l -11- [ i-fl1 _ __ _._ ......... ....... ..... .. ........... . * THE MICHIGAN DAILY SERVICE EDITION VOL. t, N". "A ANN AR!U1tiMtltI(iI(.AN snow once more covering the campus. * * * THE Sixth Service Com- mand speeded up its sched- ule and 50 Enlisted Re- serve Corps men, the first ERC men tQ be called, hav'e received their orders to re- port for active duty on March 13 . . . Dr. Burton Thuma, War Board armed forces representative, said that he expected "the rest of the orders to come through in the next few days" . . . The specific camps where the men will be assigned have not been made known, but accord- ing to an announcement received Tuesday, Michi- gan men will go to Fort Custer, Fort Sheridan, Ill., Camp Grant, Ill., or Scott Field, Ill. . . . Counseling students to stay in school until receiving their or- ders, Dr. Thuma said, "Students should sit tight and wait till thee things come through and not get upset." . . . Students will report for temporary duty at their assigned camps when they get their orders and will then be sent by the post commander to a replacement center. * * * MORE MEN TO GO-- The Navy announced Thursday that all Marine Corps Reserve college stu- dents except the current graduating class would be included in the Navy's col- lege training program to go into effect July 1 . . . They will be called to ac- tive duty and will continue their college studies in uni- form. CAPTAIN JIM MAND- LER led the Michigan basketeers to a 53-41 vic- tory over Northwestern Monday night . . . Playing flashy basketball, the Michigan quintet scored an upset and ended the sea- son with a record of four wins and eight losses . The Wildcats' Otto Gra- ham was high scorer for the evening with 19 points but three Michigan seniors stole the spotlight . . Play- ing their last game were Captain Jim Mandler, Leo Doyle and Mel Comin . . . Mandler trailed Graham in scoring with 16 points . . . . Every Michigan player took part in the scoring as the Wolverines rolled up their second highest score in Big Ten competition this year . . . The letter- men casting ballots in the election which chose Ralph Gibert, '44E, Wolverine 'forward from Flint, as next year's basketball captain, were Jim Mandler, Mel Comin, Gerry Mullaney, Bob Wiese, Leo Doyle, Don Lund and Fred Gipson, senior manager. * * * THE CAUSE for flowing hair in Ann Arbor may be found in the fact that haircut prices were placed at 75 cents last week by the City Barbers Associa- tion . .. Little shavers can get rid of their excess hair for 65 cents as long as they are under 12 years old . . It is said that "illicit bar- berships have sprung up in dim dormitory and frater- nity rooms-where ama- teur shears-wielders ruin wavy pompadours, and the only password is "I brought a bowl." * * * MICHIGAN N a t a t o r s, favored to win the Big Ten championship, went down in an upset to the tune of 66 to 61 to Ohio's mermen. . . . The Buckeyes sewed up the championship in the next-to-last event when Keo Nakama, Hawaiian star, swam the 440 free- style in 4:47.4, nearly five seconds better than the listed record of 4:52.1 made in 1938 by Michigan's Tom Haynie . . . In the semi- finals records also fell .. . Harry Holiday, '45E, Mich- igan's star natator, broke the 150-yard NCAA back- stroke record . . . He sped to a new mark of 1:31.7, bettering the old record of 1:34.2 which was set by Vande Weghe of Princeton in 1938 . . . Michigan ac- counted for another brok- en Big Ten record in the 300-yard medley relay . . . The Wolverine trio was a second faster than the standard set by Ohio in 1939. * * * - THE TWO Michigan grapplers appearing in the championship meets won individual championships Saturday . . . Dick Kopel and Manley Johnson led the Wolverines into second place with 22 points behind Indiana with 24 points ... Kopel won the 121-pound title by pinning Chicago's Nicholas Melas in the only fall in the championship round . . . Johnson, de- fending his title, scored in the 145 division over Rollie Rayburn of Illinois, driv- ing to a 3 to 1 decision. * * * CANVASSERS will go from house to house in Ann Arbor this month in an effort to find new hous- ing facilities for war work- ers, the Civilian Defense Council announced Friday. ... The aim of the survey will be to: list all available housing space in the coun- ty, and induce household- ers to rent space to war workers. IT PAYS to wear a uni- form in Ann Arbor now ... Members of the armed for- ces will now be admitted to the "Union Membership Dances for only half price. ... The new step was ap- proved by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Union Friday when they voted. * * * MATERIAL shortages have knocked down Ann Arbor's campus "but they haven't layed it out, a sur- veyor reported this week. Fewer eyelash curlers, few- er razor strops are making prices higher and goods harder to find, but substi-. tutes are minimizing the impact of war on State Street sellers. * * * INTO THE JAWS of the U.S. armed forces have gone approximately 10,000 former University students and 101 faculty men . . Cold, impersonal files list 43 of these former Michi- gan men "killed in ser- vice" and hundreds of ex- ploits of bravery and cour- age on the front lines mark the University records. -#Y7l 0 a Here are the winners of the Motion Picture Academy's honors for 1942 after presentation of awards at the annual dinner in 11ollywood, (left to right) Lieut. Van Heflin, best supporting actor: Greer Garson, best actress; James Cagney, best actor: and reresa Wright, best sup- porting actress. ON T-I CAMPUS FRONT I ouscs Wiarned Studeints Urged > I ger o ieoster for il hired Help 6th Blood Bank Dis4ease Simpler To West Quad Contributes Prewent than To Cure 75 Donors; Chileans Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Health Eager To Volunteer Service director, issued a warning yesterday to dormitories, fraternities With half the quota for the pres- and sororities to be on guard against ent drive already filled, students are hiring help who may be tubercular. urged to sign up for the Sixth Blood "Necessary precautions are not be- Bank by calling at the student of- ing taken to determine the health of fink oy he Uin etheentoa - new house workers because of the fices of the Union betwen 3 and 5 help shortage," he said. "There has p.m. tomorrow or Tuesday. already been one case of tuberculosis Seventy-five residents of the West in an advanced stage discovered in a Quadrangle, numbering among them fraternity porter. We wish to pre- the seventeen newly arrived students vent any recurrence of this situation. from Chile have already registered Prevention of tuberculosis is much for the present drive. simpler than the cure." Help may be examined at Health In a letter from Edwardo Franzetti, SService upon presentation of a note Grad., President of the Latin Ameri- from house director, Forsythe said. can society, the Chileans expressed y _ _an earnest desire to contribute to the American war effort by giving their Studets 1' Getblood. All donors must be at least eighteen -f dsyears of age, and in addition may M eal efunds not have made a donation within the last eight weeks. Appointments will A plan by which students living in be made at half hour intervals be- University dormitories and employed tween 12:30 and 4 p.m. for Friday and in war plants will be given refunds Saturday afternoons. Donors may for meals missed because of this work choose their day and hour. was approved Thursday by the Board University students have donated in Control of University Residence more than a thousand pints of blood Halls. since the first blood bank last year. Full refunds for meals were form- erly given only for meals missed be- Tlr cause of continued illness or work for krans alks 4n1Fascism educational purposes, such as prac- "National Socialsm and Fascism" tice teaching. will be the topic for the second in a series of 15 lectures on current There will be a meeting of problems to be given at 5 p.m. tomor- Sphinx at 7 p.m. today in the row in East Lecture Hall of Rackham Union. Bulding. * * Dr. Wolfgang Kraus, assistant pro- There will be a Gargoyle art fessor of political science. will present staff meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday this lecture as part of the University's in the Gargoyle office program in Regional Administration j-_and Reconstruction. Englishman To Lecture Sir Bernard Pares, English diplo- mat and writer, will speak on "Rus- sia Now" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the auspices of the history depart- ment. During the first World War Sir Pares was attached to the Russian army and later to the British em- bassy in Petrograd. He has been very active as a writer on Russian history and literature and is now touring the United States under the Institute for Inter- nal Education. New Broadcast Starts The program by Prof. Clark Trow, "Our Way of Life," 2:45 p.m. WCAR, will be added to the broadcasting schedule of the University this Fri- day, thus increasing the number of weekly broadcasts from Morris Hall to seventeen. Slosson Will Speak Prof. Preston Slosson of the his- tory department will present a brief talk on "National Sovereignty- Should It Be Limited?" to open a panel discussion sponsored by the Post-War Council at 8 p.m. Wednes- day in the League. * * * Rev. Hyslop To Speak "A Creed for the Christian Build- er" will be the subject for the ad- dress of the Rev. Ralph Douglas Hyslop, national director for the Congregational Churches, when he speaks at 7 p.m. today at the Disci- ples Guild House. Latin-American Lecture The Latin-American society. under the direction of Edward Franzetti, Grad., head of the society's newly formed pi ess club, announced their intention yesterday to present a pro- gram of lectures to acquaint the campus with our Latin-American neighbors. Baptist Missionary Here The Rev. Joseph Robbins, presi- dent of the North Baptist Conven- tion and former missionary to the Philippines, will be in Ann Arbor today to preach at 11 a.m. in the First Baptist Church and to speak before students at 7 p.m. in the Roger Williams Guild House. Fur fey Will Give Religious Lecture 11 Camouflage Shown in Art School <.} A camouflage exhibitthas been set up on the first floor of the School of Architechture for the special benefit of the ROTC. The display includes studies show- ing how buildings and aid fields can be treated so that they can not be found by enemy planes, models show- ing how nets can be used to conceal planes which are standing on the ground, and a display of the standard camouflage colors used by the Army. "In camouflaging, light and shad- ows are the most important things and color is only secondary," said Prof. H. O. Witemore, head of the Landscape Architecture Department of the Architecture School who is in charge of the exhibition. Hillel Group To Meet The Hillel-Avukah Study Group will meet at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow to discuss "The Final Aims of Zionism." Max Dresden, chairman of the group, will lead the discussion. This is the third meeting of the semester. Topics which have been discussed at previous meetings are "Communism as a Solution to the Jewish Problem" and "The American Council for Ju- daism." Church Offers $50 For Religious Essays Three cash awards amounting to $50 will be offered for the best essays submitted on the question "What Should Christian Youth Be Expected To Know About God and Them- selves?", it was announced yesterday by the Michigan Christian Advocate. The main purpose of the contest is to focus attention upon the vital realities of the Christian faith. Any friend or member of the Methodist Church residing in Michigan may enter. The deadline for the essays, which are limited to 100 words, is April 1. All entries are to be taken to Lane Hall. The "Nature and Existence of God" from the Catholic view point will be presented by Dr. Paul H. Furfey in a lecture at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre.! Dr. Furfey, a member of the facul- ty of the Catholic University has been Dr. Fur fey ENGINEERS,, We have just received a large shipment of LogLogDuplex Decitrig SLIDE RULES CALL AT ONCE FOR YOUR RESERVATION WAHRESE. .316 SOUTH STATE STREET. . World Adventurer To Give Movie Hollywood N VUs r;,: i'} l ' -, / _ , .r. .,_ ---- T - , ;i I NUJ-VUJ of batiste or satin A avid $ 3.00 Robert Friers, who thumbed his way around the world and who was Latin American correspondent for Booth Newspapers, will give a movie lecture, "Wheels over the Andes," at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Lydia Men- delsshon Theatre. Friers, who is from Saginaw, Mich., first came to the University in 1937 as a student. By the time he gradu- ated in 1940 he had made trips to Mexico and Central America, Alaska and even Europe. It was in 1939 that his roommate bet his $5 that he couldn't thumb his way around the world. With $82 in his pocket Friers tried it. He crossed to Europe on an Irish freighter and slipped into German. When he left he smuggled $2,000 worth of cameras and fled to the Balkans. To add another to his many means of travel, he rode a camel over the Arabian desert and then hiked into India. The British objected to his driving a munitons truck on the Bur- very active on various committees concerning child development and ma Road and he was deported to recreation. He has served as Chair- Singapore. man of the Committee on Camps of At this point his funds ran out, so the National Conference of Catholic he signed on an American freighter Charities and is now a member of and came home across the Pacific. the committee on Neighborhood and 'Tickets for Frier's lecture, which is Community Activities. a story of the people in Latin Amer- - - ica, can be obtained from members of the Department of Romancer_ Languages and at the box office in the League. OPA AUTHORIZES INCREASE WASHINGTON, March 6.-4')- The Office of Price Administration today authorized an increase in bi- tuminous coal prices of 40 cents per ton in District No. 5-Michigan- and 15 cents per ton in District No. 15-Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and part of Oklahoma. _ .11e JNIORS ADORE OUR I I LONGEIJNE NU-VU of hatiste lace or satin brocade 2.50 to 3.50 - 'i } z , { ; - ;, r / .' , _ - i' ' _ , t w4 f k :-.,. ., ' / :::# ::x:. . / j: i : i;i si iiiM : /3!.4'"yw.i::?ie::-:":_:. :...:::$ ,,_ I-. ';'* <;. ,S':4. !. C S; r i } Ia v . INNOCENT MERRIMENT ... a one piece sheer crepe picture of joy. You'll find this shirt waist-effect style loveable, wearable every hour of the day and nite. Con- trasting color top. Small pearl buttons across shoulders and down the front; distinctive leather belt. Alluring Spring shades. Junior sizes 9 to 15. I >:. '\/ - _ & ; \/ N ,*1~ %.. V-ETTE for the or"al figure. Batiste or lace 2.25 to 2.50 BLOUSES SUITS and DRESSES and accessories, too! Silk and wash blouses in prints, and solid colors. Long and ' \. s ?; : : ;.. I 2 t MA F a