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March 04, 1943 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-04

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Brazilian Artist
To Give Choral
Union Concert
Mme. Guiomar Novaes
To Appear Tomorrow
In Ninth of Series
Renowned representative of the
muscalart of one of our neighbor
republics, Guiomar Novaes, famous
Brazilian pianist, will present the
ninth concert in the current Choral
Union series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
Mme. Novaes will open her pro-
gram with the "Toccata in D major"
of Each. This will be followed by the
"Preludes, Op. 28" of Chopin. After
intermission, Mme. Novaes will pre-
sent the "Prelude, Choral and Fugue"
by Franck; "The Three Mary Stars"
by Villa-Lobos; "Feux Follets" by
Philipp; "En Auto" by Poulenc and
"Triana" by Albeniz.
Born in Sao Joao da Boa Vista,
Brazil, Mme. Novaes began to study
with Professor Chiaffarelli at five
and at seven years made her first
public appearance, followed by a tour.
Her debut, which was marked by a
triumphant tour of Europe, was made
when she was sixteen.
After a visit to her home in Brazil,
me. Novaes was on the point of re-
turning to Europe, but she came to
America instead. Her success in this
country was a real and lasting one.
She has long been an earnest advo-
cate of better understanding and in-
creased exchange between the Ameri-
Irving Koloding in commenting on
her interpretation of two of the num-
,ers she will play here has said,
"Mme. Novaes' Bach was a reflection
of her own joy in solving the tech-
nical problems posed by the compo-
ser, marked by infinite gradations of
tone and dynamics.
Dominie Says'
Will Apperi
i Army Magazine
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor In religious education, will con-
tribute three of his "Dominie Says"
columns to a new religious magazine
to be sent to all American service
Called The Link, this magazine
features short stories, editorials, poe-
try, special discussion, guides to daily
worship, and pictures. The maga-
zine is so named because it is to act
as a link between the .chaplain and
the service man, between the home
church and the man in service and
between the men themselves.
The sponsoring agencies are the
general commission on Army and
Navy chaplains, the Federal Council
of Churches of Christ in America, the
International Council of Religious
Education, and the World's Christian
Endeavor Union.

Noted Pianist Will Play Tomorrow



Twining Brothers Rank High
In Three Branches of Service

March 3.- (YP)- Major General Na-
than F. Twining, commander of an
air force now battling in the Pacific,
first smelled gunpowder when he was
three years old. It was an accident
that nearly cost the life of one of
his five brothers.
Relatives recalled the incident up-
on learning of the General's rescue
from the Coral Sea after his heavy
bomber had been forced down in a
storm Jan. 26. He and 14 others
were adrift in rubber boats six nights
and five days.
The Twinings-the father was a
Monroe banker-were vacationing at
the Wisconsin Dells 41 years ago
when Nathan and his six-year-old
brother, Robert, sought amusement
by playing soldier. -
For realism, they had a loaded rifle.
The military operations ended
abruptly with the accidental dis-
charge of the weapon. Robert was
wounded seriously and surgeons were
summoned by special train for an
operation to save his life.
Nathan Chooses Army
Despite this near-disaster, Nathan,
Robert and a younger brother, Mer-
rill, determined upon military ca-
reers. Nathan chose the Army, his
brothers the Navy. Today they rank
high in the nation's armed forces.
Nathan, namesake of his grand-
father who was captain of a Janes-
ville, Wis., company in the Civil War,
and of an uncle, Rear Admiral Na-
than C. Twining who was Vice-Ad-

miral William S. Sims' Chief of Staff
in World War , went to West Point.
He was graduated in 1918 as a field
artillery officer and went overseas too
late to see combat duty. He trans-
ferred to the air corps later and be-
came a flying officer.
At the outbreak of the present war,
Nathan was an aide to General H. H.
Arnold, Chief of the Air Corps. He
was placed in command of a newly
organized air unit last June and as-
signed to duty against the Japanese.
Served in World War I
Robert, an Annapolis man, did con-
voy duty aboard a destroyer in World
War I and was cited for sinking a
German submarine. He is a com-
mander now, attached to the Navy
Ordnance department in Washing-
Merrill was graduated from Ann-
apolis as an ensign, went back for
another year of study and then took
a commission in the Marine Corps.
A lieutenant colonel, he served on
Major General Alexander A. Vande-
grift's staff in the Marine invasion
of Guadalcanal and now is convalesc-
ing from malaria and exhaustion suf-
fered in that campaign. He is 40.
Another Twining boy, Edward, now
42, took up law, but when the current
shooting started he left his post as
Assistant U.S. Attorney at Portland,
Ore., and enlisted in the Air Corps.
He requested service under Nathan
and now is a captain in the Air Com-
bat Intelligence Corps, on duty with
Nathan's unit. When the latter's
plane went down, Edward left a hos-
pital bed to participate in the search.
The oldest brother, Joseph, entered
business and now is District Manager
of the Pacific Telephone Company
at Portland, where he has a hand in
war activity as Director of War Com-
munications in the Portland area.
The sixth brother, Clarence, also is
in business but did a two-year hitch
in the Marine Corps in the first
World War.
Hopes For Spring
Fall With Mercury
Ann Arbor's weather did it again
With' spring just around the corner,
cold winds sent thermometers dip-
ping below the zero marker early
yesterday morning and by midnight
the mercury had climbed "only
slightly." according to the weather-
When will we get spring?
The weatherman wouldn't say. The
best he could do was to promise
"steadily warmer temperature" for
the rest of the week.


RAF Sets New
Air Raid Score
Over Germany
Night and Day Flights
In February Released
10,000 Tons of Bombs
LONDON, March 4 (Thursday)-
(M)-The RAF in its ' round-the-
clock bombing offensive struck at
the Germans in Germany or occupied
territory every day in February and
on 26 of the month's 28 nights and
thus established a new record for
The official disclosures made in a
summary released early today showed
the RAF struck every day and night
in the first forthight of February and
every day and 12 nights in the sec-
ond half of the month.
Well-placed sources said the RAF
reaped at least 10,000 tons of bombs
on the Germans during the month,
or more than a 50 per cent increase
over the previous peak month.
Most of the night attacks were di-
rected against the U-boat bases and
ports of Wilhelmshaven, Bremen,
Lorient and St. Nazaire.
There also were two heavy attacks
against Nuernberg and Cologne
where Ut-boat engines and parts are
Air sources said the record was
more remarkable because February
"did not provide good bombing
School Budget
To Be Reduced
Ann Arbor schools will receive less
state aid for the 1943-44 school year
than they received in 1942-1943, Otto
W. Hasley, superintendent of schools,
anniounced yesterday.
The actual amount lost to the
schools has not yet been tabulated,
due to the increase in elementary and
high schOol enrollment, which will
bring more state aid, Haisley said.
Ann Arbor will not get as much
money as formerly, he added.
An increase in local property values
decreases the amount of state aid the
schools receive, Haisley explained,
and the fact that the equalized valu-
ation for the county has been raised
49 per cent over last year is respons-
ible for the loss of state aid.
Mixed First Aid
Course To Begin
Holding its organization meeting
at 7:15 p.m. today, a five-week first
aid course under Dr. Simon Dimitroff
will be taught to mixed classes every
Tuesday and Thursday from 7:15 to
9:15 p.m. in the Grand Rapids room
of the Michigan League.
All those interested in taking the
course mst attend today's class
meeting at the League. Upon success-
ful completion of the work students
will receive First Aid certificates from
the Red Cross.
With a charter membershi of fif-
teen people, the Ann Arbor chapter
of the Izaac Walton League of Amer-
ica was founded at a recent meeting
in the Michigan Union.

Special Theatre
Rates Offered
To Service Men
New Prices Starting
Today Effective At
All Ann Arbor Movies
A special price applying to men in
uniform of the United Nations Armed
Forces is Zn effect today at all Ann
Arbor movie theatres. At all down-
town houses, Whitney, Wuerth and
Orpheum the price for soldiers, sail-
ors and marines in uniform is 13c
plus 2c federal tax, or a total of 15c.
At the Michigan and State Theatres
the price is 22c plus 3c federal tax,
or a total of 25c. These prices are in
effect at any time of day or night,
matinee or evening.
Any man in uniform of the United
States regulars is entitled to attend
the theatres at the prices indicated
whether alone or with civilians. The
price applies only to the servicemen
and not to others not in uniform who
may be in his party. Soldier and
sailor patrons bringing wives or
sweethearts with them should ask
for one regular and one U. S. ticket
when buying tickets.
It is expected that when all the
ROTC and NROTC men in the uni-
form are inducted into the regular
service, that a considerable portion of
the attendance will be benefited by
the new price.
Professor L. G. Vander Velde, Di-
rector of the Michigan Historical
Collections at Rabkham Building, has
announced the leave of absence of
Mr. Henry D. Brown, Assistant Cura-
tor, who is now a lieutenant (j.g.) in
the Navy.

Pay -As-You-Go
Plan Will Take
Taxes for A Year
WASHINGTON. March 3.-(R)-
Rep. Carlson, (Rep.-Kas.), author of
a bill embracing the proposal by
Beardsley Ruml, New York banker,
to skip a full income tax year, said
today that Ruml plan supporters can
accept no pay-as-you-go system that
requires the collection of more than
one year's taxes within a year.
This was the answer of abate-a-
year-advocates to those legislators
who view as a possible compromise
the Canadian plan, announced last
night, to cancel 50 percent of 1942
taxes on earned personal income.
The Canadian system, which was
the Dominion's answer to a tax prob-
lem that has puzzled Washington's
best tax authorities, commanded
broad attention today on Capitol
Hill. Ottawa was requested to furnish
complete details of its plan.
Whereas Canada's system abates
half a year, Carlson announced he
would continue to work for full can-
cellation of a whole tax year.

Defense Job Shirkers
Faced with Induction
WASHINGTON, March 3.- P- Work-or-fight legislation, holding the
threat of induction over the heads of able-bodied draft-age men who shirk
their jobs in war factories, was endorsed today by Secretary of the Navy
Knox and Undersecretary of War Patterson.
They told the House Naval Committee that loss of man hours through
"absenteeism" has become serious; that it is a "growing evil" which must be
Knox suggested reports of absent-without-authorization workers go
- directly to their local boards. The

Navy Secretary argued against send-
ing "bales" of reports to Washington,
saying administration of the law
would get "all snarled up," and would
require employment of hundreds of
"Besides," he said, the local boards
are "ten times, 100 times better
equipped to handle these problems
than some fellow down here who has
never seen the persons with whom
they deal."
In pending legislation Rep. Lyndon
Johnson (Dem.-Tex.) has proposed
that the reports go from war con-
tractors to War Manpower Commis-
sion to Selective Service boards.
Patterson agreed with Knox that
the problem best could be attacked
through local or state boards. He
told the committee that the man-
power lost in one aircraft factory last
year through absenteeism would have
built 97 medium bombers.
Both Knox and Patterson stressed
continually that their remarks-and
any corrective legislation-were not
aimed at the great majority of work-
ers. "I don't think this involves the
rank and file of labor," said the
Undersecretary of War.
Knox also advanced a suggestion
to reduce absenteeism among per-
sons not subject to induction. "Hit
them in the pocketbook," he pro-
posed. "You could dock their wages.
That's where it would hurt."

Lowdown on Soviet Military Men

A _ W._

(Continued from Page 1)
says: "I am listening to you, Com-
rade Commander." As the officer
speaks, instead of "Yes, sir," he
says again, "I listen to you."
If addressed in a group, the Sovi-
et soldier acknowledges orders by
saying in unison, "We serve the
Soviet Union."
As in the United States Army,
however, formalities are dropped
in the heat of battle, or when the
men are at ease.
Just now, the Red Army man is
still wearing the winter uniform or
felt boots, sheepskin jacket and
fleece-lined hat which he donned
last November. Soon, however, he
will change it for the black boots,
khaki tunic and peaked cap of
New Uniform at Front
At each change, the front-line
soldier receives an entirely new
uniform, while the old one goes
back to men in training or reserve.
The suit, so long as he keeps it, is
his personal property.
Upon entering the Red Army,
he either contributes his civilian
clothes to the defense fund, or
sends them back to his family.
Upon being discharged, his last
uniform remains his own.
During the years it was building
the Red Army and heavy industry,
the Soviet Union cut down on con-
sumers' goods, but there is no

shortage of clothes or equipment
for the armed forces.
The Red Army man also receives
free his food, lodging and tobacco.
The mainstays of his diet are cab-
bage soup and kasha, a porridge
like oatmeal. He lives in a farm-
house, school or wherever shelter
is to be found. He usually smokes
"makhorka," a nicotine-bearing
plant grown in the Soviet Union.
Pay Is $2 per Month
The base pay for a private is 10'
rubles a month, about $2.00 at the
official exchange rate. This is
doubled if he serves in a guards
unit, so designated for particularly
effective service. The pay rises
rapidly with the rank.
Women are common at the Rus-
sian front. They wear sidearms,
and march in their own formations,
but do not go into action as such.
Some serve in combat as special-
ists, such as snipers or machine-
gunners, but most of them are
nurses, clerks or waitresses.
They live in special barracks, or
in tents for medical units.
Red Army Is Tough
On the battlefield, the Red Army
can be just as tough as they come.
If ordered to attack, he hunches
his way through snow, slush, dirt
or dust, crawling on the ground,
then rising to charge, until his ob-
jective is captured or he is killed.
If ordered to resist, he stands his
ground stubbornly.
This does not mean he is super-

human. There have been eases in
the Red Army, as in any army, of
men in the ranks wavering under
fire. The penalty, in such a case,
is immediate death. Several in--
stances have been;made known of
men who faltered or fled, and were
promptly shot by their superior'
This iron discipline is one of the'
outstanding characteristics of the
Red Army man. Another which
has impressed observers is his en-
durance. He can fight hisway fort
ward, through terrible climactic
conditions, for day after day, and
still summon physical strength for
a further effort. He stays in, the.
front line, without relief, for sev-
eral months at a stretch.
Fighting with Bayonet
His favorite method of combat
is in-fighting with the bayonet. lie
carries the long, triangular-bladed
"shtik" constantly on his rifle,
which is balanced for accurate fire
with the steel in place.
His weakest point, compared to
some other troops, is probably in
his handling of modern automatic
weapons. Army orders stress peri-
odically that he must study, learn
how to handle his weapon per-
While in reserve, he goes through
training and maneuvers which
closely resemble in action, hard-
ship and all-but danger itself the
conditions of actual battle.

mWkhiyan Iteh at War J

Announcement has been made by
the War Department of the promo-
tion to the grade of Major in the
Signal Corps of Capt. Harvey Henry
Nicholson, '34. Major Nicholson re-
ceived his B.S. degree from the Uni-
versity in 1934 and his Master's de-
gree in 1936. Prior to his entry into
the Army he was employed by the
Electric Storage Battery Company of
* * * *
Three former Michigan students
have been sent to the Army Air
Forces Pre-Flight School at Maxwell
Field, Ala., from the Nashville Army,
Air Center, Nashville, Tenn., to be-
gin the second phase of their train-
ing as pilot in the army's expanding
After nine weeks of intensive phys-
ical, military and academic instruc-
tion at Maxwell Field, they will begin

their actual flight training at one
of the primary flying schools in the
Army Air Forces Southeast Training
They are Cadet Donald Eugene
Beall, '41, Cadet William Robert Hill,
'42, and Cadet Richard Guilford Ker-
likowske, '41.
* * *
Wayne Wolfe, '43, has been sent
to Officer Candidates School at Camp
Berkeley, Tex. Wolfe won his numer-
als in golf while at the University
and was a member of Sigma Chi
* * *
Capt. Harrison Simrall, '31, recent-
ly entered the Medical Corps of the
Army Air Force base at Fresno, Calif.
He was captain of the Michigan foot-
ball team in 1930 and was a member
of Michigamua and of Phi Delta
Theta fraternity.

U Al

to buy only whadt you


h ut choose the



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t 5 , .
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Pick your Partners
Pair up with a long CASUAL JACKET and a pastel WOOL
SKIRT-they're a lucky combination! Whether together or
solo-ing, make them a must for your war-time wardrobe.
The JACKETS in navy shetland and in brown, tan and grey
British Tweed. All are 100% wool.
The SKIRTS are gored and pleated. In both pastel plaids and
solid colors. Aso jersey print dirndls.

best you can afford.

ctooe One ZJine slit
instead of several ... one that will see you through several
seasons .._. of fabric that will hold its shape ... tailored on
simple, undated lines that will be becoming for years ...
top it off with a coat to match or contrast.

z"Y/ a


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