- - -~ --- -A. -. - f i -4 -i 7-- - ~ z~ $~4~ hA - Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michian under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press - The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it'or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 aEPRESENTED FOR NATION.L AOV*RTI3IHG Y National Advertising Service, InC. College P*/Wlshers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NeW YORK.t4-Y. eIIAO*BoSTON - Los AtI'ILKS - SA* F*A*Ct0C Editorial Staf "4Maybe I shouldn't let Mheinp up." j00. The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON John Erlewine Bud Bimner Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte Conover Erie Zalenski Betty Harvey James Conant Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg Managing Editor Editorial Director - . City Editor * . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor * . . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor . . . Columnist WASHINGTON, March 24.-The State Department has been any- thing but happy over the diplo- matic effrontery of the Spanish ambassador, Juan Cardenas, in protesting, publication of a cur- rent best-seller, "4.ppeasement's Child", by Lieut. Thomas J. Ham- ilton, formerly of the New York Times and now of the U.S. Navy. In lodging this protest the Span- ish'ambassador'stepped squarely into the hole of another famous Fascist diplomat, Ambassador de Martino of Italy, who, during the Hoover Administration, protested some remarks of Gen. Smedley Butler, U.S. Marine Corps. But- ler had quoted Cornelius Vander- bilt to the effect that Mussolini ran over a child without stopping to pick it up. Hoover, acting on the Italian Fascist request, ordered Gen. But- ler court-martialed. Whereupon such a furor ensued from the American public that Mussolini, de Martino and Hoover himself wished they had never started the thing. Butler's attorney, Major Harry Leonard, of Marine Corps Boxer Rebellion fame, insisted on a pub- lic trial, during which, it became evident, Mussolini and Hoover would be more on trial than Smed- ley Butler. Finally Hoover, anxious to let go of the bear's tail, offered Butler the governorship of Guam. He de- clined. Finally the affair was dropped by letting Butler dictate the terms of a letter dismissing his own court-martial. Spanish Ambassador Cardenas apparently did not remember this case when he protested Lt. Hamil- ton's book. It is quite true that Hamilton has some harsh things to say about Dictator Franco. It is probable also that these things are true. Hamilton tells aN about the $100,000,000 credit which he says Secretary Hull offered to Franco, and which Hull later de- nied. It is also true that Hamilton is now in the Navy. However, the State Department, though ex- tremely unhappy, probably will be wise enough not to get another bear by the tail. It knows that the American people react very vio- lently to these ambassadorial pro- tests against freedom of the press -especially where Fascist dicta- tors are concerned. Greeks Bearing Gifts When the Greek-American Or- der of Ahepa presented the Presi- dent with a huge stone bust of himself, Walter Russell, the sculp- tor, inquired if the President had any suggestions regarding the po- sition of the bust in front of the Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park where it is to be installed. "That's out of my hands," the President grinned. "You'll have to take it up with.the librarian or the trustees. The library is no longer my property. It belongs to the American people." However, the President had some definite notions about when the bust should be unveiled. When George C. Vournas. president of Ahepa, said that the unveiling would be postponed until the sum- mer, Roosevelt heartily agreed. "If you've ever been to Hyde Park in the winter, you'll under- stand why," he remarked. "I al- most frozen to death the last time I was there." Since the bust is of heroic size- and weighs half a ton, it was not practical to bring it to Washing- ton from Russell's studio in New York. So the President was given, instead, a miniature of the work. After presenting this, Vournas introduced six other Ahepa offi- cials, who were greatly impressed by the President's memory. When the question arose of transporting the bust from New York to'Hyde Park, the President remarked that this could be ar- ranged easily. "The librarian is planning to come to New York soon," he said, "to pick up some documents. He can bring down the truck and get the .bust at the same time. That will save gas." Business Staff . . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Telephone 23-24-1 p U 'A94 t4COM NIGHT EDITOR: JANE FARRANT Editoriqls published in The Michigan Daily are written. byeimnibers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ..-r ~ -. 0 1943. Chicago Times. Inc. 'UN-AMERICAN': Dies Committee Fails To Produce Real Proof KERR Committee of the House, which was set up to investigate the charges of Martin Dies, has called the bluff for the first time of the witch-hunting Congressman from Texas. When the appropriations for the Dies Com- mittee were coming up in Congress a few weeks ago Dies got up on the floor of the House and announced that he had enough evidence to cause the dismissal of 39 government employes who were "crackpots" undermining our government, and above all "UNAM.ERICAN" On the strength of his word he asked the House to fire these men without trial or hearing, but, since no evidence was presented, the House refused and instead voted appropriations for another two years of this "splendid" work. Although it was five weeks ago that the Kerr Committee asked for the evidence againstthese 39 men, Dies has produced evidence, against only three of them. The obvious truth is that he never had any proof and was just seeking publicity and extension of his committee, just as he has been doing for the last eight years. The Dies Committee has produced nothing but gossip, intimidations and lies and on these proven facts we ask, as all progressive papers have been asking for years, that the Dies Committee be scrapped. - Charles Bernstein HARD WORK: Double Duties of 'Women Encourage Absenteesm ONE of the biggest problems in keeping up pro- duction in America is the increased tendency of wage earners to stay away from the job. Sta- tistical studies show that the great influx of women into the shops constitutes one of the greatest reasons for the rise in the absenteeism rate. According to government spokesmen, curbing absenteeism in America can boost production im- mediately by 10%. A program, however, aiming at keeping wo- men at the job 100% or as near that as possible must take into account the increasing reasons for absenteeism among women. In the first place, many women do double duty. Most of them run homes, shop and cook for fam- ilies as well as keep a full-time job at the shop. Many of them are mothers trying to make make- shift arrangements for their children. Doubling up in this way significantly adds to the fatigue and physical exhaustion which comes from an ordinary day's work. Lack of facilities for 'child care is the second cause of absenteeism. A survey just initiated by a union in Newark, New Jersey, revealed that many working women are mothers of six or more children. Naturally, when they cannot get help to take care of their children-and this is too often-they stay away from their jobs. Another important cause of absenteeism among women is the lack of recreational facilities. Swing shifts, leaving their jobs at midnight, cannot get to a movie, a dance, or to another form of recreation in order to get the necessary zest to living. So from time to time, they take off a day or more in order to enjoy themselves. It is clearly evident that a program for lower- pENOCRACY? DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Repeal of French Laws Since 1939 Necessary ENERAL GIRAUD, in his recent speech in which he claimed he would restore democracy to French North Africa, declared all laws and decrees promulgated after June 1940 null and void in North Africa. The dangerous impli- cation was that Vichy was solely responsible for all undemocratic acts, and that complete democ- racy could be restored to any French territory, France itself for example, by restoring it to its pre-Vichy status. The fact is that even were Giraud sincere, were he to go as far as to allow the De Gaullists to carry out his announced program of removing the last vestiges of Vichy from North Africa, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity" would still be mere catch words. The reason is simple. The Third French Re- public was no longer democracy when Hitler's legions launched their blitz flank attack on the Maginot line. It was a land of semi-fascists, like Poland; its people demoralized and submissive, its leaders weaklings and reactionaries. The first, blow against French democracy came in 1939 when-the French government, after two and a half years of non-intervention in the Span- ish people's civil war, suddenly recognized Franco and decided to copy Hitler by establishing French concentration camps for Spanish Loyalists. "These concentration camps are only for the Spanish rabble who are violating our fron- tiers," the Daladier government assured the peo- ple. And for the most part the.people were satis- fied. Few indeed were the French liberals and socialists who realized the threat to French lib- erties presented by this policy. The only ones who spoke out were the communists. Maurice Thorez, general secretary of the French Communist Par- ty, time and again sought to impress on the Chamber of Deputies that so long as French con- centration camps housed "Spanish heroes of democracy" instead of fascists, the hours of the Third Republic were numbered. E WAS NOT far wrong. In October, 1939. Premier Daladier taking advantage of his war powers, dissolved the French Communist Party, third largest political party in France, and imprisoned the majority of the 72 French Com- munist Deputies, legally-elected representatives of the French people. Then indeed was the time to speak, yet no Frenchman publicly protested. The liberals and socialists kept quiet "for the sake of na- tional security," so they said, aid rightist "democrats"' like De Gaulle and Giraud gave their tacit approval. Daladier, sensing the complacency of the peo- ple, opened a "red" witch-hunt. Decrees flew thick and fast. Progressive labor legislation passed during the Popular Front days was wiped out by edicts. Many labor leaders were arrested on charges of Communist activity and freedom of the press was denied Cmmunistic" papers. Picked French troops were detailed to guard their fellow trade-unionists, imprisoned because they sought a living wage. The stage was set for Ifitler. The trade- unionists, the liberals, the socialists no longer controlled the Government. The monopoly capitalist-fascist group, exemplified by Dala- dier and Laval, was in full control. When France fell even the caitalists and, nmonopo- I'd Rather Be Right BySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 24.- THE BRITISH ARE LEADING: Mr. Churchill's speech makes it necessary that we have a look into the old cigar box in which we keep our American post-war plans, if any. And in this essay I am not going to argue, I am merely going to count on my fingers, and see who has more and better marbles, spinning tops and rubber bands. 1. On social security, Britain's plan is indefi- nite as to date, but definite as to benefits, It doesn't say when, but it says how much. Thus, the Beveridge report says that in case of dis- ability, a single man shall receive 24 shillings a week, and a married man 40 shillings, plus chil- dren's allowances. Such benefits shall be paid without time limit, as compared with the present British law, which provides for 18 shillings a week in both cases, limited to 26 weeks, after which payments drop to ten shillings, sixpence. And so on. The American social security plan is indefinite as to date and also indefinite as to benefits. It does not say when and it does not say how much, either. SO MUCH FOR SO MUCH Thus the characteristic feature of the Bever- idge plan is that it is full of actuarial tables, while the characteristic feature of the Ameri- can plan is that it is full of expressions of good will. The British plan says it in shillings and pence, the. American plan says it in moral arguments. The more thoughtful sections of conservative opinion in America (as expressed through, say, the distinguished editorial page of the New York Herald Tribune) have been q'uite right in scoring the American plan for this failure. Of course Congress can easily rectify this fault by hiring an expert to work up a detailed scheme, as the House of Commons did in securing the services of Sir William Beveridge. Our Congress hasn't hired anybody to do anything. At the moment, we might say that the American plan, for all its merits, is earnest, but not serious, while the Brit- ish plan is both earnest and serious; serious in the sense that it soberly proposes schedules of so-much taxes for so-many benefits. LONELY, NAKED AND SHIVERING 2. On post-war demobilization, Mr. Churchill, as the responsible head of- the majority party, and of the national government, has committed himself to a four-year plan of public works, housing, et cetera, et cetera. The shocking truth about our own country is that only has no such commitment been made, but that there is no man in a position to make sich a commitment. There is no American who speaks for the majority in Congress; there is no such man. at all, either in the government or in the opposi- tion. So, while the British demobilization pro- grain is founded on a pledge by the responsible head of the working majority, the American demobilization program is a mere report by the National Resources Planning Board. The British demobilization scheme, vague as it is, has cabinet approval, which means both Conservative and Labor party approval. Our plan has the President's approval, but not his party's approval nor the other party's approval. Tf. ic sm -. onri ,, nrin a rn,.n z n,,c, 1 nv m rnL-A n. i WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 120 All notices for the Daily Official' But- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no-. tices should be submitted by 11:30 am. NotiCes If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property 'on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the. value of the property, the Investment Of- fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the mhedium of a first mortgage. Such f- nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Engineers - Special Assemblies: Engi- neering students will be excused from classes in order to attend' special assem- blies in Room 348, West Engineering Building, as follows: Juniors-Thursday, March 25 1 o'clock Seniors-Wednesday, March 24, 1 o'clock Freshmen as usual-Wednesday, March 24, 10 and 2 o'clock. Assistant Dean A. H. Lovell, School of Music Assembly will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All students are asked to attend. Classes dismissed from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Bronson-Thomas Prize Competition (for junior and senior students in German) to be held Thursday, March 25, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., in Room 203 University Hall. Kothe-Hldner Prize Competition in German to be held Thursday, March 25, 2 to 4 p.m., in Room 203 University Hall. Seniors: May, 1943: College of LS.A., Schools of Education, Music, and Publc Health: Tentative lists of May, 1943, graduates have been posted in Room 4, U Hall. Please check the st >and notify counter clerk of any dicrepancies. Robert L. Williams, Assstant Registrar Aeronautical, Civil, and Mechanical En- gineering Seniors: Mr. Emile J. Pelletier of Bell Aircraft Corporation, Buffalo, New York, will interview May and September graduates on Wednesday, March 24, for positions in design and structures, and in engines. Intrviews will be h1eld in Room 3205 East Engineering Building, starting at 10:00 a.m. Interested men will please. sign the interview schedule posted on the Aeronautical Engineering..Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East Engineering Building. A. . Kuethe, Acting Chairman Summer work with TVA: Sidents who have completed their basic forestry courses, particularly plane surveying, forest mensuration, and .den- drology, are needed for timber survey summer work on Authority lands by the Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee. Candidates should be in good physical condition, able to swim, since they will hands of Britain, RUassia, and, per- haps, the United States. He is willing to work outward fron that. As for us, we don't knew if that' is what we want. Even worse, as yet we don't even know what we don't want. The future is firming up. It is a s, esohi tMhan] travel by boat and -live on houseboats. and should have a taste for outdoor living in sparsely settled country. Salaries, based on a six-day week, are expected to be $133.83 per month. The athority Will furnish living quarters, equipment and travel on the job. Employes will furnish their own transportation from school or home to the base of operations, and will provide their own subsistence and bed- ding. Applications are available and Inter- views may be obtained at Room 3052 Natural Science Building, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, between 2 and 5, March, 24 and 25; and Saturday morn- ing between 9 and 11, March 27. S. T. Dana, Dean Summer forestry work in the West: Both forestry and non-forestry students are needed for- forest fire control and tree disease control work during the summer in Oregon, for the Department of the In- terior, and throughout the entire Western States area for the United States Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. War gives forest fire protection added importance, and students may consider employment in this work a patriotic serv- ice. Wages will amount to $130,000 a month, less deductions ,for board where this is furnished and a small deduction for quarters where the workers camp in permanent buildings. Ordinarily there will be a six-day week of forty-four hours; and special training- will be given at the beginning of the work. Such a summer will amount to good hardening experi- ence for students who expect to enter the Army in the fall. Students 17 years of age are particularly desired. Inquiries may be made and applications are available at Room 3052, Natural Sci- ence Building, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, between 2 and 5, March 24 and 25; and Saturday morning between 9 and 11, March 27. SDT. Dana, Dean Students: A list of graduates and former students now in Military Service is being compiled, at the Alumni Catalogue Office. This list already numbers approximately 6,000. If you are entering Military Service, please see that your name is included in this list by reporting such information to the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour- tesy will be greatly appreciated. Lunette Hadley, Director Alumni Catalogue Office students preparing to enter the Hop- wood -contests should make their requests for records from the Registrar's Office by April 1: R. W. Cowden Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti, Professor of History, University 'of Wis- consin, will lecture on the subject, "The Impact of American Wars on Education", under the auspices of the School of Edu- cation and the Department of History, on Thursday, March 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. University Lecture: Colonel Edgar Ers- kine Kume, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, will lecture on the subject, "The Health Activities of the U.S. Army in Wartime," under the auspices of the Medical, Dental, Public Health and Pharmacy Schools, on Tuesday, March 30, at 4:15 p.m. In the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The public is invited. University Lectures: A Symposium on Traumatic Shock will be conducted by Dr, Carl J. Wiggers, Professor of Physiol- ogy, Medical School, Western Reserve Uni- versity; Dr. Roy D. McClure, Surgeon-in- Chief, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit; Dr. the IM Building, in uniform with street shoes. First Sergeants will be in chage of their Companies and Platoon Sergeants will be prepared to give bayonet instruc tion. The Botanical Seminar will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in room 1139 Natural Science Building. Dr. F. K. Sparrow will discuss "Aquatic Phycomycetes." All interested are invited. Seminar In physical cbemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chemistry uilding at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Peter smith Will speak on "Reactions of Sulfurous Acid and De- rivatives." All interested are invited. History 12, Lecture Section I, id- semester will be given at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. 'the sections of DVres and Slosson in 1025 Angell Hal-, all othes in Natural Science Auditorium. The History language examination for M.A. candidates will be given in Room B Haven Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. Students intending to take this exam- ination please report Immediately to the History office, 119 Haven Hall. Concerts May Festival Tickets: The overthe-. counter sale of Season Tickets ( con- certs) for the Golden Jubilee May Festt- val, at $8.80-$7.70-$.60 each-will begin' Monday morning, March 29, at 9:00 o'clock, at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. The performers are as follows: Fritz Kreisler; vladimir Horowitz; and the fol- lowing artists from the Metropolitan Op- era Association: Lily Pons, Stella: Roman, Astrid varnay, Kerstin Thorborg, Fred- erick Jagel, Salvatore Baccaloni, and Ale- ander Kpnis. The Philadelphia Orches- tra, Eugene Ormandy, Conductor, and Saul Caston, Associate Conductor; University Choral Union, Hardin van Deuren, Co- ductor; Festival Youth Chorus, Mrgue- ite Hood. Conductor. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition, College of'Architeture and Design: Italian majolica loane from col- lection of Detroit Institute of' Arts-. pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles- of -14th & 15th centuries; also fragments tyica of several phases of majolica technique, Ground floor corridor, Architecture Bu ild ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, until March 26. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma,- honor so- ciety for women in architecture, decor- ative design, and landscape architecture is showing photographs in architectre, sculpture, and decorative design by prac- ticing members of the society. Third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, excep* Sun- day, through March 31. Open- to the public. Events Toay- The Research Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Btulidingt this evening at 8 o'clock. The following papers will be presented: "The Use - of Comedy in Kleist's Amphitryon" by Pro- fessor H. W. Nordmeyer, and "Some- Ef- fects of Morphine on Tissue'Metabolim" by Professor M. H. Seevers. Public Health- Club: There will be- a luncheon meeting of the. Public Health Club today in the Russian Tea Room of the League. All public health students and faculty are invited.