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11 A ,MARGC-Ia. 1943
-- ---"
Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
A, mon ueIrere-theysay i~e ttLe of France has JUST BEGUN."
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pubisbers Representative
420 MAD100 AVe£. N~w-YORK. N. Y.
John Erlewine .
Bud Briznmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover.
Eric Zalenski .
Betty Harvey .
James Conant .
Editorial Staff
* . . .Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial- Director
. . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . .Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
S . . . . Women's Editor
. . . . , Columnist
WASHINGTON, March 12.-In
September, 1939, just a week after
war broke in Europe, the Washing-
ton Merry-Go-Round went to the
War Department to check on a "ru-
mor" that the Army had plans for
drafting American youth for military
service. We were referred to a red-
headded major, who said, with an
apologetic air:
"Yes, we have a plan, but we
don't call it draft; we call it 'se-
lective service.' It's nothing new.
It's just a carry-fver from the last
war. Besides," he added, "if I have
my way, we will never use this
glass bowl and these pellets. I am
a Hoosier and an isolationist, and
I believe we should stay out of
other people's troubles."
The red-headed major is now a,
major general, who presides over the
destinies of millions of American
men. The name is Lewis B. Hershey.
"But if we do have to get into
it-," Hershey added, leaving the
thought incomplete.
Hershey mentioned the figure of
7,500,000 men as the strength of the
U.S. Army. This is the figure the
President is insisting on today. The
record now reveals that it has been
a basic figure in War Department
planning for years.
Hershey said at that time, more
than three years ago, that the first
draft would take men between 21
and 30, which, after deferments,
would provide an army of about
3,000,000 men. "This should be
enough to make a powerful army,"
he said, "but if it isn't, other age
groups will be called, until a total
of 7,500,000 men are in uniform."
The War Department is still stick-
ing to these plans made several years
in advance.
Note: The figure 10,800,000 men
for the total armed forces is made up
by Navy and Marine Corps personnel
in addition to the Army.
Twenty tons of scrap rubber will
go into the production of 720,000 of
the new baseballs with rubber-cush-
ioned centers, taking the place of a
similar number of cork-cushioned
Business Staff
UDGING from her Daily editorial
I of March 8th, Netta Siegel is one
of the many who believe that it is
up to the United Nations, and in par-
ticular the American State Depart-
ment, to control the politics of French
North Africa.
At first it might seem that the
United Nations' battle plans for
North Africa would be greatly simpli-
fied by such control; but it must be
remembered that when General Eis-
enhower's forces took over, there was
already in existence an official
French government, with administra-
tors appointed by the French Chief
of State.
Distasteful to liberty-loving people
as the Vichy government is, General
Eisenhower had either to deal with
whatever French government was al-
ready there (be it Vichy or DeGaul-
list) or to put into immediate effect
an American military governorship.
A third possibility might have been
to set up a puppet government under
some pro-Allied Frenchman whose
orders would certainly have been dis-
obeyed by the almost totally-Vichy
administrators in North Africa.
Anyone who has studied the At-
lantic Charter should know why
General Eisenhower could not have
set up an American military gov-
ernorship in place of the Vichy
administration. For the Charter
makes, among others, the follow-
ing provision: "They respect the
rights of all people to choose the
form of government under which
they will live; and they wish to see
sovereign rights and self-govern-
ment restored to those who haveI
been forcibly deprived of them."
And history tells that the French
Army had to use a great deal of
force when it took possession of
Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia,
finally wresting them from the na.-
tives after many scattered but
bloody battles. To do as Netta
Siegel suggests, to "put (the North
African ;government) in the hands
of men who are known to be pro-
Allied and liberal" would require
the American military to take over
the government for'whatever peri-
od would be needed to transfer con-
trol from the present administra-
tion into the hands of a liberal pro-
Allied one.
Thus the North African colonies
would have passed from the posses-
sion of the nation that originally
conquered them, France, to a third
party, ,ust as surely as if an Ameri-
can military governorship had been
set up in the beginning. If the spirit,
as well as the text, of the Atlantic
Charter is to be followed, the French
North African colonies would. there-
by. have a strong post-war claim to
the "sovereign rights and self-govern-
ment" of which they had been "forci-
bly deprived" by the French.
Gradually, General Giraud is
making the changes in personnel
and machinery necessary for more
democratic government. The pup-
pet government idea would have
made it necessary for our forces to
occupy cities of hostile Frenchmen
whose government we had replaced
with one composed of their political
enemies. Such action on our part
would, in addition, have led to mili-
tary resistance even more fierce and
more prolonged than that which we
faced at Algiers, Oran, Casablanca,
etc. Consideration of the valuable
time in racing to Tunisia and of the
thousands of French and American
lives that would have been lost will,
I trust, lead everyone to agree that
General Eisenhower was right in not
attempting to set up a puppet gov-
The only practical policy is to deal
with whatever French government
exists in North Africa. It is impor-
tant to keep in mind that democratic
government can come to French
North Africa only through the work
and desire of Frenchmen, and not
the American State Department.
However, the New York Times' Drew
Middleton gives most credit for wean-
ing Giraud away from Vichy to Rob-
ert Murphy of the American State
As for Netta Siegel's fear that the
Allies will deal with Quislings and
governments - in - exile in countries
that are politically disunited, I sug-
gest that she remember the following
pertinent facts: one, that Darlan was
certainly no "Quisling," for he hated
the Germans every bit as much as
he hated the English; and secondly,
there is no justification for believing
that we will deal with all the various
governments-in-exile, for that is ex-
actly what we did not do when we
refused to set up a Fighting French
government in North Africa.
-James B. Wilton
Edward J. Perlberg.
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg.
. Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Womnen's Advertising Manager
Telephone 23-24-1 f f<
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff r
and represent the views of the writers only. .c1943 hicaQ Times, n
Vast Post-War Plan of President Is Long-Sought
Answer to Question -'What Are We Fighting For?'
FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT has shown himself
once again to be the leader of the nation -
brushing aside all the petty clouds of doubt and
confusion which have befogged the nation and
its leaders, he has stepped forward and pre-
sented the nation with a carefully drafted plan
for a greater and better America.
At a time when Congress was busy playing
games with limericks, coining new phrases, and
mixing political quagmire for the 1944 campaign,
the President seized the helm and showed the
nation where -to look for leadership. Congress,
hamstrung with active pressure groups and sec-
tional interests, has not been able to meet the
needs of the nation -itscan not even make up
its mind to pass a tax bill. But the President
saw what the common man was crying for and
WHAT have we Americans been asking ever
since the day war broke out?
And here is the answer in black and white, in
language that means something, not vague
words and fine phrases that can be made to
mean anything desired. To date all forecasts
of the future roamed rather indefinitely in the
field of foreign relations - they have been inter-
esting and vitally important, but they have not
provided an answer for the fundamental craving
in the mind of every soldier and worker to know
what they can expect in the United States when
the battlefields fade from the picture. Now the
President - in presenting the vast economic
plan of the National Resources Planning Board
to Congress -is ready to tell them, to hold up
for them to see, a picture of a possible -future
America which we can ourselves make and enjoy.
First things first: the plan tells our fighting
men that for once in our not-too-glorious mili-
tary history we are planning for "demobilization
day." For once we are not going to slap a few
paltry dollars in the hands which have been
fighting for our nation and throw our soldiers
back into a society organized to get along with-
out them. No! If the nation elects to follow out
the tenets of the President's proposal our sol-
diers and sailors will come back to find jobs,
education, shelter, and above all, opportunity
waiting for them.
But the President's plan does not stop with
providing for returning the fighter and worker
to a peacetime basis. That in itself would be
rather meaningless. Carefully outlined in the
comprehensive plan is an entire scheme for
the conversion of industry back to a peace-
time basis, with a clear, recognition of the
problems involved and ways to meet them.
His methods may bring protests to the throats
of the anti-New Dealers, but the program is
designed to meet the strained economic condi-
tions which inevitably follow at the end of the
war. Plans for continued rationing until -the
peacetime economy has regained its footing and
is ,able once more to meet the demands of a
goods-hungry public -such problems are con-
bidered in the plan.
FULL comprehension of the plan can only be
S gainedby reading the complete voluminous
report, and the discussion of the complex plan
for re-conversion of industry must necessarily
hpWt 1f +is ,4 Hth~wvP..r hp stteobjecthives7
lies the strength of the nation. Throughout
the provisions of the plan such intelligence
and insight is evident, and is a work of which
the National Resources Board can well be
But now the plan has left the bosom of the
President, where it has been carefully nourished
and formed during the past months, and has
been placed before an unfriendly Congress
which has receitly refused funds to the NRPB
for its continued existence.
What will be the reaction of the Congress
which has vacillated back and forth since the
outbreak of the war to a definite plan of action
is unpredictable. Perhaps the wavering Demo-
cratic support that has caused the President
embarrassment in recent weeks will be pulled
once more to his side. Perhaps it will aggravate
the growing party split. But whatever the party
reaction, the President has given the nation a
definite goal to strive for and a plan for its
achievement.- John Erlewine*
U.S. Lacks Foresight
In U.S.S.R.n*Relations
AMERICA is exhibiting today a dangerous lack
of foresight and planning in her attitude to-
ward Russia, who is one of her most invaluable
allies at this stage of the game.
Monday Vice-President Henry Wallace took
up the question of safeguarding our future
against Communism, and awhile he dealt with
our post-war relations with Russia, Ambassador
Standley dealt a severe blow to our present rela-
tions with the Soviet Union.
Without the authorization of the State De-
partment, Standley announced that news of
American aid was being kept from the Russian
people, adding that "It is not fair to mislead
Americans into giving millions froi their pock-
ets, thinking that they are aiding the Russian
people without the Russian people knowing
about it."
Standley made an error in diplomatic policy
that is inexcusable in an ambassador to a nation
like the Soviet Union, when it is vital that Amer-
ica and Russia work together without suspicion
or mistrust. The State Department not only
disowned Standley's remarks, but in the person
of Sumner Welles, acting secretary of state, stat-
ed that Standley was "talking out of turn.":
FURTHERMORE, Russian Ambassador Litvi-
nov declared that supplies received by Russia
from the U.S. have been "an enormous help" and,
are "deeply appreciated by the people of the
Soviet Union who are fully aware of its extent."
A Navy man, Standley is unaccustomed to
diplomatic relations, and for that reason
should never have been given as important a
post as that of Russia.
Because Russia is an important ally of ours,
we are apt to forget that she is far from a dem-
ocracy, according to the American idea of free-
dom. The tight Russian system of censorship
lets the people know only what they should
know in order to fight hard and keep up their.
Russia has given us one of her top nen-
I'd Rather
Be Right
NEW YORK, March 11.-What Russia wants
from us is a second front. So long as we do
not deliver a second front, we are not going to
have much closer relations with Russia. Those
relations depend only incidentally on what Am-
bassador Standley says in Moscow. If we deliver
a second front, Ambassador Standley can be
a gowly bear in Moscow, and it will not greatly
If we do not deliver a second front, Standey
can coo like a dove, he can wear a picture of
Stalin in his locket, and our relations with Rus-
sia will not be substantially improved.
I doubt whether Russia is nearly as inter-
ested as we are in the question of whether we
recall Standley or do not recall him. I doubt
if she cares greatly whether we send a more
amiable ambassador to Moscow, or a less
amiable one. She wants us to send troops to
In the great debate over whether Standley
shoulda said it or shouldna said it, it is alleged
that his blast at Russia for (supposedly) not
telling her own people about the extent of lend-
lease aid will create disunity and encourage the
But it is the absence of coalition warfare
which really encourages the Axis. If we estab-
lish a second front, the Axis cannot possibly
be encouraged by anything any ambassador can
possibly say in Moscow. Nor will the Axis be
greatly discouraged, or Russia greatly encour-
aged, even if we find the most polite of verbal
forms for covering over the absence of coalition
warfare, even if we send the nicest American
there is to Moscow.
Standley is not the problem. Policy is the
problem. And therefore sending someone to
replace Standley will not solve the problem.
The problem is to establish true coalition war-
fare, an offensive in the west to match Rus-
sia's offensive in the east. Just as the tand-
ley incident could not possibly have occurred
were such an offensive taking place, so simi-
lar incidents can perhaps not be avoided so
long as that offensive does not take place.
THOSE who are protesting against Standley,
per se, fool themselves if they thing that any
change in verbal forms or improvement in man-
ners can take the place of policy.
It will not matter in the slightest degree to
Russia how politely we say "No!" to her, if"No!"
is all we have to say.
So long as we say "No!" on the question of
the speedy opening of the second front, all those
forces which are not too friendly to Russia are
encouraged, and given a space of time in which
to operate.
The lack of an offensive in Europe creates
a vacuum, which a Standley promptly fills by
raising the irrelevant issue of whether the
Russians are giving us enough publicity.
The lack of an offensive creates a coolness
between ourselves and Russia. A section of the
isolationist press promptly builds on that cool-
ness, arguing that since Russia does not trust
us, we should not trust her. The isolationists
tried, winkingly, to hint that Standley's remarks
had the full backing of our government, and
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 111
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purghased improved
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South wing of University Hall,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Faculty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The five-week fresh-
man reports will be due Saturday, March
13, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108
Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Credit for men entering armed services:
By vote of the faculty, credit for stu-
dents who withdraw from the School of
Forestry and Conservation for immediate
entrance into the armed services will be
adjusted for each student individually
according to the merits of the particular
case, but as nearly as practicable in ac-
cordance with the following principles:
1. Students in attendance for more
than 2 weeks but less than 12 weeks will
aeceive pro-rated blanket credit to the
nearest hour on the basis of the per-
centage of the entire term they have at-
tended classes.
2. Students in attendance for 12 weeks
or more will receive appropriate pro-
rated credit in specific subjects.
3. Seniors who are in attendance for 8
weeks or more will be. recommended for
the degree for which they would normally
have qualified at the end of the term.
In each case the pro-rated credit will
be granted or the recommendation for
graduation made only if such action is
justified by the student's work up to the
time of withdrawal and by such validat-
ing examination as the instructor in each
course may require.
S. T. Dana, Dean
Candidates for the Teacher's Certifi-
cate for May and September, 1943: A list
of candidates /has been posted on the
bulletin board of the School of Educa-
tion, Room 1431 'U. E. S. Any prospective
candidate whose name does notappear on
this list should call at the office of the
Recorder of the School of Education, 1437
U. E. S.
Credit for Men Entering Armed Serv-
up to the time of withdrawal. Each stu- 1
dent's case will be reviewed as to specific
credit and grade in any given course at
such time as the student may return to+
the University. Partial credit in specific
courses is not being recorded at this time.+
Wells Bennett, Dean
The American Association of University
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsl-
lantiBranch of the A.A.U.W. is again offer-
ing a fellowship for the year 1943-1944 in
honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson. This
fellowship is open to women students for
graduate study in any field. Application
blanks may be obtained now from the
:raduate School Office and must be re-
turned to that office no later than March
15 in order to receive consideration.
Kothe-Hildner Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered students in Courses
31 and 32. The contest, a translation test
(German English and English-Ggrman),
carries two stipends of $20 and $30, and
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday,
March 25, in room 203 University Hall.
Students who wish to compete and who
have not yet handed in their applications
should do so immediately in 204 Univer-
sity Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered juniors and seniors
in German. The contest will be held from
2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25, in room
203 University Hall. The award, in the
amount of $32, will be presented to the
student writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the development of
German literature from 1750-1900. Students
who wish to compete and who have not
yet handed in their applications should
do so immediately in room 204 University
Registration for summer jobs: The an-
nual registration for students looking for
summer employment is being held this
week at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments, Room 205 Mason Hall. Any stu-
dent interested in camp work, camp coun-
selling, educational advising, and all types
of summer jobs are asked to call at the
office for a registration form to enroll.
Registration forms will be given out
through Tuesday of next week.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr.
Carl R. Addinall, Director of Library Serv-
gels Hall, at 9:30 a.m. -Chairman, J. G.
By action of the Executive Board, the
Chairman may invite members of the
faculties and advanced doctoral candi-
dates to attend the examination and he
may grant permission to those who for
sufficient reason might wish to be present.
- C. S. 'oakum
Faculty, Concert: The second program
of the current Beethoven Sonatas series
will be given by Mr. Gilbert Ross, violin-
ist, and Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist,
at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 14, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will
consist of the A-minor, A-major, G-major
and E-flat major sonatas.
These programs are open to the public
without charge and without the use of
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu-
nisia by George R. Swain, Official Pho-.
tographer to the University of Michigan
Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis.
Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax,
Matmata country.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: 'talian majolica loaned from col-
lection of Detroit Institute of Arts-
pitchers, bowls, plates and tiles of 14th
& 15th centuries; also fragments typical
of several phases of majolica technique.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sunday,
until March 26. The public is invited.
Events Today
All house athletic managers or exercise
managers will meet at 5:00 p.m. today
in the Dance Studio, Barbour Gym-
Snasium. Be sure to bring participation
sheets for the last period of exercises. if
a manager is unable to be present, a sub-
stitute should be sent.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class with
Dr. C. W. Brashares, leader, tonight at
7:30. Subject for study: "Acts." A Sleuth
Party at 9:00 p.m.
Presbyterian Sfudent Guild Social )Rou
tonight at 8:30. Students cor ally In-
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
will have an ice skating party at the
Coliseum tonight from 8 to 10. Refresh
ices, Merck and Company, will lecture on mnents afterwards at 1337 Wilmot St.
the subject, "The Vitamins; their- Indus-,
trial Development and Importance," under
the auspices of the University of Michigan Com ingiEvent$
Section. American Chemical Society, today The Angell Hall Observatory will be
at 4:15. p.m. in Room 151, Chemistry open to the public from 8:00 to 10:00
Building. The public is invited. I Saturdavening. March 13. if the skv is
clear or nearly so. The moon and the