lftlhSDAY,. MARC1 18, 104S ---- - - -w THE MICHIG AN DAILY TAKING IT EASY No Florida Balminess Here By ED ZALENSKI Daily Sports Editor O hids for Michigan Army officials at Washington know a good thing when they see it. And'the proof is right here. In setting up its intensive' physical training prOratn for the soldiers stationed on campus, the Army has virtually dupli- cated the conditioning setup which has been in effect at-the University since early last summer. Michigan's well-developed PEM program has been adopted for the 350 students in the special Meteorology School here, and Will be a part Of their weekly routine for the duration of their stay. The additional b0 men who will be shipped here for this school, are expected here, sh'Ortly, so by midsummer it is anticipated that 3,000 men will be .ndergoing PEM drills. The compulsory physical education program was adapted by the Uni- ,vtsity effective with the full summer semester last June. All male students cii campus have been required to enroll in the stiff physical training setup mnabped by Athletic Director Fritz Crisler. A close study of both the Michigan PEM program and the current Ariry ,setup show striking similarities. There is little doubt That Army authdrities adopted Michigan's PEM program practically 100 per cent after jearhing of the beneficial results to participating students. Orchids to the WoIverines who had a part in drawing up the PEM program! Members of Michigan's coaching and physical education stafts now h Ve the dual responsibility of administering the program to both the eiuolled personnel of the University and the Army trainees. But they do not expect any difficulty. Army men, like soldiers on all other campuses, will spend six hours each * ek (three two-hour periods) in physical training classes. In addition to basic- conditioning activities they will have special Instruction in aquatics, pofrbatives, gymnastics and team sports. "A breakdown of these general headings shows such activities as under-water and long-distance swinuming, life saving, boiing, wrestling, "ruth-and-tumble fighting, obstacle course races, football, hockey, sobeer, lacrosse and other hard, body-contact sports. Additional orders from Washington state that "trainees should be 4nouraged to devote a part of their daily and week-end periods of free tine to intramural sports." And this free time may eventually be, inter- ,'pOted to allow Varsity athletes to continue big-time collegiate competition. Of Interest is the Army's announcement that competitive goups ~an ,be organized for contests on free Saturday afternoons. No direct men ion is made of using Army men in intercollegiate contests. In fact .prlier reports said they would not have time' for this. It appears, h' wever, that the Army will allow Varsity competition, if It does not lftterfere with routine. . . . .. . . . . ... ... . : . . . . . . Golfers Start Practice; Smith May Not Play By CLARE SMITH With the Big Ten championship as their goal, the members of Michigan's 1943 golf team have been limbering up in the indoor golf driving neets at the Sports Building. Heading the list of the 25 candi- dates around whom the team will be built, are last year's lettermen Bob Fife, Captain Ben Smith and John Leidy, last year's leader. Although Leidy graduated last year he will still be eligible as he is one of the Ad- vanced ROTC Unit who will return to Michigan after being inducted! into the Army. However, the chances of Smith's playing the whole season are slim, for he has been released from the Health Service and also is in the Navy V5 group which might be placed on active duty April 29. Frosh Promising Other varsity men who look good are Bill Ludolph and John Sweeney. According to coach Courtwright, the promising freshmen are Paul O'Hara, Duncan Noble, Ken Berke, Doug Beath, and Bob Welling. Alleviating the teampower short- age caused by the the draft will prob- ably be soldier athletes whom coach Courtwright wishes to stress "will be eligible for varsity competition even though they are in a graduate school or have once played in the profes- sional ranks." Schedule Tenative At the present time a schedule has not been definitely set up; however, matches are being planned with Ohio State, Illinois, Purdue, Michigan State, and maybe Indiana. Topping the season will be the Big Ten cham- pionship held on neutral links of Chicago May 17 and 18. Another season highlight will be a match featuring four golfers from five Michigan schools-Michigan, State, University of Detroil, Michigan Normal and Western Michigan-par- ticipating against the pick of the state's pro shotmakers. At the same time the college individual and team championships will be determined on medal scores. Intramural basketball 6ame to a Almost from the very beginning.the head last night when Alpha Tau Alpha Tau Omega boys took corni. Omega and Sigma Phi Epsilon mand of the situation and they were moved into the final round of the never headed. A League. These two finalists will Although the Sig Phi Eps didn't face each other for the Greek chain- have a chance to show their strength pionship in the near future. last night, they promise to be very In the first semi-final game Sigma much in the show when the. final Phi Epsilon defeated Alpha Delta game is played. They have looked Phi by forfeit. In the other bracket very good in their previous gaImes Alpha Tau Omega trounced 'Sigma and finished with an impressive rec- Phi by the score of 41 to 19. Led by ord. 'Paul White, who scored sixteen 'rBoth teams arethe cream of.the points, the ATO's had little diffi- crop and the finl match .promies culty in overcoming the opposition., to be a nip and tuck affair. III Three pitchers for the World Champion St. Louis Cardinals, (left to right) Howard Pollet, Ernie White and Mort Cooper, are issued long underwear by property man Butch Yatkeman on the first day of spring training at Cairo, Illinois' southernmost city. Only Seven Lettermen Retu rn As Coach Fischer Drills N1VVine or League Highlghts ... k PitchersWarm Up Melton Newson Holdouts - - - - -o- By BUD LOW Looking over the crop of baseball tryouts Ray Fisher has down at the Field House, we were astounded at the number of new faces present. There are exactly seven of last year'si lettermen who have survived graduation and service in the armed forces. Four of these men-Irv "Pro" Bhim, Mickey Fishman, Bill Cain and Dick Savage-are pitchers, which means that the mound staff will probably be the least of Coach Fish- er's worries, this year. ,Paul While, Bob Stenberg and Wayne Christenson are the remaining retuining lettermen on the squad. White is an outfielder, while the other two were both second basemen last season. ,However, Fisher will un- doubt dly change either Stenberg or Christensonto third or shortstop. Chances Still Good Despite the fact that the diamond squad-has only'a few veterans around which to build a team, their chances to retain the Conference crown they now share with Iowa are still as good as any team in the Conference. Just wfhat effect the new Western Con- ference ruling concerning eligible freshmen and those in the service who are stationed on Campus devot- Ing the majority of their time to studies will have on Michigan's team is hard to say at the present time. Each of the other schools are just about in the same boat-losing to and gaining from the Army and Navy about the same number of players as the rest. Iossis Felt With the exception of those men lost by graduation, probably the ab- sences of Captain Don Robinson, Cliff Wise, who was one of the lead- ing hurlers in the Conference two years ago, and first baseman Don Boor will be felt most. Of course "Robbie's" loss will be the greatest. He was one of the top hitters in the Big Ten, as shown by the fact that he got the most hits, 20, and led the Wolverines with an ex- ceptionally good average of .416. His teammates showed their gratitude by electing him the first junior captain in more than 10 years. It was announced yesterady that Holiday Attempts To Break World Backstroke Mark Wolverine swimmer Harry Holiday will make another attempt this after- noon in an exhibition at the Detroit Athletic Club to weaken the monop- oly on backstroke records currently held by Adolf Kiefer, late of the Uni- versity of Texas and the Chicago Towers Club. Harry will be clocked for 200 meters and 220 yards. A perusal of the World Almanac discloses that Mr. Kiefer holds every single world record in the book. The marks range from that for 100 yards to the one for 440 yards. Holiday has already carved a place for his name after one of those stan- dards this year. He bettered Kiefer's best time for 100 yards by two-tenths of a second, reaching out to a time of 57 seconds. This afternoon he hopes to gather both the 220-yard and 200-meter marks. Both records are 2:23. Oldest Battery in Majors LAKEWOOD, N.J.. March 17.-(,P) the Detroit Tigers would play an ex- hibition game here with the Wolver- ines on May 11. This will mark the first time that a Michigan nine has ever played a Major League team, and an interesting sidelight will be the homecoming of Dick Wakefield, former Varsity star who started play- ing profession ball at the end of his sophomore year and who is now a mainstay in the Tigers outer garden. CHICAGO RELAYS SATURDAY: Matthews in 1,000-Yard Run; Bob. Hume To Face Greg Rice Captain Dave Matthews will face I three of the nation's outstanding distance runners Saturday night at the Chicago Relays in the special 1,000-yard run. Listed on the Relays' entry blank along with the Maize and Blue cap- tain are the names of Jimmy Raf- ferty, National AAU champion; Gene Venzke, former Penn mile ace; and Les Eisenhart. Matthews is one of the ranking half-milers in the country, and one of the best milers in the Big Ten Frosh Record Broken A product of Cleveland's West High School, Dick Holl broke the all-time Michigan Freshman rec- ord for five laps (% mile) yester- day afternoon at Yost Field House, covering the distance in 2:36.6. He broke the old mark of 2:37.9 set last year by Bob Hume. Conference. He should have little trouble with the intermediate dis- tance, especially considering his 3:05 performance in a practice three- quarter mile race. Matthews Scratched Originally scheduled to run the 1,000-yard event at the Knights of Columbus meet in New York City1 last week, Matthews was pulled out by Coach Chet Stackhouse. The short time between the 1,000 and the two- mile relay prompted Stack to save his captain for the team event. Another Wolverine distance run- ner, Bob Hume, will find himself pitted against- barrel-chested Greg Rice and Notre Dame's Ollie Hunter in the two-mile grind. Rice came within 1.6 seconds of tying his world record at Madison Square Garden last Saturday night, running the distance in 8:52.7. Hunter has been running around 9:00 and should provide some competition for Rice. Hume's best time is 9:35. Strong Field in Mile There will be no Wolverine runner in the famed Bankers' mile which boasts of a field consisting of Frank Dixon, New York's star and winner of the Knights of Columbus event;' Gil Dodds, sensational Boston run- ner; Earl Mitchell, Indiana's crack miler; Tommie Quinn, former Mich- igan Normal ace; and Bill Scott, Michigan State. A big field is listed in the high jump event with such names as Mel Walker, c ur r e n t record - holder; Dwight Eddleman, Illinois, fresh- man; Jim Milne, Michigan State; A. Richmond Morcom, New Hamp- shire; and Ed Taylor, Western Mich- igan. The biggest name of the meet will be Cornelius Warmerdam, holder of the world indoor pole vault record at 15 ft., 7% in. He has cleared 15 feet at least 30 times. * V 4 I - 0 Tons 4 OZ7t iisi .......1 - -. .. -- the added touch' by H'I C KO K Of ti'n! or years telephone cables have been spliced in a very satisfactory way. But the solder joint contained 40 per cent war-vital tin. So Bell System men devised a new type of joint whioh saves up to,80 per cent of the solder. A "Victory Joint"they called it. 11 HANDSOME BELTS and SUSPENDERS to give the finishing touch to your spring suit or sport outfit. Variety of styles in genuine leather. 'I 11 I 11 I