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March 18, 1943 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-18

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Freak Weather
Plays Hayoc in
Outstate Areas
Snow, Rain and High



Uuversity Fresh Air Canp
To Open Agaun This Smitimer





inds Create Chaos in
Several Communities
By The Associated Press
A heavy snow storm swept through
a four-county area in the northern
section of the Lower Peninsula Wed-
nesday as flood waters threatened
another part of the state, necessitat-
ing the evacuation of many families.
High winds blew a cornice off the
top of a two-story building in east
Detroit, killing one woman and ser-
iusly injuring two others. Police
Id the woman's body was so
mangled by the debris that identifi-
aon as difficult.
sibility was zero in the area
atoilnd Antrim, Kalkaska, Leelanau
arid - Grand Traverse counties as
Wednesday's snow fall, which plugged
oighways, followed in the wake of
daiftlging sleet storm Monday.
Flood waters rose in several sec-
tions of the Saginaw Valley, the.
Granid River. Valley and the Mt.
Cl0snens area.
ProIress of utility repair crews in
th u .19Ur-county area was hampered
bi today's snow, after the sleet storm
hId ravaged orchards and utilities
±ailities. Q. W. Miarsch; Michigan
h Bel Teldphone Company regional
manager, said that 1,300 phones were
ottof service in that area, and in
iwof the snow storm, all the trouble
wilnot be cleared before Saturday
n#ht AmloUgh service has been re-
stor 4 to'many, communities with
radio-phone equiment, several had
Iil isolated, including Mancelona,
Lake Leelanau and Northport.
''eephone. company officials re-
po*tie that 72poles were felled in the
fogircounty area and there were
handreds of wire breaks. Crews, aug-
mnrited by help from Saginaw, total
120 pmen.
Bicycle Thieves
To Be Punsh ed
To Crack Down
On Student Borrowers
That certain student who persists
in. taking the nearest bicycle, and
riding it to within a few hundred feet
of -4s house, will soon be regretting
his actions, Police Headquarters re-
port. The "dLaw" is cracking down!
Oificer Schmidt, chief-in-charge-
ofbicycles down -at City Hall, reports
tht while bicycles are still being
tQlen; the ratio of bicycles stolen to
1eyvles ,keturned, is gradually be-
coning less. Efficiency in licensing
bfiycls has been the major cause of
the decrease, Officer Schmidt re-
1orts, but he also said that rationing
h"i Its effect. More and more stu-
delts began looking their bicycles
when ,he'y found out there just were
no.,ore bicycles to buy.
In listing the bicycles still unre-
covered this year, Officer Schmidt
Ointed out that the majority of ve-
hicls were unlicensed, and unlocked.
The chances of such bicycles being
recovered are slim, and Officer
Schnidt emphasized the necessity of
licensing all "bikes."
Espie Supports
Kelly's Budget
Recommendations for
Economies Presented
LANSING, March 17.- OP)- Rep.
John P. Espie, veteran chairman of
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, today presented to State Fis-

cal Officers and members of the
House and Senate Financial Com-
mittees his recommendations for.
granting Governor Kelly's demands
for a balanced budget.
Espie proposed that the appropri-
ation to the public schools be scaled
from $50,000,000 to $47,500,000 and
described other economies which
would scale the budget from its pres-
ent total of $149,116,000 to $130,370,-
He said he expected this would
not be done without incurring "some
pretty strong opposition from some
of those who would be cut" but that
he was hopeful his recommendations
would prevail.
Efforts to speed through a. long
calendar of work in the House of
Reprepentatives ran into obstacles
in the form of parliamentary man-
euvers in behalf of individuals' pet
bills, and the chamber, against the
wishes of Speaker Howard Nugent,
suddenly adjourned as his staff was
trying to untangle a dispute which
found more votes cast for one bill
than there were members present.
Wallace Lands in
I I rw- rn

In spite of the war and upset con-
ditions that prevail in the nation to-
day, the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Camp will embark on its twen-
ty-third year this summer, Prof. F.
N. Menefee, chairman of the camp
committee, announced yesterday.
Established for the benefit of un-
derprivileged and maladjusted boys
of metropolitan areas, this camp pro-
vides a unique and vital service,
Prof. Menefee indicated. The camp
is a kind of "practical improvement-
ground." Boys are sent by several
social agencies; University professors
and counselors study each individual
case, diagnose the problems and sub-
mit reports and suggestions to the
agency that sent the boy.
By spending four weeks at camp
the boys who have had difficulty in
adjustment to their home, school or
community have an opportunity to
play, learn and practice skills, make
new friends, and generally do the
things that make them happy.
"The cost of the camps' operation
will be higher, and we may have dif-
ficulty in getting men and women
to serve as counselors, but we are
hoping to take at least 140 boys in
the two four-week sessions as we have
done in other years," said Prof.
Besides offering a healthy environ-
War Activties
H~ovie To Be
Shown Sunda
The second in a series of Sunday
evening programs of war activities
movies will be given by the Michigan
Union and the University Extension
Service at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the
auditorium of the Kellogg, Dental
These public programs of war films
from the Bureau of Visual Education
film library are being given in an
effoit to present to the campus and
the community the type of filns bein
disseminated today by government
agencies. They portray war activities
in colleges throughout the country
and present other phases of the war
Three films will be shown Sunday.
"Airplane Changes Our World Map,"
is a film of special interest to navi-
gators and cadets and deals with the
changes which the airplane has made
in the world map. "Youth With
Wings," another fihn to be shown,
portrays the training of a youth from
induction to battle in the air corps-
the hardships and objectives of cadet
training. The last film to be shown
is of special interest-the Army's
meteorology students on campus. It
is "Weather," which deals with the
means arid methods of predicting the
The dates for the other film pro-
grams are: March 28, April 4, April
11 and April 18.
Positions Open
For Engineers
Students wishing to become can-
didates for officers of the senior
class of the engineering school must
file petitions containing the signa-
tures of 15 classmates, along with
an eligibility card, at the Office of
the Dean by Monday noon. Stu-
dents who willgraduate in engi-
neering in May are eligible.
Officers to be elected are the pres-
ident, secretary and treasurer, while
the runner-up for president will
automatically become vice-president.
Election will take place from 9
a.m. to noon Wednesday at booths
on the second floor of the West En-
gineering Building above the arch,
and on the main floor of the East
Engineering Building.

Tani Beta Pi Takes
In 21 New Members
Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
fraternity, held its semi-annual in-
itiation at the Union last night.
The new members are: Norman
Barish, '43E, Ken Beu, '44E, Greer
Bingham, '44E, Fred Bryan, '44E,
Warren Burgess, '44E, Marvin Can-
vasser, '43E, Ken Cordes, '44E, Robert
Dangl, '44E, Richard Drutowski, '44E,
Arthur Geib, '44E, Edward Haag,
'43E, Phil Hemily, '44E, Robert Jones,
'43E, Howard Kammeradd, '43E,
George Sawyer, '44E, George Sloane,
'44E, William Summerfelt, '43E,
Ralph Townley, '44E, Cabel Warner,
'44E, Frederick Wellington, '44E,
John Witheridge, '44E.
Sigma Rho Tau Initiates
Six Men and Two Women
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, announces the recent
initiation of eight.
Those initiated were George M.
Chute, 46E, Eugene Ivash, '46E, Jan-

ment to maladjusted boys, the camp
also affords an opportunity for Uni-
versity students: to earn six- hours
credit while gaining valuable experi-
ence in the guidance and adjutment
of boys in a summer camp itation.
Courses are offered in the Mental
Hygiene of adolescence (Education
C120) in the guidance and nental hy-
giene of the adolescent- (Education
C220), and group behavior..
Instructors at the camp .will in-
elude Dr. Lowell J. Carr of th
sociology department, Dr. Fritz Red
of Wayne University, 'and. Mr. Fred
Miller of the School of Education,
who will be the coordinator of re-
ports for the social agencies.
"Experts have conseirvatively esti-
mated that 200,000 new families haVie
moved or will move into southeastern
Michigan this year to. aid the nation's
war production program," said Prof.
Menefee. "This means that the need
for such a camp is icreasing."
"It will be tragic irony," he added,
"in our efforts to win the War and
preserve a. democratic way. of life
for. the children of Michigan's war
workers, if we permit-these same chil-
dren to become physically and emo-
tionally neglected in the process, later
to be among those in our penal in-
stitution upon which we already
spend $11,500 a day."
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, religious
chairman, said that a fnew source for
camp counselors has been found in
students who attend theology-,seI-
naries. Among the schools cooperat-
ing in the project are University of
Chicago Divinity School, Chicago
Theological Semiinary, 'Meadvile
SSeminaryand Garett Biblical-In-
stitute. The counselors receie board
and room 'n4 are reimbursed for
their tuition by the tlniversity.
The University 'Tag Day, which last
year netted $2,196-one-sixth of the
annual operating'budget of the camp
-has beep set sentatively for April
30. ' . e
Petition To Be
.Sent to Senator-s
'U' War Forumi Clu
Backs Post.War Plan
A proposal for the presentation to
the Michigan $6n~tors of a Petition
endorsing, the Bh-Brtn-
Hill resolution for international 'co-
operation now befor e the Senate was
made in the War Forum Club last
night In Angell Hall.
, This petition win be .presented to
the members ,6. the club for thir
signatures next week. Copies will then
be sent to Senators Ferguson and
The Ball-iatch-Burton-Hill reso-
lution was fnly discussed by-, the
War Forum Ofub aid was decided to
be of great value.
The club arranged all thd Senators
they surmised would be definitely in
favor of the proposal on one side of
a line and. al those they. thought
would be against on the other side.
The result wa 15 Senators for and
14 against.
According to Edward W. Mill, fac-
ulty advisor, this shows that the vote
is going to be close. "It will take all
the effort we can get behind this
resolution and future plans of this
sort to get them through," he said.
General Thanks4
AUSTRALIA; March 17.-VP)-On the
first anniversary of his arrival in
Australia, General Douglas Mac Ar-
thur expressed his thanks today to
assembled American, British, Aus-
tralian and Dutch war correspon-

dents for the. reporting of events in.
the 12 months since he broke through
the Japanese lines at Corregidor to
take command of United Nations
forces in the Southwest Pacific.
The General expressed his grati-
tude in the third off-the-record press
conference he has held in Australia.
He reaffirmed his opposition to at-
temps to shade or dictate newspaper-
men's opiniois .or to stifle criticism
except where the criticism or opinion
was'based upon incomplete informa-
tion or false premise.
MacArthur wore a leather flying
jacket on which was a regulation
name-stripe bearing the one word
"MacArthur." Four silver stars em-
bossed on the epaulets were the only
marks to distinguish him from any
U.S. Air Forces officer.
State Legislature
May Be Rearranged
LANSING, March 17.-VP)--The
House Apportionment Committee to-
day released J bill calling for reap-
portionment of the Legislature, to
give Wayne County 27 seats in the

SAFETY - Designed to assure survival of seamen cast adrift after
sinkings, this fully equipped life raft including radio, smoke signals,
food, sails and waterproof suits, is being issued as replacement for old-
type raft which only gave support and water. Demonstration is beiag
conducted in Washington on the Potomac River.

ISU N SWEATER' -Carol Winters models a kelly green
"sun sweater" and striped shorts at a Los Angeles pool.


NEW STAR - Georgia Lee Set-
tle (above), 18 years.old, f*mi
Cincinnati, 0., has been giveni
seven-year Hollywood movit 4ft-
tract, which has been approv4 bt
Los Angeles Superior Court.

,W A A C S " S N A P' T H E I R C H I E F-After Inspecting units in San Francisco, Col. Oveta
Culp Hobby, director of the WAACS, voses for snapshots by admirers in the ranks.

FENC E R - Pretty Muriel
Calkins, University of California
at Los Angeles co-ed, Is Pacific
Coast women's open foils cham-
pion. Here she practices for a

ARMY- BROADCASTS IN NORTH AFRICA -In the studio of the U. S. Army
Broadcasting Service in North Africa. established to entertain soldiers, records are passed around.



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