mo T l -11 C H! GA DAILY ; MOVIE PiRE V I E WS 179 Jap Ships Sunk in Kharkov Feels New Threat Solomons Since Au ust ;f . .iDrv 'UNION THROUGH CULTURE': Feeling 9f Unity Dominant in Latin-iAmerican Countries 3 At the State... A vivid love story, told against a background of the fall and occupa- tion of Paris, forms the plot of "Re-1 union in France", starring Joan1 Crawford with Philip Dorn and John; Wayne, opening at the State today. In the picture Miss Crawford is presented as a Parisienne of the{ days immediately following the Ger- man occupation of the French capi- tal. Dorn,, ayoung Frenchman, is her sweetheart whom she rejects be-j cause of his seeming sympathy for, and collaboration with France's con- querors. Wayne is a young American member of the R.A.F., an escaped prisoner of war, seeking his way back to England and safety. Produced on a convincing scale, with authentic scenes of the flight from Paris by the stream of fright- ened refugees, "Reunion in France" presents a powerful tale of love and drama filmed against the darkest hours of the present conflict. A . .1 a Broadway stage. His impersonation of Cohan is considered wonderful because he does not allow himself to become a stickler for detail. He looks like Cagney but talks, sings and acts like George M. Cohan him- self. "The film hits the high spots of' Cohan's career, for it would be im- possible to present all the shows he wrote or appeared in. Through the presentation of his most memorable musicals and a very effective iont- age treatment to cover the inter- vening years, we not only get the story of George M. Cohan, but a cav- alcade of show business. Beethoven Sonatas Presented Tonight Ten sonatas by Ludwig van Bee- thoven will be presented by Prof. Gilbert Ross, violinist, and Mable Ross Rhead, pianist, of the faculty of the school of music, at 8:30 p.m. U.S. Navy Issues First Recapitulation Of Naval-Air Battles in Pacific Zone (Continued from Page 1) and to the south the Germans were said to have thrown dozens of tanks By CLAIRE SHERMAN (Editor's note: The following is the first in a series of articles to p ortra the thoughts and feelings that are dominant in Latin-American countries today.) pleciation of the fact that we are all equally responsible to the attainment of Pan-American ideals. "To us, the problem of the Ameri- ca otnn son feuain g_______ A t the Michigan --,today in the Lydia Mendelssohn "Yankee Doodle Dandy," which theatre. opens at the Michigan today, brings The concert, secona in a series of to the screen another life story in three, duplicates a program for the film, the life of George M. Cohan. first time in Ann Arbor last summer In the performance which won and so well received that the con- the Academy Award, Jimmy Cagney cert was repeated the following plays the role of this master of the week. CLASSIFIAED ADVERTISING By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 13.- The Navy announced tonight that two Japanese battleships actually were sunk in the great sea battle off Gua- dalcanal in mid-November. Previous repdrts had claimed the sinking of one battleship and one vessel identified 's either a battle- ship or heavy cruiser. A study of later intelligence reports proved the big warship to have been a battle- wagon. The Navy issued a recapitulation of the Solomon Islands naval cam- paign from its start Aug. 7 through Feb. 7 when Japanese resistance on Guadalcanal was coming to an end. It totaled Japanese combatant ship losses at 40 sunk and non-combatant ship losses at 24 sunk or destroyed, a total of 64. The enemy warships sunk were Mlen, Women Choristers To Hold Sin gtime Concert Sponsored By ' Minute-Men; Bill Sawyer To Play Bill Sawyer's Michigan Union or- chestra will get together with both the University Women's Glee Club and a picked chorus of Michigan men for something new in music on April 8 in Hill Auditorium-Singtime, a Symphony in Song. "The first concert of its kind ever to be presented on this campus,' they're calling it and the Manpower Corps, the University's minute-men are the sponsors. Dick Cole, Manpower publicity man for the program says that the concert will be presented in Detroit March 25 for the annual University of Michi- gan night. "This," says Cole, "will be a prelude jor the April-8 perform- ance." Proceeds will go to the Bombei Scholarship fund and will also make it possible for the two most worthy members of the Woman's Glee Club to continue their musical education. George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" originally written for piano and orchestra will be sung for the first time in its history, according tc Bill Sawyer who is director of the concert. i two battleships, 12 cruisers and 26 destroyers. In addition nine war- ships were listed as probably sunk and 81 as damaged for a total of 130 combatant types sunk or damaged. One non-combatant vessel was listed as probably sunk and 27 asI damaged for a total, including those sunk, of 52. Ships sunk or damaged for all types amounted to 179. Total U.S. losses in the Solomons Islands area: Presumed Sunk Dam Lost Tot Battleship .......0 0 0 0f Aircraft Carrier.. 2 0 0 2 Heavy Cruiser .. 4 1 0 5 Light Cruiser ... . 3 1 - 0 4 Destroyer........13 3 1 17 Submarine .......0 0 1 1 Miscellaneous . ..10 0 0 10 TOTALS......32 5 2 39 Total Jananese losses in Solo-c 1 t 5 . i II J i I!I!I! 7 I1 4 y } t against the soviet lines without} can Continent is one of education, breaking them. I"The youth of Cuba have taken work and principles," he declared. "A "After losing 11 tanks and about the words of the immortal patriot brief resume of our program is this: 500 officers and men, the Hitlerites Simon Bolivar. Our Fatherland is the to aim for "Union through Culture." fell back to their initial positions," American Continent, as their motto To accomplish this, he said, "we it said of that sector. j and goal," Raul Olivera, LL.D. '41, must understand each other better. The Russians officially have ac- University of Habana and LL.M. '44, This will be done through making the knowledged four withdrawals in the said in an interview yesterday.- university and the school, not the last two days. "We firmly believe in Pan-Amenri- government, the corner-stone of our Squadron after squadron of Ger- canism as men lEke Bolivar, Saen, crusade. If we win the youth of the man planes were reported to have Pena, James G. Blaine and Elihu continent to our ideal, we shall have further devastated Kharkov's cen- Root understood it," he said, "'but we the support of our official institu- tral section-already heavily dam- condemn it as it has been practiced tions." aged by two previous contests for up to now in most instances." "We must hear what the coun- the city. "We do not want any more of tries on the continent have to say, A Berlin broadcast quoted a Khar- the hollow diplcmatic Pan-Ameri- frankly and without reserve, in re- kov front war correspondent as say- canism that speaks only in terms of gard to economic problems such as ing that German troops- their eompons official receptions, de- exchange, credits and transporta- boots and belts full of hand gren- clamatary conventions and canfer- tion. ades"-were fighting a house-to- ences in which promises and well- house campaign in the center of i ene inwhs prome and el- "In this way. we will be able to at- Kharkov. Russian resistance was because of corrupted governments, tain the true ideals of Pan-American- described as "incredibly stubborn" narrow-minded legislators and i- sm. The Cuban youth realize that it at first, but "waning thereafter from .a.w, -, is up to them and the youth of other hour to hour." gional egotistic iterests,' he said. American countries to undertake and The city was said to be "enveloped In elaboration of this idea, he said carry out the movements that will in enormous clouds of fire and that we must try to bring the people make our continent thg ideal for smoke, while the thunder and roar of the continent closer together to which the war is being fought," he of guns never ceased." assure mutual understanding and ap- stated. G i 1 a - ;-+ +I,- Q-;-f livtnn t:rif l-r nttf- 1 .2 i s41 d . a. ~ ~a~ a mon Islands area: Combatant Ships Probably , )lV Sunk Damr Battleships.......2 0 Aircraft Carriers. 9 0 Cruisers ........12 0 bestroyers . .. ...26 9 Tenders ........ 0 0 Others...........0 0 TOTALS......:4099 Lost 6 4 25 42 2 2 81 Tot 8] 77 2 2 130 4 19 23 6 52 L A WOM AN OF MYSTERY... IN THE BLAZING UNDERGROUND REVOLTI CLASSIFIED RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request .LAUNDERING_ LAUNDA'hY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITkRS of all makes. Of- fice and portable models. Bought, rented, repaired. Student and Of- fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314 South State St. Phone 6615. TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. MISCELLANEOUS MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth- ing by phoning Claude H. Brown, 2-2736, 512 S. Main. WASHED SAND -AND GRAVEI- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. WANTED WANTED desperately-any kind of girl's bicycle-Box 2310, Michigan Daily. WANTED: Used clothes. Best prices paid. Ben the Tailor, 122 E. Wash- ington St. Phone 5387 after 6 p.m. WANTED: Student waiters. Within a week we will have 1,000 men in the East Quadrangle. You can as- sist in the war effort by offering your services for a short period each day. Apply at the dietitian's office, East Quadrangle. Non-Combatant Fleet Tankers, .. 0 Transports ......13 Cargo & Supply.. 9 Miscellaneous ... 2 TOTALS .....24 Total, all types.61 Ships 0 4 1 5 0 14 0 4 1 27 A famed Parisian beauty .. . finding romance packed with danger ... fighting with the bId- ing underground movement as France flames into open revolt! 10 108 179 - Prices Nights C Weekday and Sun. . 5 c Matinees c Children, anytime . 5c Servicemen, anytime 25c Meat Rations To Be More Lenient' Remote Areas Will Get Canned Goods Needed WASHINGTON, March 13.-(4")- OPA chief Prentiss M. Brown prom- ised today that tight ration restric- tions on meat will be eased whenever possible while two other developments brightened the food outlooks. 1. The Office of Price Administra- tion made it possible for persons liv- ing in areas remote from grocery stores to get canned and dried goods they need. Sheepherders, fishermen, forest rangers, lumbermen and others will be issued ration coupons to cover their requirements. 2. Secretary Ickes put forth a pro- gram forexpanding the aid given to producers by the bureaus of his In- terior Department which, he said would result in increasing the na- tion's total supply of certain foods within five years "by an amount suf- ficient on a caloric basis to feed ten million persons for one year." Brown said that after meat ration- ing has been in operation a week or two he expected the supply to spread more evenly among individual stores and different localities. Other soucres disclosed that the tentative meat ration plan will pro- vide a person with a maximum of 3.1 pounds of hamburger or, as an al- ternative, only one and one-third pounds of steak per week, although the average of all type* of meat will be two pounds. The actual rations in most cases will be less than these figures, however, because the same coupon points will be needed for but- ter, shortening and edible fats, oil, cheese and canned fish. Pointing out that the "flow of cat- tle and hogs to market fluctuates day by day and most meats and many of the other products to be rationed are perishable," Brown said, "in keeping with the general policy of OPA, point values will be liberalized whenever it becomes possible to do so." Meat rationing will start March 29. Continuous Shows from 1 P.M. -War Bonds Issued Here! Coming EDW. ARNOLD - ANN HARDING "Eyes in the Night" I The Oratorical Association Presents I T. H. YBAIIRA Outstanding Authority on Latin-American and European affairs. Author of best sellers "Young Man of Caracas," "America Faces South," etc. "LATIN -AMERICA TOMORROW" Thursday, March 18 . . 8:15 P.M. j 6-M ENTOTJlINM OF :. V4Y A!V rHltt. #Rf tT _.,.. , In fiT r I . liii liii 1111