PAGE 7OtLb THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1943 DELIVERING THE GOODS: American Supplies Aiding Russia (Continued from Page 1) below-zero temperatures, and sev- eral feet of snow. But each morn- ing, when the telegrams were ready to go, so was the car. American tanks are less notice- able to the Russian people, since they are assembled deep in the rear and sent directly to the front. I have visited an assembly point, however, and seen hundreds of medium and light tanks, ready to go into action. The first M-3 models, with a riveted frame and fixed cannon, proved less effective than the welded types and mobile turret, but since then, more modern ma- chines have been delivered. The Russians still prefer their heavy KV, medius T-34 and light T-60 tanks for major combat. They used these principally in their southern offensives this winter, but American tanks, as well as the British Mathildas and Valentines, are doing service on other fronts. American fighters, the Toma- hawk, Kittyhawk and Airacobra, are defending some of the most important points of the Soviet Union, including Moscow, Lenin- grad and Murmansk. Crack pilots, many of them wearers of the high- est decoration, hero of the Soviet Union, are flying them- Unani- mously, they like them. All these, too, I have seen at air- ports outside Moscow. They have -. Now, more than ever, it is important that you buy nationally advertised shoes ... shoes with a reputation for quality and value. A a _. _L. had little to do there recently, for the Germans have not raided the capital since last April 5. That, in itself, is a strong recommendation of their efficiency. American attack bombers have not been on public display, but they are reliably reported to have been used effectively during the defense of Stalingrad and the Red Army counter-offensive. It may be a prod to American pride to note that the Russians believe they have fighters, as well as tanks, superior to anything we have delivered to the Soviet Union. A foreign pilot, who has flown So- viet, American and British planes and who is now fighting on the Russian front, told me he agreed the Red Air Force Yak was better than anything else he had handled. In addition to the principal equipment, I have come across nu- merous other items of American supplies: field telephones with a Cossack unit, woolen blankets in a military hospital, granulated sugar in a Red Army mess, lard on the shelves of a Moscow store, all of it being given good use. .Since my return to New York, I have heard some comment that the Russians do not seem to real- ize or appreciate the extent of our effort to aid them. They do realize it, for every state- ment President Roosevelt or Prime Minister Churchill has made on this subject, complete with figures, has been reproduced in the Soviet press, and the Russians. are avid newspaper readers. Those with whom I have gone into contact have also made clear that they appreciate it.' The man behind American sup- plies to the Soviet Union is Brig.- Gen. Philip E. Faymonville, for- mier military attache and present lend-lease representative in Mos- cow. He speaks Russian fluently and is on friendly terms with the Soviet authorities, from Foreign Trade Commissar Anastas Mikoy- an, with whom he deals, on down. If he'has one main problem, it is to give the Russians more of the same. HTffjhl7 its On Campus... Members of the armed forces at the University will now be admitted to the Union Membership Dances for only half price. This new step was approved by a resolution of the Board of Direc- tors of the Union yesterday when they voted that "all service person- nel on campus will be admitted to the Union Membership Dances for 55 cents." Hostel Trip Today Brave bicyclers will wend their way to Saline Valley Farms on a week-end hostel trip starting today and spon- sored by the Outdoor Sports Club. All men and women attending are to meet at 1:30 p.m. today in front of Hill Auditorium for the trip out to the ljostel. They are urged to bring an extra blanket, by Dan Saul- son, '44 and Dorothy Lundstrom, '45, co-chairmen of the event. The party will stay overnight at the hostel, where meals will be served and entertainment in the form of square dancing and singing will be offered. There will be a small charge for food and the overnight privilege. * * ., Hillel Sponsors Dance The first of a series of dances sponsored by the Hillel Foundation with different women's league houses and sororities acting as hos- tesses will be from 9 to 12 tonight at the Foundation. The house acting as hostess this week is 1010 E. Ann. These dances' are for the benefit of the students and soldiers stationed here. There is no admission charge. Refreshments will be served. Dr. Kraus To Lecture On Current War Topic "National Socialism and Fas- cism," a lecture on current problems and policies, will be given by Dr. Wolfgang Kraus, of the political sci- ence department, at 5 p.m., Monday, in the East Lecture Hall in the Rack- ham Building. Women Urged To Contribute To Blood Bank All sorority house presidents are reminded by Virginia Morse, '43, president of Panhellenic, to turn in their lists of members who are quali- fied to donate blood by noon today at the League. The lists represent a drive, backed by Panhellenic, to obtain more con- tributions from sorority women to the Blood Bank, and the days when the donations will be received are Friday and Saturday of next week. Donors must have received from Health Service a slip verifying their ability to give blood, and all those persons under 21 must have the written consent of their parents. Unaffiliated, as well as affiliated women, who meet these qualifica- tions should call at Miss MacCor- mick's office in the League to make an appointment for donating blood on the specified days. Furfey To Give Talk Tuesday Second SRA Lecture To Tell Catholic View Presenting the Catholic viewpoint concerning the "Nature and Exis- tence of God," Dr. Paul H. Furfey will give the second in a series of lec- tures on this subject, to be held at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Furfey, who is acting head of the Department of Sociology at the Catholic University, is Co-prdinator of the Catholic University of America Center for Research in Chil*Devel- opment. He is also a member of the National Committee for Mental Hy- giene and of the Advisory Committee of the Motion Picture Research Council. The series, which is sponsored by the Student Religious Association, was opened by Dr. Mordecai Kaplan of Columbia University who discussed the Jewish point of view. NO For Campus yAE~i D For Street For Sport Every house in Ann Arbor will be canvassed this month in an intensive search for new housing facilities for war workers, the Civilian Defense Council announced yesterday, Washtenaw County towns of Ypsi- lanti and Saline will join in the cam- paign, according to present plans, and urban as well as city housing facilities will be sought out. Plans for the Washtenaw survey will be worked out here at 8 p.m. Wednesday in a meeting at the Arm- ory, Frank P. Walsh, state defense council housing director, indicated last night. Local Defense Council Seeking Better Housing for War Workers State Federala Housing Authority Director Raymond H. Foley will ap- praise the county's housing situation and will outline plans for the can- vass. Officials said the survey will have two aims: to list all available hous- ing space in the county, and induce householders to rent space to war workers. Mrs. Theophile Raphael, head of the civilian war service division of the Washtenaw Defense Council, will have charge of the Ann Arbor canvass. If You're Partial to the Navy!. , { '' _; L- U GnfAL}e J0 0L~to _, 5,95 'f0"tivn+kv.M'.v..rt,,,aawq;.. ,..avw+,t~ ,waae74 ^%KKri°°"'"r"""' . . ,}, 1 e } CELESTIAL AVIGATION: New Program To Train Pilots To Fly Scientifically by Stars IN r w yu"" A favorite with smart women! Striki pumps, with tailored bows and "wall 3 toes!" High or midway heesl Jd!C0L4S n~l - ng ed "Celestial avigation" a new ex- tra-curricular course now being of- fered on campus, will train 21l local civilian afir pilots to fly scientifically by the stars. Taught by Dr. W. Carl Rufus, act- ing chairman of the Department of Astronomy, this course will apply the principles of navigation to flying. Of a highly technical nature, "celestial avigation" instructs pilots in the use of a rare and valuable instrument called the "bubble sextant." "The only way to find one's posi- tion on the earth-independently, is by observation of celestial bodies," said Dr. Rufus. "This method is par- ticularly useful on long-flight trips, in night flying, and on bombing expe- ditions. By training pilots in the use '" ~i IiI The Smart Trend Is To Zwerdling's SINCE 1904 IQ Q Unquestionably this is the best time to buy one of our luxurious Fur Coats! Sable Blended Muskrat, Deep Black Persian Lamb, Natural and Tipped Skunk, Genuine Alaskan Seal, Mink - - And all other furs Every one is worthy of Zwerdling's label-a label that, over decades, has meant genuine value and the highest quality. of the bubble sextant we have shown them one of the shortest and easiest ways to determine their position on the earth's surface." The instrument itself is small and delicate, and will fit inside a case not quite as large as a portable radio. Technically, said Dr. Rufus, it should be called an "aeronautical octant." Its name comes from the bubble which, when focused on a celestial object, enables the pilot to determine his latitudinal and longitudinal posi- tion within ten minutes by the aid of charts and a special timepiece. Approved by the University War Board and Dean Edward H. Kraus of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, this course will continue for about eight weeks. Nearly all of the members enrolled in the course are experienced pilots; some have earned their living for years by flying. One man is a com- mercial pilot who has had 8,500 hours in the air. Two other students are test pilots from Willow Run. Six are women who have secured their pilots' licenses. Mrs. W. Carl Rufus, known as 'flying grandma' has done transcontinental flying. She is also enrolled in the course. The class meets at 8:30 p.m. every Monday in the' observatory. WAB Bowling Rates Reduced Men and women students are now invited to bowl at the WAB bowling alleys for just half the former price. . Promising good service, members of the WAA Board will set up pins and run the alleys in general to meet a labor shortage. The alleys will be open for play from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every week day. Week-end bowlers will find the alleys available from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Non-students will have the privilege of the new reduced price, also. Houses To Give Parties Informal parties will be given from 9 p.m. to midnight today at the chapter houses of the following orga- nizations: Acacia fraternity, Phi Chi, Zeta Beta Tau, Delta Upsilon and Robert Owen Co-op House. COMEf TO FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St., Wednesday evening service at 8:00 Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Man." Sunday Schoolat 11:45 Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every day except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. William P. Lemon, DD., Willard v. Lampe, Ministers Mark W. Bills. Director of Music Franklin Mitchell, Organist 9:30 a.m. Church School meets in all departments. Classes for all ages. University Student Class under the direction of Messrs. Malan and Lampe. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. "Clues for our Day," ser- mon by Dr. Lemon. 10:45 a.m. Nursery during the hour of Morning Worship. 4:00 p.m. Tuxis Social. Hour and Business Meeting. The final discussion on the "Liquor Question" will be led by Joe Laird. 6:00 p.m. Westminster Student Guild supper followed at 7 o'clock by a discussion of "Hemisphere Neighbors." FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 S. State St. Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G. Dunlop Music: Hardin van Deursen, director; Mary McCall Stubbins, organist 9:30 a.m. Class for University Students. Wesley Foun- dation Lounge. Prof. G. E. iarrothers, leader. 10:40 a.m. Church School for Nursery, Beginners and Primary Departments where young children may be left during whorship service. 10:40 a.m. Worship Service. This is "Dedication Day" in the 43,000 Methodist Churches throughout the land. Dr. Brashares will talk on that subject. 5:30 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Fellowship Hour and Supper in the Lounge. 5:15 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for University Stu- dents. Dr. Brashares will speak on "Sovereignty of the Self." 7:00 p.m. Newly-Weds Discussion Group meets in Parlors. 7:30 p.m. Choral Evensong. Charles Matheson, tenor, guest soloist. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and Williams Streets Rev. Leonard A. Parr, D.D., Minister Arnold Blackburn, Director of Music Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Director of Congregational- Disciples Guilds 9:30 a.m. Junior and Intermediate Departments Church School 10:30 a.m. The Primary and Kindergarten Departments Church School. 10:45 a.m. Service of Public Worship. Dr. Parr's subject will be "Open Windows." EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor for Students Sunday at 11:00. Divine Service in the Chapel of the Michigan League. Sermon by the pastor, "Media- tion Between God and Man." Sunday at 6:00. Supper Meeting of the Lutheran Stu- dent Club, Gamma Delta, at 1337 Wilmot (off Wash- tenaw at Forest), followed by discussion and fellow- ship. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH E. Washington and S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service. Sermon by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, "Arrested by the Cry of Need." TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH E. William St. and S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 a.m. Church Worship Service. Sermon by Rev. H. O. Yoder, "Self Sacrificing Love-A Spiritual Law of Life." LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION MEETING Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. 5:30 p.m. Social and fellowship hour 6:00 p.m. Supper with program following. Discussion, "Christians in Crises." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 E. Huron St. Rev. C. H. Loucks, minister Mrs. Geil Orcutt, associate student counselor 10:00 a.m. The Roger Williams Class will meet in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron St., to study the Epistle to the Hebrews. The Graduate Class will meet to discuss "What Can We Believe about the Church," in the Church. 11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship. The Rev. Joseph Robbins, President of the Northern Baptist Conven- tion will preach. 7:00 p.m. The regular forum meeting of the Roger Williams Guild will be held at the Guild House. Dr. Robbins will be the speaker. ST ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church-306 N. Division St. Harris Hall-State and Huron Sts. The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate The Rev. Robert M: Muir, Curate George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Junior Church 11:00 a.m. The Order of Confirmation. Sermon by the Rt. Rev. Frank W. Creighton, S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan. 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong and Commentary by Air. Dahl. FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (at Harris Hall) 11 7 1INN / Just completed a fine selection Spring Neckwear and Fur Collars. of II 1til III IN. engineers has it fiaaered IIII