i"-aLJ.;,i . 'Un&PCAq l 1 4?
Geriin a
Nazi Factories
Hit by 12,000
Tons of Bombs
Sir Archibald Sinclair
Makes Report on RAF
To Horse of Commons
LONDON, March 11. -(P)-The
British, now pushing their monthly
bomb-sowing rate to the high level of
12,000 tons, have wrecked 2,000 Ger-
mans war factories, cut Nazi steel
production by 1,250,000atons annu-
ally, and driven at least a million
Germans from their ruined and roof-
less homes.
This recapitulation of the results
to date of the greatest series of sus-
tained attacks ever delivered by any
air army and the most revealing ac-
count yet announced on the system-
atic destruction of German war in-
dustry was given to the House of
Commons today by Sir Archibald
Sinclair, the Air Minister.
U. S. Air Forces Also Active
And, he emphasized, this was only
a part of the story, for his was an ac-
count only of the forces under his
supervision-the RAF-and did not
include the details of the enormous
damage wrought by the cooperating
U. A. Air Forces.
These Americans, he told the
House, were themselves "lion-hearted
and skillful fighters."
"Their methods," he added-the
precision attacks which find what
had been left standing in Brtish night
assaults and proceed then to smash,
it-"are a complement to our own."
"They are precious and welcome
allies. The more American bombers
come to take part in the air offensive]
the better we shall be pleased and
the sooner the malignant power of
Germany will be broken.'
Results of Aerial Attack
Sir Archibald's report was an ac-
count of the unprecedented growth of
an aerial striking power which he de-
clared now has accomplished these
among other results:
1. The Germans have been forced,
in an attempt to combat the devast-
ating effect of these manifold raids,
to keep twice as many fighter planes
in the west as on the Russian front.
2. More than ten per cent of the
planes thrown by Germany in weak
reprisals against this country have
been shot down in the past three
month-a rate of loss generally con-
sidered prohibitive to the attacker.
3. An eventual 24-hour air cover for
Allied North Atlantic, shipping has
been made possible-with helicopters
to be used by the British over ship-
ping convoy8, it was disclosed by one
of Sinclair's aides - as are spe-
cial tank-buster and fighter-bomber
squadrons so that when the invasion
of Europe comes "the whole resources
of the RAF will be united with those
of the army."
J. P. Morgan's
State Becomes
More Critical
BOCA GRANDE, Fla., March 11.-
(M)-The condition of J. P. Morgan,
75-year-old multi-millionaire finan-
cier, who has been seriously ill here
for more than a week, took a turn for
the worse today and grave fears were
expressed by his close associates.
Morgan had apparently rallied
from one crisis and for two successive
days attending physicians nad re-
ported steady improvement.
The sudden change was announced
from Morgan's New York office in a
bulletin which said his condition "has
deteriorated during the day.'
Morgan was stricken witn a re-
currence of an old heart ailment
while enroute here for a brief va-
cation. He went to bed immediately
upon his arrival at the Gasparilla
Inn, exclusive hotel on this isolated
Allied Airmen Batter Nazi Chief Cities in Repeated Raids
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U' Academy
Will Convene
Late in March
Major Developments
In Science During Last
Year Will Be Stressed
The 48th annual meeting of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters will convene in Ann Ar-
bor Friday and Saturday, March 26
and 27.
The two-day session, sponsored by
the University, will bring together the
foremost developments of the past
year in the sciences and related fields
when more than 250 specially pre-
pared papers will be presented.
General seminars in 17 related
fields of study will be conducted in
sectional meetings during the two-
day session. Papers will include dis-
cussions of geology, zoology, geogra-
phy, economics, and languages and
Dr. H. R. Hunt, chairman of the
zoology department at Michigan
State College and president of the
Academy, will highlight the Friday
evening session, speaking on "Pop-
ulation and Peace."
Five University professors together
with Hunt make up the officers for
this meeting, They include Malcolm
Soule, bacteriology, vice-president;
Harry Hann, zoology, secretary; Mis-
cha Titiev, anthropology, treasurer;
Henry von der Schalle, zoology, edi-
tor; and Warner Rich, English, li-
brarian. .
All sectional meetings will be held
in the Natural Science Building.
LANSING, March 11.-()-The
Physical Fitness and Recreation
Committee of the State Defense
Council requested the council today
to appoint a full-time director to pro-.
mote physical fitness programs in
Michigan communities.
Asks Civilia$ns
For Old Guns
Seek Used Firearms
To Train Fliers In
Anti-Aircraft Tactics
In order to fill an urgent need for
pump and automatic 12 gauge shot-
guns, the War Department is direct-
ing an appeal to owners of these fire-
arms to donate or sell them to the
armed forces.
The guns will be used for training
gunners in American Flying For-
tresses and anti-aircraft gunners to
"lead" enemy fighters and bombers,
that is, shoot ahead of them. Shoot-
ing at clay pigeons is similar to shoot-
ing at airplanes, the government re-
port said.
Local sportsmen are urged to turn
their guns in to the Ann Arbor Police
Department between March 15 and
March 27. They may also be left with
the receiving agent at the headquar-
ters of the State Police at Ypsilanti
If guns are to be sold rather than
donated, the owners will have their
choice of setting their own price, sub-
ject to government approval, or of
having the Ordnance Inspector as-
sign a price. Top price, however, was
set at $42.50.
It was stressed that only pump and
automatic 12 gauge shotguns are
wanted. Guns of other types and
gauge will be of no use.
BUENOS AIRES, March 11.-(P)-
The sinking of the U. S. Freighter
Staghound by three torpedoes in the
South Atlantic and the rescue of 69
crewmen and 25 members of the
armed forces were disclosed tonigh
in an Argentine foreign office an-
r Mibilig
Taxing Plan
Gains Support
Steering Committee,
Martin To Mobilize
GOP Behind Drive
WASHINGTON, March 11,- (p)-
Backers of the Rumi pay-as-you-go
tax plan took heart tonight and be-
gan to predict a victory in the House,
after Rep. Martin, Republican leader,
and his steering committee threw in
their support.
The steering committee met with
Martin and arranged a conference of
Republican House members for Mon-
day, for a party mobilization behind
the plan to skip a full income tax
Martin predicted to newspapermen
that "an overwhelming majority" of
I House Republicans would vote for the
bill by Rep. Carlson (Rep.-Kas.) em-
bracing the abate-a-year plan, and
that a substantial number of Demo-
crats would join them.
Republicans now hold 209 House
seats to 222 for the Democrats. How-
ever, it is not expected that all Re-
publican members will vote as a bloc,
since Rep. Gearhart, (Rep.-Calif.) is
a leading opponent of the idea of
skipping any taxes.
The Californian, explaining his
stand, contended the Ruml plan
s would "mushroom 100,000 or more
war-made millionaires." Another Re-
publican, Rep. Crawford of Michigan,
also is a vigorous opponent of the tax
abatement idea. A House Republican
caucus cannot bind its members.
The Ruml plan was rejected by
the House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, 16 to 9, with the 15 Democrats
r voting solidly against it and joined
e by Gearhart. However, several Dem-
9 ocrats outside the committee have
e indicated they would vote for the plan
t when it comes to a showdown on the
- House floor, perhaps within two
Map shows targets and dates of major Allied raids on Germany since the present air offensive began
late in February. The British are dropping an average of 12,000 tons of bombs monthly on German terri-
Manpower Corps Sponsors
Springtime Festival April 8
Combining more than 100 voices
with the music of the Michigani
Union orchestra, "Springtime, a1
Symphony in Song," the Spring con-1
cert sponsored by the ManpowerI
Corps to aid the Bomber Scholarship
Fund, will be presented April 8, at
Hill Auditorium.r
Featuring the University Women's,
Glee Club and a specially-selected
House Rejects
New Game Bill
Proposal To Lengthen7
Hunting Season Fails
LANSING, March 11.-(MP)-The'
House of Representatives in a play-
ful spirit behind whch lay much seri-
ous intention, today dismantled the
Game Law Revision Bill drafted by
the State Conservation Commission
and proposing to lengthen hunting
seasons as one means of providing
partial relief of meat shortages.
The House vetoed the commission's
suggestion that the deer hunting sea-
son be extended to December 14, and
voted to hold it at the old period, No-
vember 15 to 30, inclusive. It struck
out the proposal to arm the Conser-
vation Commission with discretionary
powers to allow the shooting of an-
tierless deer in any area in which
overconcentration of the deer herd
threatened to cause starvation losses.
It gave the commission authority to
allow ta special season in Allegan
county only, the same as last year.
A partial operation was performed
on the commission's proposals for
extended bird hunting seasons, but
the members served notive they would
complete it tomorrow and provide
that shooting of Hungarian partridge,
ring necked pheasants, ruffed grouse,
prairie chicken and sharptailed
grouse be allowed in the Lower Penin-
sula October 1 to 20, and in the Upper
Peninsula October 15 to November 5.
The bill was scheduled for a vote
group of Michigan men, the program
will include classical symphonies,
popular campus songs, recent swing
hits and familiar military tunes. Bill
Sawyer is directing the show.
Special features of the program will
be the vocal presentations of "Rhap-
sody in Blue" and "On the Trail," a
song hit from "Grand Canyon Suite."
Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Theta
Xi fraternity will present their re-
spective acts which won prizes at
the recent "Victory Vanities."
According to Dick Cole, Manpower
Corps publicity director, this is the
first time that anything of this na-
ture has been presented at Michigan.
"It represents a variety of entertain-
ment that everyone will enjoy to the
utmost," he said.
The concert will also be given
March 25 at the Masonic Temple in
Detroit. In addition to the Bomber
Scholarship Fund, parts of the pro-
ceeds from both shows will be used to
provide scholarships for the two most
worthy members of the Women's Glee
Club in order that they may continue
their musical education.
Professor To Work
As Washington Aide
Granted a temporary leave from
the University, Prof. James Marshall
Plumer of the University Institute of
Fine Arts, left yesterday for Wash-
ington to work as a civilian consul-
tant and Chinese analyst in the Army
Map Service.
A graduate of Harvard University,
Prof. Plumer has sent the past 15
years in the Chinese Government
Customs Service and has traveled
widely in China and other parts of
Prof. Plumer had lectured at the
Art Institute in Chicago, the Fogg
Museum and at Harvard University
before coming to the University in
M .
" (Irl
You'll love the new
Highway Battle I
Shelved as State
Speeds Legislation
LANSING, March 11.--(;P)-With
the bill to abolish the State Highway
Commissionership pigeon-holed for
this season, the House and Senate
both ordered meetings tonight in an
attempt to catch up with the'fast-
fading legislative session.
Ten bills were passed an the House
and Senate during the afternoon and
scores more were placed in position
for final votes tonight.
The legislative log jam created by
the highway reorganization bill was
broken when John R. Dethmers,
..',., - -,w, .. o tC LI.i~ir n Ct t
Your Home
in Trim
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yix i ea to re p
Pen ail euen~ntIt aifl "
bled i
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he w~a t e ' .'h rn ~a
°tb~ ee 0' ~ ear pwr°
notg p o 1eug nftohe -
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Don't neglect the outside
of your home in these
SheVI Pen a jst adat
Asgpc 1 i Ofxcllr0
~~~~~~ is&l&S ~j
I ersWessge ittdei
YaS *i' dsen h rub h
5O1n ti w 0h
busy times. Point
patriotic material.
And Remember:
There Is
No Paint Shortage!
0 U144-
5150n r
Everyone is wearing more
anklets these days-and
the "Link-N-Link" weaves