, a II' u;! 9
I 1., i
Petain in Critical
Condition; Illness
Kept from Public
Underground Reports Reaching North
Africa Indicate the 86-Year-Old Vichy
Collaborator Is Near Death in Hospital
ALGIERS, March 13.- W)- Underground reports which reached
French Noith- Africa today said Marshal Petain suffered a stroke several
days ago and is in a critical condition and probably dying in a hospital near
Vichy. *,
Petairf's illness was reported being kept secret from the French public.
Petain, 86-year-old hero of Verdun, who- emerged from semi-retirement
to head post-armistice France, has been less and less active since the NaziI
invasion of Vichy territory Nov. 11,1
1942. Ee tner
A Bern dispatch Dec. 9 said Mar- C ners
shal Petain, "virtually stripped of
powers, was permitted to leave his W ith IR oosevelt
quarters at Vichy only when accom-
panied by a German soldier." O nt iar Plants
He named Pierre Laval as dicta-
tor last Nov. 18 and designated him
heir presinptive to the office of 'We've Got a Long Way
Chief of .Staff to/succeed Admiral Yet To Go,' He Warns;
Jean Darlan, wh' swung to the Al-
lied side in Freph North Africa only Talks of Global Security
to die from a4 assassin's bullets.
Within 1 days German broad- By The Associated Press
pasting stltions were denying re- WASHINGTON, March 13-Warn-
ports that Petain was ill. The Mar- ing that "we've got a long way yet to
shal held out against transfer of the go" on the road to victory, Anthony
goverrnent from Vichy back to Eden, British Foreign secretary, hast-
Paris. ened to get together with President
He denounced what he termed the Roosevelt tonight on the vast prob-
"treason" of French commanders in lems of war and global security.
lIorth Africa who joined forces with His initial meeting with Mr. Rodse-
British and American troops and, velt was arranged after the courtly
with some reserve, was reported to emmissary of the British Government
have agreed to raise a new French told a press conference that the sev-
army for Hitler. eral weeks of talks ahead will cover
History has yet to record the Mar- all aspects of the war and the peace-
shal's ultimate place in the life of that military as well as political con-
the nation under his regime. But it siderations will receive attention.
is certain that he tackled the monu- Eden indicated that he came dire'ct
mental task of reconstruction with from Prime Minister Churchill, the
considerable success in the first six military leader of Great Britain as
months of his tenure. His constant Mr. Roosevelt is Commander-In-
aim, he proclaimed, was to bring Chief here. He said that he conferred
unity to France. with the Prime Minister only Wed-
Red Cross
C ampaign
$625 of $1,000 Quota
jAlready Contributed
As Membership Drive
Starts Second Week
The Red Cross membership drive
being conducted by the men of the
University will go into the second
University will go into the second and
final week of the current campaign
with $625 already contributed toward
the quota of $1.000 in ten days.
Michigan House of the West Quad-
rangle still leads the dormitories on
campus with the greatest percentage
of contributions. Two more fraterni-
ties pledged themselves 100 per cent
yesterday. These two houses are the
Sigma Alpha Mu and the Phi Delta
Theta. Allen Mayerson, '46, leads the
committee members in collections
with $180 turned in.
This week saw the soldiers in the
East Quadrangle contributing to the
drive. The Manpower Corps also set
up three booths Friday under the di-
rection of women. Forty-five dollars
was collected from these booths.
"Committee members working from
the Michigan Union are planning on
carrying their campaign more inten-
sively so that every man on campus
will be contacted," said Bunny Craw-
ford chairman of the committee.
Washtenaw County has now re-
ceived $37,993 in its drive for $53,000
for the month of March. Of this
amount $23,468 has been contributed
by the city of Ann Arbor, and $14,525
has been received from the out-coun-
ty area. In their drive, the University
women have - collected $1,002.31 in
their campaign for $2,500.
Six More Men
Called to ERC
Duty Yesterday
Revoking Orders Sentj
To Twelve Deferred
Students, Says Thuma
Orders calling six more University
men in the Army Enlisted Reserve
Corps to activehduty were received
yesterday by the University War
At the same time, Dr. Burton
Thuma, armed service representative
on campus, said that revoking orders
for 12 men who were erroneously
caled to duty were received.
"These men were on our deferred
list, and it was only through a cleri-
cal error they were first called. They
will now be permitted to remain in
their academic programs till the end
of the present semester."
This list of revoking orders does
not completely cover our deferred
list" Thuma said, "but the rest will
be in shortly."
To date 305 men from campus have
been ordered to duty to four midwest
induction centers. Approximately 150
men remain for whom we expect or-
ders, Thuma said.
nomy Proposals
Prof. Dickinson
Are Reopened
,ByAir Corps
DETROIT, Mich., March 13.--()-
Lieut. Col. Charles C. Curtis, head of
the Armed Forces Induction Station
here, announced today that men be-
tween the ages of 18 and 26 may en-
list as Army Aviation Cadet candi-
dates starting Wednesday, March 17.
Enlistment of cadets is being under-
taken for the first time since Decem-
Applicants will first have to obtain
release from their draft boards, show-
ing they have not been notified to
appear for induction into the Army.
Cadet candidates will undergo a
screening mental examination at the
station and then sent on immediately
to Selfridge Field for complete exami-
nation. If accepted they will be
+called within a week or ten days for
active duty.
Membership Rule
To Be Enforced
Strictly by Union
A strict enforcement of the regu-
lation providing that the Union shall
be for the exclusive use of members
only, was voted at the Student Board
of Directors meeting yesterday.
In recognition of the large numbers
of servicemen on campus, the Board
made the following special provi-
1. All servicemen on campus will
be given the privileges of Guests and
may use the Union,
2. Other servicemen, who are tem-
porarily staying in Ann Arbor, may
secure guest cards which can be ob-
tained at the main desk.
In line with the new policy, cards
will be called for from anyone who
desires to use the billiard rooms,
bowling allh§, swimming pool. In ad-
dition, membership cards will have
to be presented in order to obtain
tickets for the regular Friday and
Saturday evening dances.
As a special provision for those
students who have not yet obtained
their cards for this year, the Student
Offices will remain open from 1 to
10 p.m. today. Also, they may be
obtained any week day from 3 to 5
p.m. there. Attention was called to
Eden gave assurances that Mr.
Churchill, who has been ill, now is
in "top form."
The British Foreign Secretary
made clear that this planning for
the post-war world does not meanx
he anticipates an earlyend of the
"We are beginning to feel ourl
strength and to make the enemy feel
it, too," he said. But he added quickly
that "setbacks and disappointments"
certainly lie ahead and that "thef
only safe thing is to proceed on the
assumption we've a long way to go
Britain Hears Reportt
Of Hitler's Breakdown
WASHINGTON, March 13--(/P)-
Anthony Eden said today that Brit-1
ain, like the United States, had re-k
ceived reports that Hitler is suffer-
ing from a complete breakdown. Hel
did not know whether they were true,i
the British Foreign Secretary told ax
press conference.t
Post -War Ecoi
Interpreted by
Jap Ship Fired
By U.S. Bombers
Near New Guinea
By The AssociatedPress
AUSTRALIA, March 14. (Sunday)-
Allied warplanes have pounced upon
yet another Japanese convoy thrust-
ing toward New Guinea-this time
composed of five merchantmen and
three destroyers-and have dam-
aged two ships in an initial attacl,
the high command declared today.
The convoy was discovered 40 miles
northwest of Wewak yesterday af-
ternoon, and Flying Fortresses im-
mediately raced to the assault, brav-
ing anti-aircraft fire and the pro-
tecting enemy fighter planes to set
fire to one 8,000-ton transport and
score a hit and a near miss on a
4,000-ton cargo ship last evening.
Jap Convoys Sighted
Weather prevented close observa-
tion of the results but the noon com-
munique declared that the attack
was continuing.
It was also disclosed that two Jap-
anese convoys of five merchant ships
each with warship escort had been
sighted two days ago northeast of
Manus Island in the Admiralties. It
is possible that the Wewak convoy is
one of those.
The other convoy still remained an
unknown threat.
Origin Not Known
The origin of these two convoys
was not disclosed, but they may have
come from the big Japanese base
far to the north at Truk, or possibly
had made a long circuitous trip from
Rabaul, New Britain, in the hope
of escaping another Bismarck Sea
disaster by slipping down the New
Guinea coast from the northwest.
The Japanese convoy employed the
customary technique of approaching
New Guinea with a storm front as
a cover-a stratagem which has
worked before. But this time the
Japanese' were more cautious, the
convoyschanging course constantly
as it neared Wewak.
Navy Torpedo Planes
Raid Jap Base at Munda
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(/P)-
Navy avenger torpedo planes, doubl-
ing as light bombers, raided the Jap-
anese air base at Munda in the Solo-
mon Islands last night and set enemy
installations afire.
The Munda raid, 0th of the cam-
paign to neutralize the Japanese
strong point nearest Guadalcanal,
was the second agaist Munda in one
day. A communique said that on Fri-
day morning Liberator heavy bomb-
ers delivered a minor attack there
and also dropped bombs on enemy
positions at Ballale, in the Shortland
island area, and at Vila, near Munda.
One American plane failed to re-
turn from these actions.
The avenger torpedo planes, al-
though a navy type, may have been
operated by either navy or marine
fliers. They have been used in the
past to drop bombs rather than tor-
pedoes when not needed to attack
enemy ships.
Michigan Approved
For Naval Training
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(AP)-
The University of' Michigan at Ann
Arbor was added today to the list of
educational institutions approved for
possible use by the Army and Navy
for war training programs.
The War Manpower Commission
said the University had been desig-
nated for training in Naval archi-
Placement on the list of approved
schools does not necessarily mean
the Army and Navy will use the col-
lege, but it does certify that a school
is eligible to enter negotiations with
the services for use of the school's
How about pitching in with
your four hours a week to help
the war effort?
The University Hospital and the
Lake Ilmen f
Rig Staraya
Velikie\ \ \
Vilna T
(Orsha mlensxk
Napoleon Usedh ryansk
This Retreat Route 1 or I*
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POL-AND fe ~
POLND urk eepest ussian
L ""' Gains Westward w
Danube R Sevastopol
BULGARIA Black Se.....
. 0 200
+ Vologda
Deepest Nazi
Gains Eastward
'Voronezh Saratov
*&\ o
aik MaikI
lpS Na ik
Moscow Says Kharkov Seriously
Menaced by New German Drive;
Allied Planes Attack Jap Convoy
The Red Army (arrows, top) was within 15 miles of Vyazma in a
westward drive closely paralleling the route of Napoleon's retreat from
Moscow. In the south, outnumbered Russian troops held firm against
the Nazi assault (arrows) upon Kharkov.
rConspicuous' Apathy Shown in
Campus Response to Hospital Call
Russian Troops Advance in North
Campus*lethargy was still "con-
spicuous" yesterday, Bill Buckey, '45,
head of the Manpower hospital vol-
unteer division said yesterday in
pointing to the five additional stu-
War Film To Be
Shown Tonighit
Work of U.S. Colleges,
Labor To Be Featured
The first Sunday evening war ac-
tivities movie program will be pre-
sented at 8:15 p.m. today in the audi-
torium of the Kellogg Dental Building
under the sponsorship of the Michi-
gan Union and the University Exten-
sion Service.
The movies, which will be shown
from the Bureau of Visual Educa-
tion's film library, have been chosen
to portray the war activities going on
throughout the country, particularly
those on college campuses.
Four movies will be shown. Two
of the films, "Campus on the March,"
and "Negro Colleges in War Time,"
deal specifically with American col-
leges and their part in the war effort
today. "Manpower," presents the
problems of manpower-labor pirat-
ing, the shortage of skilled labor, liv-
ing conditions of workers and the
training of women to enter war in-
dents who volunteered to work at
the University Hospital.
This pushes the total of students
who have signed up to do the volun-
teer work as orderlies and porters at
the Health Service and University
Hospital to a "disappointing 15," he
said. This means that the University
is contributing only 120 man-hours
a week to the understaffed hospital.
The Manpower Corps plans to con-
tinue its drive until the doctors and
nurses are relieved from performing
unskilled tasks which they have been
forced to do for the past month.
The hospital appealed again yes-
terday for more help, adding that 35
workers are desperately needed.
Miss Kathern Walsh, supervisor in
charge of volunteer help, said that
the women have contributed far more
time than have the men, but that
only one-thsrd as many women can
be depended upon this semester as
"We are using three retired min-
isters to transport drugs and linens,
and it is our feeling that if students
fully realized the situation they
would sacrifice some of their leisure
time," she added.
Manpower head Mary Borman, '44,
said yesterday that the Health Serv-
ice was "desperately"' in need of help
between 6 and 8 a.m. every morning.
The Health Service and the hospital
will pay regular wages for 14 hours
and more work done by students.
The Manpower offices will be open
to arrange working hours and pay-
ment every day this week.
-90 It
Nazis Pouring Many
Tanks, Men in Great
Battle for Key Point
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 14, Sunday-
German troops gained fresh ground
in the flaming fight for Kharkov, a
midnight Moscow bulletin an-
nounced today, and Russian field
dispatches frankly termed the situa-
tion "serious" as the Nazis threw
hundreds of tanks and thousands
of infantrymen into an assault on
three sides of the Ukraine citadel.
Street Fighting Continues
The German high command de-
clared that elite SS guardsmen had
"shattered enemy resistance" and
advanced to the main railway sta-
tion, but did not claim the recapture
of the city where it said a violent
street struggle still was going on.
The Nazi-controlled Paris radio
said occupation was "almost com-
plete," with the Red Army defenders
falling back slowly but steadily.
Reds Admit Withdrawal
The Moscow bulletin recorded by
the Soviet Monitor said the Russians
ha dabsorbed heavy counterattacks
on the north and south sides, but
acknowledged another withdrawal
"to new positions" in the west where
it said "large enemy tank and infan-
'try forces succeeded, after repeated
attacks and at the cost of severe
losses, in pressing back our troops."
"Taking up new positions, our
forces withstood the onslaught of
the enemy's numerically superior
forces, repelling the Hitlerite at-
tacks and causing them enormous
Heavy fighting raged also north
of the city, this communique said,
Turn to Page 2, Col, 5
U.S. Submarine
Sinks Small
Jap Warship
37 Minute Pitched
Battle Kills One Sailor
As Sub Attacks Ship
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(")-
A United States submarine attacked
and sank a small Japanese warship in
the mid-Pacific, the navy reported
today, after a violent 37-minute fight
in which one member of the sub's
crew was killed.
The date of the action was not re-
The crewman killed was Herbert
Andrew Calcaterra, 22, motor ma-
chinist's mate, first class, of Stoney-
ford, Calif.
The submarine discovered the Jap-
anese ship, an anti-submarine pa-
trol vessel about the size of a cor-
vette with a tonnage of under 1,000
tons, as it was running on the sur-
face early one morning.
When lookouts sighted the ship, it
was si miles off the port-beam. Lieu-
tenant Commander Willis M. Thom-
as, 35, of Fresno, Calif., ordered the
crew to battle stations and closed up
on the Jap ship.
At a distance of about two miles,
the navy report said, the sub and the
patrol craft both opened fire.
Shell after shell from the submar-
ine's back gun tore into the enemy
hull. The Japanese poured fire from
machine gun and light cannon and
a machine gun bullet fatally wounded
Calcaterra. There was no material
damage to the sub itself.
French Sailors
Desert Vessels
'Ships in U.S. Ports
Idle,' Declares Knox
WASHINGTON, March 13.-MP)-
Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox
said today that if the "numerous de-
sertions" of French sailors from their
warships in American harbors con-
tinue, "the vessels will be left sp
understaffed that they will be vir-
tually immobilized."
There have been frequent reports of
Gnoilrnnv nvuitfjno' tbjec shins- tindetric
(Editor's note: This is the first in
a series of articles aimed to interpret NRPB, and promoted earlier by Her-
for the students President Roosevelt's bert Hoover as Secretary of - Com-
new cradle-to-grave security and post- merce, would provide for a "shelf-
war economy proposal. In this article reservoir of projects." The federa
Dr. Z. Clark Dickinson of the Eco- government would help cities and
nomics Department gives some inter- states draw plans for future con-
pretative remarks on the post-war struction projects. During dull peri-
problems and social services outlined ods in business activity these con
in the President's report.) struction projects would be executed
By MARJ BORRADAILE Dr. Dickinson does not believe the
"The President's recently submit- proposed departmental promotion o1
ted blueprint for the future is a twin the Federal Security Administration
to the English blueprint against pov- to be a necessary move, "It is a
erty, the Beveridge plan," Dr. Z. matter of organization," he said
Clark Dickinson of the Economics "and if you multiply too many heads
Department stated yesterday. (cabinet members) for one super.
"The vast social security program visor (the President) efficient super.
can be compared on every side with vision is impossible. A cabinet posi.
the Beveridge plan under considera- tion is not a requisite for power."
tion in England," Dr. Dickinson ex- "Assurance for 'reasonably ful
plained, "and another committee is employment' after the'war is partly
working now to prepare for the a matter of turning on and off public
British a post-war economy plan works programs," Dr. Dickinson
which will undoubtedly be similar stated, "but this will take some plan-
to the peace-to-war economy pro- ning. Establishment of the Ameri-
posal for this country submitted by can businessmen's Committee or
the National Resources Planning Post-War Employment headed by
Board. Mr. Hoffman. of Studebaker indi-
"The President was well advised," cates that groups of businessmen d
Dr. Dickinson continued, "in putting regard the maintenance of reason-
,1. P. Morgan, Financial Giant,
Dies at 75 from Heart Attack'
Associated Press Correspondent
BOCA GRANDE, Fla., March 13.-
John Pierpont Morgan, whose bank-
ing firm was a colossus of the finan-
cial world and whose very name was+
a symbol of extreme wealth and
power, died early today in the kind
of atmosphere in which he lived-
one of dignity and restraint.
And, just as he had planned it,
the passing of the 75-year-old bank-
er brought no upheaval in Wall
Street and no shakeup in the house
of Morgan, the institution through
which he had carried out some of
the largest transactions of this, or
any other, century.
The end came at 3:15 a.m., E.W.T.,
afor Vnra-.. nr- +'.<. +lS)iXa rvc hbAA
duty abroad and his elder daughter,
Mrs. George Nichols, had left Boca
Grande three days ago when her
father appeared on the way to re-
There was no excitement in this
exclusive resort when Dr. H. S. Pat-
terson, the banker's personal physi-
cian who had flown from New York
to render what service he could, an-
nounced the death.
The quiet-spoken banker would
have liked that, because he always
had gone to lengths to avoid pub-
licity and the hubbub usually atten-
dant to world-wide renown.
Two sensational events marked his