PAGt fWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,- Mk PAGI~ ~fWo TUESDAYS ~ ~O, 1~4#j~ Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published b every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summersession. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is cxclislvely entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43. NEPR9080TUD FOR NATION.L ADYSIlVTI.PONG WY National Advertising Sefvice, Inc. College Pablishers RePresentative 420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK. N.Y. cHICAGO - bosTON - Los ARGELIS - SAN FRAnCISCO Driving the Points Home AN OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE: Round- Tia b/PAcademia 4' fr, ~ John Erlewine Bud Brimmer Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte ConovE Erie Zaienski Betty Harvey James Conant Edward J. Perlbe Fred M. Ginsber Mary Lou Currai Jane Lindberg . Editorial Staff . . . . . Managing Editor" S. . . . Editorial Director- City Editor Associate Editor er ..AssociateEditor * . . . . .Sports Editor Women's Editor .Olumnist Business Staff rg . . . *. . Business Manager g . . Associate Business Manager ni . . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Telephone 23-24-1 (Editor's Note: The following arti- cle, which we believe has particular relevance- just after the Michigan Academy conferences, is reprinted from the Saturday Review of Litera- ture, March 20.) T HE other night we attended a university round-table discus- sion on the problems of the coming peace. Several papers were read, ideas and issues flowed freely, and at the end, as was to be expected, the participants trailed off into the night with as little or less ar- gument than when they came in. For our part we confess we came away puzzled and disturbed-not only by the enormity of the prob- e6do What with the welter of criti- cism that is now descending on the head of John L. Lewis because he demands a $2 daily wage increase for his United Mine Workers, something ought to be said in his favor. While his opponents all claim that his demand for wage raises will wreck the Nation's dikes against inflation, few have con- sidered the arguments he pre- sented. Last Saturday he told the Truman Sentite Committee again that he wasn't going to back down from his wage demands. He claimed that the government on one hand induced inflation by "excessive rewards to industry for producing essential war materials" and on the other hand sought to fight inflation by "saying to 50,- 000,000 Anerican workers that we can't do anything for you." Certainly the truth of this state- ment cannot be denied when only last week Drew Pearson revealed that the U.S. had made the Alumi- inum Company of Canada an out- right gift of over $60,000,000 With a three million dollar profit thrown in for good measure. Eith- er the government will have to eliminate industry's excessive war profits or admit the validity of John L.'s contentions and allow the wage increse. -R. Smith lem under discussion, but by an atmosphere or state of mind which, in the extreme manifestations, is an occupational disease sometimes referred to as pernicious academia. Symptoms: an inordinate love of q. hypothetical first cause and an equally hypothetical ultimate truth; a copiplete reticence and awkwardness in the face of human motivations; a positive dread of absolutes and a correspondingly high esteem for relatives; an unre- lenting and ruthless passion for the word "perspective." I In the last stages, victims have been known to reduce the most tangible and alarmingly concrete questions to remote abstractions without even the respite of a semicolon. At the forum in question, for ex- ample, it was difficult to find out what war was being discussed. It was not only that -the inevitable pursuit of the first cause landed the subject plump in the center of anthropological and philosophical meditations; nor only that all the old stereotypes of peace-planning were trotted out-stereotypes con- cerning reparations, boundary- fixing, disarmament, etc., which in the way they were brought out could have applied to any age and which gave no hint that this war was unique in important respects, particularly as it concerned the fact that the world today is a geo- graphical unit. THE basic difficulty in finding out what war was being dis- cussed stemmed from the appar- ent reluctance to deal with the dramatis personae of this war or the things that are happening in the war for which retribution will be demanded. If anyone had presumed to mention the nanme of Adolf Hitler, he would doubt- less have been glowered upon as an emotional and otherwise su- perficial individual lacking the equipment to dig deeply into the causes of this war. It was almost as bad as it was after the last war when anyone who men- tioned the Kaiser's name In even the least uncomplimentary terms was regarded as a simple fellow indeed. All of which causes us to won- der whether the deodorizing of the causes of this war and the Nazi crimes has already begun to take place. Perhaps this is one of the clearest indications that we are winning, for it is only when we Ae on top of the wave and when we have forgotten how close we can to being engulfed that we can af- ford the luxury of such supposed detachment. We suddenly becoe very scientific and scholarly, and attempt to divorce ourselves from anything that would seem to sug- gest passion or even ordinary h4- man impulses. Thus after the last war we brought debunking to a high art, and constructed in retrospet a picture of a war that suited the mood at the time but which other- wise had little foundation in act, ality. Can it be that Hitler, liie the Kaiser, will be the benefactor of an illusory era of sweet reason? ARE WE going to regard the jar- ring, sickening crimes against human dignity-crimes such as the murder of Lidice, the system- atic destruction of the Polish na- tion, the extermination of the Jew- ish people-as merely propaganda expedients of the United Nations, something to be identified with war emotions and therefore to be forgotten as quicly as possible? Are we to avoid talking about such crimes out of a misguided nOtion that to do so is to confess one's lack of basic sophistication or scholarship or both? In shprt, are we going to develop a guilt complex that will act as a deadly suction upon our ability to keep the war won? One trouble with the obsession for detachment is that not o ly do we detach ourselves from emo- tionalism but frequently f oj, actuality. Of one thing we can be certain: No matter how long we search for the first cause, no matter how heavily we clothe ourselves in the laundered vest-. ments of scholarship, we can never hope to make a lstin peace unless we can become e - cited, even passionate, sb)614 questions involving -the ru - mentary questions of good ts. evil, right vs. wrong. "Ah!" but the apostle of detacl- ment may say, "Who is there to say what is good and what is evil?" Well, brother, if you dont klpw the difference, it's about time you found out. Ten million dead peo- ple in this war can't be wrong.- NIGHT EDITOR: MONROE FINK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. RL - REACTIONARY. Grass-Root Preaehers Spread Religion of Hate PERHAPS you think that racial hatreds are confined to the deep South, and that fascism is something which can grow up only in theper- verted minds of Germans and Japanese. If you do, you should have heard Rev. Claude Williams, at a Sociology discussion Friday, tell of the religion of hatred which is. gripping fac- tory workers at our own back door. Along with the Southerners who, have come up to work in Ford's, Chrysler's, and General Motors, have come their preachers. ienU who work with their hands six days a week and mount the pulpit the seventh. Grass-root preachers who believe that they have been called of God, men with the courage, the lead- ership, and the earthy vocabulary to reach the people. It's a strange Christianity they preach, said Rev. Williams. A creed which describes Christ as cast out by his own people, and implies that whatever unpleasant things happen to: that peo- ple are ordained by God. It's a fervent belief in the soul and the world to come these migrant workers have never had the good things of this world) combined with a hatred of Catholics, Communists, Jews, and everything liberal. A re- ligion which furnishes easy fodder for the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Legion. The men who preach this religion are not. evangelists or professional rabble-rousers, but sincere and able pastors. The people who follow them are not evil or Nazi, but crushed by poverty, afraid of losing their jobs, afraid of Communists, afraid of the world. Liberals, Claude Williams went on, do not reach these people in the factories. Liberals write in the New Republic; liberal ministers give Sunday sermons to the upper Income brackets.,"They 'work for the people, not with the people," he put it. EVEN the unions do not wield the power of these grass-root preachers, and men like Ger- ald L. K. Smith, who trade in on their hatreds. The reactionary currents undercut the unions, and divide union members from their leadership. Rev. Williams' speech should have been heard by every student and every faculty member of this University. Because the students and fac- ulty of this University, by and large, are not of the people. They are middle-class, and, as Rev. Williams, said, America is 'not middle-class. America is the men in Willow Run and River Rouge and the other plants. Today, only the grass-root preachers speak their language. Unless the middle class-people like us, happy in a rich, fat, prosperous University-can learn to talk their language, to influence their leaders, the middle class will not be Around very long. Nor will the liberal democracy it takes so much for granted. for granted. - Jim Conant DREW PEARSONWS MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, March 30.- A lot of waste is unavoidable in the haste of wartime. However, better headwork and planning certainly should be able to eliminate some of the Navy's ship- conversion errors which are costing the taxpayer a mint of money.I Take, for instance, the case of a twin-screw passenger ship built in Newport News in 1932. Last August when plans were being completed for the North African landing, the Navy asked the War Shipping Administration for this ship, together with five others, to be converted for combat purposes. This one was to be made a "combat loader", which required the installation of heavy hoisting equipment on the deck to hoist landing barges; also the construction of steel deck houses. The ship was put into the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and. a crew of men immediately went to work with blowtorches, dismantling the superstruc- ture. After only a few days, however, the Navy decided they did not want the ship, that her stability was inadequate for the installation of such heavy stuff on top. Accordingly, they asked the War Shipping Administration to take the redelivery of the ship, retroactively, meaning that the Navy wanted to cancel out their error and let the WSA take over. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate) JTM-CRO0WISM:, Negro Segregation Laws 6 1 C7 1 Should Be -Abolished AMONG the least publicized of any statutes in the United States are those which keep mem- bers of the Negro race from being treated with democratic' decency, These statutes'are known as compulsory seg- regation laws. In a nation whose proudest possessions are equality and justice these laws are found which prohibit a man from getting a job, from belonging to a craftsman's trade union, from riding on a streetcar, from eating in a. restaurant, and from staying in a hotel, for no other reason than that he is a Negro. Today, emotions are being stirred by the war. The American Negroes are among those aroused and articulate in their resentment. J. Saunders Redding, Negro author, "Speaks For His People" in an article in this mcnth's Atlantic Monthly. "People all over the world are affirming the concept of equality, the Negro, too, in America, is affirming with strong voice that the rights fundamental to all men shall no longer be ,denied him," declares Mr. Redding. T HE RIGHTS being demanded by the American Negro partly constitute the criteria for which the United Nations are fighting. These demands ae clearly presented in an editorial which ap- p ared Oct. 17, 1942, in the Norfolk Journal and Guide. "The Negro wants a chance to work at any job for which his training and abilities qual- ify him. He wants to vote and participate in his government after meeting the requirements set up for citizens of other races. He wants to serve his country in war as a civilian as well as a soldier. He wants the implacable Jim-Crowism Pd Rather L Be Right BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 30.- I have the strongest feeling that our country is losing its commanding position-in the affairs of the world. We are writ- ing ourselves off, through a crabbed and narrow foreign policy, and we are being written off. We cannot join with one faction in France, as we are doing, without taking on the little- ness of factionalism. We were bigger than France. We have chosen to cut ourselves down to the size of Giraud. We could have marched in seven-league bpots toward the freeing of all of the people of France. We have crawled on our bellies toward the abo lition of the Cremieux decree, and the disenfran- chisement of 100,000 French citizens in Algeria the better to protect the parties of the right in North Africa. We have splintered our prestige, to make it as small as that of one splinter in French politics. We were bigger than Spain, but we have chosen to make ourselves as small as Franco, by choosing him and praising him. Mexico is smaller than we. But its President, Avila Camacho, attends a luncheon for Spanish Republican exiles in Mexico City, and says to them: "To Mexico and to me you are the men of Spain." Cuba is small. But its Foreign Minis- ter, Emerterio Santovenia, asks that 20,000 Span- ish Republican prisoners be released from North Africa. Uruguay is small. But she has made the anniversary of the founding of the Spanish republic a national holiday. We are many times bigger than all of these countries, taken together, but we have chosen to join ourselves in Europe to what is small, not to what is big. We have had to get down to our knees to make ourselves small enough to crouch beside Franco, but we are doing it. Not understand- ing Spain, we find that we no longer under- stand Latin America, and that Latin America begins not to understand us. We are losing our size. If Franco is to be our armor, then we must shrink ourselves to fit that diminutive breastplate. We have chos- en to join the little men of Europe, even if we must cut ourselves off at the waist and shange our natural American voice to a thin falsetto to do so. Otto of Austria is our playmate, and oh! what games we have with the little fellow! What fun, to order Poles and Yugoslavs into a minuscule "Austrian" battalion of less than a thousand, and then to release these men under pressure, in undignified haste. But a small game for' a great country, a wretched small game, a game showing a will to littleness. And the newspapers of Caracas, in Venezuela, write editorials about us, wondering about the giant who plays on his knees.I It is as if we had the choice (and the power) to make a new world, or to live among the overturned chairs, the tattered draperies, the broken walls and the second-hand political furniture of the old one, and had chosen the latter. A Franco in Spain, a vote-denying rightist government in France, an Otto in Aus- tria; and, la, it might be a magpie's nest, but perhaps we can be comfortable in it. What neurotic fears among our diplomats (whose profession is fear) have led to this choice we DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1943 VOL. LII No. 125 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President In typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its pubilca- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m' Notices Abbott and Fassett SeholarshipS: Can- didates for the Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott Scholarships (for women, any school or college) and ther Eugee G. FAs- sett Scholarship (men or 'woen, any undergraduate school or college) are ad- vised that their applications should be submitted before April 5 through the Dean or Director of the school or college in which they are registered. Students, College of Engineering: All Engineering students who missed the Spe- cial Assemblies report promptly to Room 255, West Engineering Building, to fill in the War Board questionnaire. -A. H. Lovell Faculty, College of Literature, Science, ajnd the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, April S. Report cards are being istributed to all departmekxtal offices. Green cards are being provided for freshman reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell Hall., Midsemester reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemnester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-' called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but reg- istered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are regis- tered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. -E. A. Walter Assistant Dean Retirement Dinner for Professor J. Ital- eigh Nelson: -The deadline for reserva- tions for this dinner is April 1, 'and those who received invitations or who are friends inadvertently omitted from the invitation list are reminded that no reservations can be placed after .that date. Women: RCA-A representative of the RCA Corporation is coming Wednesday, March 31 to interview women for their Cadette Training Prpgram beginning May 1. This is open to both underclass and senior students. Call our office-*immedli- ately for appointments, Ext. 371. Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. -Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information day at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Founda- tion Institute Auditorium. The public is Invited. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Gene- vieve Stearns, Research Associate Pro- fessor of Pediatrics at the University of Iowa, will lecture tonight at 8:00 p.m. In the Rackham Amphitheatre. Topic: "The Relation of Changes in Body Composition to Food Requirements and Utilization dur- ing Growth." Academic Notices Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1564 East Med- ical Building. Subject: "Lymphocytic Ohoriomeningitis." All interested are in- vited. Attention, Marine Reservists: There will be a meeting tonight at 8:30 in the, Union. Bring your Manuals. Graduate Record Examination: This, ex- aminaion will be give n for all senior students in the University andfor new graduate students at 7 p.m. Monday, April 12, and at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 14. The examination is in two parts, one part to be given each evening. It is nec- essary that every student planning to take the examination fill out an information schedule and obtain an admission card. This must be done within the next forty- eight hours at either the Office of the DQan of the Literary College, 1210 Angell Hall, or at the War Information Center in the Michigan League. The test results to be furnished each student will be of great value to men and women entering either the armed forces or civilian services as well as to students who are seeking further prepara- tion in graduate school or elsewhere. The University is paying the fee for this exam- ination. The Concerts 'rehirtieth Annual Spring Concert tional Central University in Chuilg, will present an exhibition of - porary Chinese painting and dnousrtv his own painting'daily until open to the public daily, 1:00-6:00 In the Grand Rapids Room of the Mlel- gan League. No admission charge. Events Today Pre-Medical Society: Moving, pi" 3 on "Deep Skin Grafting" W11 bep n tonight at 8 o'clock in the Union. !mirp will be a speaker from the Dernlat6lo4y Department. All pre-medics are cordially invited. Dues are payable. The Michigan Sailing Club wlMl meet o- night at 7:30 in room 336 west Enginee Ik- ing Building. All intergsted in sal11 are invited. Theta Sigma Phi will' have a compUl- sory meeting of all members and pledges today at 4:00 p.m. in the Editorial Room. Discussion of initiative plans. Red Cross ba'ndage ,rlling unit wil l xeet this afternoon, 1:00-5:30, at thi HM Foundation. Girls are urged to come to participate in this vital war work. Plpase wear white blouses. The Beginning and Advanced Leag'ue Dance Classes will meet together tonight in the League ballroom at 8:00. Disciples Guild: Tea will be servod this afternoon, 5:00-6:00, at the Disciples .sG41 flouse, 438 Maynard St. Both Disciples and Congregational dtudents and frienris are invited. The Bookshelf and Stage section of the Women's Faculty Club will meet with Mrs. George Lindsay, 2015 Day St., today at 2:45 p.m. The Bibliophiile section of ,te Fc- ulty Women's Club will meet tQla at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Ralph Curtiss, 1106 S. Forest. of the University of Michigan Concert Band, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will Michigan Dames service hospital group be presented at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April will meet at the Michigan League IBuiding 1, in Hill Auditorium. in the game room tonight at &00. The program will - include works by I Weber, williams, Holmes, Wagner, Rim- Christian Science Organization vi4l meet sky-Korsokov, Bloom, Fallg, Gould and tonight at 8:15 in Rooms D aunl E of the Sousa, and will be open to the general Michigan League. public. Ilk The City Editor's 45~tc PAd Organ Recital: The first of a series of organ recitals will be played by Palmer Christian, University Organist, at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 31, in Hill Audi- torium. Other programs will follow on the afternoons of April 7, 14, and Good, Friday, April 23. The general public is invited. Exhibitions' Exhibition, College of Architecture and Coding Ereta4 Sociedad Hispanica prs nts xessor Irving A. Leonard, who will lecotpre ,p "Los Estados Unidos vistos por. oro'" ("Inside the United States"), on Wednes- day, March 31, at 4:15 p.m. in Room b, Alumni Memorial Hall. The general public is invite1. "Cate", a comedy by Ts;W. ;,br ftms, will be presented by Play Production f the IDepartment of Speech, .Wednresday ONCE IN A WHILE a magazine does something terrific. Life did it last week. F