.17 : IL. -C i r' 1ii i -. it I-) A A : L JL A'-ft 4 J.-I Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 ktPRESENTED FOR NATIONIL ADVERTJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CICAGO " BOSTON " LOS ANIGELES " SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Stafff Sohn Erlewine. . . . Managing Editor d Brmmer . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . . Sports Editor Betty Harvey . . . Women's Editor James Conant . . . . . . . Columnist Stage fright ''P~rr ' _4_7 i The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND 7 By DREW PEARSON i a 3 : . r x ' f / e ._..., Edward J. Perlberg Pred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Cuirran Jane Lindberg .. Business Staff . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager A~47 "Kitt f , -, t y. y __k . . :: ; o , . t _ Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK .editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. WASHINGTON, March 4.-It now looks as if the air cooling systems which were to be yanked out of the Senate, House of Representatives and various government departments would not be yanked out at all, and the solons could keep reasonably cool this summer. Reason for this is new WPB Pro- duction Boss Charlie Wilson, recent head of General Electric. Wilson has not changed these plans because of any special regard for the comfort of Congressmen. The change, briefly, boils down to this. The air cooling systems were needed because of their compressors, for compressors are one great bottleneck of war production today. Compressors are used in making synthetic rubber, high octane gaso- line, and other vital war materials. And before Wilson took over WPB production the ordering of com- pressors was pretty much of a mess. There was no coordination. The Navy, the Army had bid against each other. The Maritime Com- mission and Lend-Lease had bid against them. Each had gone to the best compressor companies, and factories were loaded with or- ders that would not be finished for some years. So Wilson called in all the com- pressor companies, and had them line up their orders. Then he told them to add extra shifts to their own plants and subcontract to about 300 smaller plants. Wilson talks the language of a manufacturer, not of a banker or Wall Street broker (the WPB, Army and Navy are loaded down with both). The compressor manufacturers knew that if they didn't produce, Wilson would demand their designs and set up competitors who would be in busi- ness against them after the war. That is the last thing they want. Wilson didn't have to make any threats. They understood his lan- guage. He is getting the compressors. New Nepotism Converts Most freshman Congressmen pre- fer to be seen and not heard, but there's nothing backward about them where nepotism is concerned. Here are a few of the Congressional yearlings, most of them Republicans, who are drawing extra pay checks for members of their families: Representative Alvin E. O'Kon- ski, Republican, of Wisconsin-His wife, Veronica H. O'Konski, is his secretary at $3,900 a ,year. Representative James C.rAuchin- closs, Republican, of New Jersey-- His wife, Lee Auchincloss, gets $3,200 a year. Representative Henderson Car- (1 ,1 son, Republican, of Ohio-His wife, Ella Carson, is on the payroll at $1,700 a year. Representative Norris Poulson, Republican, of California-Pays his daughter, Erna, a clerk, $1,370 a year. Representative John P. New- some, Democrat, of Alabama-His wife, Lulu H. Newsome, is on the payroll, at $1,100 a year. Representative James Gallagher, Republican, of Pennsylvania-Pays his son, James Gallagher, Jr., a clerk, $1,250 a year. Representative Thomas Gordon, Democrat, Illinois-Has a daugh- ter, Romona, on the payroll, at $1,000 a year. Note: Other stories giving the score in the game of nepotism will follow. Spanish Dagger at U.S. Here is the lowdown on the, visit of Franco's special representative, ex-Spanish Foreign Minister Beig- beder, to this country. Franco's regular representative, Ambassador Juan Cardenas, has been sending him what he wanted to hear, rather than the truth about the way the American people have put their hearts into the war. Car- denas had emphasized the clash of personalities and inefficiency of war production which get into the head- lines but is not the general rule. When U.S. officials learned of this, they conceived the idea of bringing a special Franco envoy to the U.S.A. to get the real picture. Actually it was the War Department, not the State Department, which hatched the inspiration and which is taking him on a tour of war plants and Artny posts to drink in the real spirit of the war effort. Finland's Defeat After some two years of dreary fighting, against the Russians and British, the Finns are right back where they started. Diplomatic dispatches reveal that Russia has now offered Finland the following peace terms: 1. A border between the two coun- tries similar to that established by the treaty of 1940. This was after the Russo-Finnish war, from which Russia emerged victorious. 2. The Russians also demand cer- tain political changes in Finland, particularly the establishment of a government friendly to Russia. This would definitely exclude both Man- nerheim and Tanner. I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i COLLABORATION: Pollock Interprets Poll 'On Future Soviet Action FOLLOWING are the'results of a poll of under- graduate student opinion taken early this week, with an interpretative statement by Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science depart- ment' The poll is the first of a series on post-war problems sponsored by the Post-War Council in conjunction with The Daily. A representative cross-section of student opinion was taken through residence places, including dormitories, league and boarding houses, fraternities and sor- orities and cooperative houses. Question: On the basis of Russia's action be- foe. and during the war, what do you think Russia's action will be after the war? Answers: (1) Cooperate with other nations to preserve the peace, 45%; (2) Advance the Cause of Communism in Europe, 29.8%; (3) Return to isolationism, 20.4%; No opinion, 4.6%. * * * * Prof. Pollock's Analysis All polls should be used with several interpre- tative principles in mind: 1. Returns from issue polls should interpret with direct reference to the wording of the ques- tion. 2. A poll gives a quantitative description of opinion, not a qualitative. 3. Returns on issues that are very close to experience of people are more significant than those on general questions or special conditions. 4. Returns must be interpreted with reference to time poll was taken. 5. No opinion-if above 10%, the question hasn't been talked about enough. This first experimental poll is very illumi- nating in its results. It shows that most pee- pie have an opinion on the question, and that the dominant opinion is that Russia will col- laborate after the war. The relatively large percentage (29.8%) of opinion indicating a feeling that Russia will utilize its victorious position to continue to spread Communist doc- trine in Europe deserves attention. In fact, more students believe that Russia is not going to be a perfect ally in the peace, than believe otherwise. For, if Russia is going to be isola- tionist and be more interested in spreading Communism than in cooperating with other nations, it will not work well with its present allies in making a sound peace. The lack of understanding of Soviet Foreign policy since 1927 probably accounts for the feel- ing of distrust of Russia which still, according to this and other polls, persists. This first student poll demonstrates the areas in which educational discussion is needed. - Prof. James K. Pollock WAR ON SEC: Congress Trying To Fool Peo ple by Funds Slash The current undeclared war against the SEC in Congress is proof positive that a considerable number of our so-called representatives have given .one of Abraham' Lincoln's most widely quoted remarks a very special reading. Disre- garding the context, they have concluded that they "can fool the people." Taking advantage of a resurgence of congres- sional independence and paying lip service to the social ideals and the war aims of the American people, these men are wielding an old-fashioned Liberty League dagger in the dark. Thus, they have set up a sanctimonious howl about the SEC's new proxy regulations--oblivious to the fact that Congress ordered the enactment of those very carefully considered rules, that they are just one more guarantee of fair play with other people's money. And, in the midst of this hubbub, they are slashing at the SEC's appropriation. Minded to sound economy and efficiency, the agency reduced its budget estimate by $800,000, only to have the House arbitrarily out away $750,- 000 more. This, of course, is one of the oldest, and dirtiest, methods for killing an adminis- trative agency. Without risking a highly un- popular frontal attack, it makes sure that the agency can't do the job which the people ex- pect it to do. The SEC is by no means the only victim of this nefarious strategy. Even the war effort is not safe. These people shout to high heaven that something ought to be done about the manpower problem and about absenteeism. But they with- hold the relatively small amount of money need- ed by Paul McNutt and Secretary Perkins to cope with these problems. They talk about post-war planning, yet they deny the National Resources Planning Board a mere $200,000. The plain truth of the matter is that many of the peacetime administrative agencies have voluntarily curtailed their activities. They have lost many of their trained experts to the armed services and to the new war agencies, and they have not filled jobs that have lost their func- tion. But many of these agencies have also been called on to work on vital war problems such as the production of food. This all- important fact is stubbornly overlooked by the gang throwing its weight around in Washing- ton. Everybody knows that the expense of the war calls for the strictest economy. But if economy is the goal, why don't these "rebels" start with a non-essential money-waster like the Dies com- mittee? They had better reread their Lincoln. In trying to fool the people, they are fooling only themselves. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch I'd -Rather Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 4.-- Two agencies of our government, one legislative, the other executive, seem about to be smashed into tiny bits. They have nothing in common except the curious fact that both are concerned with the poorest, most helpless and most rootless of Americans. Their other point of resemblance is that the Adminis- tration doesn't seem to give a whoop whether either of these two agencies lives or dies. One is the Tolan Committee of the Iouse. It seems to me that if there is a Recording Angel for dead Congresses, he will be more im- pressed by the Tolan Committee than by al- most anything else in the last session's record. This has been a fine group. Its proper name, of course, is the Committee Investigating Na- tional Defense Migration. This committee ob- viously has not been out for votes, because the people it serves are wandering workers, 4,000,000 and more of them, who have no residences, and therefore no votes. That is one of their troubles. And this committee has worked so nicely, so quietly, with such gentlemanly dignity-I don't know whether that makes a proper argument, but it is an impressive fact in today's kind of Washington. I don't believe the Tolan Com- mittee has ever issued a subpoena. I know it has never heckled a witness, or fished for a headline. Yet working, from the start of the defense program, by invitation alone, it first uncovered the housing problem in jammed mu- nitions-factory towns; it led the successful fight to nationalize the Employnient Service; it fought for and won increases in appropriations for health and housing and education in defense centers; it was among the first to point out that the auto industry could be converted to. war use; it helped develop a dozen wartime reforms; it has educated all of us by tracing the relation be- tween migration and worn-out soil. If I were a Congressman, I'd vote to have the Tolan Committee continue, just to have it on my record at my last accounting, when the dispu- tations of today shall have died down, and when the voters will be looking among the ashes for monuments. The second agency which has had its hair clipped, its trousers slit, and has otherwise been prepared for its execution, is the Farm Security Administration. This has worked with farmers so poor that they are just about to become migrants. It has helped them to hold their farms, to obtain better farms, to secure fertilizer and the use of machin- ery. And (a remarkable fact in a year of ration- ing!) it has hugely increased production by pre- cisely those farms which alone can increase their production, small, one-family farms which have operated, because of dreadful poverty, far below capacity. It has touched them with its credit, and behold! the farms it has helped increased their beef production 45 per cent last year, while the nation as a whole increased its beef output only 3 per cent. In milk, the corresponding figures are 29 per cent and 3 per cent. In chick- ens, 44 and 9 per cent. I don't know why an agency should be killed for having done all this; it seems less than a crime. THOSE14 W0TnI WAL Tfl Tn'APC 1' TIURSDA'Y, MARCH 4, 1943 VOL. Lill No. 104 DRAMA With the "blitz" overhead and of-, ten flat on their stomachs, the actors in Heart of a City by Leslie Storm gave an alive and cheerful perfor- mance last night in the opening of Play. Production's drama of the war. The play is misnamed. A London group of actors is not the varied pop- ulace of the city. Also, its ending misses fire because of the lack of poetic justice in the two chosen to die. Nothing in their previous ac- tions justified the catastrophe of death, and the aimlessness of war could have been better shown in the choice of two hopeful instead of two mildly unhappy characters- who died not in the theatre, which would have shown the courage of the actors keeping on in spite of bombings (the point of the play) but died, personal- ly maladjusted, in a pub outside. The inability to meet a social situation and the disproportionate consequen- ces rising from it does not make for tragedy. The ending of scenes with melodramatic songs and posed tab- leaus suggested vaudeville. But the actors gave individuality and interest to the play. Harold Cooper played with restraint the lyric writer who lost his sweetheart, played by Patricia Meikle, in an overnight romance to the squadron leader, dashingly done by John Babington. Nathan Bryant's Captain was suave. Zabelle Yardumian was completely identified with the role of the Italian woman and there was imagination in Gertrude Slack's creation of the charwoman. Blanche Holpar gave a volatile performance as the dancer who won Hitler's heart, surprising the audience with her resources- Marjorie Leete's delicacy was a foil for Catharine Fletcher's verve. The cast was well chosen for character contrast, none of them blurring into group types, although often the sincerity of the actors was outrivalled by the sensory re- All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: In connection with the numerous re- quests which have come to this office from students who are in the Enlisted Reserve Corps and who anticipate early orders for active duty, the policy of the College in -eneral is not to attempt any prorating )f credit for those who are withdrawing ip to the end of five weeks. Students who remain in residence beyond five weeks nay petitionsfor prorated credit if they ire in good standing in their courses at he time of withdrawal. In the case of graduating seniors who can remain in esidence for at least eight weeks, special 'arangements will be made to allow them o complete as much of their work as )ossible. All requests for the adjustment )f credit by students who are being in- lucted into the Armed Forces should be nade through this office (Room 1220 An- ,ell Hail). E. A. Walter The American Association of University "rofessors is sponsoring a dinmer, followed "y an Open Forum, on Monday, March 8, it 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Forum ubject: "The University and Its Public Ielations." Dean Edmonson will preside nd the four panel members will be Pro- 'essors Harold Dorr, Wesley H. Mauer, 3hirley W. Allen and Norman E. Nelson. Send reservations to C. N. Wenger, 33 East 'all. Choral Union Singers: There are a few acancies in the men's sections of the Jhoral Union. Applicants should consult "rofessor Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor, at once. Charles A. Sink, President Members of the Choral Union whose rec- 'rds are clear will please call for their ourtesy tickets for the concert by Guio- snar Novaes, on the day of the concert, Friday, between the hours of 10 and 12, tnd 1 and 4, at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical society in BurtonMemorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be wivenrout. Charles A. Sink, President The University Bureau of Appointments has received notice of the following: UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE: Accountants & Auditors-until needs have been met-$2,600 to $6,500 plus over- time. Technical & Scientific Aids-Chemistry. Metallurgy, Geology, Meteorolgy, Geo- ohysics, Physics Mathematics. Radio- (Women are especially needed for this jwork)-$1,620 to $2,600 plus overtime. Bacteriologists-until needs have been met-$2,600 to $3,200 plus overtime. Multilith (Cameramen - Platemakers,- ($1,620 plus overtime) Press Operators- $1,440 plus overtime)-until needs have been met. Marketing Specialists-until needs have been met-$2,000 to $6,500 plus overtime. STATE OF MICHIGAN: General Clerk C;open announcement; $110 to $125 per month. Typist Clerk C: open announcement; $110 to $125 per month. Stenographer Clerk C;open announce- ment; $110 to $125 per month. Boys Supervisor C; open announcement; $110 to $115 per month. Prison Guard A2; open announcement; $125 to $145 per month. Attendant Nurse C; open announcement; $100 to $115 per month. Alphabetic Bookkeeping Machine; March 17; $105 to $155 per month. Foods and Standards Executive IV; March 17; $325 to $385 per month. Further information may be had from Academic Notices Remedial Reading: Students interested in improving their treading ability are in- vited to attend a meeting at 5 o'clock on Friday, March 5, in room 4009 University High Schoo, At this meeting plans for a special non-credit course in remedial reading will be discussed. Political Science 1 and 2 Make-up Exam- ination for semester ending January, 1943, today, 4-6 p.m., room 2203 A.H It. M. Dorr Concerts Choral Union Concert: Guomar No- vaes, distinguished Brazilian pianist, will give the ninth program in the Choral Union Concert Series, Friday evening, March 5, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. This concert takes the place of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra previously announced for March 2. Ticket holders will please present for admission ticket No, 9. A Limited number of tickets are still available at'theoffices of the University Music Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Faculty Concert: Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, and Gilbert Ross, violinist, mem- hers of the School of Music faculty, will present the first in a series of three Sun- day evening recitals at 8:3 on March?, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The pro- grams will be devoted to the complete group of sonatas for violin and pianoby Beethoven, and will be open to the gen- eral public. Exhibitions Exhibition un'der the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts: Metal Work from Is- lamic countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria). Rackham School, through March 11. Every afternoon, except Sundays, 2:00-5:00. Events Today American Society of Mechanical Eugi- neers: The Ensian picture will be taken today at 5:00 p.m. Please meet above the Engineering Arch at this time. Member- ship may also be obtained. Please be on time. The regular Thursday evening recorded program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack- ham Building at 8 p.m. will be as follows: Strauss, Johann: Die Fledermaus-Over- ture; Der Zigeunerbaron-Overture. Smetant: The Bartered Bride-Over- ture. Wagner: Tristan and Isolde-Prelude and Liebestod; Parsifal, Prelud and Good Friday Spell. Strauss, Richard: Don Quixote, First Aid Course: Dr. Dimitroff will teach a beginner's course in First Aid in the Grand Rapids Room of the League, 7:15-9:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs- days. The course will last five weeks. All persons interested must attend tonight's meeting at 7:15 in the League. The Interior Decoration Group of the Faculty Women's Club will meet today at 3 o'clock in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Miss Adelaide Adams, Instructor in Fine Arts, will give an illustrated talk on "American Domestic Architecture". 'The 'Newcomers Group' is invited to attend and each member may bring a guest. Michigan Dames home nursing unit meets tonight at 8 o'clock in North Hall. Coming Events Michigan Outing Club will go on a hostel trip to the Saline Valley Farm on bicycles on Saturday and Sunday, March 6 and 7, leaving Hill Auditorium on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. All students are welcome. For further information call Dorothy Lund- UMW TROUBLE FLARES: Anthracite Miners Ask for Higher Wages A NEW PROBLEM has flared up in Pennsyl- vania's anthracite coal mines. Labor's cry for increased wages for the miners above the Little Steel Decision ceiling is being raised once more. But this time, more is at stake than just a pending strike. If, John L. Lewis, UMW head, and the mine operators do not come to an agreement that is For these reasons alone if for no others, it is of paramount importance that the evacuation from the mines be stopped, and stopped immedi- ately. The UMW's calling of a strike will not solve the problem, for the miners want more than an increase in wages. They want a guarantee that not only will their position be improved