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March 04, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-03-04

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South American
To Be Given
Bob Friers, Vagabond
Reporter, Will Talk
TueSday in League
Bob Friers, vagabond reporter in
Latin America, will give a movie lec-
ture in colors, "Wheels over the An-
dea," at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The movie to be given by Friers,
who did graduate work in Latin
American history at the Univrsity,
depicts the people and customs of
South America. It is the first picture
ever made of the Simon Bolivar
Featured in the movie is Chico,
"Ecuador's mischief-making monk-
ey," who was with Friers while the
picture was being made.
At the age of 18 Friers had covered
all the main highways in the United
States by hitchhiking and riding
freights. He is also the veteran of a
walking trip to Alaska.
After making a vagabond trip
around the world, Friers became
Latin-American correspondent for
Booth newspapers, working mainly
in the vicinity of the Panama Canal.
Tickets for his lecture Tuesday
may be oltained from nembers of
the Romance Language Department
or from the box office in the League.
Co-ops Help Solve
Defense Workers'
Housing Problems
*A new solution to the housing prob-
lem fr some defense workersin this
area has been proposed by the Inter-
Cooperative Council.
The ICC has received permission
from the University to accept de-
fense workers to room in their vari-
ous houses on campus. The prob-
lems of whether the roomers will
board at the houses and whether or
not they will work as do the regular
c-op nember will be dcided for
ech individual case. Althoughthe
co-ops are still a ccepting students,
this plan will help to solve the diffi-
culties brought about by the vast
numbers ,gf boys leaving for the
armed forces.
Several defense workers have al-
ready been interviewed and accepted.
Leonard Tolmach, '43, of Robert
Owen House, is in charge of the proj-
'Ensan editorial staff ta"outs
tor all eligile freshmen and soph-
omores will be held at 4:30 p.m.
today at the Student Publications

Union Handles OPA Will Set
900 Texts at Price Ceilings

Book Exchange On Beef, Pork
Books Not Called for By The Associated Press
Will B Do ^WASHINGTON, March 3.-Uni-
form, dollar-and cents price ceilings
Text Lending Library
on beef and pork for every meat
A turnover of over 900 books which market in each community are beingI
made up $1,212 worth of business worked out, it was disclosed today,
marked the activity of the Union together with a license system for all
Book Exchange for the present se- slaughaterers in a program to combat:
mester, Rupert Straub, '44, chairman black markets.
of the Exchange project announced Price Administrator Prentiss BrownI
Taking only five per cent of the advised a Senate agricultural sub-
selling prices to cover expenses, the committee that the new pork ceilings
Exchange used $75 surplus from the would go into effect in a few days and
last semester to reduce its costs to #N. s o ..to. hV01


Uie(s Report Northern Off ensivie
4 L~ae .. ~ ~ RUSSIA
Lao~oa> '0/'<200
* - ~rayaNovgrod 6~-~Vologda7
'LAT VIA Dem yansi an
- RV azma 9' C7'
Smolensk 7Y-
skov ula-~ aatv
Y r




oe fouuowed a snort wie later ay new
the students in line with its non- beef ceilings. > Kharl
profit policy, Straub said. ' A
Of the 350 books not sold, only 70 Later, he told a press conference
were not called for by the end of two that the Agriculture Department is;
weeks after the Exchange closed. working out the license system to ex- n e-o-o
These will be donated to the Text- tend down to every slaughterer of Odessa k
book Lending Library. meat for sale, including individual ; Os
While up to last semester the wo- farmers.
men didn't use the exchange, this From other sources, not willing toI
time about one third of the total be quoted by name, it was reported .e ;.
books handed in came from them. that meats, cheese, butter. cooking Danube Sevastopo
fats and oils will be rationed begin-
W Te ning April 1, with every person lim- BULGARIA Black Sea
A' ited to about 1% pounds of meat a
jej iweek. An eight-day offensive in the Df
Brwn declined at his press con- the capture of that and 301 other
ference to confirm these reports but rolling across 900 square miles of t
LANSING, March 3.- d-Capt. did say that when meat rationing be-: westward in the Kharkov-Kursk se
Donald S. Leonard, state defense ad- gins the allowance per person willsioga C tn atehsb
ministrator, approved plans today to Isasshilovgrad (C) a tank battle has b
airrai wadenserice inhave to be less than 2 j> pounds a j reports indicate another Russian se
expand air raid warden services in week originally estimated by govern- -
rural areas throughout the state. ment food authorities.
oCounties will be divided into two The establishment of uniform beef S h o T o T a
or more divisions, Leonard said, and pork price ceilings throughout olools fo Tram
which in turn will be divided into each community will mean higher .a.t
zones following township lines where prices for some retailers and lower Aitiin CadetS
:this is practicable. The zones would ones for others, Brown said. Present v
be split into sectrsa embain a ceilings are the highest price that the WASHINGTON, March 3.--(P-
required number of air raid warden retailer charged last March.
posts. At the same time, Brown said, "It's The War Department announced to-
our intention to hold the line on all night 119 colleges which have been

rk v . o e s R.,i z um LN G R A
Ya oshilov rad
'a'.G' f///Elista
Tuapse ,
emyansk section (A) has resulted in
settlements as the Russians report
erritory. The Reds were advancing
ctor (B) while southwest of Voro-
een raging for two weeks. German
ea attack on Novorossisk (D).

lonor Council
For Engineers
Is Announcedl
Howard J. Howerth. '43E, president
(f the Engineering Council, has an-
nounced the following men as mem-
bers of the Honor Council for the
Engineering School: Karl Reed, '44,
chairman; Robert Mott, '43; John
liopelle, '44; Carl Otien. '45; Joseph
Linker, '45; John Gardner, '46: Rus-
sell Youngdahl, '46; Bud Burgess, '44.
The Honor Council reviews student
cased brought to their attention. Af-
tet their decision is given, the student
goes before the faculty honor council.
President Howerth stated that in the
last 25 years there has never been a)
reversal by the faculty of a decision
rendered by the Student Honor Coun-
At the last meeting, Robert Sforz-
ini, '43E, was awarded a key as the
outstanding senior on the Council
last year.
War Group Holds
Weekly Conference
The War Forum Club, directed by
Mr. E. W. Mill, held its third meeting
on the United Nations at 7:30 p.m.
yesterday in 229 Angell Hall.
The questions under discussion
were: (1) Will the trend after the
war be toward Russian collectivism or
toward democratic free enterprise?
(2) Can wartime Anglo-American
collaboration be carried into the
post-war period? (3) What role
should the Soviet Union be expected
to play in post-war reconstruction?
All those vitally interested in the
problems of the war and post-war are
urged to attend the regular Wednes-
day evening discussions as guests.
Grad Exhibits Paintings
Mrs. Roger Stevens, former stu-
dent of the University and graduate
of the University High School, has
17 paintings on exhibit in the Uni-
versity High School.
The show includes two temperas
and 15 oils.

Judge Advocate
General School
To Graduate 54
Military Law Group
Will Hold Exercises
On Saturday Morning
Judge Advocate General School
I will graduate 54 students in exercises
to be held in Hutchins Hall at 9:30
Saturday morning.
Brigadier General Edwin C. Mc-
Neil, acting Judge Advocate General
of the school, will speak and will
also hand out the diplomas.
E. Blythe Stason, dean of the Law
School, will also talk.
The present graduating class is
the eighth class of Judge Advocates
to be graduated since the school was
established over a year ago.
Originally the school was located
in Washington, D.C. It was moved
to the University in September and
now occupies the entire second floor
of Hutchins Hall.
A class is graduated every ten
weeks after a ten-week training
course. The tenth class will arrive
here Monday. The ninth class has
just completed half of their training.
Students in the Judge Advocate
General School learn how to set up
military governments in occupied
countries according to the rules of
land warfare and study military and
civil law as they affect the Army.

John MacKinnon, '43BAd, andl
Fern Rice, '43, were elected president
and vice-president respectively of
the Inter-Cooperative Council yes-
terday. The retiring officers are Or-
val Johnson, '43, and Herman Ep-
stein, Grad.

prices as closely as the statute (Price
Control Act) will let us."
Informants who said cheese, but-
ter and cooking fats are to be ra-
tioned asserted the plan is to group
them with meats because all are to
some extent substitutes for each


At the Michigan ...
Mailed by the New York Times as
one of the ten best pictures of the
year, "Journey for Margaret," the
sentimental tale of two refugee chil-
dren, will open- at the Michigan to-
Starring Robert Young and La-
raine Day, the story deals with this
reporter couple and the two refugee
children whom, after the loss of their
Qwn infant in the "blitz," they adopt
for their owh
Written by William L. White, au-
thor of the best seller, "They Were
Expendable," and featured in the
Reader's Digest, "Journey for Mar-
garet," contains a fine supporting
cast which includes Fay Bainter, Ni-
gel Bruce and William Severn.

At the State ...
Featuring Joan Bennett, Milton
Berle and Otto Preminger, the screen
version of Claire Boothe Luce's "Mar-,
gin for Error," which opens today at
the State, takes you on a hilarious
tour through the New York Nazi
The fun begins when the mayor, a
man with a sense of humor, assigns
Milton Berle to guard the Consulate.
His big job is to protect Otto Pre-
minger who, owing to circumstances,
isn't very popular, not even with his
pretty wife, Joan Bennett.
The consul, who is a playboy at
heart, gets himself into some gam-
bling difficulties, and what comes
from them makes up the plot of the

approved for participation in the'
aviation cadet crew training program.
At the same time the Department
anncunced all candidates for aviation,
cadet crew training will be required
to complete five months special col-
lege work under a new program,
which becomes effective Friday.
The only exceptions, said the an-
nouncement, will be college graduates
or men with adequate college credits.
At the same time, the Air Forces
said that Selective Service eligibles
between 18 and 26 could volunteer for
induction under the program upon
passing the qualifying physical and
mental examinations for prospective
After basic training at a technical
training .command center, the men
will be sent-all in the grade of pri-
vate-to one of the selected colleges
for courses of 60 hours each in mod-
ern history, English, geography, and
mathematics through trigonometry,
and 180 hours of physics, all under
the college faculties.
Michigan colleges approved for
participation in the program, subject
to final negotiations of contracts,
were Albion, Michigan State, and
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology, Houhton.

Bronk Talks on1
Nerve Changes
Delicate means for measuring
changes in nerve cells, the body's
key mechanisms for keeping in bal-
ance with its environment, were de-'
scribed by Prof. D. W. Bronk of -the
biophysics department of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania at a meeting
of the local chapter of the Society of
Sigma Xi yesterday.
Prof. Bronk' who is director of the
Johnson Research Foundation and
the Institute of Neurology at Penn-
sylvania University, stated that man
keeps adjusted to his environment in
two ways: through his own adaptive
capacities and through machines he
has invented.




Tryouts for the editorial staff of
The Daily will meet at 4:15 p.m.
todaiy at the Student Publications
Building. All eligible freshmen
and upperclassmen are urged to
The Gargoyle business staff will
meet at 5:15 p.m. today at the
Student Publications Building.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615




25c TO 5 P.M.

Starts Today!

.40 per 15-word Insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words,).




$1.00 per 15-word insertionr for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Oontract Rates on equest
small set of books. Good oppor-
tunity. Follett's Michigan Book-
store. 322 S. State.
WANTED: Man's lightweight bicy-
cle. Call 3683 after 8:30 p.m.
WANTED: Used clothes. Best prices
paid. Ben the Tailor, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. Phone 5387 after 6 p.m.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced tyPist-
408 S. Fifth Ave, Phone 2-2935.
PLEASE return photograph of my
sister taken from Pi Phi house Jan.
8. Barbara Hulbert.
LOST-Dobbs hat with initials J.F.M.
Reward. 819 E. University. Phone
Jack, 2-1147.

FRI., MAR. 5, 8:30
(instead of Detroit Orchestra-
Please use Ticket No. 9)


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