IM,IiiiC iiJ.GAIN DAi 13-ui Dltt; :Viiikci -I'li, i i-21 ffy-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lcation of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regilar school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 I$IEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISItNG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. coicauo - BosTon - Los ANmaiS . SAN FOANCISCO Editorial Staff Pielim ma ncry w orkouit -.2 ~'. 1.' - f.. C'. - - *~' ~ -~*.>~ .$' ~ ~ t, .'~. ~,*, * '*~ A...~:. ,\, .'i' .'v. "'.'-1~ '.. *.~' t~; * .'.. .' I.'-. ~' .''.'-'.. CleWAS~HI4IQN MERR GO6 WE ROUND By DREW PEARSON 2< John Erlewine. . Bud Brimmer . Leon Gordenker Marion Ford. . Charlotte Conover Eric Zalenski. Betty Harvey James Conant . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * * . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Women's Editor Columnist siness Staff * . . - Business Manager . Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager t 1'~ Bu Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARJORIE BORRADAILE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 10000 POST-WAR* Clarification of U.S. Policy Is Necessary PRESIDENT Roosevelt and various other of- ficials have outlined in their talks a series of war aims, of principles upon which we may ex- pect the peace to be laid. But from what we hear of the attitude of individuals throughout the country we wonder just how far the nation is behind the administration. We have in Congress Rep. Clare Booth Luce, with her cynical, domineering attitude toward the rest of the world. We have 'others who are pure isolationists. And there are plenty of indi- viduals who still believe that the grab-while-you- can attitude is the only way to security. When it was suggested lately that the Senate go on record with a resolution in support of a detailed post-war plan strong objections were raised. It is not desirable now to start a contro- versy which would result in national disunity, and a highly detailed proposal would do just that. But there should be no objection now to the greement on several broad principles, those same principles which would be supported by the administration. T should be made unmistakably clear that the United Nations will tolerate no dictatorships, former reactionaries, or quisling governments, in Europe; the foundation for the peace should be democratic principles, sanctioned by democra- tic governments. Plans should be made for relief operations in the war-torn areas, with distribution of aid based upon human need rather than upon politi- cal considerations, and financing provided through continuation of lend-lease. There should be an American understanding with Great Britain and Russia similar to the Anglo-Russian 20-year alliance and mutual security pact. There should, moreover, be an understanding thap some organ of cooperation and means for settlement of disputes will be established after the war. As opinion has it now there will be two chief obstacles to the inauguration of such a peace. There is some doubt expressed as to whether the Soviet.Union will cooperate with the democracies, and there is even more doubt as to whether the United States Congress will act in accord with the administration. THE American public is suspicious of Russia. According to theory her logical actions after the war will be to spread Communism throughout Europe. But if we examine the issue more close- ly, we find that every sign indicates otherwise. The safest position for Russia, as for every other country, is as part of a real collective system. However, the Soviet leaders have no convincing evidence that Americans mean business when they talk about collective security. Soviet dis- trust of our motives could be one of the strongest factors in spreading Communism, for we would have Russia pulling against us, instead of with us to bring a democratic peace. The Anglo-Russian mutual security pact does intend to cooperate with Russia after the war is over. Russia has as yet no such assur- ance from us. As for the Congress, it appears very possible that it might set up the same barriers this time as it did after the First World War, when the Senate rejected the Versailles Treaty and refused to join the League of Nations. It seems that a declaration of American policy along broad lines would not only be a Take 4)t By Jason YOU pick up some odd stories in bull-sessions around The Daily. This one may not be' entirely fact, but there's enough in it to make it worth passing on. It seems that the word had gotten around that a wealthy local socialite was about to pub- lish a book on the Caribbean. An enterprising Daily sophomore showed up at the wciuld-be author's swanky Ann Arbor apartment to investi- gate the story, and maybe to get a free book. You get all kinds of experiences working for a paper-Will Sapp was almost lynched once in Manchester, Mich., for ordering a long- Iandled shovel at the hardware store. The towti, at the time, was looking for a murderer. But the thrill that this sophomore got 'out of interviewing Mr.-let's call him Bullwinkle- tops them all. Our reporter couldn't find Bullwinkle's name in the phone book, but hunted down his apart- ment just the same., A hunched old woman an- swered the bell. "Come back in an hour," she whispered, and closed the door again. He came back in an hour, and was met by, Bullwinkle, this time. There were five minutes during which the reporter thought he'd wandered' into a rehearsal of the "Crime Does Not.Pay" series. Bullwinkle, in gaudy slippers and well- tailored coat, was not exactly cordial. 'What do you know about the book?" he growled,. The book, it turned out, was not about the Caribbean. It was about an Indiana steel inill in which Bullwinkle had worked for two weeks. It was not an expose, not even a biting satire on the troubles of labor and management .t was a sentimental, almost mushy, story of four men and a factory, and how they all ate their meals in the same lunch room-a Greek, a German, a. Negro, and Bullwinkle. It wasn't a very good book.I Bullwinkle, after he realized that the Daily reporter didn't know what was going on, began to be frank about the whole thing. In fact, it would sell on its cur-. rent events appeal alone. If the public knew that it was written by an author who turned crane-operator for' two weeks to get material for his book. it wouldn't sell at all, Bullwinkle told The Daily sophomore. But if people thought that a poor, ignorant crane- operator was moved by the human drama about him to take a couple of nights off and -write it down- That's human interest. People go for, that stuff. SO BULLWINKLE and the publishers have it all figured. The day the book ls published, Bullwinkle will be photographed in the Indiana steel mill, operating his old crane. Men from all the big papers will be there. Why did you write this book, they will ask him. Because I was touched by the hardness and goodness of the simple people about me, Bull- winkle will answer in a few well-prepared words. Will you leave your job as crane-operator, and become a professional author, the reporters will then want to know. Bullwinkle has been waiting for this one. "No," he will say, throwing out his steel-worker chest, "I will stay right here with these good nt-nnlp. nroduinan thp tools for vornv. I'dRather Be'Righ -y SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YRK-Sidney Kingsleydoes not hold any public office,,uless a sepeancy in theArmy, may be described as such.- I 'uijpose most of our .Congressmen have never iegrd of hiim, though I imagine they have heard of the Dead End kids, Whom he invented, and whom' some of the isola- tionists seem inclined 'to 'imitate. Yet by -writing "The Patrots," which has re- cently opened on Brdadway, Mr. Kingsley has become a political',figure of some conseuende. You may ask what, precisely, has hlie done 'to make him so? I answer that' he has writtn an accurate and moving-play about Thomas Jeffer- son. You may then say, what of it; there is noth- ing new about Thomas Jefferson, we know about Thomas Jefferson, he wrote the Declaratior of Independence and invented the dumbwate. That is. not the point.The pointi that we have needed Tho jas Jefferson's helpIn di- cussing: our problens, and Thomaaj asseepink i the library. Mr.Kingsley. has m 9de_ a over him, and revived him. and brought him to life, so that from now on, eight times a wek on Broadway, Thomas Jefferson will be debat- ing the future of America, to the constemation of such men as Mr. Hoffman of Michigan and Mr. Cox of Georgia, who have believed smugly that they would have the discussion a to themselves. It is a dirty trick on the Hoffmans and Coxes to bring Thomas Jefferson back. They thought they had only Harry Hopkins to contend,with. And this dirty trick is the beautiful and inspired dirty trick which artists have always played on politicians., Mr. Kingsley's play has already driven somft of his critics into acute melancholia. 'They do not see why on earth Thomas Jefferson has 'to come along, at a time like this, and raise 'the questions of' whether one loves the people very much, and what one proposes to do for their fu- tures. They resenttliis, as an. unwarrAted inter- ruption of certain -griubby little discussions that had been going on, concerning how many civil servants' can stand on the point of a needle, and whether bureaucrats have wings. And some I've heard sto whom the intrusion of Thomas Jefferson at a time like this Is an irrevelancy. What really hurts them, I think is that Jeffersoi makes 'them feel it is they who are irrelevant, when,"with -the ftture ot mankind at stake, they.raise horrid shrill cries over states' rights and the temperature in -a. Ickes' office-at a time like thi.' For Mr. Jefferson, through Mr. Kingsley, gives them the worrisome feeling that he is talking about social security, and a decent peace, even though his dialogue never steps out of chronodg- ical bounds in these haunting and .- thrilling scenes. That's an infuriating way for adead mnan to behave. What's going to become of politics if, after a thick layer of. obscurity has beenl laid 'down nicely and carefully over everything, an army sergeant and a dead man get togethe' and make a clear voice issue to the contry; oh Broadway, no less, more than' 200 riles from. Washington. No wonder the artist has always been hated. He does not even have to be elected to anythng to speak up louder than the pride of any seven back counties. And no wonder the theatre has been looked upon with misgiving, too. it can, and WASHINGTON - With about forty days to go before it will be too late to plant for this season, Congress is still locked in a politi- Cal battle over one basic part of the farm program. It involves the Farm Security Administration, which drew up a program for moving a tremen- dous army of 325,000 men to plant and harvest crops. A re- quest was sent to Congress for $65,000,000 to pay for this mi- tration. But - Congress immediately cut the $65,000,000 to a meagre $26,- 000,000, which completely ham- strings the program. The two backstage actors in this deal are two well-known farm-cronies - Congressman Clarence Cannon of Missouri, Chairman of the House Appro- priations Committee, and Ed DomiiSeay American and British Quakers have attained a unique place in the troubled countries of Europe. At every tough spot where refugees donverge or politically irregular persons are in question, the Ameri- can Friends Service is at the liaison duties providing food, clothing, transortation, goodwill and one last chance. Some of the character- istics which seem to be beneath the surface are: Silence. The training in their meeting houses in that art which William Penn stood for in early American history has resulted in confidence. Senerity is in evi- dence. There is a mystical confi- dence in God which transcends cir- cumstance and gives to the "Friend" an attractive mien. To the consumer these two vi tal char- acteristics spell supreme strength. o'ourage abounds. When Dr. Rufus Jones and his associate, without defense nor show of strength nor guards nor hidden weapons nor ways of escape nor even guidance from their government, stood for an hour in the Gestapo headquar- ters behind those cruel electrified walls beyond which lie buried the secrets of hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews and anti-Nazi Ger- mAns, they exhibited real courage. "Jesus, during the three trials be- fore Annas, Herd, and Pilate in remote Palestine, gave us the at- tern," they said. Ethical monotheism may be the secret. Professor Lery Wat- Irman In his book. "Religion Faces the World Crises" says, "As surely as men come to treat other personalities with the same deference they accord their own, the main causes of persecution and hatred ... disappear." (149) Apparently there are three s6urces calling for study If one is to understand the practical grandeur of these silent knights without armour: (a) The later prophets of Israel, Amos, Hosea and Isaiah being outstanding; (b) Jesus' Parables, about 40 of which are scattered through the Gospels; and (c) Jesus' conduct made vivid'in Christian worship. "We were in silent prayer," re- Plied Dr. Rufus Jones when asked what he and associates did when left alone in the dictaphone-sur- rounded walls of the Gestapo head- -quarters while the Nazi police con- fetred. Prayer, then, is a fourth characteristic. - But these all seem mechanical and our enumeration of these graces appears artificial. The "inner light" of these Quakers is transcendent and mystical. There seems to be an objective nemesis In civilization by which the ma- ,terial creations of genius turn about and choke the inventor himself. The man who will lead us out of that deadlock will rank above the chemist or physicist or bacteriologist and be the real leader of reconstruction. On this .theme is launched the novelist, the poet and an occasional saint. Many of them are in prison, some are on their way to the psy- chiatric wards, but the Quakers have millions to spend and are the most loved exponents of faith and liberty in our era. While churches and preachers and councils are cur- tailed by power and confused by the aggressions of Fascism around the globe, these simple-minded, di- rect Quakers in, relative freedom serve their fellow-men. -E. W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education gtessmen agreeing dismally that bureaucracy is the Issue, and with so many theatre managers agree- ing avidly that girl shows are, after all, what we need, Mr. Kingsley has issued a two-fingered whistle, 4. Un ~m mwnvLr.dAhmwvp anA ha_ O'Neal, President of the Ameri- can Farm Bureau Federation. Between them, Cannon and O'Neal come closer to dictating farm policies than almost any two men in the country. Their ideas affect millions of farmers -and today many more millions of consumers. Both Cannon and O'Neal see red on the question of Farm Security Administration. To them it really. means Brain Trusters, Rex Tug- well and Rural Resettlement. They conjure up the old bogey of "so- cialization" of American agricul- ture and bring out of the Capitol closet the skeleton of the Tugwell- Eleanor Roosevelt project at Ar- thursdale, W. Va. A CTUALLY, the FSA is now streamlined, has got away from such things. But O'Neal and Can- non, still living in thenpast, are ready to block* the entire farm labor program because they still see ghosts. Meanwhile, the worried White House is yielding to this pressure. A confidential adviser of the Pres- ident's told Secretary of Agricul- ture Wickard to set up another agency to deal with farm labor, since FSA was so much in the doghouse. Result is that the House Com- mittee not only slashed the farm labor funds, but took the entire program out of FSA and handed it over to the Extension Service. Extension Service is equipped to handle local recruiting of farm workers - bringing out the school children, housewives, and mer- chants - but it cannot handle a federal program requiring inter- state action. The FSA plan calls for moving 275,000 seasonal work- ers, plus 50,000 year-round work- ers, and involves a deal with the Mexican Government to bring in 50,000 Mexicans, plus a deal with the Duke of Windsor for importing Bahamans for fruit and vegetable harvests in Florida., (copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) JLo27he o6 dior Ybarra's Lecture .,. YBARRA'S lecture here Thursday was without doubt one of the most disappointing events held on campus this year and was certainly far below the usual high standard of the Ora- torical Association offerings. It is almost unbelievable that a well- informed speaker could present an intelligent audience with such an inadequate treatment of a vital subject. Known to have had wide ex- perience as a correspondent and author, aside from spending his early years in Venezuela, Ybarra attracted a group of professors, students, and townspeople who were anxious to hear his views on the 'future place of Latin- America. Instead, he spent most of his time on the elementary facts of South American geog- raphy and population. HlE PRESENTED a speech con- sisting of information that has long been common knowledge to almost everyone who attended. And he gave it in a ridiculously simplified manner. No audience likes to feel that it is being "talked down to", and this would espe- cially apply to an audience in a university town, where a good number of the people in the audi- torium were themselves well-in- formed, if not experts, on the sub- ject discussed. The blame for this unfortunate presentation lies, perhaps not so much with Ybarra himself, as with the people who advise him on his subject matter. If he was not al- ready aware that an Ann Arbor audience does not have to be told that Portuguese is spoken in Bra- zil and there are large numbers of Germans in Argentina, then some- one should have explained to him the composition of a campus group. When a man of his wide background speaks in such an overly-simplified fashion, people are likely to be disillusioned in him, not only as a lecturer, but as a writer as well. - Betty Koffman DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) emy of Science, Arts, and Letters, on Fri- day, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium. The public is invited. University Lecture: Colonel Edgar Ers- kine Hume, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, will lecture on the subject, "The Health Activities of the U.S. Army in Wartime," under the auspices of the Medical, Dental, Public Health and Pharmacy Schools, on Tuesday, March 30, at -4:15 p.m. In the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The public is invited. Lecture: Dr. Dow V. Baxter, Associate Professor of Silvics and Forest Pathology at the University of Michigan, will lec- ture on the subject, "Alaska", under the auspices of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the Geology Department, on Tuesday, March 23 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is invited. Spanish lecture: "Espana: Fuente de la Cultura Hispano-Americano," by Dr. Char- les N. Staubach, under the auspices of La Sociedad Hispanica, on Tuesday, March 23. at 4:15 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Me- morial Hall. Lecture: Dr. C. Sverre Norborg, Pro- fessor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, will lecture on the subject, "Does Christianity Square with the Facts?", under the auspices of the Com- mittee for Dynamic Christianity (affill- ated with the Student Religious Associa- tion), on Thursday, 'March 25, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public Is invited. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Tuesday, March 23. at 7:30 p.m., in Room '319, West Medical Building. "Nico- tinic Acid and Nicotinamide" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Bacteriology 312 Seminar will meet Tuesday, March 23, at 4:15 p.m. in R oxn 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "Epidemic" Rheumatic Fever. All Inter- ested are invited. Attention, Marine Reservists: There will be a short meeting Tuesday, March-23, at 8:30 p.m. in the Union. Study the section on Mapping in your Manuals. History 12, Lecture Section I1, mid- semester wil be given at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. The sections of DeVries and Slosson in 1025 Angell Hall; all others In Natural Science Auditorium. The History language examination for M.A. candidates will be given in Room B Haven Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. Students intending-to take this exam- ination please report immediately to the History office, 119 Haven Hall. Bronson-Thomas Prize Competition (for junior and seniorsstudents in German) to be held Thursday, March 25, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., in Room 203 University Hall. Kothe-Hildner Prize Competition in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and will be open to the general public without charge. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Desiga: Italian majolica loaned from col- lection of Detroit Institute of Arts- pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th & 15th centuries; also fragments typical of several phases of majolica technique. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday. until March 26. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Alpha Alpha Gamma, honor so- ciety for women In architecture, decor- ative design, and landscape architecture, is showing photographs in architecture, sculpture, and decorative design by prac- ticing members of the society. Third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9:00 to 5:00, except Sun- day, through March 31. Open to the public. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: There will be a spe- cial rehearsal at 2:00 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Regular club, rehearsal to follow. No concert Sunday night. war Activities Movies will be shown this evening, 8:15-9:15, at the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The films, "How the airplane has changed the world map", "Youth with Wings", "Weather" will be of special interest to anyone entering the service soon. Open to the public. Graduate Outing Club will meet at the west entrance of the Rackham Building on Huron Street at 2:30 p.m. today for a Camera Hike. All graduate and profes- sional students, with or without camera, are invited. Karl Marx Society will meet today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Everyone is invited. Coming Events The Research Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building, Wednesday evening, March 24, at 8 o'clock. The following papers will be presented- "The Use of Comedy in Kleist's Amphi- tryon" by Professor H. W. Nordmeyer, and "Some "Effects ofsMorphine on Tissue Metabolism" by Professor Mt. H. Seevers. Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences: There will be a regular meeting on Mon- day, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. Dr. Kuethe will discuss "Aerodynamic Effects in High Speed Flight." All interested persons are invited. German Journal Club will meet Mon- day at 4:15 p.m. in 201 University Hall. Public Health Club: There will be'a. luncheon meeting of the Public Health Club on Wednesday, March 24, in the Russian Tea Room of the League. All public health students and faculty are invited.