PAGE TWO% THE M1~ICHlIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1943 I-..-. --...'. - Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published' every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associdted Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Prss, 194243 NSpNBRESITa POR NATIO*tf. AVpTIat; iH 4lfy National Advertising Srvice, Ins, College P.htbtiers Rerexmtatice. 420 MADISON AVs. NEW YORK. N. V. CNICAGO * DOSTOH. + LOA AL5Se *SAN FRCI3I"O Editorial Staff John Erlewine . Bud Brimm r Leon Gordenker Marion Ford. Charlotte Conover . Eric Zalenski Betty Harvey . James Conant, Managing Editor . . Editorial Di eetor * . . City Editor . . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor * . 001t Wuist Europe's Children .. ONE IS SURPRISED to read in. the recent issue of Time that "A deputation including the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and Cardinal, Hinsley approached Home Secre- tary Morrison with a plea, for 2,000 visas for Jewish children who aight have a chance to get out cf Europe if they could find..a, place to go. Morrison's reply; Only.those, with close relatives in Britain (some 250) could enter. Morrison significantly added: Granting, the others visas would cause anti-semi- tism in this country., Unlike the British children who were shipped to the U.S. in boatloads at the staff ot the blty on Great Britain, these children, and the rest of the Jews in oc u- pied Europe for that matter, agre in imminent danger of being slaughtered to satiate the fanati- cisms of a, perverted neurotic who. controls. occupied Europe. Contending that the allowing of 2,000 Jewish children to enter Great Britain would cause anti- semitism sounds unreasonable. If a. people, who are presumably fight- ing for "freedom" for themseIes and the rest of the world, would let such a minor and humane act cause them to hate another people, they are hypocritical in their strug- gle. UT Mr. Morriscn's sentiments -are. not those of the British people; rather,. he is merely echo- ing the attitude of his colleagues who are leading Britain at present, those who are responsible for the decisions made regarding India and Palestine. Bertrand Russell, in his recent address on the campus, made men- tion of the antipathetical attitude of the American people toward the British. He was right, such an attitude does exist. It was not brought about by the sending of British children to the U.S., how- ever; it was brought about by the manifest narrow-mindedness and yL WAS HON Ucm4N-RRY 6O0 ROUD By DREW PEARSON " Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg, Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . Business Staff a J. .usles Manager . . Associate Business Mnager . . Women's Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager ; . .. WASHINGTON, March 9.-Real truth about the famous meeting. between Democratic National Com- mittee members and 1te President was that the President himself put forward the fourth term idea in a negative way, saying he could not take it. But committee members said the idea was put forward very much like the man who says he cannot come to dinner but wants to be urged. There was no urging from any of the Democrats present except ex-Gov. Olson of California.. From the rest came stony silence. Here is the complete off-the-rec- ord. story of one of the frostiest meetings between Democratic lead- ers. and their chief in the ten long years of the Roosevelt administra- tion. Before they went to the White House, the leaders met at the May- flower Motel to discuss their strat- egy. They had been selected by Frank Walker as the result of a stormy session of the entire com- mittee in. Chicago at which there was open revolt against the Presi- dent, and at which it was decided Wp send a small delegation to the White House to tell him so. Nine committee members were picked, plus five executives of the party. At the advance meet- ing at the Mayflower, it was sug- gested that one difficulty would be to keep the President from doing all the talking, and to get conservatism of their leaders at a time when these ideas must needs be discarded.- Perhaps it is necessary to re- mind these leaders that they are living in a changing world, and a country' ruled with static ideas will not exist long in this world. If Great Britain continues its policy df ignoring the situation of the Jews in Europe, the U.S. should do something about it, immediately if possible. -Merwin Moskowitz him to listen to the delegation's complaints. Bill of Com plaints So Frank Walker suggested that three be appointed to do the talk- ing. Frank McHale, of Indiana, agreed that this was a good idea, and suggested James Noe, of Louis- iana, to represent the South, James Quigley, of Nebraska, for the West, and Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller, of Pennsylvania, for the East. Appar- ently Walker thought these three were too forthright. He is under- stood to have had in mind Mrs. Carolyn Wolfe, of Utah, 0. S. War- den, of Montana, and ex-Governor Olson of California, known to be more friendly to the President. So Walker shifted his suggestion to a previous one that the delegation draw up a written statement nam- ing their complaints. The strategy was that if the President did all the talking, then they could leave this bill of com- plaint with him. So the bill of complaint was drafted. It began with this sen- tence: "Jimmy Noe says that the party is in a hell of a mess." Then for three pages, single- spaced, it proceeded to detail the woes of the party, casting vitriolic condemnation on Harry Hop- kins, Madame Secretary Perkins, Gov. Rex Tugwell of Puerto Rico, Secretary of Agriculture Wick- ard, Governor of the Farm Credit Administration Black and others. It was proposed that all of them be fired immediately. During these discussions, McHale of Indiana referred to Secretary Wickard as. "cheap." He said he had gone to school with Wickard and he didn't know where the President got the idea to bring him to Washington and have him attempt to control food. "He doesn't even know his way around Indiana," was McHale's cryptic remark. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR JFAN RIC vARDS Editorials published in The Mibiga Daily are written by members of The Daiky staff and represent the views of the writers only. GOAL-$1 ,000 Men May Aid War Fund In Drive Opening Today THE WOMFN of the U iversity and the pe ple of Washtenaw County are well on their way in their campaigns to collect money for the War Fund of the American Red Cross. The men of the University will have an opportunity in the next ten days to do their part. Centered in the Unioij, the , #o amass $19,44 will give every man whethr belouing to a dormitory, fraternity or 'eoper*tiv, an. opportunity to buy a membership in the Red Cross. It will be more a personal investpent for them than any other grol bceause it will be they who are going to boefit directly. It isn't necessary to detail all the good work that the Red Cross is doing in this war. This humanitarian army is just as active as any grvup of our armed forces. Wherever they set up their posts they-bring comfort, aid and respite to those suffering directly from the war. The Re, Cross flag is marked by a cross; they live to this sym- bol. It is the personal responsibility of every man on campus to see that the work of the Red Cross is carried on and iintensaWed, In the future they may give devout thanks that they paid a dollar for their life. -Mary Roflar VICHY POLITICS? African Policies Signal Defeat for Democracy HE POLITICAL situation in North Africa con- tinues in that muddled state which makes liberals everywhere doubt both the wisdom and sincerity of the State Department. Cordell Hull persists in distinguishing between a. political war and a military war, a distinction so subtle that it has no validity whatsoever. We cannot win the war if our military successes are to be matched by shocking diplomatic blunders. The dealings of the American government with Darlan could perhaps be countenanced' under the excuse of "expediency," but what excuse can be offered for the recall of Peyrouton from Argentina, where he was serving as Vichy ambas- sador, and his subsequent appointment to the Governor-Generalship of Algiers? Peyrouton has been a consistent pro-Nazi ever since the beginning of the war. Hi: so- called break with Laval was a purely personal matter, not inspired by any patriotic motives. He is a notorious anti-Sente and while gov- ernor of Tunisia forbade trade union actvity. It was Peyrouton who built the first coeen- tration camp on French soil. 'is Fascist, anti-democratie tactics are being continued in North Africa. JNOW; more than three months after the Ameri- can occupation, North Africa is, in political policy, a Vichy-dominated territory. Although most of the Aighting French have been released, thousands of other anti-Fascists are being held in concentration camps and subjected -to .the same treatment they received under the Vichy regime. The number eliminated by typhus, scur- vy, and other diseases resulting from the condi- tions under which they are forced to live -can only be estimated. The North African situation is not only appalling in itself: it sets a 4precedent 'for Allied action in reoccupied and captured ter- r.tnr..a whinh emw -n 1 a ahaalntsa -anse-4 DELUSIONS: This Is the Way We Can Lose the Peace APPARENTLY we students have been laboiug under a sad delusion. We have been told that this time the post-war world will be difer- ent, that we can do much to bring about a just and durable peace. We have our Post-War Council to talk about peace plans; we have government commissions created to conduct research in eduoatinal, eco- noinic, religious,- political apd social problems. And from the interest ansd fair-mindedness that. prevails on this campus, in general, there was reason to hope that-maybe-this time the peace settlement would be different. But last week-end an editorial appeared in The Plymouth Mail; our fond hopes are qow strong -"doubts. Elton R. Eaton, editor of tihis independent newspaper, was replying to a let"r. wvritten by the Rev. Mr. Verle Carson of the Methodist Church. The Rev. Carson had maintained the color of the skin and the nation from which one springs is not a true indication of one's moral status. Birth in the white race does not make a man pure, nor does birth in the yellow race take a iman a oward. Americans of Japnese ancestry are neither "cheaters, rodets, ild beasts or dirty Japs." They are American citizens. As such, by our laws and . by our ideals, they are entitled to decent respect and treatment - pntil. they are proved disloyal." H1IE, in part, is Mr. Eaton's reply: "We utter- 1 disagree with him about thesneaking Japs and we reaffirm our declaration that there is no place on the soil of this country for any Jap. We do not recognize them as human beings, and therefore there is no race issue involved Japanese history provides sufficient proof of the fact tfiat the Jap is a beast in human form. .. How can any man, especially one clthed in 'tie garments of 'the pulpit, defend a vicious, sneak- ing, killing mass of beasts that would exterrai- nate from the face of the earth the American nation-the ONE iation that has offered relig- ious and personal freedom to all people?" Such ideas, were they voiced by someone standing on a street corner, could be shrugged off, 'but not when they appear in print. The newspaper is one of the most vital, ptet, infu- enfial 'forms of propaganda being used today. When it is misused for the purpose of spreading hatred, then it is' time to call a halt H W can we hope to bring about a permanent 'world peace if Mr. Eaton's attitude is to be the basis for a post-war settlement? How can the Japanese trust America if such beliefs are accepted by her citizens? Too many people not only read such- Nazi ideas of race and national superiority; they believe them! They- argue along ,with Mr. Eaton that "there is no such thing as 'justice or righteousness' in dealing wih the verini that spaws Only hrate, deatht, detrjtioumd sorrow over the world." They preach hatred and murder; they scream in their faLse patri- otist: "We have but one wish in our heart- and that is to see the enemies of OUR COUN- TRY so thoroughly crushed to earth that they can never again force a war upon lumanity. If it is necessary to KILL every Jap and every enemy we have, -to accomplish this purpose, then let them be KILLED!" These are the principles which American hope to crush; these are the principles for which civil- ians are sacrificing their gas and food and cloth- ing; these are the principles for which our men A.V _gilnvm~ idi n m;. 2A o:aal in Wrmr I'eRther -R.1 aw By SAMUEL GRAFTON;- NEW YORK, March 9.- If an American gov- ernment agency, praises a fascist, from Darlan to Franco, almost no one in Congress seems to rind. But let an agency praise Mr. Roosevelt, and it makes -a scandal. Representative Taber (Rep.-N.Y.) is on the warpath against the Office of War Information . because the said Office of War Information has published 'a pamphlet called "The Life of Frank- lin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States." The name is Roosevelt, the man is the 32n d President, but Mr. Taber doesn't think the Office of War Information should have men- tioned it. The pamphlet is designed to be distributed among civilian populations abroad. Most of these foreign peoples want to know something about Mr. B. '- They have legitimate curiosity. Mr. B1. can, as Commander-in-Chief, order the invasion of any one of the several dozen coun- tries. The people in these countries, and others, would like to know what sot of cha he is, good fellow or bad. His reputation might 'make things easier for our soldiers. "Can't use. it," says Mr. Taber.. "It's fourth term propaganda." We can praise Franco to help win our war, but not Franklin In fact, I have heard members of Congress say there is no man in the world so low, so un- speakable, so vile, that we should not work with him, if we can. One might suppose we would be gexnerolls enough to let Mr. R. pass that rather easy test, and that we ought to make any possible use we can of the President, along with Peyrou- top. Not so. Mr. R. is allowed to run the war, but the fact is not to be dwelled upo-n. The fact is the President does have a tre- mendous reputation in many backwaters of .:the world. Observers used to note, two or tiwee years ago, that even in remote villages of the Balkans movie audiences would cheer when Mr. Roosevelt's picture turned up in a newsreel. These Serbs and Bulgarians may not have had a proper understanding of the importance of: the Supreme Court issue, but it remains true that they did like one of our boys enormously. We ought to work with that fellow. He seems to have something. What are we so afraid of? Come, boys, a little more joie de vivre. It isn't so serious, really. One, of Mr.- Taber's arguments is that an Amer- ican soldier night stumble upon this pamphlet, read it, and have his reason become so unhinged he might vote for Mr. Roosevelt in 1944. It is mul'i more likely that one of our boys will stumble on our praise of Franco, and try to collate that- with the Four Freedoms, and that he will then be really politically disturbed. That -is not considered an issue. Our eyes turn inward for our issues, even as our troops go out- ward. And when the President of the United States beomes an unmentionable, we ,are given a sud- den, stunning glimpse into our difficulties in lisping our story to the world. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 1S All notices for the Daijy Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Offie of the President in typewritten form by 3;3 p.m4. of the dat preceding its pubnea- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:34 aw. Not ,.s Student Tea: President and Mrs..tuth- 'be at home to students Wednea- day afternoon, March 10, from 4 to 6, o' clock. Students enterAng, the aried services: It would be advisable for all students enter- ing the armed services to, take ith them a transcript of their college. record. T4 view of the large number of transcripts which will be called for, it - is" necessary that a student make -application - at least three days in advance-of the date When he expects to withdraw. B. D. Thuina,- Armed Sl r#es epresentative Faculty of the College of Lierature, Sci- uce, and the Arts: 'The five-week~ fresh- man reports will be due Saturday, March 13, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 10$ Mason Hall. . Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors Mentor Reports: Reports on standings of all Engineering fresenten will be e- pected from faculty members.during the, lth week and again during the 11th week of the semester. These two reports will be due March 20 .and April 24. leport blanks will be furnished by camp s mail., Please refer routine questions to Mass Ma- son, Extension 744, afternoons 0Wo will handle the reports; otherwlse, call A. D.. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. .Bronson-Thonas Annual German Lan- guage Award offered juniors and seniors in German. The contest will be held from: 2 to 5 o'clock Thursday, March 25, in room 203 University Hall. The award, - in -the amount of $32. will be presented to the student writing the best essay. dealing with some phase in the development of German literature from 1750-1900. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications 'should Jo so immediately in room 204 University Hall. oti-e- ildnler . Annuu al ernan Lau, guage Award offered studentsin Courses ,1 and 32. The contest, atranslation test (Derma a English and Eiglish-Uernua), carrles two st pencs of $20 and $30, and will be held from 2 to 4 p UVTursaay, March 25, in room 203 University Hall. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately in 204.:Univer- sity Hal. Registration for .Summer Jobs: The an- nual registration for students looking for world, unable to say anything summer employment will be held Wed- nesday, March 10, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 205 Mason Hall. This refers particularly 'oeduoatiohal adviser~s, camp counseling, and all types of summer jobs. University Bureau of Appointments and occupational Information J. P. A.-Apply for the Junior Profes- stonai Assistant examination to be eligible for Federal positions paying $;,000, $1,800 anq $t,620 a year plus 21% overtime. Sen- ior students who will complete work in one semnester and graduates may apply now .. Persons will be appointed to do professional,,sub-professional, technical, or semni-technical work in connection with various governmentalaractivities In the war- program. There are no options, but stuidents are particularly desired in the fields of public administration, business adinistration, economics, economic -geog- raphy ,library science, history, public wel- ta)re, statistics, mathematics and agricul- ture. No closing date for applications has been announced, but an, examination will. be given as soon as sufficient applications have been received. Women are particu- larly desired. Obtain application forms from the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Lectures UnAyersity Lecture: Sir Bernard Pares, English historian and diplomat, will lec- ture on the subject, "Russia Now," under the auspices of the Department of His- tory, today at 4:15 p.m. In the Rackhain Anphitheatre. Latin American Lecture:. Robert Friers, the Vagabond Reporter, will present a movie lecture, "Wheels over the Andes," tonight at 8:15 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, under the auspices of La Socie- dad Hispanica. This lecture- will be in English. Open to the public. Tickets mnay be procured at the bookstores, the Ro mance Languages Office, and the box ,office. Lecture: ' Dr. Dow V. Baxter, Associate Professor of Silvis and Forest Pathology at the" University of Michigan, will lee- ture on the subject, "Alaska," under the auspices of Sigma Gamma Epsilon and the Geology Department, on Tuesday. March 16, at 4:15, p.m. in the Raekbani Amphitlheatr-e. The public is invited. AcademicNotices Mathematics Club wili meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the Wiest Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. Professor rhrall will speak on "S-me Remarks on Modern Algebra." Botanical Journal Club will meet on wednesday, March 10, at 4:00 p.m. in Room N.'8. 1139. Reports by: Beth Woolsey, "Develop- mental anatomy of the shoot of Zea Mays"; Eleanor Garthwaite, "Historical responses ROTC Drill (Wednesday section): Sec- ond Battalion will Fall In on Hoover Street, in front of the IM Building, in uniform with street shoes. First Battalion will form inside the IM Building as usual. Group II Officers will be prepared to give instruc- tions on March Security and Bayonet Positions and Movements. A copy of FM- 23-25 (Bayonet) is available in the Cadet Office, and may be consulted by Cadet Officers. Exhibitions Exhibition under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is- lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria). Rackham School, through March 11. Every afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00. Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol- ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu- nisia by George R. Swain, Official 'Phro- tographer to the University of Michigan Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis, Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax, Matmata 'country. Exhibition, College of Architecture and R esign: Class work in the course in cam- ouflage showing techniques and materials is being displayed in the ground floor corridor of the Architecture Building until March 10. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun- day. The public is invited. Events Today The Pre-Medical meeting will not take. place this evening as previously announced. Watch the D.O.E. for the next announce- ment. A.I.Ch.E. meeting tonight at 7:30 in Room 1213 E. Engineering Bidg. Professor J. H. Cissel will talk on "The Failure of the Tacoma Bridge" (illustrated). Polonia Society will meet tonight at 8:00 in the International Center. Agenda: Next social function, cooperating, with Detroit Clubs. Refreshments. All students of Polish descent are invited. ' The Play Reading Section of the Fac- ulty Women's Club will meet today at 2:15 p.m. in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Michigan Dames: General meeting to- might at 8:15 in the Michigan Leagu;. Mrs. W. Carl Rufus '%ill spcak ton "Civillult. Air Patrol and Personal Expe rienicei." AMars meeting of ev ryone interegted In , ientrse -Ncy Uipson's brain skit for J.G.P. in the Leag4ue today at 5:00 pam. Acting experi- ence not needed. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15in Rooms D and E of the Michigan League. Coming Events Gallery alk on the exhibit of "Metal- work in Islamic Countries" by Professor Richard Ettiughausen on Thursday, March 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the Exhibition Gallery of the Rackham Building. 0 E -