C N AMAWAAbip ",,"I t *1 Weather ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Churchill See Invasion in '43 _. ERC Me i Will Be Called 'Soon as Possible 700 'U' Men Affected by ERC Order New Technical Groups Set Up for Temporary Engineering Exemption BOSTON, Feb. 11.- (A)- College students in the Army Enlisted Re- serve, excepting certain technical students, will be called to active duty as soon as possible after the closing date of the current semester or cor- responding academic period which ends after Dec. 31, 1942, the War De- partment announced today. Army officers described it as a clar- ifying announcement to the War De- partment directive of Jan. 27. The order affects students nation- ally, officers at the First Service Com- mand said, and the exempted cate- gories include pre-medical, pre-den- tal, approved engineering students. * * 700 'U' Men Are Affected by Call More than 700 University men will be affected by the War Department's latest announcement on the status of the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, unassigned, Commenting on the new announce- mnent, Prof. Burton D. Thuma, cam- pus armed forces representative, said last night that the new statement was little more than was already known. (The Army's directive of Jan. 27 reiterated an interpretation of the Army Specialized Training Program that told University men that they would not be given notices of active duty before Feb. 13 (tomorrow). . (The main body of the Jan. 27 di- etive listed certain categories of students that would be deferred until the end of the current semester. They included pre - medical, pre - dental, sophomore and junior and senior en- gineers. Engineers Designated (New classes were given official designation as engineers. They include sophomores, juniors and seniors in the following fields: chemistry, phys- ics, psychology, bacteriology, and me- teorology. (Prof. Thuma said that the Army recently had asked for lists of the above classes of students and their standings in the University. They have not yet been sent to the War Department but are still in prepara- tion. ) Prof. Thuma asked Army Air Corps Enlisted Reserve men to refrain from calling Sixth Service Command Head- quarters in Chicago for more infor- mation. He said that several students had already called and that this would lead to congestion in the Head- quarters. Be Ready to Leave "They mean what they say," Prof. Thuma said, affirming the, authen- ticity of stories from Chicago in yes- terday's Daily. Ie said that he would try to answer all questions here. To Army Enlisted Reserve Corps men wondering whether or not to leave school, Prof. Thuma said: "If the student lives close by.. he might stay in, but if he lives a considerable distance away he might drop out to see his parents. "If you stay in school, live out of a suitcase because you may get very short rnotice of induction. "Orders will probably come here. If you leave school make arrange- ments to be called or wired." Notices Start Tomorrow Definite dates of induction into ac- tive service from the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps was given students on Dec. 30 when President Alexander G. Ruthven received from Washington an interpretation of the Army Spe- cialized Training Program that read as follows: "No orders will be given to report on a date prior to two weeks after the completion of the student's first academic quarter, term or semester terminating after Dec. 31, 1942." Applied to the University, the inter- pretation set the date as tomorrow for the beginning of active duty no- 4-:- A+ ha+ +ima+ ,.,a.ar ,t immi Two Nazi 'Strong Points' Threatened KALIN N RUSSIA VELIKIE 'RZHEV LU KI vYAZMA SMOLENSA TULA OREL URDSARATOY VORONEZH{- j KIEV ELGORO tv Don R. I Do~eiSTALINGRAD KRAMATORSK DNIEPERO- ,VOROSHILOVGRAD PETROVSK 0DESSA TAGANROG 7 C ASTRAKHAN =Azov: >TIKHORETSK E .. KE KRASNODAR kSe. NALCHIK GROZNY 0 200 STATUTE MILES TBATUM : Black area shows gains rolled up in two days' time by Red troops now threatening the German bases of Orel (1) and Kharkov (2). Two other German bases in the same region, Kursk and Belgorod (both shown in black area) have been claimed by Soviets. Reds Menace Kharkov, Cu krie Ralwa LONDON, Feb. 11.- (A')- The Red Army in its smashing semi-encircle-1 ment of Kharkov has cut the Ukraine bastion's main railway to the South and the Crimea by capturing the key rail junction of Lozovaya, the Moscow radio announced tonight in a special7 communique recorded here by the Soviet Monitor. Capture of Lozovaya apparently represented a 35-mile advance west- ward from Barvenkova by a force which, threatening at any moment to; turn southward toward the Sea of Azov, is menacing from the rear hun- dreds of thousands of German troops in the area of Rostov. Kharkov, which has been the Ger- mans' strongest position in all Russia Student Nurses Register Today For Instruction Fifty-nine student nurses, enrolled through seven hospitals in the state, will register here today for 'basic in- struction in the sciences to be given by the Division of Emergency Train- ing. This program, financed by the fed- eral government and the University, is designed to help hospitals supply nurses for the war, said Thelma Brewington, coordinator. "Student nurses are being sent to the Univer- sity for four months basic training because housing facilities at local hos- pitals are inadequate," she said. The women will be housed in three University d ormitories, Baldwin, Stockwell Hall, and Mosher. All of them will be considered regular stu- dents of the University, and subject to the rules and regulations of the Office of the Dean of Women. Courses to be studied by the student nurses include anatomy and physiol- ogy, microbiology, chemistry, sociol- ogy, nursing arts, and physical edu- cation. Conference Warned Of Falling Gas Taxes "If our highways proved unequal to their task today, our war factories would close, our people would starve, our armies would be deprived of wea- pons, and we would lose the war," stated Highway Commissioner Lloyd B. Reid, yesterday before the 29th annual Michigan Highway Confer- enee in session at the Union. east of the Dnieper, already has had the main railway from the north cut and is engulfed by Red Army troops on a 50-mile are reaching as close as 22 miles. The Red Army's westward push to Lozovaya brings it to within 65 miles of the great Dnieper River, along which many observers believe the Germans are now planning to make a stand in retreat. From Lozovaya, which is 75 miles south of Kharkov, the nearest point on the Dnieper is the city of Dnieper- opetrovsk, site of the great hydro- electric dam, which the Russians themselves destroyed in their retreat more than a year ago. By knifing through to the Kharkov- Crimean Railway at Lozovaya the Russians have split the German arm- ies at Kharkov from those in the Donets Basin. While Gen. Kulagin's forces in this action further increased the threat to the German forces at Rostov, other Russian forces in the immediate vi- cinity of the Caucasus gateway drove in still closer. The official German News Agency DNB acknowledgedE a Red flank at- tack across the ice of the Sea of Azov in the area of the Don Estuary, but said it collapsed under Nazi artillery fire. Frosh-Soph Ball Sanctioned for Underclass men Patterned after the recent V-Ball, a combination Frosh Frolic and Soph Prom was sanctioned yesterday by the Student Affairs Committee, it was announced by Bill Sessions, '43E, head of the Men's Judiciary Council. A committee consisting of 12 mem- bers-six from the freshman class and six from the sophomore class-will be elected in a campus vote Tuesday, Feb 23. The literary college will elect three members from both the freshman and sophomore classes, the engineer- ing school will select two persons from each class, while all other schools will choose one committeeman from each class. All sophomores and freshmen in good standing are eligible to be on the committee, They must secure peti- tions for election from 9 a.m. to 12 noon tomorrow and through 5 p.m. next Wednesday in the Student Offi- ces of the Union. Allied Troopsj Push Ahead Into Tunisia j British, French Armies Advance Eight Miles Into Italian-Held Lines LONDON, Feb. 11.- (A)- British and French troops were reported to- night by a field correspondent in the b Mateur area to have set the long-dor- mant northern front in Tunisia into acton with a continuing attack that d has advanced them about eight miles. t The report came from a Reutersc correspondent in the Mateur sector- about 15 miles south of Bizerte-who I declared that Allied troops includingl Britishdand French commandos at- tacked the Italian-held line in the0 northern area at dawn yesterday. 1 The smash carried eight miles deep over an area of about 100 square c miles, he said, adding: "By evening the men reached their primary objectives.X "According to information so fart available the operation has gone well,i but full results will not be knownt until the second sweep now in pro-( gress has been completed." There was no word of the attack1 immediately from any other sources. Meanwhile, far to the south on the vital Tunisian battlefront, the British1 Eighth Army was reported fighting 201 miles inside the southern border fromI Libya, pounding the retreating forces of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel with artillery fire east of Ben Gardane.1 The other arms under Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower were deployed along a 200-mile Tunisian spine 50 to 60 miles inland from the Tunisian east coast, hemming in the German and Italian forces.r Three Board Positions Open Six Union Posts Also To Be Filled Soon1 To select six Union Vice-Presidents1 and three student members of the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions an all campus election will be: held Tuesday, Feb. 23, it was an- nounced yesterday by Bill Sessions, '43E, chairman of the Men's Judiciary Council. Any member of the student body in good standing except those currently connected with any student publica- tion can petition for the positions on the Board in Control. All persons interested and eligible are asked to submit a written petition stating their names and other perti- nent data to a nominating committee composed of the student members of the Student Affairs Committee. Petitions Available These petitions may be obtained from 9 a.m. to 12 noon tomorrow and each day next through 5 p.m. Wed- nesday in the Union Student Offices. These must be returned accompanied by a University eligibility card by 4:30 p.m. Thursday to either the Business Desk of The Daily or the Student Offices, Sessions stated. At least nine persons will be nom- inated from which the campus will elect three. Any male member of the student body is eligible to petition for the Union vice-president positions. Two candidates will be nominated for each position, one of which shall be elected from the following categories: the literary college and Grad. School, the engineering college, and Architecture School, the Medical School, the Law School, the School of Dental Surgery, and one from all other schools com- bined. Candidates To Be Named Candidates will be nominated in one of two ways provided by the Ju- diciary Council and the Union Con- stitution: 1) A nominating committee com- posed of five members of the student staff of the Union can select candi- dates. All 'U'Men To Register ere Today Students To Be Signed By Manpower Corps For New War Projects Today is "M" day for Michigan Manpower. Registration of all male students tow do work on war projects will be con-a ducted today by the Manpower Mo- i bilization Corps at three convenient campus locations.d Booths will be set up at the West, Engineering Building Arch, in theS obby of the Union and in the lobby of Angell Hall. They will be manned by Corps representatives from 9 to - 12 and from 1 to 5 p.m. According to Manpower executive committeeman Clarence Carlson, the recent notice given to members of the Air Corps Reserve makes it more im- Sortant than ever before thatall hose men remaining on campus reg- ister with the Manpower Corps since the number of those available to carry out the projects of the Corps will be seriously reduced.: Re-registration Necessary Mary Borman. head of the Man- power Corps, said yesterday that, "itf is unfortunate that we must ask those who registered with us before to do so again, but it must be done since' the times the men now have available have been changed by the new class schedules. In addition, a number of those registered with us are no longer in school." Besides the booths, registration blanks will be delivered to all frater- nity houses. That house turning in the most filled out cards, on the basis of the number of men in the house, will be honored with the presentation; of a Manpower Corps banner for their cooperation. These forms must be turned in to Corps offices at Room 308 of the Union by tomorrow noon. Student Aid Needed Reiterating his appeal for coopera-I tion on the part of all male students,I Carlson said that such projects as1 the alleviation of the restaurant labort shortage and the furnishing of work-s ers for a huge Ypsilanti war construc-c tion project cannot be successfully carried out without the unqualified support of the student body. Working with the Manpower Corps representatives on the registration drive are Cecil Sink of the Union1 Executive Council and Charles Diehl1 of the West Quadrangle. Women's Staff To Hold Tryout Meeting Today There will be a meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Publications Building for all eligible freshmen and upperclass- men as well who are interested in joining The Daily women's staff. ; This year, as never before in the history of The Daily, tryouts have an unprecedented opportunity for ad- vancement on the women's staff and the opportunity for invaluable ex- perience in work with the mn's edi- torial department. Because of the loss of many men to the armed services women will continually become more influential in the management of The Daily. It is hoped that many women will heed the call and do their part in main- taining the high standards The Daily has enjoyed in the past, as a college publication. By joining the women's staff, try- outs will have thse opportunity of working on night desk for the wo- men's page from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30: p.m. one day a week, or some weeks work on the night desk of the men's staff. This experience is extremely valuable as an opportunity of learning rapidly and thoroughly journalistic methods practiced 1y The Daily. Other work for tryouts will be fea- ture stories concerning any phase of Eisenhower Jo ins British To Crush Axis GENERAL EISENHOWER * * * ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 11.-(P)-Gen. Dwight D. (Ike) Eisenhower, new Al- lied Commander-in-Chief in North Africa, conferred today with British staff officers from the Middle East on completion of his unified command of powerful Allied forces for a final, crushing offensive to drive the Axis from Tunisia. To head this centralized command of generals and a British admiral, the popular Eisenhower was nominated by President Roosevelt to become a full general, a rank otherwise held only by John J. Pershing, George C. Marshall, and. Douglas MacArthur. Alexander Is Deputy As his deputy commander-in-chief, Eisenhower has Gen. Sir Harold Al- exander, former British Middle East commander, who will direct all land operations. Like Eisenhower, he is young and energetic, and favors di- rect action. Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, air commander-in-chief for the Mediter- ranean area, will be responsible for all air operations in this vital theatre. Directing the Allied navies is Ad- miral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Browne Cunningham. Land operations in North Africa have this powerful lineup: Three British Armies Under Alexander are the crack British First Eighth Army of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, which chased Rommel 2,000 miles from Egypt clear across Libya; the British First Army under Lieut.-Gen. Ken- neth, A. N. Anderson, Gen. Henri Gi- raud's French forces and two Ameri- can corps commanded by Maj.-Gen. Lloyd R. Fredendall and Maj.-Gen. Charles W. Ryder. Still directly under Eisenhower for the time being is the American Fifth Army of Lieut.-Gen. Mark W. Clark in northwest Africa. Victory Ball Report Shows Profit of $1000 Incomplete returns on the profits from the recent Victory Ball show a 2. An announcement that an Anglo-American military mission has completed lengthy conferences with Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and Field Marshal' Sir Alexander Wavell, British com- mander in India, and reached an accord on "coordination of offen- sive plans." 3. Announcement that President Roosevelt will make a 20-minute radio speech over all networks at 9:30 p.m., (EWT) tomorrow, dis- cussing subjects concerned with the foreign and home fronts. 4. A vigorous expression of oppo- sition from Maj.-Gen. Lewis A. Hershey, Director of Selective Sen- ice, to restrictions on drafting f - thers. He told the House Military Committee that "in the next two or three months the greatmajority of men inducted will be men with children because there will be no one else left." 5. Secretary of the Navy Knox said that Guadalcanal Island would be "highly useful as a forward base" in the Pacific now that the Japanese have been cleared out. However, he told a press confer- ence that the Navy does not con- template an island-by-island cam- paign toward Tokyo-a course of' strategy that has been criticized by some as too long and costly. Just what the plans are he would not disclose, saying "we won't speciulate about our future strategy." The Senate confirmed Eisenhower's nomination as a full general prompt- ly and unanimously. The formal designation of Eisen- hower as the Commander-in-Chief in the Tunisian theater was believed to indicate that the Anglo-American forces were about ready for a supreme effort to throw the Germans and Italians out of Africa. There had been indications earlier that Allied plans were being laid on the expectation that about mid-Feb- ruary the end of the rainy season would allow freer use of mechanized equipment and planes for an all-out offensive. ,Churchill Tells Of Allied Plans For Offensive By ROBERT BUNNELLE Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, Feb.11.- Winston Chur- chill, disclosing that nearly half a million Allied troops now stand in Africa at the great bridgehead to Europe and that Casablanca had pro- duced an immense and detailed Allied offensive pattern for the next nine months, solemnly proclaimed today the Allied resolve to make the Nazis "burn and bleed" on other fronts as already they were over nearly the length of Russia. In an exuberant appearance before the House of Commons-where as he looked out upon the grand vista of the war he found obvious difficulty in adhering to what he called "the strie- a-.ni" n~nnA - c - -r4_ _nr_ _ _ n a_ _n_ Gen. Eisenhower Given Command In Tunisian Area War Secretary Warns Nation of Heavy American Casualties in Near Future When Casablanca Strategy Unfolds By WILLIAM T. PEACOCK Associated Press Correspondent WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.-New Allied blows at all the Axis partners were strongly hinted today in a series of developments capped by a grim admonition from Secretary of War Stimson that the nation must steel tself for heavy American casualties, "perhaps in the near future." All pointing toward early unfolding of the strategy mapped by Presi- dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill at Casablanca to bring about "unconditional surrender" of the enemy were these actions in addition to Stimson's warning: 1. Nomination of Lieut.-Gen. Dwight Eisenhower to be a full gen- eral and disclosure that he has been given command of all Allied sea, air and lad forces engaging the Axis ini the Tunisian area. Only three other Americans hold the rank of general: John J. Pershing, the World War commander; Chief of Staff George C. Marshall, and Douglas MacArthur, commander in the Australian area. 4