodge Cafeteria. U.S. 112, Ypsi- out the team will probably be allowed to go a few holes on the Municipal Course the first part of next week in preparation for the opening meet April 17 or 19 with Ohio State. The University Course will not be opened for some time later. Although nothing has been ap- proved, a tentative schedule has been set up for the '43 season. After the Ohio State meet April 17 or 19, the Varsity plans to tackle Notre Dame here on the 24th and Michigan State the 26th. On May 1 they journey to Evanston, Ill. to participate in a triangle meet between Northwestern, Purdue, and Mich. Then it's to Illi- nois May 3, Mich. State the 8th, and back home to compete with Ohio State May 10. The season will then be brought to a close with the Big Ten matches on Chicago's neutral links May 17 or 18. DIVOT DIGGINGS Captain Ben Smith has been re- leased from the hospital again.. . he phoned Coach Courtright yesterday and reported that he was feeling much better . . . Ben should be ready for action now in a relatively short time . . . meanwhile Bill Ludolph has been outside practicing regularly -.. the promising freshmen are still just as enthusiastic, and Courtright is well pleased with some of the boys ... all of which should help the team along toward another Big Ten title. Wakefield Gets Intensive Fielding Drill in Workout EVANSVILLE, Ind., March 29.-(P) -The Detroit Tigers went through a four-hour workout today and mana- ger Steve O'Neill singled out his $52,000 property, Dick Wakefield, for some intensive drill in fielding. Wakefield, former University of Michigan outfielder, was shifted to second base to handle grounders. Wakefield is a known hitter. Bunting also came in for attention, but only two pitchers, Frank Over- mire and Virgil Trucks, were in shape for batting practice so this phase of the session was of short duration. O'Neill scheduled the second prac- tice game of the season between his varsity and the Yanningans for Wed-' nesday. The Tigers have a weekend series with the Cubs on the books,' but general manager Jack Zeller an- nounced that scheduled exhibition Jirninutive Bob Sten berg Has Style Of Scrappy Play ht pas to Fans By J OANN PETERSON Every now and then an athlete appears on the Michigan sport scene who is peculiarly endowed with that elusive quality called "crowd ap- peal". Such a player was "diminutive" Pavey Nelson, centerfielder and left halfback on Michigan baseball and football teams two years ago. Such a man also was little Herc Renda, the piston legged halfback, who brought forth a disproportionate number of cheers from the fans each time he came on the field. Stenberg Out for BaseballI Such a player, too, is short, stocky Bob Stenberg, who is currently en- deavoring to clinch the second base berth on the baseball squad. Like Nelson and Renda, Stenberg is not a big man. His height, even when stretched to its complete dig- nified length is not more than 5' 6", but as yet, this lack of impressive height has not caused him any seri- out difficulty. The fact is, Bob has done rather well for himself on the sports field. Playing fullback for Michigan this fall, Stenberg was fourth string man. Ahead of him were such stellar per- formers as Bob Wiese, Don Boor and Don Lund. Two Touchdowns for Bob Yet, in the course of the season Bob was able to account for two touchdowns, and although he was used mainly in games when Michi- gan had a decided advantage over her opponents, still there was always a crowd eager to see Stenbergdcut- ting out onto the, field. And it wasn't just his brother Sigma Chis, either. He has an aggressive, deter- mined, straight - forward way of playing footbaH that is noticeable, and the crowd felt it and responded to his punch. This same aggressiveness carried fig V-0 over to his hockey playing. Hardly able to stand up on skates when the season began, and completely unR- schooled in the finer points of stick handling, body checking and the like, Stenberg, before the end of the season, developed into a 60-minute defense man, along with big Bob Derleth. At the same time, he be- came Lowrey's bad boy, body check- ing his obviously larger opponents with unseemly vigor, and willing to defend the honor of the Michigan team with his fists if need be. As a 6onsequence, he spent several seiges in the penalty box, supposedly repenting his sins, but as it soon ap- peared, actually thinking of new and harder ways of outblocking his oppo- nents. Appeals to Hockey Fans Scrappy and rugged, Bob always appealed to the hockey fans, because of his complete fearlessness, and his bulldog tendency of worrying his rivals. With baseball season getting under way in a short time Bob is out for the squad, and will probably be called upon to hold down either the second base spot, or else will be as- signed to shortstop. No mean scholar, IBob has man- aged to keep a B record in collge, which is not equaled by a lot of peo- ple who aren't participating in any extracurricular activities. He Chews Tobacco, Too He hasone little habit that may yet be the death of the Weaker- stomached members of the baseball squad. Seems that, according to an old baseball custom, Bob chews to- bacco while he is playing ball. He also has a fast line of patter that must of necessity be expressed. The result is tobacco juice on the exterior of Mr. Stenberg as well as the inter- ior. Doesn't sound attractive, but if it helps him play ball the chances are that "Staunch" will be chewing a lot of tobacco during the coming season.I or WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! DAY OR NIGHT Continuous Shows From 1 P.M. STATE NOW! DISNEY'S DELIGHTFUL HIT! SEE WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE Love end Iavghter...suspenso and spectacle...as a famed Book-of -t he.Month best-seller inspires Walt_Disney' greatest featurel WALt DISNEY Nult ripkA HE TECHNICOLOR FEATSE A GREAT LOVE STORY _ From fi --t- the novel by - Felix Salten .aaDistri6dby RKO RADIO Pite