I *-*4% ~4. -- 4. .~. I I. IlL 1~~k ±1~w)I JYA\LL~ ado* *A* dmw w e 1% .Z :4-- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter., . Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Crazy--bui still at large 71 7 7 Ly R E R .S.Po -O.f MERRY- - 'RO N*' B y D RE W PE AR S ON- REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIjING BY National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORr. N. Y. rICAGO * BOSTON - Los AwamuLsS SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff John Erlewine . . . . . . Managing Editor Bud Brimmer . . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . . . Sports Editor Betty Harvey . . . . . . Women's Editor James Conant . . . . . . . Columnist Business Staff f I WASHINGTON-In his private chambers at the Capitol, Vice- President Henry Wallace gave a luncheon in honor of the visiting Vice -President-elect of Uruguay, Dr. Alberto Guani. When he rose to introduce Guani to the select group of Senators, Wallace said, "Dr. Guani, as Vice- President of Uruguay. will have an advantage over me, in that he will be allowed to vote on all measures and to speak in the debate. "But his greatest advantage," added Wallace with a twinkle, "is that members of the. Uruguayan Senate are allowed to speak for only one hour, except by unani- mous consent, when they may speak for only two hours." Blood from Washington Don't make any mistake about what the people of Washington are doing for the war. If you have any doubts, go down to the Blood Bank headquarters of the Red Cross. Four hundred donors a day is not unusual. They come in blocs-for in- stance, all the clerks and office staff from Secretary of Agri- culture Wickard's office; an- other from the Tariff Commis- sion; another from the Federal Communications Commission. One day a lady of about 70 came in. This was her seventh blood donation. "It's about all I'm good for at my age," she said, "but I want to give all I can." She gave a full pint of blood for the Navy. Red Army United States military observers explain Russian successes in terms of a development not generally realized in the United States-lib- eration of the generals from po- litical domination. Under the system which pre- vailed in Russia in the early months of the war, the Red gen- erals were responsible to the po- litical commissars. This made them over-cautious, prevented daring, resolute action. Then came the requirement that commissars themselves take mili- tary training and indoctrination. Simultaneously their authority over the generals was removed. Now the Red Army is run by the Red Army. Walker's Coat-Tails Postmaster General Frank Walk- er didn't want it published, but to Democratic politicos anxious to catch his coat-tails during his cur- rent inspection (?) tour, here is Frank's confidential route: March 16, Olympic Hotel, Seattle; March 17, Benson Hotel, Portland; March 18, Senator Hotel, Sacramento; March 19-20, Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco; March 21-24, Bilt- more Hotel, Los Angeles; March 25, U. S. Grant Hotel, San Diego; March 27, Hotel Westward Ho, Phoenix, Ariz.; March 28, Hilton Hotel, Albuquerque; March 29, Brown Palace Hotel, Denver; March 30, Paxton Hotel, Omaha; March 31, the Blackstone, Chi- cago; April 1 back to Washington to, report on what the West thinks about the 4th term. Interviewing Washington Some Democratic politicos who couldn't afford the time to do A Frank Walker swing around the country recently got a quick check on the nation by inter- viewing breath-taking Bob Gros, the California lecturer, who has interviewed more people in and out of Washington than most old-timers. On this trip he To Jason . .. READ your article on Eastern cul- ture as compared to Western and Midwestern schools and culture. Whatever made you think that a person had to go to even a Midwest- ern college to gain a degree of cul- ture? This letter is written in very much of a haste in explaining or rather pointing out to you that a person doesn't even have to go to college to gain culture. I've known people who never went to any college or even attend- ed school since they left high school and the amount of friendship and pleasure and grace they can put into a mere 'hello' or nod of the head would shame most any of your Midwestern, Eastern, or Scuthern cultured college people. Culture is rather a hard thing to stabilize for all groups and kinds of people but the point I wish to be emphasized is this, that how dare you say that a person even has to attend a college to be cultured. T, and I believe even you, don't think that is necessarily so. -Herbert Maffen squeezed in all, but two of the cabinet, Madame Chiang Kai- shek; Willkie, Herbert Hoover, John L. Lewis, Lord Halifax, Litvinov and a dozen others. Administration big-wigs, includ- ing Harry Hopkins, seemed -more anxious to interview him, plied him with questions about the sentiment of the American people. Gros reported that politically sentiment was bad, that isola- tionism was not dead by a long shot. Gros summarized Washington personalities: Baruch the can- niest; Henry Kaiser the greatest doer; Rickenbacker the greatest zealot;. Hopkins and PDR the most charming; Manuel Quezon the most dynamic; and Rubber-Czar Jeffers the most hard-boiled. Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . . . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 4MMC' FOURTH TERM: New Deal Is Committed' To Progressive Policy THE N.R.P.B. social security proposals handed to Congress by the President have lately caused liberals and progressives to chafe at the bit and call for action from Congress. Calling the plan a first step in making the post-war world, they have lauded the President for proposing it and have urged him to make a fight to the finish for it. But the amusing part of the situation is that the President has no intention of putting up a fight to the finish for the plan right now. There is no doubt that FDR supports the NRPB's report and envisages its adoption a few years hence, but he probably well realizes that the 77th Congress will never enact it into law in its present form. President Roosevelt introduced the plan for three main reasons: first, to allay the growing fears of liberals, now alarmed at the State De- partment's appeasement policy, that the admin- istration is no longer progressive; second, to show the American people that he understands and has worked out a solution for post-war U.S. domestic problems; and, third, to subtly open a fourth term campaign. THE PRESIDENT is desperately trying to clar- ify the New Deal attitude on important na- tional questions before 1944. He is trying to do away with confusion and apathy prevalent among American voters in 1942. On the other hand, the Republicans are com- mitted to the "back to normalcy" policy at home and haven't as yet made up their minds on whether to adopt Wendell Willkie's or Hoo- ver's foreign policy line. Republican isolation- ism, it must be remembered, cost us the peace in 1918, and Republican domestic policies of the 20's brought on the crash of 1929. A Re- publican victory in 1944 is ahnost certain to involve us in a mess at home and abroad and will probably embroil us in a third World War. The duty of liberals is to stress these facts. Before 1944 the name Roosevelt and the word "progress" must become as synonymous as Re- publican and "reactionary" have been. The peo- ple's slogan in '44 must be "Roosevelt for Peace and Progress," and "Republicans for Disaster and Reaction." - Ed Podliashuk ACCELERATE: Students Are Urged To Attend Summer Term EVERY student on campus will receive this week-end a questionnaire regarding their plans for the coming summer. This is the first step being taken by the University War Board to provide adequate facilities for a summer term to those who wish to participate in the acceler- ated program. Acceleration is the answer to the student who feels he should in some way help his country to win the war. By graduating earlier than would be possible under the old four-year system, stu- dents can offer their services in a variety of ways as trained graduates. Taking a job in a defense Plant during the summer months may seem to be a more direct way of aiding the war effort, but IN THE FIGHT: High School Is Eager To Recruit Manpower ANN ARBOR High School yesterday enthusias- tically accepted the idea of a high school manpower corps suggested to them by University Manpower head Mary Borman. The Student Council, decidedly in favor of the plan, immediately prepared a motion for the establishment of their own manpower corps pat- terned after the campus Manpower Corps. Under the suggested plan Ann Arbor High and other city high schools who wish to follow will register and classify all available manpower using the campus Manpower equipment and will elect their own Manpower director and student board. Recruited high school manpower will work side by side with University manpower in the hos- pital, farm labor, building and grounds, laundry, and restaurant projects and scrap drive to fill these urgently needed positions. The enthusiasm of the students of Ann Arbor High School makes the apathy of University students in answering Manpower calls this semester even more conspicuous. This move shows that the high school students are ready and willing to help win the war. They are accepting seriously and enthusiastically their home front responsibilities. Their work should be encouraged. - Marj Borradaile ACTION: U.S. Leadership Needed To Win War and IPeace ANOTHER criticism of the United States' for- eign policy in conjunction with their hand- ling of the war was brought up recently by Ian Ross MacFarlane, newspaper man and commen- tator for the Mutual Broadcasting System. "If America doesn't take the leadership of this war away from the British, we may lose the war," and "If America doesn't take the winning of this war away from the Russians, we may lose the peace," were the two state- ments by MacFarlane that bring out specifi- caly the points on which the United States has been called to account of late by administra- tion critics. MacFarlane stated that while Europe as a whole has no confidence in the British, they have an "exaggerated" confidence in the United States. This fact is only too true. America has lauded herself so often as the "arsenal of democracy" that not only Europe but the whole world has come to look upon her as their ultimate salva- tion both during and after the war. So what are we doing about it? "Everyone in Europe is looking to America for leadership in the direction of the war-and so far all we have done is fiddle while Rome burns," MacFarlane maintained. AMERICA can't afford to leave the leadership of the war to Britain and the fighting of it to Russia, if we want any voice in the peace that will be more important than the war. We are attempting to liberate the conquered nations of the world by defeating Hitler. But we will never defeat Hitler unless we get started soon, and we will never create a world free from future Hitlers unless the nations of the world feel that American democracy played a major I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 19.- STILL IRRELE- ,VANT: Five thousand young Frenchmen have armed themselves somehow and are fighting in the mountains of the Haute-Savoie district. Mr. Hoover chooses this moment to say that Ameri- ca's contribution to the war lies along the lines of keeping more Americans home to raise food. (He says we are going to have a great respons- ibility after the war, to feed the victims of com- bat. Please, please, O.W.I., don't put that news in leaflet form or drop it on the five thousand fighting Frenchmen of Haute-Savoie. Please don't tell them that our concern is lest they go hungry two or three years from now.) There is still so much that is irrelevant in the American debate that it shakes the very founda- tions of credulity. Washington breaks into big noises over the question of whether the world is to have an international police force after the war to keep order. Not a police expedition now, this min- ute or at least this year, to go to the rescue of the five thousand fighting Frenchmen of Haute-Savoie. No; like Mr. Hoover and his sandwiches for the world of the future, the discussion takes a flying leap through time; and in the week in which the war is resumed in France and in which Kharkov falls to the Germans, it wrangles over the minutiae- of how we shall keep order when,praise be, there shall be order again. (Please, O.W.I., don't tell the fighting French- men, dodging among the dynamited rocks of Haute-Savoie, that our big debate is not about racing to their sides right now; our big debate, incredibly, is about whether it shall be safe for us to stand beside them in one police force after Hitler shall be dead.) And Senator Wheeler says we cannot join in any United Nations organization just yet, as proposed in the splendid Hill-Hatch-Ball-Burton resolution, because we do not know what Russia wants. Can there be any doubt by this time of what Russia wants? She wants what de Gaulle wants, what fighting Frenchmen of Haute- Savoie want. Russia wants a second front. But there is Senator Wheeler, cupping his ear. Ile cannot make out what Russia wants. (We must step carefully, he hints, because maybe Russia wants to dominate the continent of Europe. For a power which wants to domi- nate the continent of Europe, Russia is singu- larly anxious to have our armies invade it. In this high, critical moment, with Kharkov gone, she begs us to come. That, says Mr. Wheeler, proves it; she is trying to keep us out of Europe.) We are building this towering structure of irrelevancy at a moment when the war makes more sense than at any time since it began. Hitler pulls twelve divisions out of France, for the easte'n front, and instantly, in almost auto- matic response, the French people move into the military vacuum thus created. Sabotage is noted from Rochefort to Lorient, from Brest to St. Paul and Valence. The German finger lifts for a sec- ond, and the dispersed young men of France 'coagulate into an army again. Does not pressure in the west lift for us, too, DAILY OFFICI.AL BULLETIN I FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 116 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices The Senate Advisory Committee will convene in the Regents' Room today at 4:15 p.m. Credit for Men Entering Armed Serv- ices: By action of the faculty of the College of Architecture and Design, stu- dents leaving for active duty with the armed forces will be granted general credit In proportion to the number of weeks of the term attendedin courses elected, up to the time of withdrawal. Forms for students withdrawing will be mailed to instructors in all courses, re- questing an immediate report as to the student's attendance an d tentative grade uip to the time of withdrawal. Each stu- dent's case will be reviewed as to specific credit and grade in any given course at such time as the student may return to the University. Partial credit in specific courses is not being recorded at this time. Wells Bennett, Dean Credit for School of Education students entering the armed forces: By vote of the Administrative Committee a student withdrawing from the School of Educa- tion to enter the armed services will be allowed such credit, in full or pro-rated, in his courses as his instructors recom- mend. Instructors will be asked to give special consideration to any graduating senior who has completed at least half of the term and who has a satisfactory record. Any request for the adjustment of credit should be filed with the Re- corder of the School of Education, Room 1437, University Elementary School. J. B. Edmonson, Dean If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Of- fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi- nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Freshmen in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts may obtain their five-week progress reports in the Aca- demic Counselors' Office, *Room 108, Ma- son Hall, from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to the following schedule: Surnames beginning E through M, Fri- day, March 19. Surnames beginning A through D, Sat- urday, March 20. Arthur Van Duren,' Chairman, Academic Counselors Lectures ogy, Medical School, Western Reserve Uni- versity; Dr. Roy D. McClure, Surgeon-in- Chief, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit; Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Chairman of the De- partment of Surgery, University of Michi- gan; with Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Chair- man of the Department of Internal Medi- cine, presiding; under the auspices of the Medical School and of the Michigan Acad- emy of Science, Arts, and Letters, on Fri- day, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. In the Kellogg Auditorium. The public is invited. University Leeture: Colonel Edgar Ers- kine Hume, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, will lecture on the subject, "The Health Activities of the U.S. Army in Wartime," under the auspices of the Medical, Dental, Public Health and Pharmacy Schools, on Tuesday, March 30, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Foundation Institute Auditorium. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Merle Curti, Professor of History, University of WisI consin, will lecture on the subject, "The Impact of American Wars on Education", under the auspices of the School of Edu- cation and the Department of History, on Thursday, March 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the, Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lecture: Dr. Dow V. Baxter, Associate Professor of Silvics and Forest Pathology at the University of Michigan, will lec- ture on the subject, "Alaska", under the auspices of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the Geology Department, on Tuesday, March 23 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is invited. Lecture: Professor Anton J. Carlson of the University of Chicago will lecture on "The Existence and Nature of God" to- night at 8:15 in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. A reception for Professor Carl- son will be. held at Lane Hall imme- diately following the lecture. All stu- dents are cordially Invited. Acadeic hNotices School of Education students, other than freshm en: Courses, dropped after Saturday, March 20. will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been re- ported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University HaI. History 12, Lecture Section 11, mid- semester will be given at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. the sections of DeVries and Slosson in 1025 Angell Hall; all others in Natural Science Auditorium. The History language examination for M.A. candidates will be given in Room B Haven Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 26. Students intending to take this exam- nation please report immediately to the History office, 119 Haven Hall. Physical Education for Women: Regis- tration for physical edqcation for the outdoor season of the spring term will be held in Room 14, Barbour Gymnasium: Friday, March 19, 8:00-12:00 and 1:00- Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Italian majqlica loaned from, col- lection of Detroit Institute of Arts- pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th & 15th centuries; also fragments typical of several phases of majolica technique. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday, until March 26. The public is invited. Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol- egy, Newberry Hall. Photogriphs of Tu- nisia by George R. Swain, Official Pho- tographer to the University of Michigan Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tiinis, Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax, Matmata country. Events Today House Presidents Meeting: A required meeting of all house presidents is to be held today at 4:00 p.m. in the Michigan League. If for any reason the president cannot attend the meeting, she must send a substitute. Alic e C. Lloyd, Dean of Women The regular Friday afternoon Coffee Hour will take place today in the Library at Lane Hall, 4:30-6:00 pm. All students are invited. Presbyterian Student Guild: Special Series of Lenten Bible Classes on "Tie Parables of Jesus" will begin' this evening, 8:00-9:00, in the Lewis Parlor. These discussions are in charge of the Reverend Willard V. Lampe. The Westminster Guild is having a party at the W.A.B. tonight. Meet in front of the church before 9:00 p.m. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class tonight at 7:30 with Dr. Brashares, leader. Recrea- tion program beginning at 9:00 p.m. Hillel Foundation: Professor Esson M. Gale of the Political Science department and Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa, instructor in Japanese, will present a forum discus- sion on the topic, China and Japan, Now and After, at the Hillel Foundation to- night at 8:30. Coming Events Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences: There will be a regular meeting on Mon- day, March 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of the Michigan Union. Dr. Kuethe will discuss "Aerodynamic Effects in High Speed Flight." All interested. persons are invited. War Activities Movies will be shown Sunday evening, March 21, 8:15-9:15, at the Kellogg Foundation Institute audi- torium. The films, "How the airplane has changed the world map", "Youth With Wings", "Weather" will be of spe- cial interest to anyone entering the serv-