r: _-- Prof. Slosson To Give Speech On Svereign ty Discussion Sponsored By Post-War Council Tomorrow at League A brief speech by Prof. Preston Slosson on "National Sovereignty- Should It Be Limited?" will open a panel discussion sponsored by the Post-War Council at 8 p.m. tomor- row in the League.' After the remarks by Prof. Slosson, Prof. Wolfgang Kraus of the politi- cal science department and Mr. Max Dresden of the physics department discuss the subject with him. The floor will also take part in the discussion after the general outlining of the topic. Harold Sokwitne, '46, chairman of the panel, syas that the extent to which limitation of national sovereignty should extend will also be debated. The Post-War Council will conduct the first of two special panels for the service men on campus on next Mon- day. Prof. Joseph Yamagiwa of the Japanese department will speak on "Post-War Japan." Positions Openf For Petitioning On WAA Board Petitioning for positions on the Women's Athletic Association Board having begun yesterday will con- tinue throughout the week, according to Nancy Filstrup, '43, president of the organization. Those interested may secure peti- tions either at tae League, Barbour gym or the WAB, and these must be completely filled out and returned to the WAB only, by Saturday noon. Executive positions which are to be filled are: president, vice-presi- dent, secretary, treasurer, awards chairman, publicity manager, inter- house manager, dormitory, sorority, league house managers, and repre- sentative of the American Federation of College Women. Anyone may petition for two execu- tive offices, and except for the office of president, all classes are equally privileged to petition, second-semes- ter freshmen included. In order to petition for the office of president, however, a woman must have served one year on the board and be of jun- ior standing at that time. All candi- dates must be academically eligible. New feature this year, is the open- ing of most of the sports manager jobs to the petitioning process. Sports leaders positions which are to be filled are as follows: archery, bad- minton, basketball, bowling, fencing, golf, hockey, lacrosse, outdoor sports, ping pong, University Women's Rid- ing Club, rifle, swimming, softball, and tennis. NOTICES There will be a meeting of Sig- ma Rho Tau, the engineering speech society, at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 214, West Engineering Building. All interested fresh- men, transfer students, and up- perclassmen are invited. Interviews for those who have petitioned for Assembly positions will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday through Friday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. SPEAKER AT MUSIC SCHOOL: i V'Qc l M irni leluguu l eU.Sc'. Dr. P. H. Furfey To Talk T kdaiy is"y Teltor F'r "America is the richest nation In all the world in vocal material," Frederick Jagel, Metropolitan opera tenor who will appear on the May Festival program, told music school students in a guest lecture yesterday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Importance of Ideals Jagel spoke on the problems of a professional singing career, the train- ing necessary and he illustrated with incidents from hislife. He stressed the importance of setting up high ideals in regard to music, saying that it is not merely a question of eco nomic competition, but that any mu- sician should try to give the greatest he can to his art. Before beginning his study for the opera the famed tenor studied with an Italian teacher. After this he got a position in a Broadway movie house and sang with an orchestra for two years. Having an opportunity to study abroad, Jagel went to Italy to study. He lauded this training but expressed the opinion that this field of experience would not be opened up for at least three years after the war. Need for Languages In emphasizing the importance of the study of foreign languages for a voice career, Jagel said that Spanish is a very important language today because he believes that the South American concert field is going to expand tremendously in the near fu- ture. Counselling the students who as- pired to a professional music career to establish first a good inclusive music foundation Jagel said, "A sing- er who is just a singer is not enough. I would say that 98 per cent of Amer- ica's foremost singers today are good French Club To Hear Grad Robert Berahya, Grad engineer, will give an inforgial talk, "Souve- nirs d'un Etudiant en France," "Memories of a French Student," at the French club meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the League. Berahya has studied at several' French schools. During the two years preceding November, 1939 he was a student at L'Ecole National d'Arts et Mtiers, an engineering school at Angers, France. He has since made a trip to Turkey, from which he returned by way of Spain and Portugal only four months, ago, While he was abroad he wrote for several European newspapers. Tomorrow night Berahya will speak on his impressions of France as compared to student life in America. He will discuss the situation in France when he left it in 1939 and also the recent situation there. The meeting will conclude with French songs and games. Officers Are Elected lBy Wolverine lub The Wolverine Club held its elec- tion for this semester's officers at 3 p.m., Sunday, in the Michigan Union. The Wolverine members, who par- ticipate at sporting events, elected Lincoln Aldridge, '44E, last semester's cheerleader, president; Charles Rog- er, '45E, vice-president; Bob Cohen, '44E, secretary; and Bill Hillig, '45, treasurer. rederick Jage1 musicians, in the broadest sense of the word." The next music school assembly will be held at 2 p.m., March 25, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A program of chamber music will be featured. Radio Course Is Cancelled Facilities Are Lacking For Women's Class Announcement of the cancellation of a course to prepare women to assist in the development of new devices in aircraft radio for the Signal Corps at Wright Field which was to have been given soon was made yesterday by Prof. Robert H. Sherlock, coordi- nator of ESMWT. The six months' course which was to have been repeated, would conflict with the Army Specialized Training Program and, the Naval College Training Program, in facilities need- ed. "Since the Army, Navy and Signal Corps all insist that their courses be held in the daytime, there is a lack of facilities, chiefly laboratory space, for giving the course," Prof. Sherlock said. "The same question will probably arise later in connection with Ord- nance Material Inspection and Air- craft Inspection Courses," he pre- dicted, "but in-rthat case it may be teaching most of the laboratory clas- ses for these courses in the evening." The course was announced last month through The Michigan Daily. I hn Raekham SRA Will Sponsor Speech on the 'Nature And Existence of God' The Catholic viewpoint on the "Na- ture and Existence of God" will be presented by Dr. Paul H. Furfey of the Catholic University in a lecture sponsored by the Student Religious Association at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Furfey has been extremely ae- tive in promoting child welfare through his work on numerous na- tional committees. At present he is Co-director of the Catholic Univer- sity of America Center for Research in Child Development. He is also a member of the Na- tional Committee for Mental Hygiene and of the Advisory Committee of the Motion Picture Research Council. The lecture is the second in a series sponsored by the S.R.A. with the pur- pose of presenting prominent men who will discuss the Jewish, Catholic, Agnostic and Protestant viewpoints on the "Existence and Nature of God." Dr. Wilson Leaves For Government Job Dr. James T. Wilson, instructor in Geology, left the, U. of M. faculty yesterday for a position with the Na- tional Research Development Council in Minneola, N. Y. He will do re- search work for the Air Borne Instru- ments Laboratory. Dr. Wilson came here in 1940 from Harvard, where he had a fellowship. He is.a geo-physicist and specializes in seismology. Miss Campbell Margaret Campbell, '42, national student director of the Young Com- munist League, will speak on "Victory and After" at a lecture sponsored by the Karl Marx Society at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union. Mis Campbell will base her talk on the book of the same title by Earl Browder, discussing the role of the United States, England, Russia and China in the United Nations and in the post-war world and other prob- lems of war and reconstruction. Miss Campbell will include in her talk the topics which form the high- lights of the book and will present to the campus the position of the Young Communist League on national andI international questions. There will be a discussion period and all stu- dents are invited to attend and sub- mit questions or present their views on these all-important issues. While on campus, Margaret Camp- bell was well known to most students as a member of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Secretary of the Student Senate and a member of the Committee of '42. Committee ets Education Plan Curtis Submits Scheme For Post-War World A special program for world edu- cation after the war was presented to a committee of nine University fac- ulty men last week by Henry S. Cur- tis, former professor at Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell, and vice- president of the National Recreation Association. The plan had been presented two weeks ago to a special committee at Washington, D.C. at the request of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Basic to the success of any inter- national educational plan, there must be a common understanding among the nations of the world,.said Prof. Curtis. In his report he advocated the call- ing of an international conference on education and peace by President Roosevelt. The conference would bring to Washington educational leaders and statesmen of each of the independent allied nations, as well as Turkey and Spanish America. Included in the faculty committee are Dean James D. Edmonson of the School of Education; Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, chairman of the War Board; Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious education; Dean Samuel T. Dana of the School of Forestry and Conservation; Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of th'e University Extension Service; Prof. Carl Guthe, director of the University Museum; Dr. Fazekas, formerly professor of history in Eur- ope; Prof. Willard Olson and Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the School of Education. Cissel To Present Engineeringr Movie mhiO iz1;of '1he File t tnh ofTalo 12eer. Es rguei~Eaig -- ---- - -__ __ _ __ _ __ _ - --- - - -- o r You are probably as handy with an acetylene torch now as you are with a broom! And of course you want sturdy work clothes that are comfort- able, good-looking -- clothes to help you do your job better. We have them for you. SLACKS - navy, brown, grey, and check flannels from 6.00. Cotton and rayon gabardines, luana and denim from 3.00. SLACK SUITS of corduroy, gabardine and luana from 8.95. Stalin's Speeches Are Documents Of Soviet Policy, Says Cassidy (a ;-d. (Continued from Page 1) try. Reference to them makes clear much about the Soviet' Union that sometimes seems abroad to be a mystery. The dominating note is one of firm confidence in victory. Even in his first broadcast, the "scorched earth" speech, calling on the Rus-' sians to leave nothing to the in- vader, while the Germans were stampeding into the country, Sta-. lin closed with the slogan: "For- ward -to Victory." That thought, in one form or another,-has been, ever since; his conclusion. Prophetically, he said in the same speech, "In this great war, we shall have true allies in the peoples of Europe and America." Despite differences which have arisen since then, particularly over the second front, that has remained his story.. As the war proceeds, his, orders become more specific: increase pro- duction of tanks and anti-tank weapons, learn to handle these weapons perfectly, stiffen discipline and stimulate guerilla warfare, ex- terminate every invader, and fin- ally, destroy the Nazi state, the Nazi army and the Nazi "new or- der" in Europe. In these pronouncements, there are clues to the future domestic status planned for the Soviet' Un- ion; a continued Soviet system, controlled by Soviet government and Communist party organs, with socialized industry and collectivized farms. There are indications of the Sov- iet claims at the peace conference: the Baltic states, Belo-Russia, Kar- elia and Moldavia, all belonging to the Soviet Union, but no aspira- tions to teritory which was outside the Soviet -fold before the war, in- cluding specifically Iran and Sla- vonic nations like Yugoslavia. There are suggestions of the Sov- iet attitude toward Post-War Ger- many: destruction of the Nazi re- gime, with its army and new order, but: maintenance of a unified Ger- man people and nation, with some sort of organized military force of its own. There are signs of the future foreign policy of the Soviet Union: non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations, collabora- tion .with Great Britain and the United States, racial and national equality, territorial integrity and political sovereignty for occupied nations and economic assistance in reconstruction of devastated coun- tries. Given Stalin as a victory, that is his outline of the Soviet Union of the future. Friers Will Show Adventure Movie (Continued from Page 1) DARK BLOUSES for slacks at 2.25. SHORTIE COATS and jackets of all kinds from 10.95. REVERSIBLES and trench coats at 14.95. Cotton gabardine rain coats and Pell Mells at 795. Matching rain hats in roller and WAAC types at 1.50. We're open Monday evening 'til 8:30 for the "night shift" shoppers. Give to the RED CROSS War Fund 'round the corner on State now" Never were Quality and Value so important --- 9:1 11--. On the Avenue... Everywhere You See.. . the C'A /i :00 795 Born for the times! trim (and tough) as a top sergent! perfect-fling, of soft TURF TAN CRUSHED KID with a built- up leather 'notchid* he A.. A'must- have in vou spring wardrobe! get funds to continue my studies?" Since 1938 Friers has been Latin American correspondent for Booth Newspapers, working mainly near the Panama Canal. "Wheels over the Andes" is the first picture ever made of the Simon Bolivar highway. Friers filmed the pictures' to show what the Latin American peoples are really like. Fea- tured in it is Chico, ."Ecuador's mis- chief making monkey," who was with him much of the time when the pic- ture was made. This movie has been shown at Town Hall, St. Louis; The Chicago Adventures Club and The University of Dayton. At the present time Friers is wait- ing for a call from the Marines where he expects to continue his travels. After the war he expects to circle the globe again; but this time he only plans to cross 1,800 miles of water. He will avoid crossing many miles of water by walking across the ice from Alaska to Siberia. NOTICES Orientation lectures for hospital volunteer service will be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow and 3:15 p.m. Thursday in Room 2432 of Uni- versity Hospital. * * * The surgical dressing unit will meet at Hillel Foundation from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. today. Partici- pants must wear wash blouses and head-coverings. POEM WRIT CON; SIZES 11 - '13 - is ONLY1 .. *Awl, x-4' *Y l y ; ~ .L S;J °' . '5f :?fg" r > t -p e *AUta f ':? sn 5'1 . 5 UTCH ER L IN ENS.. NE GINGHAMS .i.. OVEN SEERSUCKER d Other Distinctive and siroble Materials for a very Spring Wardrobe fI1 Ch I I ... ", ...