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March 10, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-10

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University- of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Patting the lid down.


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National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Publishers Representative

-Editorial Staff

John Erlewine .
Bud Brimmer .
Leon Gordenker
Marion Ford .
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty ;Harvey
James Conant .

. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
* ., . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . . . Columnist
Oness Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager

(The brass ring, good for one
free ride onĀ« the Washington
Merry-Go-Round, is awarded
today to the Civil Air Patrol.)
This brass ring goes not to one
man but to 68,000 men and women.
They are members of the Civil Air
Patrol who have been fighting the
war in little single-motor planes
flying within the boundaries of the
United States, and who carry the
torch for the future of civil avia-
tion in this country.
How long they will be allowed
to carry that torch is the impor-
tant question. At present they
are orphans of the storm-earry-
ing military responsibilities with-
out military standing. They fight
submarines, but they had to fight
for weapons first. The Army and
WPB are slowly throttling them
by refusing new equipment or re-
pair parts. Thus in order to keep
their gradually deteriorating ma-
chines going, the Civil Air Patrol
is almost certain to be swallowed
by the Army.
The Army has been wanting to
take over because civilian fliers in
wartime are considered a nuisance
by the military-with justification
in some cases.
Youths and Fathers
But the owners of. 25,000 private
planes thought they had something
to offer. The younger ones went
into military service. Others, many
being married men with families,
organized the Civil Air Patrol,
which for more than a year has
been flying the coastal waters and
maintaining a courier service
throughout the United States.
These are the "Flying Minute
men." At first their submarine
patrol was merely a spotting job.
If they spotted a submarine, they
were supposed to radio a shore


base and then hover around
waiting for a bomber to come to
the scene of action. But they had
so many heart-rending experi-
ences that they clamored for
bombs of their own. They would
dart low over the water, discover
a submarine location, radio to a
shore base, hold the contact,
hover and pursue-and then
sometimes lose the prey because
the Army never came along with
the bombs.
For months they called in vain
for bombing equipment. War De-
partment insisted that no civilians
are allowed to carry weapons, and
thus the Civil Air Patrol should
not be armed. The Army would
not even release life rafts, and as
a result several CAP pilots have
lost their lives on submarine pa-
Finally the restriction was
waived, and today these little sin-
gle-engine planes carry small bomb
racks, bombs, and bombsights.
But they have not been allowed
to reveal the success of their sub-
marine patrol. War Department
calls it "military information", and
insists that CAP shall say no more
than that they have "attacked"
submarines - without , indicating
the result.
Subs Sunk
But we can reveal that subma-
rines spotted by CAP observers
have actually been sunk. The au-
thority for this statement is Major
General Follett Bradley of the
Army Air Corps, who also empha-
sizes that these "Flying Minute
Men" have provided their own
planes, tools, radios, and other
A year ago German submarines
were sinking merchant ships with-
in sight of the Atlantic coast. This
brazen activity ceased after estab-

lishment of the Civil Air Patrol.
The submarines were driven into
deep waters, for the small planes,
flving low aid flying slowly, were
able to do a better job of spotting
than big patrol bombers which
whizzed past the scene too rapidly
for close observation.
Submarine patrol is the most
dramatic. but not the most com-
thou service of CAP. Many a pi-
lot never sees the ocean. CAP
operates a regularly scheduled
courier service in the northwest
which covers 21,000 miles a. day.
They carry parts for repair of
larger planes. They carry regis-
tered mail, bearing the side arms
for protection of the mail. They
fly food to crashed bombers,
dropping it by paper parachutes
from 100 feet or less.
Recently Thompson Products
Co.. of Cleveland, large manufac-
turer of airplane engine valves,
broke a pump, and required re-
placement from a small pump
manufacturer in Defiance, Ohio,
which has no commercial airport.
CAP courier service flew to Defi-
ance, landed in a cow pasture, and
three hours and 20 minutes later
the pump had been delivered to
Cleveland and installed. The
Thompson plant resumed opera-
At Point Pleasant, West Virginia,
ain ordnance plant was marooned
by flood waters. Factory workers
cleared a parking lot, marked it
off with strips of sheeting, and in-
dicated wind direction by an arrow
made with rice strewn on the
ground. On this emergency land-
ing field. CAP flyers brought in
mail, food, and a chef to feed the
hungry workers.
(Copyright, 1943. United Features Synd.)
Government regulation of inter-
city bus operations is saving more
than 14%/2 million tire miles a month.

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .

Telephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are.written bymembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. C cac T
~ O 0 tk oTms '

Wallace Offers Nation
A 'Bpit for Action
MAINTAINING that any attempt by Russia to
foment world-wide revolution or by the
United States to either doublecross Russia or
adopt new forms of isolation would lead to an-
other war, Vice-President Henry Wallace offered
America another practical blueprint. for action.'
In two speeches at Ohio. Wesleyan University
Monday, he maintained that in addition to
coming to a working agreement with. the Sov-
iets, the way to place a damper on the ambi-
tion of any Communistic forces in our own
nation is to furnish full employment and an
expanding scale of production.
In his statements, Wallace has presented a
policy which offers us a way to play our full
part as a major world power, besides increasing
the benefits derived from the democratic pro-
gram under which we live.
THE BASIS for that program is action. Too
much has been said of late about the United
States retreating into a shell, and preparing to
fight another major war with communist Russia.
Let us not think that Mr. Wallace is
naive. Realizing that Russia may yet revert
to the old international and go all out for the
spread of communism, and also that thee
rests just as much potential dynamite in the
pro-Fascist and anti-Russian foroes in our own
United States, he suggests that some under-
standing be reached by the Allies before the
war is over.
Instead of making witty remarks, and indirect
statements which can only help to build up to a
situation where a sequel to the present conflict
will be inevitable, we, would do far better to
undertake the active, practical measures which
our Vice-President suggests.
- Monroe Fink
Battle Shapes Up Over
Pay Bog for Miners
A REAL BATTLE ROYAL is shaping up over
the bituminous miners' demand for a $2 a
day pay boost between John L. Lewis and the
War Labor Board.
Lewis on behalf of the UMW (CIO) has de-
manded the pay raise to compensate the workers
for the increased cost of living. Contract nego-
tiations began in New York Monday and .this is
the first round of an ensuing battle that will
either spell success for the 'WLB and the admin-
istration labor policy or defeat.
Lewis has determined to uphold his argu-
ments to the very end with the prospect of a
walkout if the demands are not met, indicating
that he really means business.
But the government, in the person of James
Byrnes, Economic Czar, equally means business
and Byrnes stated "we will stick to our guns."
NO PROSPECT of a compromise agreement
exists between the miners and the mine own-
ers. The latter contend the ceiling price of coal
must be raised to admit such a pay raise as the
workers are asking for. To which the govern-
ment retorts a pay raise in the bituminous fields
would throw our economic program out of kilter.
Obviously both sides cannot have their own
way in the controversy. One must give way
and if the WLB backs down from its "Little


Take i
Or fea~e ,it
By Ja.son

CRITICISM of the British No. 606:
"If a people, who are presumably fighting for
'freedom' for themselves and the rest of the
.world, would let such a minor and humane act
cause them to hate another people, they are
hypocritical in their struggle."
I'm not concerned with the general thesis
of the letter by Merwin-Moskowitz from which
this quote comes; although I can see where
uploading %006 starving European children
(Jewish or any other) on an already starving
England.,might easily cause prejudice aganst
the .children, and against their race. Rather,
I'm interested in the genus of which this
argument is a species. You've seen it before.
In fact,. you see it in The Daily rather fre-
quently, 'and by now it's getting me sort of irri-
tated. It's present in the thinking of a columnist
as distinguished as Samuel Grafton. It sticks
out all over many Daily editorials, good as a lot
of them are. "If we allow lynchings in this coun-
try . . . if we allow one-third of our country to
remain undernourished . . . if we. don't crack
down on the.Aluminum Company of America ...
we have no right to fight Hitler . . . Black is
black, and white is white, and never the twain
shall meet . .
LACK is black, and white is white. That's
what they say. Listen to a Daily editorial
writer crying out that we should pass the Pepper-
Geyer bill to abolish the poll tax, or else:. .
"THE WORLD knows the contradictions we
have in our national life, and is waiting for us
to get rid of them before we begin- telling other
peoples how to perfect themselves."
It's thesame old argument, disguised a little
this time. To paraphrase it; 'If we prevent
Negroes from voting in-the-South ... if we
leave them in poverty . . . if we neglect. the
poor whites any longer .... then ...
Then what? You can symbolize the argument
by saying "if p, then q." (Plug for Philosophy. 33
and Professor Langford.) For "p," substitute the
generic statement "if we are guilty of any imper-
fections in our own life." Prove. "p." What fol-
lows? The statement "q," "then we are not per-
fect." That is the only intuitive conclusion our
black-and-white brand of liberal can really draw
from his argument.
CAN'T jump to the conclusion "if p (Le.,
poll tax, Alcoa,..what have you), then we don't
have any right to fight Hitler." That's what he
actually says. But to do it, he has to assume
that, to fight Hitler, to remove lawlessness from
the international scene, we must first ourselves
be perfect.
He has, I believe, no grounds for that as-
sumption. He might just as well argue (and
his premise would be correct), "Jason swiped
an extra dessert last night at the dorm If
Jason would do a thing like that, he has no
right to consider himself an American eitizen,
and no right to be talking to God-fearing peo-
ple like us through the medium of a corumn."
That's what this black-and-white stuff comes
down to, when you analyze it.

ILBe Right_
NEW YORK, March 11.- One must be grate-
ful to General- Giraud for abolishing the laws of
Vichy in North Africa, including, it seems, the
racial laws. But one need not fall over on one's
face because this has been done.
For there is now a kind of political vacuum
in North Africa. The laws of Vichy do not
obtain, but neither do the laws of the French
Republic. North Africa is ruled by bits of
paper signed by the word "Giraud." Vichy
decrees have been wiped out by Giraud decrees.
The General gave this paper, and we thank
himfor it, but he could have withheld it, and
we must remember that.
He has given certain rights back to the popu-
lation of North Africa, but he has not yet given
them the right to keep him from ever removing
those rights. Neither he, nor anyone else, should
have freedom of choice in these premises.
Having won one victory, democratic opirion
must now begin, with equal firmness, a campaign
for representative government in North Africa,
for restoration of the laws of the Third Republic.
We must not accept a snack for a meal.
'For there were two scandals in North Africa
last week, not only one.
The first scandal occurred when a specimen
named Maurice Bouny, a director of the gov-
ernment general of Algeria, suddenly took it
upon himself to publish certain Vichy anti-
Jewish laws, dating to last October, in the
Journal Officiel. General Giraud acted vig-
orously. He suppressed that issue of the Jour-
nal, he removed Bouny from office, he wiped
out the Vichy laws. Thus ended the first
The second scandal arose when a manifesta-
tion of support for Russia was made on the
Algiers radio station, during an American-con-
trolled broadcast. Something or other hap-
pened; it seems the "Internationale" was played.
Instantly a dreadful clack-clacking broke out
through Algeria.
"Indignant letters" were written to the Ameri-
cans. Wide protests were made by French offi-
cials. The tails of their frock coats flew through
the air as they denounced this radio interlude.
Most of these officials had never been lifted
to a comparable pitch of protest by the playing
of the Horst Wessel song in their motherland.
The second scandal has not ended. Mr.
Drew Middleton, the New York Times' brilliant
correspondent, writes: "Although this is a
minor factor, it is indicative of the attitude of
General Giraud and his regime toward Russia.
Both continue to make surface moves toward
liberal government and political reforms, but
in most respects.they are essentially the same
as they were when they first took office. What
is needed is a salesman to convince them that
the cause of the United Nations is just. They
already know that that cause will win."
They are for us, at the moment, because we
have -planted ourselves amongst them, by force
of arms. But they are "practical" men, in the
worst sense.
(We have lately heard Admiral Fenard's prac-
tical explanation that he would not have fired


VOL. LIII No. 109
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to "the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruth-
ven will be at home to students this after-
noon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased' improved.
property on a land contract and owe a
balance of approximately 60 per cent of the
value of the property, the Investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hail,
would be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Faculty of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: The five-week fresh-
man reports will be due Saturday, March
13, in.the Academic Counselors' Office, 108
Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Mentor Reports: Reports on standings
of all Engineering freshmen will be :ex-
pected from faculty members during the
6th week and again during the 11th week
of the semester. These two reports will
be due March 20 and April 24. Report'
Blanks will be furnished by :campus- mail.
Please refer routine questions to 'Miss Ma-
son, Extension 744, afternoons, who will
handle the reports; otherwise, call A. D.
Moore. Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-r
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
The American Association of University
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti Branch of the A.A.U.W. is again offer-
ing a fellowship for the year 1943-1944 in
honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson. This
fellowship -is open to women students f~or,
;raduate study in any field. Application'
blanks may be obtained now from the
graduate School Office and must be re-
turned to that office no later than March.
15 in order to receive consideration.
they may even come to believe in
something, or if not, be thrown
They need to feel that they are in
the clutch of the popular hand; that
if they engage in objectionable ad-
venture, the hand may close on themf
and suez.f

Kothe-Hildner Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered students in Courses
31 and 32. The contest, a translation test
(German English and English-German),
carries two stipends of $20 and $30, and
Will ,be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday,
March 25, in room 203 University Hall.
Students who wish to compete and who
have not yet handed in their applications
should do so immediately in 204 Univer-
sity Hull.
Bronson-Thomas Annual German Lan-
guage Award offered juniors and seniors
In German. The contest will be held from
.2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25. in room
203 University Hall. The award, in the
amount of $32, will be presented to the
student writing the best essay dealing
with some phase in the development of
German literature from 1750-1900. Students
who Wish to compete and who have not
yet handed in their applications should
do so immediately in room 204 University
J. P. A.-Apply for the Junior Profes-
sional Assistant examination to be eligible
for Federal positions paying $2,000, $1,800
and $1,620 a year plus 21% overtime. Sen-
for students who will complete work in
one semester and graduates may apply
now. Persons will be appointed to do
professional, sub-professional, technical, or
semi-technical work in connection with
various governmental activities in the
Wardprogram. There are no options, but
'students are particularly desired in the
fields of public administration, business
administration, economics, economic geog-
raphy, library science, history, public wel-
fare, statistics, mathematics and agricul-
ture. No closing date for applications has
been announced, 'but an examination will
be given as son as sufficient applications
have- been received. Women are particu-
larly desired. Obtain application forms
from the office of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12
and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Registration for Summer Jobs: The an-
nual registration for students looking for
summer employment will be held today at
4:15 :p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall. This
refers particularly to educational advisers,
camp counseling, and all types of summer
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Change in Date of Lecture: Dr. Dow V.
:Baxter, Associate Professor of Silvics and
Forest Pathology at the University of Mich-
Igan, will lecture on the subject, "Alaska,"
Under the auspices of Sigma Gamma Ep-
silon and the Geology Department, on
Tuesday, :March 23 (instead of March 16
as previously announced), at 4:15 p.m. in'
the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is invited.
American Chemical Society Lecture: Dr.
Carl R. Addinall, Director of Library Serv-
ices, Merck and Company, will lecture on
the subject, "The Vitamins; their Indus-
trial Development and Importance," under
the auspices of the University of Michigan

in front of the IM Building, in uniform
with street shoes. First Battalion will form
inside the IM Building as usual. Group II
Officers will be prepared to give instruc-
tions on March Security and Bayonet
Positions and Movements. A copy of FM-
23-25 (Bayonet) is available in the Cadet
Office, and may be consulted by Cadet
Botanical Journal Club will meet today
at 4:00 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139.
Reports by: Beth Woolsey, "Develop-
mental anatomy of the shoot of Zea Mays";
Eleanor Garthwaite, "Historical responses
of Vicia faba to indoleacetic acid", and
Helen Si, "A micrurgical study of crown
gall infection in tomato."
Chemistry Colioquiem will meet today
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Build-
ing. Dr. Raymond Keller will speak on
"Chemistry of Hafnium."
Exhibition under the auspices of the In-
stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is-
lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, 'and Syria).
Rackham School, through March 11. 'Every
afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00.
Exhibition, College of Architecture and
Design: Class work in the course in cam-
ouflage showing techniques and materials
is being displayed in the ground floor
corridor of the Architecture Building until
March 10. Open daily '9 to, 5 except Sun-
day. The public is invited.
Events Today
The Cercle Francais will sponsor an in-
formal talk on "Souvenirs d'un Etudiant
Francais" to be given by Robert Berahya,
graduate engineer, tonight at 8:00 in the
Michigan League. The usual conversation
and singing will follow the lecture.
Ann Arbor Library Club will meet tonight
at 7:45 in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Topic, "South America and the Future of
Varsity Glee Club: Serenade this eve-
ning. Meet in the Glee Club room of the
Union at 10:15 p.m. Every member is ex-
pected to attend unless previously excused.
Michigan Chorus: Members who wish to
sing with the Women's Glee Club on Uni-
versity Night must bring Eligibility 'Cards
to rehearsal tonight.
Post-War Council Panel-Discussion on
I "National Sovereignty-Should It Be Lir-
icd"tnight at 8:00 in the Grand -Rapids
I Room of the Michigan League.
Faculty Women's Club: For the annual
guest day of the club, students of Play
Production will present a program today
at 3:00 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Coming Events
Sociedad Hispanica will present a Chile-
an night on Thursday, March 11, at 8:00
p.m. in the League. Featured on the pro-

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