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March 21, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-21

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Foremen Assail





Bill Violates
Union Rights
To Organize
Association Prepared
To Fight Measure in
Every Legitimate Way
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, March 20.- The bill
of Rep. Howard W. Smith (Dem.-
Va.) to outlaw unions of foremen "Is
an attempt to deprive foremen, of a
right every other American has to
organize in his own interest," Robert
H. Keys, President of the Foremen's
Associationof America, said today.
Such legislation, Keys said, would
made forenen a group of "untouch-
ables." He 'said the Foremen's Asso-
ciation would "fight the bill in every
legitimate way."
NLRB Ballot
At the same time, Wahter McNally,
President of the Murray Ecorse Su-
pervisors Association and the Amer-
ican National Foremen's Union, a
newly formed group, said his union
had asked President Roosevelt and
Senator Robert Wagner (Dem.-N.Y.)
to intervene against Smith's bill.
The Foremen's Association of
America, an independent union
formed 18 months ago, has a work-
ing agreement with the Ford Motor
Co. and recently won an election
among foremen of the Packard Mo-
tor Car Co., Keys said. The Murray
Ecorse Supervisors Union is on a
National Labor Relations Board bal-
lot for foremen of the Ecorse Plant
of the Murray Corp. in an election
scheduled for next Friday.
Industrial Anarchy
Smith introduced his bill shortly
after C. E. Wilson, General Motors
president, told the chairmen of four
House committees that a foremen's
union would cause "industrial anar-
Keys, defending his organization,
said in every plant where the Fore-
men's Association has become active,
"The morale of all employes has
improved because of the intelligent
and systematic settlement of griev-
ances and the improvement in the
relations between management and
the workers."

Strictly GI Is Here
It's here at last-the long-
awaited eight-page tabloid sup-
plement--"Strictly GI"
Favorite Army slang for "Gov-
ernment Issue," "Strictly Gi""will
appear every Sunday, at least for
the duration. The tabloid sup-
Plement, designed to interest the
lads in blue and khaki, features
photos, humor, general news it-
ems and campus highlights.
Much of today's issue was writ-
ten by meteorology students of the
Army, by members of the 1694th
Service Unit, and by the Judge
Advocate General's School.
Coeds Summer
To Be Returned
League Office Seeks
To Complete Survey
Of Plans Tomorrow
All summer school questionnaires
must be returned to the War Infor-
mation Center at the League by 5:30
p.m. tomorrow, Miss Ethel McCor-
mick, Women's War Committee head
said yesterday.
Coeds are to mark whether they
aregoing to attend the 15 week se-
mester or the eight week session.
They are also asked to submit other
plans for the summer if they do not
intend to return to school.
Those returning to either session
are to designate the courses they are
planning to take. The results of the
questionnaires will determine to a
great extent the courses that will be
set up this summer and it is for this
reason that the questionnaires must
be collected as soon as possible.
Miss McCormick urged every coed
to fill out her questionnaire carefully
and give it a great deal of thought.
She added, "so far, there has been an
excellent response. Students are
starting to return them already . . .
we expect 100 per cent results."
Committee Hits
Rumi Proposal
Plan Will Make War
Millionaires Is Charge
WASHINGTON, March 20.-(I)--
The House Ways and Means Com-I
mittee majority contended today on
behalf of its -Administration-backed
Tax Collection Plan that revenue
raising must rest on "true and tried"
methods and that the Rum Skip-a-
year Proposal would:
1. Be "like robbing Peter to pay a
bonus to Paul.''
2. Constitute "gross violation of
the principle of ability to pay."
3. Impede the war effort by. dam-
aging the morale of the arnied for-
4. Stimulate "the forces making
for inflation."
5. Shift a part of the tax burden
from the few at the upper income
brackets to the many at the middle
and lower brackets.

Hold Gafsa
And El Guetar
Gen. Patton's Divisions
Consolidate 60 Miles
From Enemy Life Line
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, March 20.- A
calm brought on by heavy rains in
the north and center and dust
storms in the south settled over the
Tunisian Front today while Lieut.
Gen. Patton's American divisions
consolidated their holds on Gafsa
and El Guetarh60 miles from the
German lifeline skirting the East
But the end of the rainy season
was at hand in North Africa, and
the opposing armies utilized the lull
as best they could to wheel up sup-
plies and shells for what may be the
decisive battle of the whole cam-
If Patton can negotiate the re-
maining -mountain ridges between
him' and the coastal road, Marshal
Erwin Rommel will be caught in the
Mareth Line without means of sup-
ply between the Americans and the
British Eighth Army.
The rival air forces were held in
check by the weather, too, although
the superior Allied formations made
unopposed sweeps and patrols over
the Northern Front.
The 6-mile Guetaria Passmbeyond
El Guetar was softened too much by
the rains to permit Patton's tanks
to move forward and most air strips
in the north and center were too
muddy to allow the big bombers to
Allies Smash
Jap Shipping
AUSTRALIA, March 21. (Sunday)-
(MP-Allied bombers, continuing their
incessant attacks on Japanese posi-
tions above Australia, scored hits on
two ships off northwest New Guinea
yesterday, and attacked a third vessel
which was moving under a small
naval escort toward Rabaul, New
These successes were announced in
the noon communique, while other
reports indicated there might have
been a second submarine in Lae Har-
bor Friday when Allied bombers de-
stroyed one U-boat there. There was
no report, however, that this second
submarine was struck. The submarine
that sunk was of large size, with
barges clustered about it to take its
cargo ashore.
In Saturday's actions, a B-25
Mitchell Bomber scored a direct hit
on a 10,000-ton merchantman about
25 miles east of Cape Vanden-Bosch
in Dutch New Guinea, and followed
it up with a vicious strafing attack.
Australian-manned Hudsons at-
tacked nearby Kaimana from low
altiture, starting a fire in the deck
of a merchantman of undisclosed

Scenes of Reneed Red Counterattacks
...... ........26
.......... STATUTE MILES
Wk 'Vologda
Ilmen Novgorod
Rig ....ya
*Rzhev A KGorki
Vna Vyazma
s Smolensj I Tula
Minsk 4oI
Bryanske i Farthest Naz
)reel Advance
Approximate Kursk (Sa raIOY
Laot Voronezh
* Kev
-Do"ets R.
petrovsk .
P Odessa
SalskE sa.
Top arrow shows where Russian troops wiped out 1,600 Germans
near Staraya, Russia, and scored new gains toward Smolensk (lower
arrow). In southern regions Nazis lost 800 men and 15 tanks in a vain
attempt to smash through the Red line below Kharkov.
D isp te MayBan' Strikes;
UMW Refuses Prop osal

Russians Kill 800
In Donets Struggle
Soutihern Lines Holding Firmly Under
Repeated Attacks by Reinforced Nazis
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, March 20.- Russian troops wiped out 1,600 Germans in
hand-to-hand fighting south of Lake Ilmen and scored fresh gains in the
push on Smolensk, while in the south the Nazis lost 800 men and 15 tanks
in the ceaseless effort to crack the Red Army's Donets River Line below
Kharkov, Moscow announced tonight.
German tanks loaded with tommy-gunners attempted to break into one
"Struck our minefield and were blown up," said the midnight bulletin
recorded by the Soviet Monitor.
Reds HoldFirm Under Nazi Onslaught
Thus the Russians indicated that their southern lines were' holding
firm under repeated onslaughts by reinforced German troops, while the
armies of the center and northwest continues to gain despite deepening mud
caused by a thaw.
The German radio claimed the capture of Chuguev, which is on the
western or lower bank of the Donets, and also Sevsk, 170 miles northwest of

Ball Proposal
Endorsed by
15 ProfessorsI
Fifteen University professors went
on record as favoring the Ball reso-
lution now before Congress when
they sent a statement yesterday to
Michigan senators and representa-,
,tives endorsing the plan "both in!
principle and in substance."
The resolution would have the
United States take the lead in form-
ing a United Nations organization to:
1) finish the war, 2) establish tem-
porary government in Axic-controlled
countries. 3) administer post-war re-
habiliation, 4) set up machinery for
settlement of future disputes between
the nations, and 5) provide for a
United Nations world police.
Will Reassure Allies
The professors said that "we feel
the enactment of this proposal is
not only a proper step for the senate
to take in advising the President in
matters of foreign relations, but that
its enactment will also reassure our
Allies and allay the fears of other
nations that the United States again
might refuse to participate in post-
war organization to preserve the
These professors are members of
the Ann Arbor chapter of the "Uni-
versities Committee on Post-War
International Problems," an organi-
zation active on nearly 100 college
campuses. The Ann Arbor group in-
cluding only professors and instruct-
ors, organized last December.
Prominent Men Sign
Those who signed the resolution
chairman of the group, E. W. Blake-
man, religious education, Howard B.
CaIderwnn& nolitical science. Helmut

Walkout Will Bring
Legis ative Action
WASHINGTON, March 20-( P)-
A number of congressmen of both!
major parties, watching contract ne-I
gotiations between John L. Lewis
and bituminous coal1 mine operators,
expressed the view tonight that any
walkout by the miners would be fol-
lowed swiftly by legislation to out-
law strikes for the duration.
In fact Rep. Mott (Rep.-Ore.) re-
ported that a bill for this purpose
already has been prepared, to be in-
troduced if developments warrant. He
declined to outline its details or to
identify the author.
"Congress is not disposed to let
strikes interfere with the war effort,"
Mott told interviewers. "A coal strike
would have a disastrous effect upon
that effort, and definite action by
Congress will be taken if a strike oc-
House minority leader Martin as-
serted that "a strike at this time
would intensify the -demand for cor-
rective legislation," while Rep.
Ramspeck (Dem.-Ga.) Democratic
whip and a ranking member of the
House Labor Committee, asserted:
"It would inevitably stir Congress
into acting on labor legislation. If
there is actually a strike, unquestion-
able restrictive labor legislation will
be considered. We had a similar, but
not a restrictive bill. If the strike
materializes, the call for rigid restric-
tions on labor will be stronger than
Rep. Cox (Dem.-Go.) likewise ob-
served that "I think a coal strike
would surely result in legislation deal-
ing with the whole situation."

Southern Operators
To Submit Own Plan
NEW YORK, March 20.-UP)-The'
United Mine Workers of America to-
night voted down a proposal made
by the Southern Coal Producers As-
sociation to submit jointly and im-
mediately to the government dis-
putes over wages in the drafting of
a New York agreement to replace
that expiring March 31.
Former Senator Edward R. Burke,
president of the Southern Operators
and their spokesman, told reporters
that the mine owners would go
ahead with their plans to submit the
case to the government indepen-
dently of the miners.
He added, however, that the oper-
ators will continue to hold joint
conferences with the UMW repre-
sentatives. Following the miners'
decision tonight the session was ad-
journed until next Monday morning.
John O'Leary, vice-president of
the United Mine Workers, said the
miners voted down the proposal "be-
cause we are of the opinion that we
can reach an agreement without
government interference."
O'Leary added in a statement to
"And we think these fellows are
going to come across."
Explosion Destroys Plant
BOSTON, March 20.-(,)--Earth-
rocking explosions, believed to have
been set off by a tiny spark, and a
furnace-hot fire left the two-story
Oxygen and Acetylene Gas Manufac-
turing plan of the Air Reduction
Sales Company in ruins tonight, withI
the loss estimated at $1,000,000.

French Guiana
Comes to Allied
Cause by Coup
Enthusiastic Support
Of Anti-Axis Factions
Extended by Populace
CAYENNE, French Guiana, March
19.-(P)-A peaceful, bloodless coup
carried out on March 16 by high
colonial army officers with the back-
ing of a population nthusiastically
supporting both the AA ti-Axis French
factions of Generals Giraud and De
Gaulle brough France's largest west-
ern hemisphere possession to the Al-
lied side in the war.
In the midst of the revolt against
Vichy connection, Governor Rene
Veber and four cabinet members fled.
(A dispatch from Paramaribo, Dutch
Guiana, Saturday said Veber and four
other officials had taken refuge there
with their families and "Will be
under control of the Surinam Gov-
The Governor resigned after rep-
resentatives of the Army and the
people had forced him to issue a
declaration advising the United
States and Brazilian Consuls that the
Colonial Government of Guiana had
decided to join the Allies.
A committee acting in behalf of the
civilians and the military then took
control and dispatched cables to
Giraud in North Africe and DeGaulle
in London.
Taking action which possibly will
set the pattern for similar actions in
other French Colonies such as Marti-
nique and Guadeloupe, spokesman
for the army and civilians called on
the Governor March 16.
Churchill To Talk
To World Today
On War Prospects
LONDON, March 21. (Sunday)-()
-Prime Minister Winston Churchill
will speak to his nation and the
world at 9 p.m. (4 p.m. E.W.T.) to-
night in an address expected to out-
line Allied prospects in the coming
year, and which may contain hints of
the primised invasion of Europe.
His radio address, to be delivered
at the beginning of the usual mid-
evening news program that has mil-
lions of British listeners every night,
will be beamed to the United States
and all the Allied Nations.
Churchill is expected to speak for
nearly an hour. The broadcast time
allows 75 minutes for the speech and
news comment following.
Pepper Will Sponsor
Peace Amendment
WASHINGTON, March 20.-)-
Senator Pepper (Dem.-Fla.) said to-
day he would sponsor a Constitution-
al amendment giving the House and
Senate equal responsibility in writ-
ina- the nann

of Kharkov, but this was not con-
firmed by the Russian Communique.
A total of 3,220 Germans were
killed during yesterday's operations,
the noon and midnight communi-
ques disclosed.
Marshal Timoshenko's forces con-
verging on Staraya Russa, Nazi 16th
Army Headquarters south of Lake
l1men, occupied a strongly fortified
enemy position and captured four
guns, seven mortars and 15 machine-
guns. The noon bulletin also had
told of street fighting in one large
locality in which 250 Germans were
Russians Nearing Russa
This, suggested the Russians were
edging closer to Staraya Russa be-
cause a week ago they were reported
within 15 miles of that important
Nazi base.
It was in this area that two Nazi
platoons were reported slain in, a
grim hand-to-hand struggle.
On the central front Russian dis-
patches indicated that Durovo, RaIl-
way Junction on the Vyazma-Smo-.
lensk Railway, now was menaced by
the Red Army driving from the east.
The Russians were said to have
cleared the banks of the Dnieper
River from its headquarters to the
railroad, and the Dnieper crosses
that line less than 10 miles east of
Column Threatens Durovo
Another Russian column pushing
down from Bely also is a threat to
Durovo, which is only 60 miles from
The midnight communique said a
number of unidentified places fell
to these Russian center armies. One
formation wiped out 400 Germans
in breaking through prepared Nazi
positions, and although the Nazis
were counterattacking frequently all
these efforts were smashed, Moscow
Wallace Shown
Road to Canal
Route To Be Finished
Before Next Spring
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, March 20.
-(AP)-Pan -American highway engi-
neers told Vice-President Wallace of
the United States during his inspec-
tion of the link under construction in
Costa Rica today that a passage-
way from the Mexican border to the
Panama Canal would be completed
by next spring.
When the sector in Southern Mex-
ico is rushed to a finish next year,
the much dreamed-of route from the
United States to the Canal will have
come into existence. It will be sur-
faced mostly with crushed rock, but
paving will follow.
Wallace flew to a banana planta-
tion on the Pacific Coast this morn-
ing, where he saw a demonstration
of spraying, irrigating and cutting
Model Meet To
Be Held Today
The first indoor model airplane
meet ever to be held in Michigan will
talrc' ne-natv Pt 1 n m in,, + T kT

Curtis Submits Plan for International Education

An extensive, detailed plan for in-
cluding international education in a
post -war world was sent last week to
President Roosevelt by a University
faculty committee and Dr. Henry S.
Curtis, vice-president of the National
Recreation Association and origina-
tor of the program.
Former professor at Harvard, Co-
lumbia, and Cornell, Dr. Curtis has
emphasized six points in his "blue-
print" for post-war education. He
advocates that a small international
conference be called by the President
to meet sometime next summer in

and religious leaders everywhere, said
Dr. Curtis.
The second point in his plan is that
educational policies relating to con-
tent and method of teaching should
be calculated to develop friendship
rather than hate.
Clause'for Peace Treaty
The University faculty committee
and Dr. Curtis have already begun to
work on the third phase-the draw-
ing up of educational clauses to be
included in the peace treaty.
The conclusions of the conference
should be broadcast throughout the
world . Dr.Curtis helieves and at the

Curtis. With that in mind, he added,
schools must teach that there is no
master race, that the glory of the
days of chivalry has gone from war,
and that extreme nationalism is
rendered obsolete by new methods of
In making plans for the education-
al clause to be included in the peace
treaty, Dr. Curtis suggests the crea-
tion of a Department of Education
under the United Nations. This de-
partment, he says would be advisory
in nature, and would gather statis-
tics, make studies of school systems
of the world, and carry on continu-
ous research.

questtion. I think I made my at-
titude known in an address at Duke
University. Good luck to you, and do
keep in touch with me."
In a recent visit to Washington, Dr.
Curtis conferred with a number of
government and educational author-
ities on his plan. Among them were
Dudley Studebaker, Commissioner of
Education, Dr. Zook, educational ad-
visor to the President, Dr. Morgan,
The University committee working
on the plan consists of nine faculty
members including Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Educa-
tion, Prof. Louis Al Hopkins, chair-
man of the War Bnrd Dr .Edward.

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