i ja 7" 2u/ 'AA6 '~ '~itiz~ ~t ..~i VOL. LIII No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senior ROTC To Be Called March 15-16 Eden Arrives in apital o an Alli4ed Meeting British Foreign Secretary Has Come At U.S. Invitation To Confer With FDR On Plans for United Nations Meeting By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 12.- Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary, arrived in Washington tonight for momentous conversations aimed at cementing the United Nations in a fuller understanding. A terse announcement from the White House said the purpose of the visit of the debonair diplomat "is to undertake a general exchange of views and to discuss the most effective method of preparing for meetings between the governments of all United Nations with the United States government' on all aspects of the war situation, to consider questions arising out of the war." Eden came here on the invitation of the United States, it was an- nounced and, in addition to the important diplomatic conference, will "see at first hand great war effort States." something of the C of the UnitedI Eden's arrival climaxed a long series of official utterances pointing toward the inauguration of vital in- ter-government talks on post-war problems as well as the present. Conferences Planned Only recently acting Secretary of State Welles, after previous speeches urging the necessity of reaching agreements without waiting for the end of the war, announced that the United States intended "at once" to take preliminary steps with its Allies toward inter-governmental confer- ences. Simultaneously with Eden's arrival, it was learned that Secretary ,of State Cordell Hull, who has been resting in Florida for a fortnight, is returning to Washington over the weekend. Before he left London, Eden told the House of Commons the British government welcomed Welles' pro- posal for a conference now on post war aims. Understanding Needed Meanwhile .Vice-President Wallace in an address at Delaware, Ohio, last Monday, stressed the necessity of a satisfactory understanding between the western democracies and Russia. He underlined the urgency of arriv- ing at such an understanding by ex- pressing the fear that otherwise "World War No. 3 will be inevitable." In this connection, the Press Asso- ciation 'said tonight at London that Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin had been informed of Eden's trip to Washington-"and there is reason to believe he heard of it with pleasure." Weather School Begins Monday Meteorology Students To Train for Half-Year Men in the Army Air Force Meteor- ological school here will begin their primary training Monday morning, Prof. Marvin Niehuss, emergency war training director, announced yester- day. The men have been arriving all week from various Army reception centers and have taken up barracks in the East Quadrangle. Under the present plan the course will run six months after successful completion of which the student soldiers will be. sent to Grand Rapids or Chicago for nine months of ad- vanced training. ' Dr. Alexander G, Ruthven, Presi- dent of the University will welcome the trainees at 2 p.m. tomorrow in a brief informal ceremony in the East Quadrangle. The 400 room East Quadrangle was vacated at the end of last semester by regular University students to pro- vide barracks space for the weather school training detachment. The University will provide instruc- tion and physical drill for all the men. Faculty members of the literary nnil-a.ati ha n-iaaa nl. nAm Women Aid in All-Out Drive For Red Cross $1102 Collected by 'U' Coeds in March, Quota Set at $2500 In their Red Cross membership drive for $2,500 during the month of March; the University women stu- dents have collected $1,002.31 by the count that was taken yesterday. Ten houses have already turned in 100 per cent contributions to this campaign. These houses are Alpha No one who reads the news- papers, or who talks with return- ing soldiers or sailors can fail to realize what a vital part the Red Cross bears in the life of our men abroad. No one familiar with the work of this organization here at home can ignore the tremendous good being done by its workers. The least we can do is to give all the financial support possible to this leader in maintaining morale and in saving lives-the American Red Cross. Joseph A. Bursley Dean of Students Gamma Delta, Chi Omega, Mrs. Gray's league house, Rock House, Alpha Delta Pi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi, Madison House, Keusch House and the Hunt House. A chart will be posted in the Mich- igan League lobby in the next few days showing the contributions of every women's residence on campus. This drive is headed by Geraldine Stadelman, '44. She is assisted by Marion Baskette, '44, Audrey Brat- man, '43 and Florence Turin, '44. With the purpose of contacting men who are not living on campus, the Manpower Corps stationed three booths on campus yesterday. Open for four hours, they collected $44, the majority of this amount coming from booths in the Union and Engi- neering Arch. Women were in charge of these booths. Miners Threaten To Strike March 31 NEW YORK, March 12.-()- Threats of work stoppages in bitumi- nous coal mines in April if a contract is not signed by March 31 granting wage boosts to 450,000 northern and southern miners were made today by United Mine workers union district representatives. Addressing the joint northern Ap- palachian wage conference, James Mark, president of district 2, UMW, charged operators with "hiding be- hind the skirts of the War Labor Board," and declared: "No matter what the Labor Board says or does, if the men don't get a contract by March 31, they won't go into those mines April 1. We're out to get a substantial wage increase and we're going to get it no matter what the consequences are." House Vote Deals FDR Sharp Blow $25,000 Limit on Wartime Salaries1 Nullified by House By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 12.- A powerful House coalition, swinging behind a protest against executive "usurpation" of Congressional pow- ers, voted overwhelmingly today to nullify President Roosevelt's long embattled order limitingwartime salaries to $25,000 after taxes. In the clearest and severest blow yet dealt the administration by the 78th Congress, the House passed by roll call vote of 268 to 129 a double- barreled measure carrying the re- pealer along with authority for the national debt to climb to $210,000,- 000,000. House Sets Rule In place of the Roosevelt rule, the House provided that no ceilig could be set on salaries over $25,000 below their level of Dec. 7, 1941, the date this country entered the war. Sal- aries which were below that figure then could not rise above $25,000 after taxes now. The action followed two days of the most heated debate-of this ses- sion and a desperate, last-ditch at- tempt by administration supporters to rally their forces for preservation of the President's order. Republicans Lead The coalition was formed chiefly of Republicans but had a substantial following from the Democratic side of the aisle. The repeal rider was drafted by a Democrat, Rep. Disney of Oklahoma, a member of the Ways and Means Committee, who termed it a move to end "government by directive." The greater part of the discussion centered around counter proposals Va.), Wolcott (Rep.-Mich.) and Gearhart (Rep.-Calif.) and an at- tempt by Rep. Cooper (Dem.-Tenn.) to eliminate the Disney rider alto- gether. Allied Airmen Ht 7,000-Ton Japanese Ship British Hit Stuttgart As Luftwaffe Blasts London in Retaliation ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, March 13. (Satur- day) --(MP-Allied airmen scored a direct hit on a 7,000-ton Japanese merchant ship, damaged two similar vessels, and shot out of action six enemy fighters without the loss of a plane, a communique said today. The 7,000-ton ship was caught with a 500-pound bomb dropped by an American Liberator over Ambon Har- bor, Amboina Island, despite intense anti-aircraft fire. In a running fight with eight Japanese fighters four of the enemy were knocked out, and returning airmen said at least two of them were destroyed. Heavy clouds prevented observa- tion of the full result of the raid which also was directed at other shipping and harbor installations. The other two Japanese fighters shot out of action attempted to stop a raid on Lautem on Timor Island where two smaller ships-a 300-ton motor vessel and a lugger-were strafed. Parked enemy aircraft also were damaged at a Timor airdrome by low. flying Allied planes. STUDENT JONES The University Hospital and the Health Service need vonteer workers. You will be paid: Fifty-one cents per hour if you work 14 hours a week at either the Health Service or University Hospital. Set your own working hours. Volunteers are desperately needed to work a minimum of jfour hours a week. Hospital Aid Is Asked by Manpower University Men Fail To Answer Call for Volunteers Manpower Corps officials last night again appealed to students to sign up at University Hospital and the Health Service for much-needed volunteer work after only 11 students had of- fered their services by 4 p.m. yester- day. Bill Buckley, '45, head of the Man- power hospital volunteer division, said of the turn-out that "it was highly disappointing from a campus that set up the only organization of its kind in the country with so much enthusiasm." He was referring to the Manpower Corps, created last fall by a war-minded group of campus lead- ers. Orderly Shortage To date University Hospital has only three orderlies on the job during the day and the shortage of porters has seriously handicapped the trans- portation of patients, drugs and linen from one part of the hospital to an- other, he said. Three porters are retired ministers "helping for all they're worth" at the hospital and most of the cleaning is being done by nurses. With yesterday's 11 students who asked to be put to work, the total of students who have volunteered to help in the crisis is now 18. 35 Needed Buckley said that a minimum of 35 male workersat the hospital will meet demands for help there. Manpower head Marv Borman, '44, said last night that both the hospital and the Health Service will pay re- gular wages for time worked by the students. He said that the Manpower offices will be open during the day and any student can arrange the hours he wants to work through the Corps. "A couple of hours now and then will help out more than students rea- lize," he pointed out. ' 39 Girls Volunteer To Help at Hospital Thirty-nine Jordan girls volun- teered for hospital work yesterday within a few hours after a notice had been posted on the house bulletin board, and eight reported at the hos- pital to begin their work immediately. These freshmen girls will work sev- eral hours each week to help relieve the critical shortage of orderlies by doing clerical and laboratory work, carrying trays, filling ice bags, clean- ing, and performing other tasks, thus relieving doctors and nurses for more urgent duties. Housing Planned for Willow Run Workers WASHINGTON, March 12.-(A)~- Authorization for immediate con- struction of 2,000 publicly-financed dormitory units and 1,000 small apartments as emergency housing for war workers in the Willow Run bomber plant area near Detroit was granted today by National Housing Administrator John B. Blandford, Jr., to the public housing authority. Reds Push Back Nazis At Vyazma 9,000 Germans Killed In Powerful Centra Front Drive by Soviets By The Associated Press LONDON, March 13. (Saturday)- The Red Army captured Vyazma and killed 9,000 Germans yesterday in the powerful central front sweep to- ward the Nazi anchor of Smolensk, but in the south Moscow area another withdrawal in the critical third bat- tle for Kharkov which the Germans said was the scene of a bitter street struggle was announced. Outnumbered Russian troops again fell back west of Kharkov to new po- sitions, the midnight Moscow bulletin said, while on the south side of the Ukraine stronghold fight waves of attacking Nazis were beaten down, the enemy losing 23 tanks and 800 men. The German High Command had announced earlier that its troops had broken into the city. Accounts from both sides made it clear that the bat- (AP)- Large quantities of lend- lease aid is being sent to Russia via the Pacific, it was disclosed officially today. Some observers regarded it as probable Japan had full knowledge of the shipments but were not interfering with movement of the Russian vessels because that country is not at war with Russia. tle was approaching the magnitude of the fight for Stalingrad. The Rus- sians stressed that their troops were combatting "numerically superior" forces, reinforced by reserves brought from western Europe. Late last night the house-to-house struggle still was going on, German radio reports said, and Rome's sta- tion quoted Berlin dispatches saying Nazi troops "occupy the northern and western parts ofnthe townnas well as the center as far as the Red Square." One Berlin propaganda agency, the International Information Bureau, earlier had been quoted by the Ger- man radio as saying that Kharkov was recaptured, but this subsequent- ly was qualified to acknowledge "ex- tremely fierce fighting is still in progress in south Kharkov." RAF Bombers Blast Rommel Air Attack Halts New Nazi Tunisian Attack ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, March 12.- (P)- Marshal Erwin Rommel's second at- tempt to beat back the Allied ring tightening around his Axis troops in Tunisia has failed under sweeping low-level aerial attack by the RAF which forced his armored units to withdraw from Ksar Rhilane, 40 miles south of the Mareth Line, leav- ing 21 wrecked vehicles and seven guns on the battlefield. The RAF reported its western des- ert force destroyed all but nine arm- ored vehicles out of a total estimated at 30 in Rommel's attacking group. Low-flying desertafightersgand bombers ripped at Axis ground for- ces throughout the day, leaving a great portion of the attacking Ger- man motored units in flames. Rommel's futile attempt to break the Allied ring closing around him was coupled with three fruitless local assaults by Col. Gen. Jurgen Von Arnim's Axis troops in the Sedjenane sector of northern Tunisia and has- tened the day of the inevitable show- down battle between Anglo-Ameri- can forces and the Axis. FDR Declares Opposition to Runil Tax Plan Income Favoritism, Reduction of Revenue Declared as Reason WASHINGTON, March 12.-(P)- President Roosevelt came out flatly against the Ruml Tax Plan today on the ground that it would reduce the government's revenue and favor per- sons with large incomes. His opposition, made known at a press conference, was his first ex- pression on the controversial plan to skip an income tax year to put col- lection on a current basis, although his Secretary of the Treasury has been outspoken against it. The President's stand sharpened the party lines along which the issue probably will be battled out on the House floor. Republicans have called a meeting for Monday at which they are expected to organize almost sol- idly behind the Ruml Plan. Meanwhile the Ways and Means Committee decided to do nothing more about a pay-as-you-go plan than to offer small discounts, or bar- gain rates, as an inducement to tax- payers to put themselves on a cur- rent payment basis by paying two year's taxes in one year, if they choose. Under the committee's plan, a tax- payer must pay his full 1942 income taxes this year, as the law now pro- vides; his 1943 income tax techni- cally will not be due until next March 15. But if he pays his 1943 tax by June 15 of this year he can get a three per cent discount; if he pays by Sept. 15 he can get a two per cent discount; by Dec. 15, a one per cent discount. Next year, if he pays his 1944 tax by March 15 he can get a four per cent discount; by June 15, a three per cent discount, and so forth. The 20 per cent withholding tax against wages and salaries which the committee previously had voted to levy starting July 1 would still be im- posed. This would be applied against the taxes due under present law and would not constitute an additional tax. U.S. Bombers, RAF Spitfires Smash Rouen LONDON, Saturday, March 12.- (P)-Heavy American bombers dealt a hard blow to Rouen in France this afternoon following the RAF's smashing attack Thursday night on Stuttgart in southwestern Germany, and tonight the Nazis increased the tempo of their counter-raids against this island. Enemy raiders showered explosives and incendiaries on two towns in the northeast tonight, following up day- light stabs by their comrades who got as far as the London suburbs al- though suffering relatively heavy losses. Heavy anti-aircraft fire met the German planes as they swept in low over the coast dropping flares, but the enemy severely hit a mining town where casualties resulted and houses and buildings were wrecked. Several persons were trapped in the o.P11A.r of a. hotel and ae rest on Thursday. According to the original an- nouncement concerning the status of the advanced company, they will re- turn to the University after their processing to live in military bar- racks. The Army release yesterday confirmed this plan. Definite plans as to where the men will live have not as yet been com- pleted, Col. Ganoe said, but "it is definite they will live in barracks." The processing period which will involve physical examination and issuance of regular Army uniforms will last from two to five days, the announcement said. Original plans that the seniors in the company would go to Service School at the completion of the cur- rent term were not changed. The rest of the men will be ordered to basic training centers at the end of the semester. This announcement comes after conflicting reports have been re- ceived. March 1 and 8 were pre- viously set as induction dates. After the men return from the induction centers they will be per- mitted to resume their regular aca- demic training. Orders 'Calling ERC Men to Duty Halted Yesterday was the second consecu- tive day that no new orders had been received calling men in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps to ac- tive duty. Dr. Burton Thuma, armed service representative on campus, empha- sized a communication received from the Sixth Service Command. "All men in the ERC and advanced ROTC who were erroneously called to duty during the past week should ig- nore their present orders," he said, "and should await revoking orders which have been dispatched." The group of men who received their orders included pre-dental, pre- medical, and engineering students, and men in the Advanced Corps of the ROTC. "These men were on our deferred list," Thuma said, "and they will be permitted to remain in school till the end of the present semester." Singtime To Be Givexn April 8 Proceeds Are To Go To Scholarship Funds Singtime-a Symphony in song- is the combination of more than a hundred voices with the Michigan Union orchestra in the spring con- cert sponsored by the Manpower Corps, April 8 in Hill Auditorium. This concert "the first of its kind ever to be presented on this cam- pus" according to Dick Cole, pub- licity director, will be presented in Detroit March 25 for the annual "University of Michigan Night." Proceeds of both concerts will be given to the Bomber Scholarship fund and to the Glee Club Scholar- ship Fund. For the first time in its history of many orchestrations "Rhapsody in Blue" will be sung. The University Women's Glee Club and a picked chorus of Michigan men will sing Ferdy Grofe's "On the Trail" as well as other modern classics and popular campus songs. Bill Sawyer who is directing the show said that it is expected to con- tribute more to the Scholarship funds than any other program this 168 Men To Report o Induction Post Calets Will Return To Resume Studies; Will Live in Barracks after Processing Orders calling the Advanced Corps of the ROTC to active duty will be received Monday and Tuesday. The orders will call the men to induction centers March 17 and 18 where they will be processed. This announcement came directly from the Sixth Service Command headquarters and was released by Col. William Ganoe. ROTC commandant, yesterday. The entire advanced company of 168 men will be affected by the orders and they will proceed in two groups to "a nearby induction center." Some ~ ~ ~ ~----- -- - will report on Wednesday and the I'eat Rationing Will Start March 29 WASHINGTON, March 12.- ()- The new meat-cheese-butter-oils ra- tioning will start March 29, the gov- ernment announced today, and there will be no sales "freeze" beforehand as there was on other rationing pro- grams. meat ration, although Wickard esti- mated that the amount of meat available will average two pounds per week per person for home con- sumption. Actually the public will be able to buy more or less meat, depending on hQw many of the same coupon-free to the customers, al- though OPA will ration the supplies used by restaurants. Other details: Buillion cubes and beef extracts, not rationed now with canned soup,