PACE TWOr THE MICHIAN DAILY SU.I' bf ^AAM l 14 ?&G~ ~WO SUN'TIA~, t~tARC# fi, ika War Movie Series Will Be 'i'he. second- in a series of public prograis of war activities movies will be presented at 8:15 p.m. today in the auditorium of the Kellogg Dental Building under the sponsorship of University Extension Service and the Michigan Union. The three mnovies to be featured in this programt have been chosen to be of special interest to servicemen and reservists on campus, as well as to students and the community. "Air- plane Changes World Map" of special interest to navig cadets. It deals with great c ing, mercator projections, the airplane has changed ti the world. The second film to be "Youth With Wings," wl trays the training of a youti ginning to end in the Al the hardships and objective training. The last film" deals with means and m Continued Today is a film predicting the weather or meteorol- ators and ogy. ircle sail- These films are taken from the Bureau of Visual Education film li- he map of , brary and are being given to give the shown is j campus and community an idea of hich por-, the type of activities pertinent to the i from be- war effort which are being carried on r Corps-. throughout the country. s of cadet The schedule for th6 coming pro- "Weather" grams is: March 28, April 4, April 11 ethods of and April 18. NO NAZI PH ANTOM: Chilean Debunks U.S. Idea " - I-' -- A4 -- -- - *e Mock Congress Dr. Norborg To To Be Planned Lecture Here CLA SSIFIED ADVERTISING, MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MON4EY-on your used cloth- Ing by phoning Claude H. Brown, 2-2736, 512 S. Main. WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of- flee and portable models. Bought, rented, repaired. Student and Of- fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314 South State St. Phone 6615. FOR RENT TO RENT: Attractive room and pri- vate bath to male student in ex- change for 6%,2 hours house and garden work. Phone 9682 morn- ings or after 8 p.m. Mrs. S. M. Stanton, 501 Onondaga. HELP WANTED CUNNINGHAM DRUG CO. has op- enings for part time soda clerk be-I tween 6 and 10 p.m. 50c per hour. 226 S. Main St. WANTED WANTED-Girl's bicycle in good condition. Narrow tires preferred. Box 2313 Michigan Daily. LOST, and FOUND GAMMA PHI sorority pin March 2 between 700 Church and 1520 S. Univ. Reward. Call Wood, 2-2569. ANYONE finding Alpha Delta Phi fraternity pin please call Dave Morton, telephone 4017. Liberal reward. LOST: anyone finding a small, round, gold locket of sentimental value, call Doris West, 22591. Re- Uf Germai MvAl (Editor's note: Tile1fol1o10ing is the second in a series of articles portray- ing the thoughts and feelings that are -doinnant in Latin-American coun- tries today.) By DORIS PETERSON "The German people in Chile are clean-cut civilians, and there isn't any German phantom in Chile as American countries used to say'" Edward Franzetti. Marine engineer M.S. '43, said yesterday. "Very much has been said about German influence in Chile. There! is such an influence. German peo- ple came to Chile in the early inde-j pendence days when neither HitlerI nor William was in power. They were hard workers and friendly. "They taught the Chilean how to work the earth and run the small industries. They made the Chilean men their friends and the Chilean women their wives. Now. these names are heading important enter- prises: shoe factories, floor mills, foundries, shipyards. and breweries. German descendants are distin- guished officers in the armed for- ces," he said. "Small countries like ours, 'not very well organized, used to take others which we honestly admired, as patterns. We admire the British knightliness, the American *organi- zation, the Spanish humor, the French "savoir vivre," the Baltic countries' honesty, the German ad- ministration energy and the Japa- nese change from miserable nation to great power." I"America, has not been the influ- encing nation in Chile because Americans have lived in Chile with their business but not with the peo- ple. They frequent their own society a'nd clubs as the English do. 1 or this reason, Chileans in general have not had the opportunity to meet the av- 1- ace in Cni e The first meeting of the committee Dr. C. Sverre Norborg. outstanding planning the weekend mock conigiess philosopi' from the University of on the question of "Where Shall We Minnesota. will discuss "Does Chris- erage American who is friendly, en- Put the Refugees?" will be held at 8 tianity Suare with the Facts?" at thusiastic and learn'ed. On the oth-1 ci s hand. North Americans do not- p.m. tomorrow at Wesley Foundation. 8 p.m. Thurs.. Rackham Lecture Hall. Know Latin Americans because most Scheduled for April 2-4, t.his all- Brought here by the committee for of theLtime what is shown from campus World Organization Confer- Dynamic Christianity. a non-sectar- South America through movies and ence will feature discussions of post- ian student organization. Dr. Norborg pictures is what is left from the In- war planning. Students will represent will di 'uss four major issues: Is re- dian civilization. Indian types an d four United Nations. presenting the ligious faith an "escape mechanism?" their customs. point of view of their governmcnts, does Christianity need any defense? "We have got to become acquaint- China, Russia, the United States. and world history as divine irony; and ed with each other through students Great Britain. the scandal of Christianity. and young professionals. Let us change people enthusiastic and freeV from prejudice, each of them a po- tential helper in the inter-continen- ACTIONS SPEAK [OtIE TiA WORDS tal desire of closer friendship. Due to the war we have learned that this new world must cooperate and liveu/ fy itself. We can do it. We are I-)he a te-aie U gflt i doing it," he stated. 1m/ore II a letter Chinese Students a etver Hold First Meeting The Roundtable Discussion group. Insignia lockets . .. sterling sit- of the Chinese Students Club held its' first meeting yesterday in the Union, ver identification bracelets . . . with Prof. Kenneth G. Hance, of the speech department, lecturing as guest lovely compacts designed in pa- 3peaker on the principles and tech- ierofpublic discussion.d htriotic colors with the emblem A meeting, presided over by Chair- of your branch of the service man Joseph Lee, at which questions were answered, followed the lecture. clearly marked . . . send one to The means of solving the problem s of illiteracy in China is the topic your hometown sweetheart!!I chosen for the next meeting, which will be held on April 9, in the Union. Avitkah Group To Meet I J EinLER ( Avuka, student Zionist organiza- tion, will hold its .weekly meeting of i B e EIB LE.NJ .E.UJ, II the study group at 8:30 p.m. tomor-f4 row in Hillel. The discussion will be Since 1904 . . . . Now at 308 South State centered around "Reconstruction and the Religious Problem" and will be led by Netta Siegel, '45, president. ;;o RqN NOUNC ING-!, First Sale of NOVEMBER ward. BROWN Mexican purse-Lost League Lounge, Friday, March Important articles within.I ward. Call 9896. in 12. Re- STORM Ja~ IJcc nick A HOPWOOD WINNER former U. of M. student LOST-will whoever took a white bunny fur jacket from Slide Rule Ball and left one with a hood please call 2039 Stockwell. Phone 24471. FOR SALEI IDENTIFICATION PHOTOGRAPHS -Any size. For 1-dayser'vice come to 802 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays. FOR SALE: Elwood 5M7 Enlarger, Zeiss Kodak f6.3 Lens. $25. Also 5-tube RCA Radio-Vic, $20. Will Sapp, Daily, 23-24-1. TODAY.-I. personally autographed copies SA TER'S Bring in boolks for Victory Book Campaign FOR SALE: 4x5 Speed Graphic press camera, with f4.5 Ilex compur to 1/300, focal plane to 1/1000. Com- plete with Mendelssohn speedgun, Kalart attached range finder, ten cutfilm holders, filmpack holder, Folmer-Graflex collapsible tripod, filters, sunshades, over-all carry- ing case, etc. Will Sapp, Daily, 23-24-1. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darnec Careful work at low -price. I in