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March 27, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-27

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4it 43kU









Labor Head
Insisting on
Lewis Says Workers
Can Strike If Wage
Increase Is Not Met
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, March 26.- In a
dramatic hearing, frequently pune-
tuated by sharp exchanges with in-
vestigating Senators, John L. Lewis
insisted today that coal miners must
have higher wages and maintained
they are under no obligation not to
strike if they fail to get them.
The President of the United Mine
Workers said he joined with "all
Americans in hoping no work stop-
page will be necessary," but repeat-
edly declared he was not "necessar-
ily bound" by the no-strike pledge
labor leaders made in 1941.
Agreement Voided by Formula
That agreement, he asserted, was
voided by the War Labor Board's
adoption of the "Little Steel" form-
ula for fixing wages.
Indicating he would insist on the
full $2-a-day increase he is asking
for the miners, Lewis said this figure
was based on the miners' instruc-
tions to him Lnd the increased cost
of living in mining communities.
He argued, too, that industry is
waxing fat off government contracts
while miners are forced by low in-
comes to. follow a diet deficient to
the point of endangering productiv-
Senator 'Ball Questions
When Senator Ball (Rep.-Minn.)
questioned his statement that miners
aren't "getting enough to eat," and
called it "demagoguery, pure and
simple," the Preident of the United
Mine Workers thundred:
"When yoUcall mera demagogue
before I can reply, I hurl it back in
your face, sr." He contended the
senator had not allowed him to sub-
stantiate his claim.
Viehy Cabinet
Is Shaken Up
Diplomats Transfer
Allegiance to Giraud
By The Associated ress
The Berlin radio announced last
night a shakeup in Pierre Laval's
Vichy cabinet in which five ministers
were dismissed, and this develop-
ment came amid continued deser-
tions from the Vichy government by
foreign diplomats who were switch-
ing their allegiance to Gen. Henri
Honore Giraud, French High Com-
missioner in Allied Northwest Africa.
The ministers "taking leave of
Chief of State Petain," said the
broadcast recorded by the Associated
Press, were:
Joseph Barthelmy, Justice; Ad-
miral Jean Marie Abrial, Navy; Gen.
Jean Francois Jannekyn, Aviation;
Jules Brevie, Colonies; and Rear Ad-
miral Rene Platon, Secretary of
State in the Foreign Ministry held by
Laval himself.
The Berlin Radio stressed that the
shakeup was "harmonious, insuring
unconditional support of the Laval
Government,'' and said some of the
posts were being telescoped to give
a greater concentration of power.

Buckeyes Lead
Swim Meet as
Records Fall
special To The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 26.-()-
At the end (f a hectic first night
that saw one world record and three
NCAA marks fall the favored Ohio
State swimmers swept to a command-
ing 26-point lead in the National Col-
legiate swimming championships over
the second-place Wolverines. The
totals read: Ohio 49, Michigan 23.
The biggest event of the evening,
and one of the biggest in many years
was the performance of Northwestern

Hunt Stresses Causes of War
In Michigan Academy Talk
More Than 200 Papers Discuss Variety of
World Problems in 17 Sectional Conferences
Proposing that we recognize that "population density is a potent cause
of war", Dr. H. R. Hunt greeted more than 200 members of the Michigan
Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in his presidential address in the
Rackham Amphitheatre last night.
"Reducing population pressures-too many people per square mile in a
country-decreases the urge toward war. The Reverend Thomas Malthus
was the first notable student of the population problem," he said and
emphasized the danger of increasing population driving men to fight for
< food, for dominance and even for

Tontinies Ploi Through Barbed Wire in Tun

Brown Pleads
For Packers'
Point System To Be
Applied to Nearly
All Meats Next Week
WASHINGTON, March 26.- (1)-
Price Administrator Brown, assert-
ing he wants "the coupons to be
good when meat rationing starts,"
asked packers today to work with
the OPA in ironing out problems
arising in the first few weeks after
the point system is applied to beef,
pork and mutton, beginning Mon-
At the same time, announcement
of slaughter quotas for the April-
June period showed that civilians
will get slightly smaller percentage
of all meats, except pork, than now.
"There has been an extraordinary
demand for meat in the past three
days," Brown commented after a
conference with representatives of
the American Meat Institute and the
National Independent Meat Packers
Wilbur La Roe, Jr., counsel for the
Independent Association, said the
conference, besides discussing whe-
ther there should be a ceiling on live
hogs, also talked of the possibility
of adjusting prices or quotas as a
means of getting meat to butcher
shops to satisfy the public's demands.
For most people, tomorrow (Sat-
urday) is the last day to buy meat
and cheese without using ration cou-
pons. Beginning Monday, all beef,
veal, pork, lamb and mutton will be
rationed, along with cheese, canned
fish and fats and oils. Sales of fats
and oils on the list-including but-
ter, margarine and lard-have been
suspended all this week, while can-
ned fish and canned meat have been
"frozen" more than a month. Sales
of these goods will be resumed Mon-
day on the point basis, with each
person allowed to spend 16 points a
week, and most steaks, butter and
cheese calling for eight points a
pound. Only those who shop at
neighborhood stores open on Sunday
will be allowed to purchase meat and
cheese without points after tomor-
Senior Engineers Elect
Mott, Schoel and Ryan
Robert G. Mott, '43E, was elected
president of the senior engineering
class yesterday, it was announced by
Howard J. Howerth, '43, president of
the engineering council.'
Richard C. Schoel, '43E, was elec-
ted secretary of the class and Wil-
liam E. Ryan, '43E, treasurer.

survival itself.
He cited the enormous density of
Japanese population per square mile
-3,131 persons-as a driving force
in Japanese aggression. He advo-
cated "raising the standard of living
in crowded countries" to solve the
question of a rising birth rate.
Dr. Hunt's address climaxed a full
day of sectional meetings for Acad-
emy members. More than 200 pap-
ers were presented today in 17 dif-
ferent divisional meetings while 50
more papers will be heard tomorrow.
Declaring that "the unions have
created a monopolistic control over
labor." Prof. Charles Jamison of
the Business School, outlined the de-
ficiences of our present price control
in his paper before the economics di-
vision yesterday.
. .. . ..a monopoly that is so
oppressive to the people who are a
part of it as any business monopoly
could possibly be. They are demand-
ing monopoly prices for labor and
they are in a strong position to get
what they ask."
Citing the lack of control over
rapidly increasing wage rates in most
Today's Feature
A panel discussion reviewing
"The Ruling Values of American
Culture" will be held at 10 a.m.
today in 225 Angell Hall.
The discussion will focus about
two controlling themes; 1) by
what means can the ruling values
of a culture be discovered? 2)
what are the ruling values of our
This panel is the highlight of
todays program in the Language
and Literature division; of the
Michigan Academy. It is the first
time in the 48 year history of the
Academy that such a discussion
has been attempted.
Prof. Julio del Toro of the Ro-
mance Language department, the
division chairman, pointed out
since we are now fighting for this
culture we must define it now."
This discussion is not restricted
to Academy members. The public
is invited.
industries as the main deficiency of
price control, Jamison advocated im-
mediated control of the prime cost of
production-wages rates-to insure
the adequacy of methods to curb in-
"Farmers are opposing price sub-
sidies because they contend that the
increased urban income is sufficient
to pay fair prices for food," stated
Prof. Orion Ulrey of Michigan State
College yesterday at the economics
- Turn to Page 4, Col. 1

Through a gap blown through barbed wire, soldiers of the'Eighth Army advance to a
Mareth Line. Sappers have already cleared the way with a "Baugalore" torpedo-a pipe p;
sive and timed for delayed action-and marked out a path with iarkers and tape (white
This is one of the first pictures showing action on the Mareth Front since Gen. Montgom
took the offensive.

Anthony Eden
Says Britaim
Will, Fioht Japs
Complete Surrender
Of Axis Predicted by
English Statesman
ANNAPOLIS, Md., March 26.-
(P)-- Britain is out to crush Japan
as well as Germany, Foreign Secre-
tary Anthony Eden assured Ameri-
cans tonight; there will be no rest
until both ends of the Axis have been
"Let there be no mistake," Eden
said in an address prepared for the
Maryland state assembly and for
broadcast to the nation over CBS;
"We shall not rest upon our arms
until every one of our enemies has
unconditionally surrendered. We,
no less than you, and our partner
China, have a score to settle with the
Japanese; nor shall we cease fight-
ing until that evil growth in the
Pacific has been cut back. We shall
be with you in this to he end."
Eden had a special word of en-
couragement for China.
"Let China not misdoubt us," he
said. "We shall not forget how for
years she registered aggression
single-handed . . . the day will come
when the Burma Road will once
again be open."
His positive assertion concerning
war to the end against Japan, and
his remarks about China seemed de-
signed to counteract the undercur-
rent of anxiety noticeable in some
comments on Prime Minister Chur-
chill's Sunday broadcast.
Although Churchill spoke of pun-
ishing Japan and rescuing China,
his suggestion of a partial demobili-
zation after Germany's defeat and
his omission of China in mentioning
the great powers led to expressions
of uneasiness in some quarters here
and in China.I

'British Edge Forit
Into* M rethDef**
Germans Gireet Offensive with Hea
Yanks Try To Stall ,Rommel on T
fantry of the British E.' h'th Army inclied slowly forwa
of the Mareth Line un er a hail of gunfire today wh
70 miles away fought grimly to keep!Marshal Erwin Ro
to the Tunisian coast.
The seventh night xf Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgot
deep Mareth belt of mi hefields and pillboxes backed t
of armor and artillery found the British and the ene
struggle reminiscent of the firot World War's many
and attrition."1
There was complete absence of information ont
El Hamma area, where daring units of the Eighth A
around and into the rear of the'&-

isiaReds Advance
While Holding
Germans Suffer H 'eavy
Losses in Effort To
Gain in Kharkov Arcea
LONDON, March 27 (Saturday-
()- Russian troops beating against
Smolensk's distant defenses wiped
out a German garrison at one
strongpoint and captured another,
while holding firm against Nazi
counter-assaults on the Donets River
front near Kharkov in the south.
Moscow announced today.
The new central front gains an-
nounced in the midnight communi-
que recorded by the Soviet Monitor
were said to be south of Bely, pre-
sumably near Dukhovschina 32
miles from Smolensk.
Tanks Drive Forward
ttack on Rommel's . A Stockholm dispatch said Rus-
mocked with explo- sian tanks already ha'd broken into
lines on ground). Dorogobuzh, 50 miles east of Smo-
line ongroud). lensk, in a frontal assault support-
ery's British forces ing the northeastern wedge in Smo-
lensk's outlying defense belt.
* *' Several populated places were tak-
en in this continuing drive over dif-
ficult terrain, but the communique
suggested part of the Russian troops
were consolidating their hard won
gains in the great salient which so
.,nses long had threatened Moscow.
Approximately 1,100 Germans
were reported slain in futile efforts
vy Gunfire; to breach Russian positions between
IBelgorod and Chuguev in the Khar-
unisian Coast kov sector ofthe Ukraine during
yesterday's fighting which found the
March 26.-(G)-Ih- Germans still using a considerable
rd into fortifications number of tanks.
aile American forces 42 Tanks Destroyed
mmel's flank pinned Near Chuguev, 22 miles southeast
of Kharkov, the communique said
mery's attack on the numerous tank and infantry attacks
ap by concentrations were repulsed, one Soviet unit alone
my still locked in a destroying 42 Nazi tanks and wiping
"battles of position out a battalion of infantry.
Moscow announcements yesterday
the situation in the suggested the same course of the
Lrmy had struck far struggle, a continuing push by the
Red Army toward Smolensk and a
firm stand in the Ukraine.
The noon communique said sev-
eral settlements were captured in the
Kuban below Rostov where the Rus-
Ss ofsians are advancing within 20 miles
of Novorossisk, Black Sea naval base.
rax Plait Increased Air Fighting
thGreatly increased air fighting in
the bright, cloudless skies above the
ans. Accused Leningrad front suggested a battle
g With Eye below, as well. The Russians said
they destroyed 13 more planes, for a
Elections three-day total of 58.
(The German communique said
N, March 26.-VP)- that all fighting on the Russian
ns were brdught into front was minor and that the power
te of pay-as-you-go of Russian attacks south of Lake
Rep. Dingell (Dem.- Ladoga had decreased considerably.
g he was convinced German resistance increased on
porters of the Ruml the approaches to Smolensk, where
se of abundant cam- the nearest Russians are reported
ould they succeed in but 32 miles away.
s to skip an income
member also told his A llies Bo m
y voting for the plan,
by Beardsley Ruml,
he Federal Reserve


Mareth Line. But continued heavy
attacks by the Allies' western desert
air force on enemy armor in the
vicinity of El Hamma indicated that
the flanking British force *was hold-
ing its initial gains there despite its
long supply line.
(The Algiers Radio said the Brit-
ish before El Hamma, which is 20
miles from the Axis supply port of
Gabes, were meeting, an "extremely
dense anti-tank defense system," but,
that they had captured the height
of Diebel Tobaga, dominating Gabes.
There was no Allied confirmation of
this report.)
American troops entrenched on
the heights dominating .Guetaria
Pass, through which runs the south-
ernmost road from Gafsa to the sea,
were counterattacked again by Ger-
man infantry seeking to infiltrate
and outflank their rocky positionts.
Although the Germans got a foot-
hold on the southern slopes of Die-
bel Derba, which is on the south side
of the pass, front line dispatches said
the Americans kept control of the
Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.'s other
American forces were engaged in
difficult mopping up operations
against the enemy.

Ruml T
Of Actin
To 1944
The 1944 electioi
the House deba
taxes today, with
Mich.) declaring
Republican subr
plan had "promi
'paign funds" sh
getting Congresq
tax year.
The Michigan
colleagues that b
first advanced
Chairman of t

Chester Davis Given Vast Farm Labor Powers

WASHINGTON, March 26.-'P)
-President Roosevelt disclosed to-
day that plans are in the making

clear, will have virtually a cabinet
officer's status independent of
Secretary of Agriculture Wickard.
In a press conference discussion,
the President smilingly said he
thought no one is going to starve,
spoke in generally optimistic terms
of the food outlook, and reported:
1. Davis, when he begins his
duties Monday, will take up imme-
diately the question of forming a
land army of boys, girls and wom-
en to help produce needed war-
time food. Mr. Roosevelt men-
tioned also that some communities
are doing a great deal on their own
initiative, toward helping with
farm work, and indicated this
wm,,ild h ii anr .nrn .LYo'd_ VJ'cP *si d

gram, and it is being revised. WPB
had most of the large manufac-
turers convert to arms production,
Mr. Roosevelt explained, but it
developed that the smaller firms
lacked the distribution facilities
which the bigger ones had through
branch offices. Some of the bigger
concerns, he said, will return to
manufacture of farm machinery
and also will distribute the output
of smaller ones. He added that
steel had been allocated for all the
machinery needed.
3. Mr. Roosevelt mentioned, too,
as a favorable sign last week's ad-
vice by the Federal Crop Reporting
Board that a nation-wide survey
indlicaefa~frmrs Will nlant 10.-

lations. Price Administrator Pren-
tiss M. Brown had estimated the
first bill would boost food costs
10/2 per cent, and the other would
raise them 7 per cent.
The measure approved now goes
to the White House. Opponents
predicted the President would veto
The President released at his
conference the executive order
establishing the new Office of
Food Production and Distribution
to be headed by Davis. It said the
action was taken under the au-
thority vested in the President by
the Constitution, the first War
Powers Act, the office of the Presi-

Bank of New York, they would vote
themselves a bonus and many never
would return to Congress.
Rep. Lynch (Dem.-N.Y.) charged
the Republicans sought to wreck the
Administration's war economy and
through that wreckage climb back to
political power."
On the other hand, Rep. Reed
(Rep.-N.Y.) declared the present tax
system was driving millions of per-
sons into the clutches of "loan
sharks," and pleaded for enactment
of the skip-a-year plan as the only
fair and practical means of attaining
He said $600,000,000 had been bor-
rowed at interest rates ranging up to
20 per cent, to pay taxes.
Panhel Ball To Be
Presented Tonight
The all-out-for-war Panhellenic
ball will be held from 9 to 12 p.m.
today in the League Ballroom minus
decorations and programs; all pro-
ceeds will add to the Bomber Schol-
There are absolutely no more
tickets available for Panhellenic
Ball d~ue ~to a calte a~galgai,+

AUSTRALIA, March 27 (Saturday)
(P)- Dipping as low as 75 feet to
lose their bombs, Allied four-mot-
ored bombers blasted newly-con-
structed installations and shipping
at the new Japanese base of Wewak
on the north coast of New Guinea in
a three-hour night attack, an Allied
communique said today.
Using 500 and 1,000-pound bombs.
the Flying Fortresses scored two hits
on a 4,000-ton merchantman in the
harbor, leaving it badly damaged,
and pounded the airdrome, town,
and docks with 19 tons of explosives.
The 1,000-pound bombs, the an-
nouncement said "caused especially
serious damaged among the shore
The attacking planes dove through
heavy anti-aircraft fire and all re-
turned safely, the communique said.
Wewak, 360 miles above Port Mor-
esby, apparently was given special
attention because of its position as
a reinforcement and intermediate
supply port for the hard-pressed

Attack Blasts
Bases in New

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