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March 24, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-24

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In A

117LDNESDVY, MARCn 24,1943



#W mw

Soldiers Don't Miss Driving;
Do Miss Women After 12:30

With everyone dodging nimbly out1
of the -path of the new divisions of
soldiers marching smartly to class,
the students have wondered how the
newcomers feel about being here-j
how they like Ann Arbor, their
classes, their barracks, their food-I
and, -herein lies the crucial test-
Michigan women.j
'"ock-Out" Is too EarlyC
Comparing his Alma Mater on the
Pacific Coast with Michigan, one
member of the 1694th Unit said,
"They're very much alike, in size
and general layout, as well as more
imiportant things. The most notice-
able differences are your ban on
student-owned cars, and your 12:30
"lock-out." Ours was 2:30 a.m.!
We're rather happy about the for-
mer, since none of us can own cars
anyway. But to have a lock-out in
the middle of the evening during
our one free night is a blot on the
fair riame of Ann Arbor!"
In regard to his living conditions
here, he commented, "Our unit is
stationed on the second floor of one
of the houses in the East Quad.
"We're sleeping three to a single,
and five or six to a double room. The
rboms are pleasant but we could use
a few more of them. However, the
ood is good."
Just Out of College
Most of the soldiers in this unit
were brought directly here in Janu-
Ary after Uncle Sam reached out a
long arm to colleges all over the
Liberal Arts
Academy To
Meevt Friday
Population and Peace'
-By Dr. Hunt To Open
Meetings at Rackham
Approximately 250 papers will be
read when the 48th annual meeting
of the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters convenes Friday and
Saturday here.
I There will be 17 sectional programs
representing latest developments in
40ience, arts, and letters. The Acad-
einy is affiliated with the American
Asocation foI' the Advancement of
8Qience, and represents the associa-
tlo in the state..
'-The first general meeting will be
opened by the presidential address,
",opulation and Peace" by Dr. H. R.
Hiint chairman of the Zoology De-
partment, Michigan State College
This lecture will be at 8 p.m. Friday
*n the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. As part of the two day ses-
sion a "Great Lakes Institute" will be
organized under the direction of Prof.
IC. K. Landes, chairman of the geol,.
ogy' departnient. The purpose of
this ntitute will be to integrate and
iomulatescientific research In prob-
1lems.of the Great Lakes Region.
Officers' of the organization include
Dr. Hunt, president; and the follow-
ing niversiy men: Dr. Malcolm H.
Soule, professor of bacteriology, vice-
president; Dr. Harry W. Hann, pro-
fessor of zoology, secretary; Dr. Mis-
cha Titiev, professor of anthropology,
treasurer; Dr. Henry van der Schalie,
instructor in the zoology department,
editor; and Dr. Warner G. Rice, pro-
fessor of English, librarian.
Palmher Cites
Security Plans
. (Continued from Page 1)
The success of the plans, Palmer
believes, will depend on the "abilities
of the two economies to provide full

and continuous productive employ-
ment of its labor and other re-
sources." Referring to frequent state-
ments in money terms in the pro-
posals, he declared, "If governments
are going to maintain the confidence
and faith of citizens they cannot
make promises such as these in dol-
lars and cents and pounds and at
the same time tolerate fiscal policies
which have the effect of reducing
the value of currency.",
Such statements as those of Blair
Moody in the March 11 Detroit News
saying that 'the war period when we
found out we could produce 135 to
150 billion dollars worth of goods per
year as compared with the previous
all-time high of 81 billions (1929)'
will mislead people," Palmer said in
commenting on the interpretations
of the Burns proposal. Moody com-
pares gross national incomes of
1941-42 (135 to 150 billions) with the
net national income of 1929. Not
only does he compare gross income
with net income but he does not rec-
ognize any change in the value of
moneyl" -
Palmer said he considered it un-

country last winter, selecting cer-
tain qualified students. "Most of
us," he continued, "were never in
the ranks. We enlisted directly for
this training program, but the hand-
ful who were transferred here from
other units have told us how for-
tunate we are."
And this, of course, led to a most
important issue-"What do the sol-
diers think about Michigan women?"
"Four-Out-of-Five" Not True
Came a quick, emphatic reply,
"The comment is highly favorable!
And I think it's almost unanimous.
When we got here, we heard the line
about 'four out of every five girls
being beautiful, and the fifth going
to Michigan.' Not a word of truth in
it! Michigan men just don't appre-

ciate their


N ew Technic
Will Feature
War Topics

March issue of

the Michigan

Technic will go on sale tomorrowI
and Friday, featuring two surveys oft
important war topics.C
"Induction Heating", by KenI
Moehl, a senior electrical engineer-
ing student, discusses the industrial
application of induction heating in
relation to electronics.
An article by John M. Siekert,
'43E, "Concrete Cargo Carriers,"
deals with the use of concrete in the
place of steel in merchant ships.
Featured in "Presents" will be
Prof. Richard Townsend of the
chemical engineering department,
and three senior engineers, Freeman
Alexander, John Patton and Herb
Copies may be obtained from the
regular Technic selling posts over
the arch in West Engineering Build-
ing, and in the lobby of the East
Engineering Building.
Treasury Staff
Holds Contest
Plays on War Savings
Needed in Bond Drive
The Women's Section of the War
Savings Staff of the Treasury De-
partment, with the approval of the
Education Section, is launching a
nation-wide college playwriting con-
The U.S. Treasury Department has
urgent need of suitable short play
scripts which will help to motivate
the purchase of War Bonds and
Stamps. The contest is being held
for the purpose of making the indi-
vidual student more conscious of his
personal responsibility in the Wr
Savings Program.
Anygstudent in any university or
college in the United States is eligible
to enter the contest. All scripts must
be in the hands of the heads of the
Drama Departments on or before
April 1, 1943. Scripts should be be-
tween ten and thirty minutes of play-
ing time, althugh it is preferable to
have them as short as possible.
The subject matter of the plays
should deal with War Savings. Re-
sults will be announced on May 15,
1943. All entries should be typewrit-
ten and the name and address of the
author should be on each sheet. No
scripts will1be returned,'nor will the
Treasury Department be responsible
for their loss. All scripts become the
property of the U.S. Treasury Depart-
Christian To Play
Third Organ Recital
Palmer Christian, University org-
anist, will play the third in a series
of short organ programs under the
University Broadcasting Service from
3:30 to 3:45 p.m. Wednesday over
From 9 to 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mr.
Christian will present a program of
organ numbers based on traditional
and familiar hymn-tunes, over sta-
tion WJR.
A series of four organ recitals in
Hill Auditorium will be given on three
successive Wednesdays, March 31
through Good Friday afternoon, April
23. Palmer Christian will play three
of the programs, while the recital of
April 14 will be played by Frieda Op't
Holt Vogan.
Lieut. Nina Muncie, WAAC re-
cruiting officer from Detroit, will
be at the War Information Center
in the League tomorrow and at
the CDVO office in the Armory
today, Thursday and Friday to
answer questions concerning the
recruiting in the WAAC forces.
* * *
Interviewing for positions on
Panhellenic Board will be held

Carnegie Steel
Officers Admit
Faked Tests
Clai m Desire To Aid
Nation's War Effort
Before Committee
WASHINGTON, March 23.- P)-
Before a Senate investigating com-
mittee, officers and employes of the
Carnegie-Ilinois Steel Corporation
readily acknowledged today that tests
had beeni faked on steel turned out
by its Irvin (Pa.) plant to fill war
orders, but steadfaly, %enied there
was any motive except patriotism-a
desire to get on with the war effort.
J. Lester Perry, white haired presi-
dent of the corporation, testified that
the "regrettable failure" to carry out
testing procedures on steel plates for
the Navy, Maritime Commission and
Lend-Lease was not known to the
"higher management," and declared
he intended-to "clear it up" as quickly
as possible.
While Perry shook his head in dis-
agreement, Chairman Truman (Dem-
Mo.) told i, however, that he con-
sidered it "just plain crookedness and
cheating on the government."
Perry said he thought it was simply
a case of lax work by "a few indi-
viduals responsible for making the
tests, having an intimate knowledge
of the high character of the steel and
honestly 'believing that the plates in
question would fully meet all require-
No one profited, he said, declaring
that If the steel had been rejected as
not up to government specifications
it could have been sold to others for
just as high 'a price.
Later B. F. Fairless, president of
the United States Steel Corporation
(Carnegie-Illinois is a subsidiary)
asserted he had been as "shocked"
as the committee by the revelations.
Senor ROTC
To Be Returned
Here Tomorrow
Members of the Advanced ROTC
will arrive "sometime" tomorrow from
their processing reception center and
take up quarters in 'Allen Rumsey
House of the West Quadrangle, Capt.
Roland Kolb. of ROTC headquarters
announced yesterday.
The present Army plan provides
that these men will remain in school
for the current semester and live un-
der strict military discipline. They
will not march to classes but will be
allowed to complete their present pro-
The 114 room dormitory was con-
verted into barracks this week, and
the studentsI moved out Saturday to
provide quarters for the unit. The
hours 9 the seniors and juniors in
the ROTC will .be regulatd, as are
those of 'other soldiers on campus.
The Allen gumse.y arrangement is
only temporary, and in July the en-
tire West Quadrangle will be taken
over by the Navy for the V-12 pro-
There are 168 men in the advanced
company; the seniors will return to
campus with the rank of sergeant
while the rest of the men will have
the rank of corporal.
Allies Smash
Mareth Line

(Continued from Page 1)
Line breakthrough, but to exploit the
successit must move armor and guns
across the precipitous Wadi Zigzaou
under fire of German artillery.
The desert column that flanked
the southern end of the line, al-
though it has fought through de-
fenses built on the remains of an
ancient Roman wall southwest of El
Hamma, still has rugged country line
with German guns to conquer, with
panzer units available for counter-
Allied bombers were making al-
most continual attacks against some
50 tanks that Rommel had massed
for blows against U.S. troops near
El Guetar, Here there has been
little or no rain for several days and
the grassy battlefields are almost
The Battle for Southern Tunisia
thus was on in full fury, with the
next 48 hours likely to see decisive
fighting, a test of men and stamina
and vehicles and leadership,
Prof. Roger L. Morrison
Will Lecture Tomorrow
Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
highway engineering and highway
transport department of the college
of engineering, will lecture at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Historical Records
room of the Rackham Building.
The subject of his lecture is "Early

North and South Americans
Must Exchange Their Cultures

Russians Remove Nazi Sign in Vyazma

"Hollywood still wants to show the
Argentineans as gauchos riding
horses in the main streets of Buenos
Aires," declared Dr. Risieri Frondizi
in a recent interview. Dr. Frondizi
is a professor of History of Philoso-
phy and Director of the Division of
Humanities of the National Univer-
sity of Tucuman. Argentina.
Up here on his sabbatical leave
with his wife, who is studying North
American literature, he is doing re-
search work in North American
Cultural Relations Were Poor
"The cultural relations between
the United States and Argentina
have been poor until very recently.
The 'man in the street' of both na-
tions seems to have absurd notions
about his brother on the other side
of the equator. North Americans
think of the Argentineans dancing
tangos in night clubs or raising cat-
tle on the pampas. Argentineans
think of North Americans as money-
grabbers with no affection for their
homes and children.
"I do not know where the people
of both our countries have obtained
these notions," he continued. "Per-
haps you got yours from the movies.
And probably we got our notions

Russian soldiers remove the sign from the German Commandant's
office in Vyazma after they recaptured the city from the Nazis. This
Associated Press photo was radioed from Moscow to New York.
Students in Japanese Course
Change 'Hi' to 'Konnichiwa'


Hi, the familiar greeting of thou-
sands of Michigan students, has been
voluntarily abandoned in favor of
sinister - sounding "konnichiwa" by
eight seemingly normal scholars.
These students are taking Japanese
148, an intensive beginning course in
Japanese. "Konnichiwa" is just Jap-
anese for "hello."
The class started in February with
an enrollment of 15. The calling of
the ERC has reduced it to barely half
its size.
It consists of 14 hours of class a
week for which 8 hours credit is
granted. Students electing it are
permitted to carry only one addition-
al course.
An average of a hundred vocabu-
lary words and fifteen Japanese char-
acters are assigned each day, and two
exams covering the assigned work
are given on the morrow. The stu-
dents are now supposed to have
amassed a Japanese vocabulary of
more than three thousand words.
Miss Masako Yokoyama, a native
of Hawaii, spends three hours a day
impressing the true Tokio middle
class Japanese upon her students,
only to be rewarded by a curious mid-
west dialect.
The eight have not been slow in
flaunting their new prowess around
Ann Arbor. Both the beer parlors
and movie theatres have come in con-
tact with Japanese 148 in one way
or another.
Recently a student, relaxing after
Curti Will Discuss
Influence of Wars
Dr. Merle J. Curti, professor of
history at the University of Wiscon-
sin, will discuss "The Impact of
American Wars on Education" at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
Dr. Curti, recognized as a "dis-
tinguished educational and social
historian, is the author of the Amer-
ican Historical Association Commis-
sion's Social Studies volume, "The
SociaI Ideas of American Educators."
This book shows how the school in
its aims, curriculum and leadership
has been conditioned by the eco-
nomic, political and religious forces
in American culture.
Mr. Curti argues in this volume
that the social ideals of American
education can be understood only
through a consideration of their
class application.

a particularly heavy Japanese assign-
ment, walked into one of the popular
Ann Arbor beer establishments and
promptly sang out, "Buru ippai."
After a couple of indignant "what's
that's?" the student was unceremon-
iously ejected from the building. Ob-
viously the bartender did not know
that "buru ippai" means "a beer" in
Another 148'er and his girl walked
up to the window of a theatre and
astounded the ticket girl by asking
for "kippu nimai," Japanese for "two
tickets." After a slight commotion
the lad got his tickets. Since that
day "kippu nimal" has displaced "two
tickets, placed" in his vocabulary.
The students spend most of their
time, however, in hard and methodi-
cal work in their Japanese course,
both in class and at home. The six
men and two women are training for
jobs incivilian and military services
now faced with a shortage of person-
nel acquainted with the Japanese
Chinese Artist
Opens Exhibit
Professor Shu-chi Chang, well-
known Chinese painter, will open his
second Ann Arbor exhibition of Chi-
nese paintings at 1 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids room of the Michigan
Professor Chang received enthusi-
astic recognition in his last exhibi-
tion at Michigan, for "his speed of
painting and unique ability to apply
a variety of colors with one stroke of
the brush." Recently a series of pic-
tures showing his style, and the var-
ious steps he uses in his paintings,
was featured in LIFE magazine.
In 1941 Professor Chang received*
a commission from Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek to paint a picture
for presentation to President Roose-
velt. Today the scroll of The Hun-
dred Doves, hangs in the White House
"as a symbol of peace; not a peace
of appeasement, but of the uncon-
querable will of free men."
Raymond Chen, publicity represen-
tative for United China Relief, an-
nounced that this exhibition is
brought here "as part of a program
planned by the campus United China
Relief Committee to inform the com-
munity of Chinese life and culture
in anticipation of the War Chest
Drive next October.

Dr. Norborg
Will Discuss
Christian Faith
Dr. C. Sverre Norborg, well-known
philosopher of the University of Min-
nesota, will discuss "Does Christianity
Square with the Facts?" at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall
under the auspices of the Committee
for Dynamic Christianity.
The first speaker to appear in the
series of three, Dr. Norborg will dis-
cuss the Christian faith in relation
to present events by dealing with four
main issues: "Is religious faith an
'escape mechanism'; does Christian-
ity need any defense; world history
as divine irony, and the scandal of
Born in Oslo, Norway, Dr. Norborg
has studied at several European uni-
versities and has lectured at Stock-
holm, Copenhagen and Leipzig. His
writings have appeared in English,
Finnish, Danish, Swedish and Chi-
nese translations.
Hopwood Entries
Are Due Saturday
All entries for the 1942-43 Hop-
wood Contest must be in the English
office, 3221 Angell Hall before 4:30
p.m. Monday, April 12.
Prospective contestants are cau-
tioned by the committee in charge to
familiarize themselves with the rules
governing the contest. Manuscripts
must be typed, double-spaced, on one
side of the paper only. Poems and
plays need not be double-spaced
throughout. Three copies of each
composition, each firmly bound, shall
be submitted.
This year, because of the wartime
shortage of paper, Swan linen, sixteen
pound weight, 82x11 inches, need
be used for the first copy only. The
two carbon copies may be on- any
white paper of the same weight. A
complete list of rules governing the
contest and any questions that stu-
dents may have concerning the con-
test will be answered in the Hopwood
Room, 3229 Angell Hall.
M.S.C. Extension Service
T'o Aid War Gardeners
In order to better inform Ann
Arbor war gardeners about their vic-
tory gardens, the Michigan State Col-
lege Extension Service will hold meet-
ings on Friday, March 26 at the Lin-
coln School and at the Farm Bureau
Store, under the direction 'of Paul
Krone, State Director of Victory Gar-

from the tourists who have come to
my country and are more interested
in the Indians and gauchos than
such modern cities as Buenos Aires.
Such people are naive, often shal-
low; they know little and care for
little except excitement. They want
to get 'something' out of the money
they spend, and they come back dis-
appointed because they did not see
the Indians and gauchos. And then,"
he added humorously, "some of these
people write a book about Argentina.
Must Overcome Misunderstandings
"Misunderstandings of this sort
are blocking our good relations. We
have to come to know each other
much better if we really want our
relations to be effective and perma-
nent. And the best way to overcome
these misunderstandings is by ex-
changing students, professors, news-
papermen, artists, and profession-al
men and women.
"Argentine universities will be
more than pleased to exchange stAu-
dents with North American univer-
sities," Dr. Frondizi emphasized. "I
hope that this university will accept
the idea of exchanging students with
the National University of Tucu-
man, and that other North and
Latin-American universities will do
the same."
Understanding Better than Treaties
Summarizing his opinions of the
relationship between North and
South America, Dr. Frondizi con-
cluded by saying, "As you see, I do
not believe in official treaties and
good neighbor policies through dip-
lomatic relations. I believe only In
mutual understanding through deep
knowledge of each other. The way
the people of one nation feel about
the people of some other nation Is
more important than papers diplo-
mats have signed for accidental po-
litical reasons."
A graduate of the University of
Buenos Aires, Dr. Frondizi studied
for his Ph.D. in Philosophy at Har-
vard in 1934 and 1935, and is now
on the Board of Regents of the Uni-
versity of Tucuman, from which his
wife graduated. His translations Into
Spanish of Berkeley's "Principles of
Human Knowledge" and White-
head's "Nature and Life" have aided
in introducing British and American
culture to his people.
Correspondence ,School
Offers Pre-Flight Courses
Continuing its program of supple-
mentary courses for small high
schools, the University Correspon-
dence Study Department announced
today two new courses in Pre-Flight
The correspondence courses, in-
tended for students In high schools
where the subject is not taught In
regular classes, is equivalent to a one-
semester high school course.

New #Utder-vrm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not tot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be used
fight after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration for
I to 3 days. Prevents odor.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainess vanishing cream.
5. Awa rded Approval Seal of
American Institute of Launder-
ing for being harmless to
Santeedb A in1iand s90 jars
Good Housekeein

Gui'de to Beauty


Look "i ghit" .iud "yule oni
e'verv dav. Make a date with

o :(X10o-
deti ihow h/em a good time at

Have a "well-cared-for"




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