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February 10, 1943 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-10

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Police Chief Publishes
First YearlyReport Here
Survey Shows 8,874 Complaints Answered Last
Year; 80 Percent of Stolen Property Recovered

Ann Arbor's radio-patrolling police
department answered 8,874 com-
plaints last year, Chief of Police Sher-
man H. Mortenson revealed yesterday
in the first comprehensive report of
police activities ever compiled in this
Chief Mortenson is particularly
proud of the department's record in
recovering stolen property. Of $40,-
208 worth of automobiles, bicycles,
clothing, jowelry, radios, rugs, tires
and tools reported stolen, investigat-
ing officers have recovered $33,061.
The largest single item, $23,940 worth
of automobiles were stolen during last
year, according to the report, and ex-
actly $23,940 was recovered.
Although Ann Arbor last year had
1,076 automobile and bicycle acci-
dents, only one was fatal.
Prosaically leading the list of
many-time offenders are 848 com-
plaints about dogs, the report shows.
The dispatcher to car radio system
of the police department handled
37,795 messages, the Chief's tabula-
tions reveal. WORK, the department's
station, relayed messages from state
police and Sheriff's officers in addi-
tion to local reports.
Ann Arbor's unique all-woman traf-
fic bureau, working under the Police
Department, collected $26,804 worth
of fees last year from errant motor-
Patrol- cars and motorcycles operat-
ing through the dispatcher at Police
offices at the City Hall, last year cov-
ered 172,400 miles according to the
Chief Mortenson has assorted the
variety of traffic violations that pass
through his office every day into al-
To Remain Open
Through Friday
The Student Book Exchange will
remain open three more days for stu-
dents to buy and sell books, it was
announced yesterday by Bunny Craw-
ford, '44, Union publicity director.
The Exchange is a non-profit or-
ganization maintained by the Michi-
gan Union as a service to students.
Any student may bring books in to
be sold at the exchange located in the
lobby of the Union.
Books of all schools and colleges
are accepted for sale at a price named
by the seller. The Union retains a 10
per cent fee to cover operating ex-
In an attempt to aid students ex-
pecting to go into the armed forces
the Exchange guarantees to sell all
books of such students and will mail
their money anywhere in the United
States or Canada.
A constant demand for freshman
texts, especially in the tengineering
school, has depleted the supply and
these texts are needed. The Exchange
opened Monday and will stay open
through Friday. Operations will be
carried on till 5:30 p.m. each day.
Haircut prices in Detroit will go up
to seventy-five cents on week days
and eighty-five cents on Saturdays
within the next few weeks, Charles
H. Good, president of the Journeymen
Barbers' International Union, an-
nounced yesterday.
The increase in rates amounts to
about ten cents more per haircut.
The Far Eastern Art room in Alum-
ni Memorial Hall will be open at 8
p.m. today for an informal open

most seventy different categories.
8,448 fines were paid in to the Traf-
fic Bureau for such misdemeanors as
failure to set brakes, overtime park-
ing (which accounted for 6,060 tick-
ets) and even no change of address on
operator's license.
940 drivers had to go to court to
pay for driving over a fire hose, ille-
gal use of spotlight, drunk driving and
speeding. 523 speeders are accounted
for in the report.
The department investigated 182
taxicab drivers "to give assurance
that the safety of the public will be
guaranteed" according to the Chief
and 52 taxicabs were checked.
Secret investigation of 140 enemy
aliens in cooperation with the FBI
and the Army and the Navy are pub-
lished for the first time in the report.
From them the department is re-
ported to have confiscated 16 articles
(guns, cameras, radios, etc.) at the
request of the United States attorney.
State Will Act
To Bar Minors
From Drinking
LANSING, Feb. 9.-(P)-Drinking
by minors has posed Michigan's most
pressing liquor law enforcement prob-
lem, the joint House and Senate Liq-
uor Committees were told today by
C. A. Parrish, chief of the Enforce-
ment Division of the State Liquor
Control Commission.
Proposals to make it a misdemeanor
for a minor to purchase liquor or
falsify his age to obtain intoxicating
drinks were endorsed by Parrish, but
he pointed out that the Michigan
Temperance Foundation fears such
a plan will make parents reluctant
to inform against violators. He said
the temperance group prefers the
issuance of official identification
Parrish said that stripped of loop-
holes, the identification system might
prove satisfactory, but that it also
might provoke a tendency for minors
to forge permits.
He requested the committees to
recommend .that the commission be
empowered to subpoena witnesses,
asserting that such action would as-
sist -materially in prosecuting cases
of minors buying liquor.
Parrish said it was unlikely that a
proposal to halt liquor sales on Sun-
day could be made effective and that
it would "create an awful enforce-
ment problem."
Enforcement officials, he said, fa-
vored a reduction in the number of
liquor licenses and he suggested that
the total be lowered gradually by
eliminating licensees convicted of
violations and failing to renew li-
censes at their expiration. He said
the number of licenses would be re-
duced sharply next spring in the
wake of gasoline rationing and short-
ages of liquor supplies and workers.
Crowley Renominated
CHEBOYGAN, Feb. 9.- (P)- The
Cheboygan county Republican con-
vention today endorsed a native son,
David H. Crowley, Detroit attorney,
for renomination to the University of
Michigan Board of Regents.
All eligible second - semester
freshmen and sophomores inter-
ested in trying out for the staff
of the Michigan Union are asked
to attend an important meeting
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Stu-
dent Offices of the Union, it was
announced by Bunny Crawford,
'44, publicity director.

Knox Favors
Acquisition of
Post-War Bases
Says Japan Must Be
Disarmed; Suggests
Negotiations Start Now
post-war objective for the Pacific-
American acquisition of stepping-
stone aerial and naval bases stretch-
ing across the ocean to prevent future
Japanese aggression-was advocated
today by Secretary of Navy Knox.
"We must disarm Japan on the sea
after the war," he said. "To keep her
disarmed for a long time afterwards,
we must have the bases from which
to operate. We must have sufficient
bases to prevent future aggression in
that quarter of the world."
Knox testified before the House
Foreign Affairs Committee, urging
continuance of the Lend-Lease Act
for another year. He expressed belief
that Lend-Lease agreements would
help to create a "friendly atmos-
phere" in post-war negotiations, but
said he "is personally in favor" of be-
ginning negotiations at once-"It is
always easier to make a deal when
the one with whom you are dealing
wants something."
In the outgoing side of Lend-Lease,
Knox reported the Navy has:
1. Transferred to foreign countries
"under a large arrangement" 285 ves-
sels and ships, and 251 small craft
and boats .which are valued at about
2. Transferred to the Allies mater-
ials and services with a value ap-
proximating $800, 000, 000 between
March 11, 1941, to the end of 1942.
The United Kingdom received $764,-
000,000, Russia $20,000,000.
3. Overhauled and repaired 245
foreign naval vessels as of Dec. 31,
1942 at a total cost of $117,850,000,
"many of them large combatant ships,
cruisers and aircraft carriers."
4. Delivered approximately 750
Lend-Lease naval airships to Allies
through Jan. 23, 1943.
Monroe Smith
Will Lecture
Men and women from 2 to 92 are
invited to see Monroe Smith, national
director of the Youth Hosteling Move-
ment, who will lecture and show mov-
ies at 8 pm. Thursday in the Lounge
of the Women's Athletic Building.
Mr. Smith is on a tour of the Great
Lakes region with Justine Cline, re-
gional director of this division of the
national organization. Students,
townspeople, especially leaders and
those connected with recreational
groups are invited to attend the meet-
ing, according to its sponsors, the de-
partments of Physical Education for
Men and for Women.
Chile Sends Students
Fourteen men from Chile will ar-
rive at the University this week to
begin postgraduate study in the
School of Engineering.
This project, made possible by a
grant of the Kellogg Foundation of
$17,500, is one of the major achieve-
ments of the University Committee
on Latin American Relations, T.
Hawley Tapping said yesterday.

iMediterranean Sea........... ........... ......
........ .......A" ..........
Chott Djerid MEDENNE
U.S. forces were renorted to have captured Sened in lower Tunisia.
Capture of Sened threatens the coastal highway 'corridor' held by the
Axis. Black line marks approximate Tunisian front. Broken-line arc
indicates zone Axis must def end against American drives. British ha.ve
been attacking in Ousseltia-Robaa area to the north, and in Southern
Tunisia British Eighth Army units were appearing from the east, fol-
lowing Rommel.

Eligible freshman and sophomore
men will be introduced to the various
extra-curricular activities on campus
at the sixth annual Activities Smoker
to be held at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb.
18, in the main ballroom of the Michi-
gan Union.
The Smoker is designed to acquaint
second semester freshmen and all
others with the specific activities and
the work carried on by each.
Responding to the nature of the
times, campus activities have placed
emphasis on war work and furthering
the University's role in the war effort.
The heads of the various organiza-
tions will be on hand to discuss their
activities. The feature of the program
will be informal talks by these men
after which the audience will be per-
mitted to circulate among the activi-
ties' booths for further information.
Richard Ford, '44, President of the

Union, will be master of ceremonies,
and the Union staff is handling the
detail arrangements.
To date seven organizations have
signed to participate in the Smoker.
They include The Daily, news and
business staffs; The Michigan Union;
Michigan Technic; Wolverines; Alpha.
Phi Omega; and Sigma Rho Tau.
Others are expected to be on the pro-
University eligibility rules require
that a student attain the standing
of a second semester freshman before
he can participate in activities and
that he have a 'C' average with one
'B'. Transfer students who entered the
University in good standing are con-
sidered eligible.
Eligibility cards may be obtained
in Room 2 University Hall and must
be presented to each activity chair-

Americans Drive Towards Tunisian Coast READY FOR WORK:

Annual Activities Smoker Will
Stress University War Effort

County Polio


ROTC Program ToPrepare
Cadets for, Officers' School

! -

Emphasis of this semester's ROTC
training program which will get un-
der way tomorrow will be laid upon
the training of freshman and sopho-
more cadets for commissions in the
armed forces after their induction,
according to Cadet Maj. Morton Co-
Although their training at the Uni-
versity will not automatically qualify
them for training as officers in the
Army, Basic Course cadets will be
acquainted with the fundamentals of
military science which should aid
them in qualifying for Officers' Can-
didate School, Cohen said.
The cadets will meet at 4 p:m. to-
day in the Intramural Building for
their first drill. This session will open
an expanded course in military sci-
ence which will include severaddi-
tions to last semester's program.
More work under actual field c.on-
ditions will be required of the Uni-
versity's future soldiers. This will in-
clude night compass problems and
Police To Auction Bikes
The Police Department will auc-
tion off 13 stolen and unclaimed
bicycles at 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb."
20, at the rear of the City Hall,
Police Chief Sherman H. Morten-
son announced last night.
Interested buyers may come to
the city hall beforehand to inspect
the Department's wares.

sham battles on the property of the
Huron Hills Country Club, which has1
been secured for the purpose.
Also, the regiment has received new
wooden training rifles which are of
standard weight and size. Manufac-
tured in the workshops of Jackson
Prison, the new rifles are expected to
prove much better than the light-
weight drill weapons used by the
ROTC last year.
New courses in gas defense, gas
mask construction, camouflage, and
compass instruction have been added
to the curriculum in order to meet
newer modes of warfare..
During this semester, the regiment,
comprising about 800 men, will drill
as a unit on Wednesday afternoon.
M~en's Debate Team
Will Meet Today
In preparation for a new series of
spring debates the Men's Debating
Team will hold its first meeting 'of the
new semester, at 8:30 p.m. today in
Room 4203 Angell Hall.
The topic for the new semester will
be "Resolved that a permanent world
federal union be established from the
United Nations." Debates with West-
ern Reserve, Albion, and the College
of Western Michigan have already
been arranged on this subject both at
home and away, according to Coach
Arthur Secord.

Drive Collects
Over $5,300
Contributions totaling more than
$5,300 were received by the Infantile
Paralysis Committee, headed by Mrs.
Glenn D. McGeogh, in the annual in-
fantile paralysis drive for Washtenaw
County. Mrs. Otto La Porte, publicity
chairman, stated yesterday that this
total exceeded last year's contribu-
tions by $1,800.
University students turned in a
total of $152.15. Other contributions
were listed as follows: Mrs. J. J. Wal-
zer, chairman of special gifts, $1,000;
"March of Dimes," $248.59; tables lo-
cated at Ann Arbor Savings Bank,
Michigan Union, Michigan League,
University and St. Joseph's Hospitals,
$1,106.72; stores and theatres, $135-
.15; factories, $108; schools, $306.19;
organizations, $65.
FDR Orders
48-Hour Week.
(Continued from Page 1)
Byrnes, sometimes called the "As-
sistant President," told his radio aud-
ience that optimism over the war
situation is not "wholly unwarrant-
ed" but can be justified "only by our
ability and willingness to accept the
burdens and deprivations which will I
be required of all of us to carryI
through our war plans for 1943."
"These plans call for a very sub-
stantial increase in our war produc-
tion over last year's record-breaking
goals," he continued. "They require
at the same time the enlistment of
additional millions in our armed
forces. They contemplate, within a
measurable period of time, the inva-
sion of Europe, one of the greatest
military operations ever planned in
history-a military campaign, which
no matter how successfully and bril-
liantly executed, will involve casual-
ties such as this nation has never
before endured."

Ford To Head
State Agency
Professor Appointed
Chief of New Bureau
LANSING, Feb. 9.-- (P)- Robert
S. Ford, director of the Bureau of
Government at the University of
Michigan, today washnamed by Gov-
ernor Kelly to head the newly-created.
State Department of Business Admin-
The new agency was created by the
legislature last week under an admin-
istration bill which in effect estab-
lishes Ford as Governor Kelly's "trou-
ble-shooter" in inter-departmental
With the Governor's approval, Ford
is authorized to consolidate state
agencies and generally act in the in-
terest of economy and efficiency
among the various departments.
In announcing the appointment,
the Governor said that "I'm satisfied
that Ford, on the basis of his educa-
tion, ability and experience, is the
type of man I had in mind when I
asked the legislature to provide the
law for a business administration to
act under my personal supervision
and to be strictly responsible to me."
Ford for the past six years haar
been associate professor of economics
and director of the Bureau of Govern-
ment at the University of Michigan.
The bureau is a research agency
which studies Michigari governmental
and taxation problems. As its direc-
tor, Ford supervised preparation of
a manual of state administrative or-
ganization describing duties, person-
nel, administrative organization, me-
thods of financing state department,
boards, commissions and agencies.
Six Win Free nsians
Six students have won for them-
selves a free copy of the 1943 Michi-
ganensian as prizes in the 'Ensian
contest for campus snapshots. These
students are Frank Talbot, '44; Bill
Strauch, John De Boer, '44E; Sy Mor-
ris, '43; Ed Worsham, '43, and George
The names of these students will
be placed on the complimentary list
in the 'Ensian office.

1litctga 1tIle at k/ar

Proof that you don't have to be an
All-American to garner a physical
instructor's position in the Army is
afforded by the transfer of Pfc.
Melvin Wallace, '44,'to the Non-Com-
missioned Officers' School at Miami
Beach, Fla., where he will be trained
as an athletic director. He was a
sophomore on the Union staff before
his induction into the Army and is a
member of Sigma Alpha Mu frater-
Lieut. Myronr Gins, '41, who at-,
tained the ranks of Phi Beta Kappa
while at the University, has just
received his wings from the Army
Air Force bombardier school at
Midland, Tex. Lieutenant Gins is a
past president of Pi Lambda Phi
fraternity and was a member of
the 'Ensian staff.
* * *
Recently promoted from the rank

advanced flying school at Stockton
Field, Cal.
.Now undergoing basic flight train-
ing at Maxwell Field,' Montgomery,
Ala., are six Army Air Force cadets
from the University. Graduates are
Robert Solomon, '42, and Charles K.
Esler, '41, a member of Kappa Sigma
fraternity who was active in sports
administration. Others who attended
the University are Richard B. Hirsch,
Don W. Warren, Richard L. Mack,
and James P. Sampson.
- t * '**
Lieut. Norman Oxhandler, '41,
has been. assigned as officer in
charge of a signal section at Tinker
Field, the Army's newest establish-
ment of 'the Service Command for
maintenance and repair of aircraft
and training of air depot groups.
Lieutenant Oxhandler, connected
with the theatre and radio prior
to entering the Army, received his

\ It !L996. -, i

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