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March 07, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-07

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Red Cross Drive



With $53,000 Goal
Campus Will Be Canvassed by Union
Committee Led by Bunny Crawford
To Raise $1,000 for County Fund

A Red Cross membership drive in
which every man on campus will be
contacted will be opened Tuesday for
a ten day campaign in order to raise
$1,000 pledged to the county quota
of $53,000.
Every dormitory, fraternity and
cooperative will be covered in this
period, and all men will be asked to
buy a dollar membership in the Red
Cross. Tie campaign will, be cen-
tered in the Michigan Union under
a committee headed by Bunny Craw-
ford, '44.
The progress of the campaign will
be tabulated in the Union by means
of a large graph on which the num-
ber of contributions by the various
houses will be marked. Each house's
participation will be figured on a
percentage basis, so full credit will be
given to those who deserve it.
Crawford will be.assisted by a com-
mittee of ten. The members of this
body are Frank Arams, John Clip-
pert, Tom Coulter, Robert Gaukler,
Dick Kelly, Ed Ladd, Allen Mayerson,
Lewis Sappington, George Walsh and
Fred Watson.
"It is the duty of every man on
campus," Crawford said, "to realize
the immediate importance of con-
tributing to this current Red Cross
drive. It is obvious the good work
that this organization has already
done, and it is up to every man to do
his individual part in seeing that this
work will be carried on even more
intensively than it is now."
Turn to Page 3, Col. 5
Ration Board
Perm its Sale
Of Su rlsfood
Fraternities, sororities and cooper-
atives, caught with full larders by
rigid food rationing, will be allowed
to sell surplus stocks of processed
foods, the Detroit Rationing Board
ruled yesterday.
Like retail grocers, houses selling
food must secure from the purchaser
the required number of No. 2 stamps
for each item sold, according to Earl
Fitzgerald, senior rationing officer
in Detroit.
Not until these stamps are taken
to the branch office of the local ra-
tion board for cancellation will de-
ductions be made from the frozen
inventory figure charged against the
house, Fitzgerald. said.
This office is located in the old
Chamber of Commerce Building, cor-
ner of Ann and Fourth Avenue.
Houses yesterday were asked to
revise their inventories of processed
foods on a new three-division point-
pound scale, as listed in yesterday's
Coupons deducted from the No. 2
books of the nearly 75 campus house
groups on the new rationing basis
never will exceed24 points per month
per person according to Assistant
Dean of Students Walter B. Rea,
whose office handles campus group
rationing. Forty-eight points is each
individual monthly allotment.
Processing of books at the local
rationing board probably will take
some time while stamp deductions
are made, Dean Rea said.

New Orders
To Induct 25
More ERC's
Advanced ROTC Corps
Not Included in Order
Received by War Board
Twenty-five more Enlisted Reserve
Corps men were ordered yesterday to
report for active duty on March 16,
bringing the total number of enlisted
reservists to leave the University
under Army orders to 102.
The men comprised the third group
to leave the University this week as
the Army notifed the Corps to report
to active duty at Fort Custer, Fort
Sheridan, Ill., Camp Grant, Ill., or
Scott Field, Ill.
Among the orders received by the
University War Board Friday were
notices for two men in the advanced
corps of the ROTC which is in a sep-
arate category. The worried students
immediately appealed to the ROTC
for clarification of their status.
Commenting on the two orders, Col.
William A. Ganoe, ROTChcommon-
dant, said yesterday that the notices
were apparently a "clerical mistake"
since contrary orders previously had
been received from Washington.
Colonel Ganoe said that the ROTC
here had communicated with the
Sixth Service Command and that he
was sure thatthe mistake would be
cleared up.
Students Fight
March Blizzard
Unexpected Ann Arbor snow and
wild and woolly March winds made
the campus the center of a minia-
ture blizzard yesterday as the weath-
erman reported over 3 inches of
''snow flurries.''
But after almost 24 hours of being
hit in the face by stinging, wind-
driven snow, students were prepared
to call the report of flurries a mag-
nificent understatement.
The University Observatory said
last night this latest snowfall will
help to make the winter of 194243
one of the snowiest in years.
Quentin Roosevelt
Wounded in Tunisia
ARMY IN TUNISIA, Feb. 22. (De-
layed)-(AP)-Lieut. Quentin Roose-
velt, 25 years old, of Oyster Bay,
N.Y., son 'of Brig.-Gen. Theodore
Roosevelt, has been wounded in ac-
tion on the Tunisian front.
Young Roosevelt, a forward ob-
server and liaison officer for an ar-
tillery unit and grandson of the late
ex-President Theodore Roosevelt,
was struck in back either by a ma-
chine gun bullet from a strafing
plane or by a fragment of anti-air-
craft shell.

Coeds Will
Get New
War Plan;
Trysts, Questionnaires
To Deternine Ability
F or Appropriate Field
Michigan coeds will be offered be-
fore the end of this semester a great-
ly expanded war program based on a
series of aptitude tests and student
questionnaires, Clark Tibbitts, difec-
tor of the University War Board an-
nounced yesterday.
Plans for the tests and the coun-
seling which will follow them were
submitted to the University War
Board recently by the League Coun-
cil and the Women's House Presi-
dents' Association.
Coeds To Get Questionnaires
As the first step in the expanded
program, every coed will receive a
War Board questionnaire within the
next ten days to determine the num-
ber of women who will attend the
University's Summer Term or other
plans women may have.
Individual aptitude tests will be
given all persons attending the Uni-
versity as soon as the War Board
works out details. Individual apti-
tude counseling will be given coeds to
determine how their abilities may be
best fitted to the war effort.
Results of the tests and counseling
are expected to aid the University in
mapping out a comprehensive wo-
men's war program, composed of
courses for which there will be wide
Tibbitts' Statement
Commenting on the League Coun-
cil's action in suggesting 'the plan,
Tibbitts said yesterday:
"It is obvious from the recent ac-
tion of women students that they are
thinking seriously about the most
effective contributions they can make
at the present time. They may be
assured that the University War
Board and the several instructional
units within the University will do
everything in their power to help
prepare women students for war ser-
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women,
speaking about the forthcoming
questionnaire on summer attendance,
said yesterday:
Women Should Hasten Graduation
"Women students who are prepar-
ing themselves to take their place in
meeting the shortages of trained per-
sonnel are . . . urged to accelerate
their college work and to hasten their
graduation in recognition that the
country's need for them has become
very urgent.
"Any able-bodied college student
who is doing good work will be serv-
ing her country best by a program of
Germans Mass
Fleet in North
WASHINGTON, March 6.-(/P)-
London reports of a powerful German
warship concentration in the vicinity
of Trondheim, Norway, were given
considerable credence in -American
naval quarters today. Speculation
centered on the possibility that the
Nazi high command plans a surface
campaign as well as an undersea of-
fensive against supply lines to Britain
and Russia this spring.
Allied sea power might have to be
realigned, should the Germans suc-
ceed in making even the preliminary
moves for such a campaign by getting

their battleships and other surface
units out of the Norwegian Fjords
and into the fog-shrouded waters of
the Greenland and Barents seas.



.S. Navy Bombards Vila, Munda,

Rommel Strikes at Eighth Army

Nazi Marshal
Strikes Back
Frot Mareth

By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, March 6.- Mar-
shal Erwin Rommel's Axis forces
lashed out savagely at the British
8th Army at dawn today in an offen-
sive against Gen. Sir Bernard Mont-
gomery for the first time since the
battle of El Alamein in Egypt.
After the loss of 21 tanks in the
early stages of the fighting the Axis
army which Rommel had brought
2,000 miles across Libya, in retreat,
struck back and pressed its attack.
The 21 German tanks were
knocked out without loss to the Brit-
Rommel's tanks and infantry at-
tack was described as "in consider-
able strength" and early reports indi-
cated that fierce fighting was con-
Apparently gambling with the idea
that he could deal Montgomery a
blow similar to the one he handed
the Anglo-American First Army two
weeks ago, the Nazi Field Marshal
set his forces in action across the
waste lands in front of the Mareth
He was aided by the fact that the
old French-built line was designed
not so much as a holding position but
one from which counterattacks could
be launched.
It is apparent that Rommel was
slowly being caged up into the Tuni-
sian bridgehead between the French
and the British 8th Armies and de-
cid his best chance to forestall defeat
and gain time wasto strike first.
His first blow in the north had
pushed American troops out of most
of southern Tunisia, protecting his
flank until the Americans rallied at
Kasserine Pass and inflicted losses
so heavy he had to retire.
Madame Chiang
Visits Wellesley
WELLESLEY, Mass., March 6.-(3)
-As the First Lady of China, but ex-
cited as a school girl, Mei-Ling Song
came back today to give her alma
mater the biggest week-end of its
New England women's college exist-
Now, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek,
wife of the Chinese Generalissmo, she
halted her limousine near the end of
a 40-minute ride from BostoN's South
Station in order to look at the house
where she lived as a freshman.
She commented that it appeared to
be more painted.
The honor graduate of the Class of
1917 then went on the Wellesley
Towers where she lived as a senior.
Find Campus
Still Staunch
The war has hit the Michigan cam-
pus but it hasn't knocked it down.
Although the women will not be
able to get any more eyelash curlers,
there will still be enough combs to
keep their hair from being unkempt.
The men may be unable to get more
shaving lotion, but they won't have
to grow beards for lack of razors.
A survey yesterday of campus
stores revealed that actually the
commodities shortage is not as bad
as local rumor would have one be-
lieve. Although many items now in
use are made of substitute materials
there is still enough to go around.
The 'ten o'clock scholar' may soon
be able to get to his eight o'clock on
time. A State Street drug store re-

ports that they are awaiting a ship-
ment of pasteboard covered alarm
Milady can still get lipstick, but
the varieto nf shade ha:: heen re-



Scene of Rorm l's Countera ttack
A LGR A FE NA o ozD...............:..
Chott O erId o' , -BEN
(1) indicates location of Nazi Field Marshal Rommel's forces in
action along old French-built Mareth line.

No America II
Shps Lost
Battle 'Norih
Of S01Ilon sii

Thinclads Win Crown;
Mermen Bow to OSU


Special to The Daily
CHICAGO, Ill., March 6.- Michi-
gan's rampaging Wolverines ruled
the indoor Conference track meet
after smashing triumphs here tonight,
over Wisconsin, with a total of 531/2
points to 371/2 for the Badgers.
It was Michigan all the way from
the opening mile run to the closing
event. Wolverines grabbed five firsts
in regaining the Conference crown
from Ohio State which placed fourth
behind Illinois. Indiana was a poor
Fighting Spirit Shows
Coach Ken Doherty's Maize and
Blue cinder squad showed plenty of
team spirit which was a deciding fac-
tor in the one sided victory. The
ability of the Wolverines to place two.
and three men in many events
clinched the Conference triumphs.
It was Doherty's second Conference
title since coming to Michigan.
Ross Hume, sensational Michigan
sophomore, heralded a one sided vic-
tory as he triumphed over Capt.
Matthews in the mile race in 4:19.7.
Both Hume and Matthews laid back
for five laps before making bids in a
10 man field. Matthews forged to
the front and held the lead until the
last 25 feet when Hume burst ahead
and took him 10 feet from the tape.
Illinois' Clarence Dunn was 5 feet,
back in third place. Judge of Indi-
ana and Illinois' Seib., who was the
pre-melt favorite, trailed in fourth
and fifth place.
Sophomore Comes Through
Another Wolverine sophomore
flash, long striding Roxborough,
showed heels to the 880 field in the
fast time of 1:55.5. Illinois' Kelley
edged out Ray Pohland of Minnesota
for second with Buckeye John Owens
beating Ross Hume for fourth. Ufer
and Matthews both showed the ef-.
fects of earlier efforts and finished
out of running.
Roxborough ran a perfect race, his
first in Big Ten competition. He
laid back until the front stretch of
the third lap when he breezed by
Pohland to take the lead. He boosted
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1

- Special to The Daily
fEVANSTON, Ill., March 6.-It was
just too much to ask for Coach Matt
Mann's Wolverine swimming team to
catch up with the thirteen point ad-
vantage amassed by Ohio State on
Friday night and the Big Ten swim-
ming titlp went out of Michigan
hands for the first time in five years
to the great team from Columbus last
The final margin of victory was
five points, 66-61.
Minnesota was far back in third
place with 14 markers, followed by
Iowa with 11, Indiana and Purdue
with 8 and Northwestern with 4
One more Big Ten record was
smashed in the second night's races,
that in the 440-yard freestyle, bring-
ing the total of outdated Conference
marks to four.
The first event, the 100-yard free-
style, started the Wolverines on the
road toward gaining back some of
those thirteen points when Michigan
mermen finished one-two. Captain
Patten finished in 52.7 just al shade
ahead of Church, a hairbreadth de-
cision went to Ernie Vogel of Indiana
over Captain Mark Follansbee of
Turn to Page 6, Col. 5
Michigan Student
Dies in 'U' Hospital
George H. Hildebrant, '43E, of
Hamburg, New York, died at 2 p.m.
yesterday in the University hospital
from complications set in from an
"George couldn't do much because
he worked his way through school,"
fraternity brothers said yesterday
when asked his activities. He was a
member of the Phi Delta Theta fra-
ternity and president of the house
this summer and fall. %
He was a member of the football
team for three consecutive years, and
this year he acted as PEM instructor.
The body will be taken to his home
as soon as possible by two fraternity
brothers. 'Ihe funeral will be held

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 6. - A
Navy task force stabbing into the
outer limits of the Japanese defense
zone in the South Pacific bombarded
shore installations at Vila and Munda
in the Solomon Islands Friday night,
the Navy reported today, and sank
two large enemy destroyers which
tried to interfere.
The destroyers were units of a
squadron of light Japanese surface
forces which a Navy communique
said "attempted to drive off our bom-
bardment group." A battle resulted.
No United States ships, were lost.
The encounter was the first sur-
face action to develop so far north
in the Solomons archipelago. Minda
and Vila, w lich are close together,
art about 180 nautical miles north-
west of Guadalcanal. There are sev-
eral flying fields in the Munda area
but darkness saved the American
ships, officially described as "light
surface units," from air attack.
The communique also reported the
successful accomplishment of a "con-
voy mission" in the South Pacific
despite the fact that the escorting
task force was attacked by seven
Japanese torpedo planes. Five of
the Jap planes were shot down and
not a ship was damaged. The action
occurred Feb. 17. Tokyo had claimed
that it resulted in the sinking of two
American destroyers and -one large
Russians Take
30 More ownS
Rzhev-Smolensk Drive
Nets Railroad Station
MOSCOW, March 6.-(UP)-Russian
shock troops, sweeping the Germans
from the Rzev-Smolensk salient, cap-
tured 30 more towns during the night
and morning, including the railway
station of Osuga, 17 miles south of
Rzhev and 53 miles north of the Ger-
man base at Vyazma.
Continued successes were reported
along the 50-mile front west of Khar-
kov and Kursk where the Russians
are driving toward Kiev and the
Dnieper River line.
The noon communique reporting
the advances in the Rzhev, Kharkov
and Sevsk sectors listed upwards of
1,800 Germans killed in the wide-
spread fighting.
Even in the muddy Donets basin
where the Red Army push has been
stalled, the Russians said they fell
upon the German rear southwest of
Voroshilovgrad, wiping out a com-
pany of 250 Nazis.
The German communique said
Marshal Timoshenko's northwestern
front offensive was bearing down on
Staraya Russ and to the south. In
the Kuban around Novorossisk, a
Russian attempt to outflank the Ger-
mans was reported repulsed ond the
communique said two Russian divi-
sions were wiped out and others were
mauled severely.
Allies Ilomb.Km pp
Armament Wrks
LONDON, March 6.-GP)-Several
square miles of Essen, home of the
great Krupp armament works, were
fired with angry, bright flames last
night by British and Canadian bomb-
ers carrying the Allied aerial offen-
sive against the Germans through
the tenth successive night.
Grimy Canadian pilots returning
from the "very heavy and concen-
trated" assault on, the enormous ar-
senals which employ 175,000 muni-
tions makers reported one "colossal
explosion" which lit the whole target
area and sent flames leaping up
hundreds of feet. They said they must

have hit a powder factory or an am-
munition storehouse in the Krupp

Engine School Needs Better Facilities

Citing deficient facilities in the Col-
lege of Engineering, Dean Ivan C.
Crawford asked for more adequate
space and equipment for war train-
ing in the annual President's Report
of the University released yesterday.
The President's Report, prepared
each year as a complete statement of
of the operations of the University,
was submitted by President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven to the Board of Re-
Dr. Ruthven prefaced the Report
reviewing the role of the University
in the war effort and deals mainly

early date if it is to be continued in
service for instructional and research
"Work on a new valent system is
in process," Prof. Arnold Kuethe,
head of the department, said yester-
The chemical engineering depart-
ment cited "an immediate need for
laboratory, lecture room, and draft-
ing room space, totaling 4,400 square
feet." In the past year this space
has not been provided.
Declaring that "the department
has been handicapped in training
electrical engineers and technicians

United States Navy in the training of
personnel for Diesel engine opera-;
Dean Crawford cited the "priority
situation" as the cause for these de-
ficiencies in the college.
"The demand made upon the
College for the assistance in war
effort and comparison with other
colleges of our standing demon-
strates very clearly the fact that in
recent years this college has been
slowly and steadily losing its posi-
tion of national leadership," he
In commenting upon the social

Former 'M' Men Win Honor,
Fame in Military Exploits

To the armed forces "destination
unknown" have gone approximately
10,000 former University students and
161 faculty men.
The cold, impersonal file in the
Alumni Catalog Office lists 43 of
these former Michigan men "killed in
service," records the admirable pro-
motions within the ranks, and re-

Lt. George Ham Cannon, '38E, died
at Midway Island.
There is the incredible story of
Lt. Rodman Dexter Burley, enrolled
in 1940-41, whose plane was forced
down in Axis-held territory. He was
seized by the enemy in Tripoli and
imprisoned in the torpedo room of
an Italian submarine. The sub en
route to Italy was depth-bombed and

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