l L _ AI-;7 l A _ _ Registration For Rushing Begins Today Rushees Must Bring Reports Of Semester Grades to Lobby Of League To Verify Eligibility Rushing registration for all eligible, second-semester freshmen and upper- classmen will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in the lobby of the League. Those who are planning to register must have their eligibility cards or their report cards with them in order to be accepted according to Jane Gra- ham, '43, Rushing Secretary. To be eligible to take part in rushing, the registrant must have a "C" average with no grade of "E" and at least 11 hours and 26 honor points, verified by a report card. Information booklets are available at registration time, but due to the recent curtailment of tiansportation facilities, a list of changes in rules have been supplemented to those set forth in the booklets. These changes affect the distribution of open-house invitations, of preference slips, and of final bids to rushees. The new rules are as follows: 1. Rushees are to pick up open- house invitations from 1 pm. to [5 p.m. Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the rushing booth in the League Lobby. 2. Rushees will find their prefer- ence slip enclosed with the open- house invitations, and they are to keep this preference slip until Fri- day, Feb. 26. 3. At this time, they are to fill in the preference slips completely and place them in the box in the Dean of Women's Office at Barbour Gym between 9 a.m. and noon on Friday, Feb. 26. 4. Rushees are to pick up invita- tions to membership between. 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27 at the rushing booth in the League. 5. Pledging will take place at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 28. Also, Miss Graham adcs the sched- ule for rushing parties, beginning with the open-house get-togethers, starting Saturday, Feb. 13. The sched- ule follows: 1. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 13th and 14th: Invitation Open- houses from 3 p.m. to,7 p.m. 2. Monday through Friday, Feb. 15th to Feb. 19th: After dinner Par- ties from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 3. Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 20th and 21st: Informal Gatherings from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. or from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 4. Monday, Feb. 22nd: no rush- ing. 5. Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 23rd and 24th: Informal Desserts from 7:30 p.m. to 10 pmm. For those who have questions, con- sult the rushing secretary at the booth in the League Lobby. The Sorority Committee of JGP willI meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the League. Volunteer Work To Be Explained At League Today An explanation of hpspital volun- teer work will be given at a mass meeting at 4:15 p.m. today in the League to all women students with the exception of first semester fresh- men. Although the meeting will be short, a brief talk will be given by a nurse from the University Hospital on the subject of nursing as an actual occu- pation. Miss Walsh, who is in charge of the volunteers at the hospital, and Miss Dahlberg of the nursing staff, will also be present. Students who sign up will be ex- pected to work either two or four hours a week during afternoons or evenings. Hours may be put in on Saturdays and Sundays also. This semester there will be a greater opportunity for working with children, as well as additional work in clinics. A unit will be organized to do work at Simpson Hospital and a. second unit will be set up at West Hospital. Last semester approximately 200 students participated in this volun- teer work and were predominately sophomores. Each of these girls aver- aged about 50 hours of work a month, and over 50 girls had a perfect atten- dance record. Bandage Unit's Reopening SetI For Thursday Starting up again this week, the surgical dressing unit will be open from 1 p.m.. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday at the League; all women stu- dents are invited to come sometime during these hours. The unit was closed the month be- fore finals in order to allow students to devote more time to their studies. Jean Whittemore, '44, publicity chair- man, pointed this out and claimed that this was all the more reason why an enthusiastic response was neces- sary at this time. She also noted that the Army is demanding more dress- ings, and that Washtenaw County had been especially asked to con- tribute. A meeting for all instructors of the surgical dressing unit will be held at 3 p.m. today in the League, The room number will be posted on the bulletin board. The houses which have been asked to turn out Thursday are Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Delta Pi, Zeta Tau Al- pha, Betsy Barbour, and zones 3, 4 and 5. Chi Omega, Helen Newberry, Delta Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, and zones 6, 7 and 8 are the houses invited to come Friday. Seniors of these houses will all be expected to be present, although wo- men in other classes are urged by the central committee to come also. Army Chauffeurettes Take Over Coeds To Take Dates Dancing Bingo Games Will Be Featured At Traditional Pay-Off Fling, Accompanied by the cries of "Bin- go!" and "Pass!" Mortar Board's tra- ditional informal Pay-Off Dance will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Fri- day in the League Ballroom. The bingo games will be held in the Kalamazoo Room, and each player must pay one defense stamp for five games, The winner of each game gets three defense stamps. Bridge tables will be set up in the Ballroom where there will also be informal dancing to a nickelodeon. Nancy Filstrup, '43, has been asked to lead in community singing. Tickets are on sale from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today and tomorrow and 3 p.m. to 6 :p.m. Friday- in the main lobby of the League. They are avail- able at any time from any member of Mortar Board. Pay-Off is a unique combination this year of tradition and a:means of adding money to the Bomber-Schol- arship. Usually a return. dance for J-Hop, it is given this year for girls who wish to return their invitations to Victory Ball. Pay-Off's central committee is composed of Dorothy Schloss, '43, music chairman; Jean Jeffreys, '43, tickets;, Janet Lewin, '43, and ;Mar-. jorie Storkan, '43, publicity; Charlotte Thompson, '43, patrons; and Lorraine Judson, '43, and Eleanor Rakestraw, '43, ballroom and equipment. Soronty Announces Election "f Officers Delta Gamma announces: the elec- tions of its new officers. They are: Jane Lindberg, '44, president; Martha Opsion, '44, .vice - president; Mary June Hastreiter, 144, secretary; Louise Whipple, '45, treasurer; Mary Ames, '44, rushing chairman; Libby Swisher, '44 pledge mistress. Five women were recently initiated: Suzanne Arnstein, '45, Akron, 0.; Charlotte Conover, '43, Palmerton, La.; Mary ; Jane Kirchgessner, '44, Qrand Rapids; Elizabeth Rgiger, '45, Detroit; Phyllis Whitten, '44, Pitts- burg. A """" A A O *1 C S On guard, you fencers, here's what you have been waiting for-ti organization of the WAA Fencing club for the first time this school yea Ruth Tarbell has planned meetings twice a week, at 4 p.m. on Monday and Wednesdays in the Fencing Room at Barbour. Ruth says she's not calling for any experts, but all those joining th club must be acquainted with the basic technique of the sport. Formatik of the club was held over until freshmen and other students had .a chan to get basic training in the fencing classes, so all those with this experien are especially invited to come out. For the first meetings instruction w: be given by Miss Marie Hartwig, and this will be followed by competiti bouts between club members. Don't forget the first meeting today! * * * * Dust off your ol' green table and push the dents out of your ping-pon balls for the House Table Tennis Tournament may begin pronto. Dormi tories, league houses and sororities are to play off their inter-house unatch before March 8, so as to enter the winner in the all-campus tournamer which will begin at that time. If you have ,donated your ping-pong table to the U.S.O., or if it is to hopeless to dust off, don't forget there are two tables at the WAB and 01 at Barbour, and equipment is furnished free at both places. To answer an questions and get things started, Marcia Sharpe will hold a meeting at 4: p.m. tomorrow at Barbour, so send a house representative. Reorganization meetings are being held this week by almost all of ti WAA clubs. Club Basketball will meet at 5 p.m. tomorrow at Barbour fe movies and demonstration of technique, and those interested are to com dressed to play., University Women's Riding Club will be in action at 1 p.m. Saturda of this week only until after rushing, when they will again resume ridin Crop and Saddle will meet at 5 p.m. for an organization session, only toda but will not meet during rushing either. Plans are being made for join tryouts between the two clubs in about two weeks, so watch out for ti notice. With a hike already planned for Saturday to Saginaw Forest, Outdoc Sports Club has a head start. Anyone interested, xmen and women, is invite to attend, and is to meet with the group at 1:30 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Shooting periods for Rifle Club members are posted in black and whi at the WAB, and will be held twice weekly for a half hour each from now o according to Doris Kimball. Anyone who hasn't signed up may make a: rangements by calling "Kim". One of those "reorganization" meetings will be held at 7:30- p.m. Thur day at Barbour for those who want to join the Dance Club. After that regi lar meetings will be twice a week at the same time and place both on Tue days and Thursdays. Now that you're settled at Michigan, freshies, and now that you hav the technique. ofwring a bluebook down cold, join one of the WAA Club for fun "and relaxation, and acquire a skill to flaunt in the boy friend's fac Rushing's going to mean a couple of busy weeks, with meetings, uni the wee hours, but we suggest a session of the famous Physical Fitne exercises for relaxation when things get smoky, exhausting, and drear Bye now. Women chauffeurs assigned to the Air Forces werther school at Grand Rapids service staff cars as well as drive them. Mrs. Jane Kingery (above) checks the oil of an army car preparatory to start- ing an eightahour stint. i Gle Club Asks Singing Students To .Join Group The Wome.'s Glee Club, rehears- ing for its wieekly broadcasts and for its appeararce March 26 at the Ma- sonic Temple in Detroit, is welcoming eligible second-semester freshmen to join its ranks, according to Bill Saw- yer, Director of the group. Freshmen, as well as upperclass- men, are invited to try out at 4 p.m. Monday or Friday, or at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Kalamazoo Room at the League. This semester Sawyer plans to add male voices to the group to rehearse for the Detroit appearance and for the broadcasts. Those who are inter- ested are asked to attend the Wednes- day rehearsals as soon as possible. The group's appearance at the Ma- sonic Temple in March represents the group's honor at having been chosen to represent the University at the annual "University Night." The weekly broadcasts will be given at 10:15 a.m. each Saturday, begin- ning Feb. 20 from the University Sta- tion WJR at Morris Hall. I I There will be a meeting at 4 p.m. Friday in the Student Pub- lications Building for all eligible freshmen interested in trying out, for the Daily women's staff. All sophomores and juniors who are interested are also invited to at- tend. First Ruthven Tea Of New Semester To Be Given Today The first Ruthven JTea of the new semester will take place from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. this afternoon in the Ruthven home. The student chairmen of the tea are Peg Applegate, '44, and Marian Luhrs, '44, assisted by Miss Sarah 'Rowe and Mrs. Harriman, who will pour from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Stewart, pourers from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Agnes Johnson, '45; Martha Kinsey, '45; Glenn McDaniel, '45; and Rita Jaski '44, will be in charge of the dining room. The guests especially invited are the residents of Martha Cook Building, Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Gamma, and Lloyd and Wil- liams houses. Groups 1 and 3 of the Social Com- mittee will serve in the living room from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and groups 2 and 4, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 Staff Welcomes Four New Members As Term Begins Ii 4 Assembly Board will meet a p.m. today in the Undergradu Office of the League. , .'. ', ' , r _<, ' is .. .. _ , .. of USED TEXTS it 5 late Cie 0 i e Four sophomore tryouts have been appointed to the positions of junior night editors on the Women's Staff of The Daily beginning this semester. These new editors, two of whom take over their jobs in the second semester of their sophomore years in academic life are Beatrice Bouchard, '44; Carol Cothran, '44; Charlotte Haas, '45, and Marjorie Hall, '45. Miss Bouchard, a resident of Ann Arbor, is rushing chairman of Col- legiate Sorosis and has worked on League projects. From Detroit, Miss Cothran is a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Athena Society, the Women's Glee Club, and has worked on Freshman Project. Miss Haas is from Monroe and is affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta. She was on the central committee for. Freshman Project and has worked on Sophomore Project and other League committees. Miss Hall, of Tonawanda, N.Y., .is a resident of Martha Cook Building. She was president of Jordan Hall and is a member of Choral Union and the Women's Glee Club. Miss Hall has worked on various League commit- tees and is a member of several WAA clubs. J A COBSO-N ACCESSORIES it For Every Course on Campus ... 1 I -the &twa j covetedqift for St. Valentine Day or for Gny other occasion that demands an expression of love, thought- fulness or appreciation. Anklets. . . *.*.. . . . . 50c to1.50 Belle Shcrmeer Hosiery . . 1.00to1.50 Lingerie.. . . . . . . 2.25 to 19.95 Housecoats and Negligees. . . 5.95 to 19.95 Perfumes and Eau de Colognes . 1.00 to 15.00 Costume ewelry . . 1.00 to 29.95 Handbags. . . . . 3.00 to 29.95 I I I, ICASH or TRADE I I i I i I New under-arm, , Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration III 1. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. Does not irritate skin. 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. . 4. A pure, white, greaseless, V I, I 1 I Fabric Gloves . . V V V V * I 1.00 to 3.00 Leather G Neckwear Iloves 4 " 3.50 to6.50 It pays to deal at S . . . . . . . 1 .00 to 3.00 NnnAL-inr'rh AfC sir- fr) n I I I I I ll rrt~ UIruI ) . . . . . ,--- m.