JL t I 43 atht Weather Light S~ow OL ' Li, No. 109 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11. 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS I I FDR Hands Vast Economic Plan to Congress N Investigating Group Warns Of Grim Year Truman Committee Lays Shortcomings To Three Weaknesses By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Mrach 10.-The Truman Committee told Americans today to brace themselves for the 'toughest and grimmest" year and attributed shortcomings in the Na- tion's war effort to "three basic weak- ±esses" which it said are now being corrected. 'hose weaknesses, the committee's second annual report declared, are: '1 "Inadequate over-all planning within government agencies at the beg1tining of various programs, and delay n determining basic polcies nec ssary to carry out such programs effectively." "Confllcting authority over, and responsiility for, various phases of the war program, result- 14 2i delay and buck-passing." . "esitency of government to ad opt unwppUlar or unpleasant pl- ies long after. n the factsclearly indicate, such policies were neces- sary." T e o ittee, headed by Senator Trun t(eri-Mo.)? and known formally as the s.ecial senate con- mittee investi a g the war pro- grani, expres ed supreme confidence in victory despite the mistakes which hav e been mrade. "There has been great improve- ment in the past year, particularly in recent mont);s, in the correction of the three basic weaknesses," it said. No group )in the nation is solely re- sponsible f r the weaknesses, the re- port said. Mallpower Call Lacks Support Only Two Students Offer To Work Bill Buckey, '45, head of the Man- power Corps ,ospital volunteer divi- sion, said yesterday that only two men had answered the Hospital and Health Service's urgent call for stu- dent help during the first day of the Corps' drive to recruit workers. In,: an interview yesterday Miss Kathryn Walsh, supervisor of all the volunteers at the hospital, said that there were only three orderlies work- ing at the hospital during the day. "The shortage of porters has serious- ly handicapped the transportation of patients, drugs and linen from one pairt of the hospital to another," she said. Miss Walsh pointed out that three of the porters were retired ministers who' had come to work to help the hospital. One orderly is assigned to the operating rooms so that much of the cleaning of the room is being done by the nurses. Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 i x i i r By The Associated Press LONDON, March 11, Thursday- Russia captured Bely and scores of other towns yesterday in a smashing central front drive to knock out Smolensk, 80 miles away, while in the south Moscow said today the Germans had lost 800 more men and 35 tanks. Gifgph collapsed against new Red Army defenses below Kharkov. The Russians also punched new holes in Nazi positions below Lake Ilmen on the front northwest of Moscow, capturing several more lo- calities on the approaches to Star- aya Russa, Nazi 16th army head- quarters, a midnight bulletin dis- closed. Nazis Recover Territory German recovery of approximate- ly 100 miles of strategic territory in the Ukraine around Kharkov, ad- mitted by Moscow Tuesday night, had threatened to overshadow the continuing Red Army successes on the central front, but the latest bul- letin indicated the Russians now were holding firm there. South and southwest of Kharkov, said the communique, recorded by the Soviet Monitor, "our troops re- pulsed fierce attacks of enemy tanks and infantry." Nine of the 35 destroyed German tanks were knocked out in one sector of this front bya Soviethartillery ambush, others making "a hasty re- treat," and in another area one Red Army formation alone killed the 800 Germans and destroyed 26 more en- emy tanks in a successful stand. Reds Capture Bely The capture of Bely on the central front put the Russians 70 miles northwest of Vyazma in a further flanking of that most exposed Nazi eastern position. Vyazma itself was imperiled by Russian columns driv- ing close to the town from the east and north. The midnight bulletin said these latter columns had "overwhelmed the enemy's defenses" and captured scores of hamlets on the approaches 1to Vyazma. House Passes Lend-Lease Act M' Republicans Cast Three of Six 'No' Votes WASHINGTON, March 10.-(IP)- A year's extension of the Lend LeaseI Act was voted overwhelmingly by the House today after it blocked a Re- publican-sponsored attempt to state specifically that Congress shall have the final say on what this nation will seek as payment for its wartime aid. The 407 to 6 House vote sent the bill to the Senate, whose Foreign Re- lations Committee today unanimous- ly approved a companion measure- but with a warning that the Senate expects major post-war economic agreements to be submitted to it as treaties. House approval of the extension came just a few minutes after rejec- tion of a rider which might have had, in months and years to come, a far-reaching effect on foreign pol- icy. Defeat of the rider-a major vic- tory for the Administration-came on a teller's vote of 178 to 118. The six republicans who voted against extending the act until July, 1944, were Representatives Crawford, Hoffman and Woodruff of Michigan and Jones, Smith and Brehm of Ohio. Housing Survey At Willow Run Is Under Way Plans for an immediate survey of housing facilities available to work- ers at the Willow Run bomber plant were drafted last night by the Wash- tenaw County Council of Defense. Raymond Foley, Federal Housing Authority Director for Michigan, ad- dressing the meeting of the Defense Council, estimated that between 4,000-5,000 men and women workers could be housed within a reasonable distance from the plant if all exist- ing facilities were to be used. The survey will be conducted by means of a house-to-house canvass of every private home and building in this area, especially in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Volunteer workers, chosen if possibles from the districts to be surveyed, will conduct the canvass. In order to facilitate clearing of available accommodations and pros- pective tenants, a War Housing Cen- ter will be established in Ann Arbor by the National Housing Agency. Until it can be affected, the Home Registration Office will serve as headquarters for the canvass. In accordance with the Office of Price Administration ruling, April 1, 1941 levels will apply for rent where this can bedetermined. The OPA re- strictions on eviction of undesirable tenants have been modified in order to present no barrier to persons de- siring to rent vacant rooms. Mr. Foley said that although he could not disclose figures for the em- ployment program at Willow Run, "a schedule of increased employment is expected to proceed rapidly up from here." Reds Cut Huge Swath In Smash at Smolensk Campus Red Cross Drive Nets $300 Theta Chi Pledges 100 Per Cent for Fund Contribution With Theta Chi pledging a hun- dred percent contribution and the en- listed soldiers in the East Quadrangle giving $40 yesterday, the men of the University have already amassed $300 in their Red Cross Membership drive for $1,000 in ten days. Allen Mayerson, '45, was the first of the campaign committee to reach the quota set for each member when he turned in the $100 he had collected from various houses yesterday. The booth in the East Quadrangle will be kept open every day from 4 to 6 p.m. as long as there is a demand for it by the soldiers. Both the offi- cers and privates are contributing; one man gave $5 yesterday. This booth is under the direction of Don- old Measner, '46. Manpower to Open Booths Three booths will be opened to- morrow by the Monpower Corps. These booths will be located in An- gell Hall, the Union Lobby and the Engineering Arch and will be manned from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. Committee members have now been assigned to the dormitories. The men and their stations are Dick Wilkins, Wenley House; Fred Watson, Adams House; Art Detrisac, Chicago House; Bill Wood and Jack Oxley, Michigan House; Bob Dobbie, Allen, Rumsey House; Calvin Cox, Fletcher Hall; Lewis Sappington, Lloyd House; Frank Arams and Bob Adrick, Wil- liams House, and Roy Boucher, Winchell House. Fraternities Contacted Under the direction of Bunny Crawford, '45, chairman, and John Clippert, '44E coordinator of collec- tions, the committee from the Union, the social fraternities and dormitor- ties have already been covered. Pro- fessinal fraternities and cooperatives will be contacted starting tomorrow. Over $345 was contributed by the women to their membership drive yesterday. With $2,800 more turned in yesterday Ann Arbor's share of the $53,000 county quota has risen to $16,000. Dear Lloyd Urges Red Cross Support The greatest service organization in the world in time of war and in time of peace is the Red Cross. Now in this titanic struggle it serves the boys in the far parts of the earth and their families at home. It feeds the starving and cares for the sick and dying; it penetrates the walls of prisons. Let us who are free and well and safe give our utmostin financial support of the noble work of the American Red Cross. -Alice C. Lloyd Allies Rock Jap Merchant Marine ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, March 11. (Thursday) -(R')-Allied heavy bombers dealt punishing new blows to the Japanese merchant marine yesterday over a wide area of the Southwest Pacific, attacking five merchantment and heavily damaging two of them, the High Command reported today. Liberators and Flying Fortresses ranging from the Celebes to Wewak in northern New Guinea probably destroyed a 7,000-ton enemy ship at Boetong Island on the southeast end of the Celebes. It was left burn- ing fiercely from the shattering ex- plosion of a heavy bomb, the noon en-m1rnirt, ia e Originator i DR. WILLIAM HABER Dr. William Haber, who headed the committee preparing a report of the new social security plan just pre- sented to Congress by the President, took leave of absence from the Uni- versity a year ago last month to act as advisor to the director of Bureau of the Budget. In Washington, he was engaged in coordinating proposals and develop- ing policies for the economic protec- tion of civilians exposed to the haz- ards of war, until he went into the War Manpower Commission, when it was created, as head of the Plan. ning division. While at the University Prof. Haber divided his time between the eco- nomics department where he taught courses in social security, and the Bureau of Public and Social Adminis- tration in Detroit. He was one of the experts making up the committee which conferred on the amending of the Social Secur- ity Act. Prior to his connection with the University, Prof. Haber gained first hand information on problems of so- cial security when he served as Relief Administrator for the state of Michi- gan during three of the worst years of the depression. The Boys Were A.-Beering WASHINGTON, March 10.-()- Freshman legislators drank beer or soft drinks and chatted with Presi- dent Roosevelt at the White House tonight at a gathering which 'was generally interpreted as a concilia- tory gesture from the administration toward Congress. The 117 new House and Senate members-and apparently every one of them showed up-heard no for- mal speeches and received no special form of entertainment, but they did get an opportunity to shake hands with the chief executive and talk with him briefly. Highlioiics of FDR's Plant Social Services Benefit payments to workers under Social Security who become ill or disabled. Federal aid to qualified youths who desire college training. Extension of Social Security to some classes now exempt. Aid to local communities to! build hospitals as part of a broad health program including gov- ernment cooperation with the medical profession in a plan for patients to pay medical expenses on a "budget plan." Greater assistance to the aged, blind and other groups receiving public assistance. Free lunches for all school chil- dren. War to Peace Economy Guarantee every man released from armed forces or war plants a job with "fair pay and working conditions." Continue rationing and other wartime restrictions so long as necessary. Give labor "responsibility in organization and sharing in man- agement:" World News In Brief.. By The Associated Press A sea battle off the Dutch coast between coastal vessels and a German convoy was reported yesterday (Wed- nesday) while the Germans claimed that their submarines in the last five days had sunk 23 Allied vessels in ac- tions from the north Atlantic to the Cape of Good Hope. WASHIN+GTON, March 1.k~ -A hint that the current rate of draft inductions may be speeded up came today in a statement from Charles P. Taft, Assistant Director of the Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, that all 3-A registrants may be inducted by mid-summer. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS .IN North Africa, March 10.-(A)-Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery's British 8th Army began testing Marshal Rommel's crippled tank forces today preliminary to a Tunisian showdown in which Montgomery promised to give the enemy a "bloody nose" now that he is "caught like a rat in a trap." LONDON, March 10.-(P)-The 'of Plan\ Cradle-to- Grave Security Is Goal FDR Urges Early Consideration; Prof. Haber Headed Cor minttee By WILLIAM T. PEACOCK Associated Press Correspondent WASHINGTON, March 10.- President Roosevelt today laid before Con- gress a vast new cradle-to-grave program of social security and a blueprint of a post-war America in which the government would be in partnership with many businesses and labor would share in industrial management. "Equal access to education" is included in the far-reaching pro- posals, the oroducts of the National Resources Planning Board, which contended that with proper planning the nation may hope for a life of abundance unparalleled in all history. The report was prepared for the Board by a special committee headed by Dr. William Haber, on leave from the University of Michigan economics department. Mr. Roosevelt asked "full consideration" at this congressional session of the steps proposed. In a letter of transmittal, he told the Congress: "We fight today for security for our nation and at the same time we can endeavor to give our citizens and their families security against attacks from without, and against fear of economic distress in old age, in poverty, sickness, involuntary unemployment and accidental injuries. We need to look forward to the accomplishment of these objectives- world peace, democratic society and a dynamic economy." But there was little immediate enthusiasm manifest in Congress. Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) of the Senate finance committee, which , would consider such legislation, said he did not believe Congress would be ready to proceed at this session with broadening the social security system. The National Resources Planning Board is headed by Frederic A. Del- ano, the President's uncle. The Board recently has encountered dif- ficulties in Congress, where funds to keep it going after next June 30 have been rejected by the House and by a Senate committee. The proposals are contained in two reports. The one dealing with social security is entitled "Security, Work and Relief Policies." Some- what larger in format than the av- erage metropolitan telephone direc- tory, it is 640 pages long, printed in double columns on slick paper. The second document was en- titled "National Resources Devel- opment--Report for 1943" and in some respects took on the nature of a supplement to the first. Thus it suggested that "equal access to education" should be a post-war aim, adding that on the college level this might be attain ed by grants to students or work oppor- tunities. "Security, Work and Relief Poli- cies" reviews the general history of relief and social security for the past 10 years and makes these specific recommendations as to social insur- ance: A new insurance to provide "at least partial compensation for loss of income attributable to permanent or temporary disability." Expansion of unemployment com- pensation to seamen, employes of non-profit corporations and of firms employing one worker or more. (It was suggested that the feasibility of a separate system for "domestic, agricultural and other low-paid em- ployment" should be considered.) Uniform unemployment benefits for a period of 26 weeks for all eligi- ble workers. (The size and length of.' benefits vary at present from I state to state.) A wholly federal administrative organization for unemployment insurance, instead of the present federal-state set-up, and a single national unemployment compen- sation fund. Extension of old-age and survivors insurance to employes of non-profit corporations, with other non-cov- ered groups brought in "as rapidly as it can be demonstrated that they will receive adequate or significant benefits." In general, the report proposed that the -federal secrwityaministra- MOVE TO PEACE-TIME ECONOMY: NRPB Proposes Monopoly Break Up in Post-War Period ON A BABY'S LIFE: Cuban Girl Rests Quietly After Successful Brain Operation By CHARLES MOLONY Associated Press Correspondent WASHINGTON, March 10-(I)-. The national resources planning board suggested today that the gov- ernment, in moving back toward a peacetime economy, break up monop- olies, assure labor a share in manage- ment and participate in deciding what concerns should be left operat- ing in the aircraft, shipbuliding, aluminum and magnesium fields. The board, in its report transmitted to Congress by President Roosevelt, also urged that general tax laws pro- vide immediately for a "post war con- version reserve" which companies would be required to use "within a short period after termination of war ance in both wartime and a peacetime economy and in which the government has made great in- vestments. "In this category are aluminum, magnesium, shipbuilding and air- craft. Government has a direct re- sponsibility and should participate in the decisions as to what areas and what concerns should continue to op- erate in these industries." The board also suggested "consoli- dation of railroads into a limited number of regional systems." The board warned the nation must expect wartime restrictions and con- trols to continue many months after hostilities cease, but held out beyond that hope for a life of abundance. Three-year-old Ysabel Salvadore Sole, daughter of a Cuban physician, was resting quietly in University Hospital last. night - after Dr. Max Peet, brain specialist, had removed a malignant brain tumor "as large as a ripe plum" in an early morning oneration that took two hours. will be given every day for three weeks to cure any "after-affects." Asked to witness the operation, the father of the little girl declined. Ysabel was first troubled by tumb- ling spells and vision trouble three months ago. A preliminary exami-