I fltt44I4hi4~P1 ii-AII ..N Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 NEPREGENTED POR 'NATIONA. ADVERTIING .BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO 'Nvevermore' MeWASUINGTON ,.: -TEW E R, V.S .Pt { W ERRYElOROUNDT By DREW PEARSON _ " Editorial Staff John Erlewine . Bud Brimmer . Leon Gordenker Marion Ford . Charlotte Conover . Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey James Conant. . . . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . .omen's Editor Columnist Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg, Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . Business Staff . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager WASHINGTON, Mar. 11.-Rail- road history is being made this week largely as the result of a bat- tle by a Maryland farmer who ex- posed a deal between J. P. Morgan and the many-times financed Erie Railroad to refinance it again without benefit of competitive bid- ding-and without benefit to the stockholders. Back in Civil War days the Erie was the object of a historic finan- cial battle, when Jay Gould and Daniel Drew stole its books, fled to New Jersey, and proceeded to issue paper stock beyond the reach of the stockholders. J. P. Morgan, the elder, and Commodore Van- derbilt fought them in this deal. In World War II, the long bank- rupt Erie, put through several re- ceiverships, has been carrying record quantities of war goods and making money hand over fist. So Morgan, Stanley and Co. (offshoot of J. P. Morgan) secretly nego- tiated the refinancing of $14,000,- 000 of Erie bonds held by the RFC. This time the battle was be- tween Morgan and Midwestern bankers who were not allowed to bid. But Morgan's chief oppo- nent actually turned out to be Eugene Casey, who owns two farms near Washington which he calls "New Deal Farm No. 1" and "New Deal Farm No. 2," and who also happens to own some stock in the Erie Railroad. Because of Casey's loyalty to FDR he is on the White . House staff as farm adviser, but he fought the Erie deal as a private individual, and incidentally de- livered before the Interstate Com- merce Commission one of the most scathing speeches since Roosevelt's "banking speech" March 4, 1933. "I hope," he told the I.C.C., "that you will not silently sit and permit the repudiated money- changers of America subtly and in slinking fashion to ease back into the temples of American unortho- dox finance ... "Only the bankers and brokers and directors can ever destroy cap- italism in this country," Casey continued, "by methods such as this, in undermining the inherent faith of the American people in. their financial and corporate in- stitutions." Casey claimed that instead of profiting by the deal, the Erie Roalroad actually would lose about $16,000, while the U.S. Treasury would lose about a mil- lion dollars in taxes. He also contended that the deal had been put across by Frank J. Wright, a director of Erie, who .was drawing. money not only from Erie but also from the RFC at $30 a day as a railroad ad- viser. As a result of Casey's expos6 it looks -as if the Interstate Com- merce -Commission would reverse itself and take the bond deal away from Morgan. It also looks as if the ICC would make railroad his- tory by requiring competitive bid- ding on all railroad financing from now on. Why the Japs Knew Here is an excerpt from the In- terior Department's annual 1941 report, which indicates why the Japs know so much about the Aleutian Islands: "The floating plant Kosei Ma- ru, with auxiliary draft consist- ing of 9 trawlers, was engaged from May to August, 1940, in taking halibut and cod in Bering rSea about 100 miles northeast of the Pribilof Islands, with one additional. trawler during the last week or two of the season. The vessel was reported to have left for Japan toward the end of August. "This is the eleventh consecutive year that Japanese floating plants have operated in these waters, the number ofevessels having varied from one to:four, with the usual complement of tenders." Note: Under international -law it is impossible tonprevent foreign fishermen from fishing in foreign waters. A brewery which discontinued beer shipments to three Western States served by local breweries will save almost 61/2 million tire miles in 1943, and a proportionate amount of gaso- line and manpower. 11Ji e 1er$ o §k A WORD in support of Grafton and certain Daily columnists who have finally irritated "Jason." "Jason" accuses them of falla- ciously using the "all-or-nothing" argument (he calls it the "black-or- white.") "I'm prepared to fight the philosophy of power brutality, of might makes fright . . . whether we ourselves always succeed in living up to our own ideals or not." Right noble, Jason, and you are mistaken if you understand that Grafton and certain Daily columnists wouldn't join you. But they would hold you to your promise. They would say, "Do you, while you fight power-bru- tality abroad, intend to fight it at home too-now." If you don't intend to, they would accuse you of hypocri- sy, and would advise against the for- eign campaign for the practical rea- son that a man doesn't fight effec- tively against his buddy, especially when that buddy isn't as sentimental as he. He gets knocked out. That explains America's great dilemma in this war, Jason. Read the records on a substantial bloc of our congressmen and industrial- ists and newspaper owners, and it won't take a clairvoyant to see that all the Nazis aren't in Deutschland. Hatred of the labor union move- ment, use of racism for political ends, the practice of lynching to intimidate, and many similar ide- ologies and practices we call Naz- ism-when they happen bin Ger- many. But Hitler could have learned much of the theories and techniques from the U.S.A. Therefore, a very sizeable block of us haven't got our minds on this fight, Jason, because we don't really hate Hitler and what he stands for. -Cecil A. Blue If every housewife in the United .States saved 4 ounces of waste cook- ing fats in a week, it would produce enough glycerine for the require- ments of 13 million pounds of double base powder, used as a high explosive. Since the Nazi occupation of Den- mark, customers at barber shops in many places must bring their own towels-Danish toweling has gone to Germany. Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK~ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily" are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ANOTHER CALL: Volunteer Help Needed' At University Hospital THE MANPOWER CORPS issued another call yesterday for men to assist the overburdened doctors and nurses in the University Hospital and Health Service. No other institutions on campus are in such dire need of volunteer help. Today the hospital has only three orderlies serving an institution that treats 30,000 patients yearly, performs more than 10,000 operations annually and employs approximately 250 doc- tors. So desperate is the situation that ice cannot be transported to the West Wing. This is tre- mendously important because the ice is used in the manufacture of oxygen for pneumonia victims. There is only one orderly assigned to the operating rooms so that the valuable time of the doctors and nurses is taken up in work that could be done by unskilled labor. The situation is obvious. Any student with a few free hours should feel obliged to contribute them to this vitally needed war work. - Margaret Frank DO YOUR PART: Red Cross Membership Is Vital Campus Duty NO ONE can say now that he didn't know where he could buy a membership in. the Red Cross. No one will be excused for neglecting a duty which was made especially easy for him to do. The campus is being thoroughly covered by Red Cross committees; you can now do your part. $125,000,000 is the amount the American Red Cross has asked the country to contribute to its War Fund during the month of March. With this money the organization will be able to give comfort to the members of our armed forces and will be in a position to aid the people in war-torn countries. Through the efforts of two committees from the Michigan League and Union, every man and woman on campus will be contacted personally for their donation. For those who by accident are missed the Manpower Corps will set up booths today and tomorrow on campus. Your membership will be marked by a small tag that will be given you. It will mean much more in your lapel than a flower. - Mary Ronay UNCOOPERATIVE: Housing Plans Doomed By Ann Arbor's Attitude PLANS to canvass every home in Ann Arbor in a County-wide drive to seek out more homes for Washtenaw war workers, are dimmed by the recent failure of one of the first independent efforts to expand p'esent City housing facilities. The failure was the plan of contractor Leo Meyers to erect temporary trailer dwellings in the back yard of a house which he rented. Although city officials had given their tacit approval to the plan, the installation of the two trailers was roundly rebuked by neighbor- ing home owners and finally vetoed by Mayor Leigh J. Young last week. CONTENDING the two housing units "Did not conform to city and state laws." and besides THREE MILLION: Democracies Sidestep Jewish Refugee Issue TWO WEEKS AGO, when Hitler had to an- nounce to his people that the Aryans were being licked by the barbarians from the East, he still had one bit of good news to console the people: "BY MARCH 31 THERE WILL NOT BE ONE JEW LEFT IN NAZI-OCCUPIED EUR- OPE." I This means that three million men, women and children must be murdered in 31 days. Shortly after this decree was made the Ru- manian government announced that they would transport 70,000 Jews at 50 dollars a head to any location the United Nations named. What is the reaction from the great democra- cies, the lovers of mankind, fighters for the Four Freedoms? The Archbishop of Canterbury told the British government 2,000 Jewish children could get out of Europe if the visas were issued. The world's great democratic government answered, "Granting the visas would cause anti-semitism. .." Our government happened to be looking the other way at the time. LAST WEEK 50,000 people held a mass meeting in New York in memory of the two million Jews killed in Europe. The next day it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop... and someone did drop a pin. Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles sent a formal diplomatic message to the proper diplomatic channels of the British government saying, "The government of the United States is willing to cooperate in any plan the British government may have to take Jewish refugees from Nazi occupied Europe." Today is March 11 and tomorrow is March 12. The governments of the United Nations have but 19 days to save 100,000 lives in .Europe. Meanwhile they remain, calm, polite and prac- tical. - Charles Bernstein I'd Rather L Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 11.- The opposition to President Roosevelt is having a. hard time. It has suddenly grown quiet and thoughtful. Up to now, there was a kind of open season on brickbats. Lend-lease? Why, sock it and rock it; sneer at it on the floor of the House; tell fan- tastic stories about how Lord Beaverbrook makes funny with lend-lease by giving emeralds to Mrs. Harry Hopkins, in order to gain influence with her husband. Now, suddenly, lend-lease is up for renewal. And there is no opposition. Senator Nye signs a committee report describing lend-lease as a "brilliant success." The season of conversation ends. Put-up-or-shut-up time has arrived, The Senators suddenly see the face of the real world, the snarling, real world with teeth in it. The fantastic unreal world of off-season argu- mentation shrivels and dies. It doesn't seem so smart to stop sending help abroad. The fight to repeal the wage-hour law has also come to a full stop. It will not be renewed for years, if ever. It is all well enough to talk about revoking overtime pay between campaigns, when the other party is in power. Now again we come to put-up-or- shut-up time. The opposition wants to take power. It finds itself looking at the face of America. It finds it rather hard to say: "We're going to take your overtime pay away." The words, once so chipper, stick in the throat. The proposal does not seem nearly so gladsome, nor so glamorous, as when it was merely conversa- tion-time. In the conversations of this last winter, Mr. Willkie has seemed politically weak indeed. Hardly a major Republican had any time for him. The theory of world collaboration has been good for a laugh all year in the more rarefied Republican circles of Chicago and points west. Now, suddenly, it is campaign- time. Mr. Willkie shows unsuspected strength in Indiana, in Arkansas, in Alabama, in other places where the testing-out has begun. It turns out that a man may thrive even after a dozen leading Republicans have laughed him out of court. (For the people of America suddenly see three men at a table, Churchill, Stalin and Chiang Kai- shek. And a fourth chair, vacant. Who will sit in it? Dewey? Bricker? It is, suddenly, not so important that the man destined for that chair be personally acceptable to one Robert H. McCor- mick of Chicago. Put-up-or-shut-up time has arrived. It makes its own rules.) During the winter of our discontent, it. ap- peared that the merest mention of a fourth term for Mr. Roosevelt would provoke a high howling chorus to blow the man down. The mention has been made. Where is the noise? A thin squealing, at best. The sound effects are less impressive than when the third term mention first came. Again, men who had persuaded themselves of the validity of their own passions, find a hard and bitter world to be utterly indifferent to their heart's desire. We have come to put-up-or-shut-up time. The future of the world is being decided, but ---1.. ......- An . _A A 4.... u.. ix a.. ru x- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN CC N =/j The City Editor's ,latch Pad THURSDAY,. MARCH 11, 1943 t VOL. LIII No. 1101 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the g President in typewritten form by 3:303 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no-c tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Credit for men entering armed services:s By vote of the faculty, credit for stu-3 dents who withdraw from the School- of Forestry and Conservation for immediate entrance into the armed services will beg adjusted for each student individually according to the merits of the particular2 case, but as nearly as practicable in ac-2 cordance with the following principles:a 1. Students in attendance for mores than 2 weeks but less than 12 weeks will receive pro-rated blanket credit to thet nearest hour on the basis of the per-v centage of the entire term they have at-y tended classes.t 2. Studentsin attendance for 12 weeksI or more will receive appropriate pro- rated credit in specific subjects. 3. Seniors who are in attendance for 8 weeks or more will be recommended for the degree for which they would normally have qualified at the end of the term. In each case the pro-rated credit will be granted or the recommendation for graduation made only if such action ist justified by the student's work up to the1 time of withdrawal and by such validat- ing examination as the instructor in each course may require. S. T. Dana, Deant Faculty of the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The five-week fresh-. man reports will be due Saturday, March 13, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors Candidates for the Teacher's Certifi- cate for May and September, 1943: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Educa- tion, Room 1431 U. E. S. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437, U. E. S. The American Association of University Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi- lanti Branch of the AA.U.W. is again offer ing a fellowship for the year 1943-1944 in honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson. This fellowship is open to women students for raduate study in any field. Application blanks may be obtained now from the 3raduate School Office and must be re- 1,aiT . nnnL . $f.d. !L 1.. ..w. turned to that office no later than March 15 in order to receive consideration. Kothe-Hildner Annual German Lan- guage Award offered students in Courses 31 and 32. The contest, a translation test (German English and English-German), carries two stipends of $20 and $30, and will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, March 25, in room 203 University Hall. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately in 204 Univer- sIty Hall. Bronson-Thomas Annual German Lan- guage Award offered juniors and seniors in German. The contest will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25, in room 203 University Hall. The award, in the amount of $32, will be presented to the student writing the best essay dealing with some phase in the development of German literature from 1750-1900. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should ao so immediately in room 204 University Hall. Lectures University Lectures: A Symposium on Traumatic Shock will be conducted by Dr. Carl J. Wiggers, Professor of Physiol- ogy, Medical School, Western Reserve Uni- versity; Dr. Roy D. McClure, Surgeon-in- Chief, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit; Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Chairman of the De- partment of Surgery, University of Michi- gan; with Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Chair- man of the Department of Internal Medi- cine, presiding; under the auspices of the Medical School and of the Michigan Acad- emy of Science, Arts, and Letters, on Fri- day, March 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the Kellogg Auditorium. The public is invited. American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr. Carl R. Addinall, Director of Library Serv- ices, Merck and Company, will lecture on the subject, "The vitamins; their Indus- trial Development and Importance," under the auspices of the University of Michigan Section, American Chemical Society, on Friday, March 12, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 151, Chemistry Building. The public is invited. La Sociedad Hispanica lecture by Pro- fessor del Toro, scheduled for Thursday, :March 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Building, has been .postponed to Tuesday, March 16, at the same time and place. Academic Notices ROTC Drill (Thursday Section): Co. D will Fall In inside the IM Building as usual. Be prepared for inspection. Cadet Officers will be prepared to give instruc- tions on March Security and Bayonet Positions and Movements. A cony of PM will be given by Mr. Gilbert Ross, violin- ist, and Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, March 14, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will consist of the A-minor, A-major, G-major and E-fiat major sonatas. These programs are open to the public without charge and without the use of tickets. Exhibitions Exhibition under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is- lamic countries (Iran, ~Egypt, and Syria). Rackham School, through March 11. Every afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00. Events TodY Gallery Talk on the exhibit of "Metal- work in Islamic Countries" by Professor Richard Ettinghausen tonight at 8:00 in the Exhibition Gallery of the Rackham Building. Sociedad Hispanica will present a Chile- an night tonight at 8:00 in the League. Featured on the program will be the group of Chilean engineering students who re- cently arrived in this country to study here. i td All are cordially invited. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack- ham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as fol- lows: Prokofieff: Classical Symphony in D major, Love for Three Oranges, and Con- certo No. 2 in G minor. Glazounow: Concerto in A minor. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2 in C minor. Michigan Dames home nursing group will meet tonight at 8:00 in North Hall. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet Tuesday, March 16, at 7:45 p.m. in the West 'Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. Cecil A. Blue will present a paper entitled "White Authors and Black Subjects," dealing with the sub- ject of the Negro as pictured by non- Negro writers. Faculty members and grad- uate students are invited. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 14, at the west entrance of the Rackham Building on Huron Street for a Camera Hike. All graduate and professional students, with or without camera, are welcome. All house athletic managers or exercise managers will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Fri- THE WHOLE WORLD doesn't seem as bad as it used to be. The hard-hearted man who made off with nearly-blind Herman Hudson's special typewriter returned it a few days after Herm discovered it was missing. At first we were convinced that the meanest man in the world must have seen him put that machine with large type in the Union check room, but now that it's returned we once more have faith in mankind. * * * * HOWEVER complete faith in Army reserve or- ders is much harder to maintain. The boys with brass hats in the big offices have been playing checkers with college students late- ly. The Enlisted Reserve men know all about the conflicting announcements that began with Stimson's blast last October. With the orders coming in now, the dates are still messed up. The Sixth Service Command promised 10 days notice to the reservists and