PAG E.FQ THTiE, -tlC-HTITA-N-- flA-HT TTR IDAYp-l -. a .sa d- y ji l N-A A~ a " 2 1\. 1l.Cl." J~r Fifty-Third Year Editedand managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mrall $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 OEPREBSNTR6 FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc., College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEw YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BS TON . LOS ANGELS * SAW FANHCICO Editorial Stafff "What about that big darn they built?" AS OTHERS SEE IT Congress versus Congress 9- S'.4 John Erlewine . Irving Jaffe Bud Brimmer . Marion Ford Charlotte Conover. Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor. * . .Associate Editor. . . Associate Editor . . . . .Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor siness Staff . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager' . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager 4"C' .., .p t.Y...., ,f.z . * . .. ... Bu Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . . . . . Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: LEON GORDENKER Editorialsepublished in The Michigan Daily arewritten bythembers of The Daily staff antd represent the views of the writers only. _. . . GOAL DOUBLED: Tolan-Pepper Bill Would Aid Production and Unity AMERICANS have always indulged themselves in the luxury of self-congratulations, a ten- dency which has recently been even more pro- nounced regarding our production record. While the output sheet is brighter, what many fail to realize is that the President's 1943 arms goal of 90 billion dollars worth of material is twice that of last year. This makes the recent statement of the Sen- ate's Tolan investigating committee extremely important, for that body warned the American people that our goals "will never be achieved in the absence of centralized direction and plan- ning.. . . and without full mobilization of the nation's economic and manpower resources in 1943 . .. To continue disturbances to American economy caused by present methods of procure- ment and production will permanently injure the country in the post-war period and will prolong the war." But more than this, the Tolan Committee has reminded the people that we failed to meet Roosevelt's production goals set up for 1942. This, the committee said, reflects a general maladjustment in the war production program. The committee also has brought out the fact that our 1942 production record fell decidedly short of our possible organized productive ca- pacity-a fact demonstrated by the lack of lend- lease supplies our allies have suffered and by the uneven equipment of our own soldiers. WHAT this Senate group said should not be taken lightly. They have studied the prob- lems of war economy over two years and as a solution have presented to Congress the Tolan- Pepper Bill. This bill would create an Office of War Mobilization with four constituent offices of production, manpower supply, technological mo- bilization, and economic stabilization. It would reorganize our government war effort, combining the related problems of war production, farm output, raw material supply, manpower, and transportation. Congress now has the opportunity to pass upon the merits of this proposal, but should certainly not pass over them. . This is a bill which will achieve "centralized direction and planning,' and the "full mobilization of the nation's economic and manpower resources." It will give America a planned all-out war economy, but more than that, it will make our "total" war a reality. -Bud Brimmer OBSCURIANTISTS: America First Boosts Fliers for Presidency WTE READ that America First has been resur- rected, this time under the sponsorship of Gerald L. K. Smith, et al. The newly heartened isolationists recently boomed as potential presi- dential timber the two fliers, Lindbergh and Rickenbacker. We Americans characteristically idolize our heroes, finding in them all kinds of virtue. We fail to realize that a man may be the first to cross the Atlantic alone and a decade later develop into a fascist; or that showing forti- tude on a raft in the Pacific does not make one an authority on production. T HE PARTIES of reaction feel the need of a "hero" or a "man on horseback."' Unable to BRather Be Right -- By SAMUE GRAFTrON NEW YORK-NOT LIKE LAST YEAR: Well, second front talk has started again. The London press has greeted Prime Minister Churchill's re- turn with a salvo of demands for instant armed action in Europe. British newspapers, ranging from the London Times to the Daily Express, are not waiting to hear Mr. Churchill; they are telling him. Yet a great change has come over the second front debate since it beat the drums and banged the cymbals last fall. Then, if you remember, the plea for a second fror'.' was a plea to help an about-to-be-beaten Russia. The Nazis had prolonged their shadow deep into the Caucasus. They were losing at Stalingrad, but it didn't look like it. The plea for a second front was a plea to take the weight off Russia. THE IDIOTS BECOME GENTLEMEN The current argument for a second front is quite different; it is an argument to join a winning Russia and rank as partners with her at the finish. The climate- of the debate has changed profoundly. The second front now looks. like a chance to get in on a going business, whereas last fall it was a kind of fire sale propo- sition. Now, all over the world, minds are ticking busily, trying to encompass the meaning of this profound change. Let us look into the political developments which have been brought about by Russia's military progress. I especially recommend this study to Secretary of State Hull, who believes it is possible to sep- arate political from military factors: 1. Russia's push has overturned Nazi political strategy. Last fall Hitler publicly labeled west- erners who contemplated a second front as "idi- ots." Today Goering pleads with the "gentle- men" of London to stop helping the "barbarians" of the east. The idiots have become gentlemen, a promotion granted them on the basis of victories won by the barbarians. FEARS AND WHISPERS ' 2. There is (let us whisper it) a certain amount of anti-Russianism in America and England. Last fall these circles of influence were hostile to the second front idea. This year these same gentlemen are beginning to wonder.. One sees speculation, in the isolationist press particularly, to the effect that maybe a big and active Ameri- can army is not a bad sort of notion, to counter- act Russia's new strength. Europe, which seemed so forbidding, begins to entice them with a siren song. It suddenly seems easier to ship soldiers' 3. The London "New Statesman"'says flatly that Russia has begun to fear that when the second front comes, it will be aimed indirectly against her, as well as directly against Ger- many. The "New Statesman" also says that Russia is especially fearful of a. second front in the Balkans, as a thrust against her influence in that area. The Communist press leas begun to argue that the Channel coast'of France is the only place for a second front. 4. The Nazis, by weeping and hollering cop, are doing their utmost to build up western fears, so that we won't quite know whether our task is to complete the destruction of. Hitler or to halt it. CAN WE STAND VICTORY? It is as if the Nazis, after testing .out the firm- ness of the American-British-Russian military the true -importance of the Casablanca confer- ence. When Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill said unconditional surrender, the west an- nounced its willingness to take its chances on a world without a Hitler in it. Choose your part- ners! There is a Hitler line, and a Casablanca line. You may follow one or the other, but not both, and no mixture of both. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) DREW PEARSON'S: MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON-Secretary of the 'Interior Ickes has a U.S. Senator squatting on Govern- ment land and doesn't quite know what to do about him. The squatter is Montana's Senator Burton K. Wheeler, who has a house on Lake MacDonald in the Glacier National Park. The house was acquired before it was against the law for a member of Congress to own a house at Lake MacDonald. That was in 1916 when Wheeler was U.S. District Attorney , in Montana and when part of the Lake MacDon- ald area was under the Forestry Service. Later Wheeler was elected to the Senate, and all of the Lake MacDonald area was made part of Glacier National Park. The year after Wheel- er's election, 1924, he himself raised the point that he could not legally sign a permit to keep his house in the national park. This is based upon Title 41, Section 21 of the U.S. Code which prohibits a contract with the United States by which a member of Congress would share or profit. Wheeler, however, was allowed to retain his house in the national park without signing a permit. He was a squatter on government suf- ferance. This continued for 17 years until September, 1941, when the Wheeler cottage was damaged by fire and he asked permission to rebuild. - The Senator took the matter up with the then Undersecretary of the Interior Jack Dempsey, in- charge of national parks, who authorized the remodelling job, and since it was illegal for Wheeler to sign a remodelling permit, Dempsey suggested that it might be signed by Mrs. Wheeler. Accordingly, Mrs. Wheeler on Oct. 8 last year made an oral request for such a permit. How- ever, Assistant Secretary of Interior Burlew ruled that it would be contrary to law for any member of the Senator's family to sign a per- mit. This decision was taken just before Christ- mas and there the matter now stands. No one knows what .the next move -will be, whether Wheeler will continue to keep his summer place, and if so, how he can rebuild it without a permit. Somervell's Pentagon Lieut.-Gen. B. B. Somervell, efficient Chief of the Services of - Supply, accompanied President Roosevelt to Casablanca. While there, he pep- pered his subordinates in Washington with cables ordering this, that and the other thing to rein- fnrm- n.anoi n-nhnwmrc.arm T IS TIME that Congress and the liberal forces of America came to understand each other. Each has a false image of the other. Congress, under the spell- of Martin Dies and some of his fellows, has been tending to think of the liberals as the princi- pal enemy against which it must di- rect its war energies. And the liberals correspondingly have come to think of Congress as beyond retrieving. The results may prove tragic. One result is that the country already is in the midst of a minor Constitutional crisis-a crisis that may become a major one, if Congress and the Ad- ministration get caught in a mortal struggle and our Government becomes government by deadlock. No one who has studied American government ever expects from any Congress and any President a mar- riage of true minds. Except for the honeymoon periods that sometimes follow Presidential elections, they are bound to clash. If they did not, it would be a sign of unhealth in our body politic. The great English historian, Arnold Toynbee, has pretty well shown in his exciting work, A Study of History, that when any civilization ceases to generate conflicts, it ceases to contain the stuff of life. Perfection is death, in the history of governments as in the biography of individuals. But in a time of crisis the nation has a right to demand that first things come first. In a time of war crisis, the cost of warfare between the branches of the government well may be the loss of victory and of the fruits of victory. THERE are elements of sickness in Congress today, and there are ele- ments of health. When liberals grow despondent they should remember that Martin Dies is not the American Congress, and Sam Hobbs is not the American Congress. The large major- ity of men and women in Congress are Americans who, whatever their politics, are like other Americans.. They are the stuff out of which what- ever American future we have must be fashioned. The vicious elements in Congress are a minority, not a majority. There is today, on issues where the Administration can be embarrassed politically, a majority alliance of Republicans and Tory Democrats. If that alliance remains an endur- ing one during the rest of the war and in the immediate post-war years, then both Congress and the country are hell-bent for a harsh and bleak future. That is why the decent elements in Congress, liberal and conservative alike, must act before it is too late to repudiate the minority. There are Congressmen who sup- port Martin Dies and his group be- cause their image of the world is the same as his. There are Congressmen who support him because it is their idea of smart politics. With the first group nothing can be done. With the second group, we only can implore them to bethink themselves: that they may not be so smart after all, that their smartness may be fatal to themselves as well as to the nation. BUT THERE is a third group that supports the Congressional e- tremists because they have a false chief of staff, Maj.- Gen. W. D. Styer, cabled him: "Why not ship Pentagon?" Thurman Arnold Resigns Trust-busting Thurman Arnold, who has done more to protect the doctrine of free competition laid down by the Founding Fathers than any man in three decades, has finally decided to bow out as Assistant At- torney General and sit on the clois- tered bench of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In doing so, Thurman set a prece- dent. He turned down a $100,000 law job in New York. That much money is tempting even to a Republican, but especially to a man as poor as Thur- man Arnold. Stepping into a lucrative law job after the relative poverty of a gov- ernment salary has been the accus- tomed thing for years, but Arnold said No.- He has two hard-hitting young menewho probably will take his place, Hugh Cox as Assistant Attorney Gen- eral in charge of the Anti-Trust Di- vision and Tom Clark probably as Assistant Attorney General in charge of a new War Division. They will be good. But they'll have to be awfully good to equal the bellicose,dbadgering, relentless Thurman Arnold. Real reason Arnold is stepping out is that every time he attempts to prosecute a big corporation, the Army, the Navy, the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Civil Aeronautics Board steps in and says: "Sh-h-h. You might disturb the prosecutionnof the war" At- idea of the honor and good name of Congress. They conceive Congress to be on the receiving end of an anti-parlia- mentary attack. They bristle de- fensively even when a Congressman with whom they are in' deep dis- agreement is attacked. They bristle at anything that seems to impeach the integrity of Congress as a body. They are like the members of a quarreling family who are at one another's throats until the neigh- bors seek to express sympathy for one side or the other-when they drop their quarrels and join forces to annihilate the outsiders. Ultimately, the whole problem is a case of Congress against itself. Con- gress is not an assembly of gods. But it has behind it a great parliamentary tradition, and ahead of it a great fu- ture-unless it chooses to destroy that future. The reform of Congress must, in no small measure, come from with- in. We on the outside can help, by expressing the viewpoint of ordinary Americans from day to day. But the job must be done by the large decent majority of Congress. -Max Lerner, PM Death Campaign For Hungarians THE DANUBE turned to ice under the bridges of Budapest has be- come a symbol of the hardening de- spair of the Hungarians as their arm- ies are captured or killed in the losin1 battle of Russia. Whether or not there are peace demonstrations in the streets of the capital, it is certain that popular revulsion against the Nazi war and Nazi pressure for more and more cannon fodder is as ex- plosive in Hungary as in Rumania. In both countries the demand for new levies for what they call "the, campaign of death" fans the sullen anger of the people into open rebel- lion. Not even the German retreat from hard-won key positions is more impressive testimony to the reality of the Russian victories than the multi- plying signs of alarm and resistanc among the so-called allies of Ger- many on the eastern front. This is evident in the somber and resentful tone of Italian official broadcasts, in the irrepressible revolt in Bucharest, in the ferment among the peasants in Bulgaria. Hungary from the first has balked at sending' troops into Russia. Lately the Gov-' ernment has refused to contribute. fresh contingents to perish on the frozen steppes; at the same time; Hungarian workers in the Reich have been called home, and Berlin has been notified that no more labor or food can be spared. This attitude con- firms other indications that the na- tions nearest the eastern battleground are also in process of retreat-from Hitler as well as from Stalin. Hungary in particular, terrified by the thought of her position in the event of German defeat, is primarily concerned at this, juncture to keep her remaining forces at home to defend her own frontiers. Hungary does not have to write "1918" on the walls of her cities, be- cause the memory of her last de- feat is graven deep in the minds of the people. They have been through all this before, and the evidence that the old fears are openly ex- pressed today is proof that the de- cline of German power has reached a stage that even the military com- muniques do not fully reveal. -New York Times1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THlURSDAY, FEB. 11, 19:. . VOL. LII No. 87 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Public Health Assembly: An assembly for students in the School of Public Health will be held on Monday, February 15, at 4:00 p.m. In the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute. Dr. Haven Emerson of Columbia University will ad- dress the assembly on the subject, "The Principles and Content of a Uniform State Public Health Law." All Public Health students are expected to attend. Applications in Support of Research Projects! To give Research Committees and the Executive Board adequate time to study all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support during 1942-1943 file their pro- posals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Feb. 19. Those wishing to renew previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Applica- tion forms will be mailed or can be ob- ;;term. The office. 201Maon ailai oen between 9 and 12 and 2 and 4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information - Seniors in Mechanical, Aeronautical, C vil, Engineering Mechanics, and AUe Engineering: Mr. T. w. Prior, of Goodyeaj Tire & Rubber Company and Goodyeal Aircraft. will interview seniors today an Friday morning, Feb. 11. in Room 218 Wst Engineering Bldg. Interview schedule is posted on the Bu- letin Board at Room 221 W. Engineering Bldg. Due to Labor Shortage, Sunday Serving Hours at the Michigan League will be changed as follows: Breakfast-8:00-10: Sunday Dinner: Cafeteria-12:00-4:00, Din- Ing Room-12;00-4:00, No evening meals will be served on Sun- day. Week day serving hours will remain un- changed, 81 Lectures University Lecture: Professor Meyer Sha- piro, of the Department of Fine Arts, Col- umbia University. will lecture on the sub- bet. "The Content of Modern Art" (illus- trated) at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under t, auspices of the Department of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Alberto Area- Parro. National Director of Statistical Serv ices, Republic of Peru, will lecture on the subject, "Peru's Population Problems: Eco- nomically Active and Inactive Populatin," under the auspices of the Department o Geography on Tuesday. February 18, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. Lecture: Dr. Melvin H. Knisely of the De- partment of Anatomy, University of chi- cago, will give a lecture on the subject, "Intravascular Agglutination in Human Diseases," illustrated with moving pictures, on Friday. Febrary 12. at 11:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of the University Hospital under the auspices of the Medical School. Academic Notices University Choir (Ensemble 50): Male voices are needed for the spring term. Membership is open to students in any school or college of the University whether electing the course for credit or not. Re- hearsals Monday through Friday at 11 o'clock in Lane Hall. Sacred and secular a cappella literaturetcomprises the mater ial for study. Contact Hardin Van Deursen, the director, Room 223, School of Music Building. Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Friday, Feb. 12, at 4 o'clock, in the Amphi- theatre of Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. Social Studies 93: This class will meet in the future in Room 25 Angell Hall. A seat- ing list has been posted on the bulletin board near the front entrance to Room 2. Seniors who wish to be eligible to con- tract to teach the modern foreign languages in the registered Secondary Schools of New York State are notified that the required examination in French, Spanish, German, and Italian will be given here on Feb. 19. Those who wish to take this examination hould notify Professor Pargment (100 R.L.) not later than Feb. 12. No other oppor- tunity to qualify will be offered until Aug., 1943, when Summer School attendance is a prerequisite for admission to the exam- ination, Concerts Choral Union Concert: Jaseha Hefetz, violinist, will give the eighth concert in ;he Choral Union Series, Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 8:30 In Hill Auditorium. His program will consist of numbers by Mozart, Bach, Vieuxtemps. Prokofieff, Shostakovih, Gla,- zounoff and Tschaikowsky. A limited num- ber of tickets are still available at the of- fices of the University Musical Society -in Burton Memorial Tower. Alec Templeton, Pianist, will be heard in a special concert Thursday evening, Feb. 25, in Hill Auditorium. Tickets (tax in- cluded): $1.10, 90c and 60c, and may be purchased at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Faculty Recital: Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, Assistant Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will present a recital at-t4':15 Sun- day afternoon, February 14, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Her program will include compositions by Mozart, Schubert, Haydn, Weber, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mil- haud and Brahms. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: It is important that all members be present at the rehearsal tonight at 7:30. Important business meet- Sing after rehearsal. The School of Music Melody Mixer for Faculty, music students and all students taking music courses: Entertainment and refreshment tonight at 7:45. Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League. Annual Spanish Tea: Tryouts will meet in Room 302 R.L. at 3:00 p.m. today. If this time is not suitable, please see Mr. Mercado and it will be arranged. Mortarboard Members: There will be an important meeting for all members today ,at 4:00 p.m. Monroe Smith, National Director of Amer- ican Youth Hostels, will speak at the Wom- en's Athletic Building tonight at 8:00. Anyone interested is cordially invited. Booth Committee of the Junior Project will meet today at 4:15 p.m. at the League. All those working on the committee and those interested in joining are asked to come. Craft Work; Mrs. Osma Gallinger of the lHartland Area Crafts will be at the Craft Shop at Lane Hall today and Friday from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. to give instruction in weaving. All interested students are in- vited to come to the shon during thes