TIM_________________________________ U _______________________________ Nursing Council Representative To Be at League Will Stress Importance Of Wartime Program And Its Possibilities Miss Thelma I. Scratch, executive secretary and recruiter for the Mich- igan Nursing Council for War Serv- ice, will be in the War Information Center of the League from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday to give information on the student nurse war program. The third member of women's brarches of war service to come to the University, Miss Scratch has also brought a film, "R. N.-Serving All Mankind," with her to be presented at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the Rack- ham Building auditorium. The gen- eral public is urged to attend' Miss Scratch, who will be a guest at Stockwell Hall during her stay, has spoken before the sophomore project mass meeting already this year. Her counsel to college women will stress nursing as "war work with a future" as well as a profession "worthy' of the best ability of the college woman." Polloek Will Interpret Poll Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- litical science department will inter- pret student opinion on the probable actions of Russia after the war when the results of a poll being taken yes- terday and today are announced in Thursday's Daily. The question being asked of stu- dents is "On the basis of Russia's ac- tions before and during the war, what do you think Russia's actions will be after the war?" The three answers, one of which students will be asked to check, are (1) cooperate with other nations to preserve the peace (2) advance the cause of Communism in Europe or (3) return to isolationism. The poll is the first in a series to be sponsored by the Post-War Coun- cil in conjunction with The Michigan Daily on post-war problems. No attempt is being made to inter- view every student on campus, but a. cross-section of student opinion is being obtained. There will be a meeting of the Social Committee of the League at 4:30 p.m. today at the League. All coeds who have not signed up for the committee but are inter- ested are urged to attend the meeting. Yanks BTing Back Axis Prisoners. After Tunisian Raid Guarded by U.S. soldiers with fixed bayonets, a long line of German and Italian prisoners is marched to the rear following an Allied raid on Axis positions in S ened, Tunisia. GermansMake Small Gain in Tuithitn Area (Continued from Page 1). lied headquarters announced. "both in men and tanks." (The Allied communique reported that enemy attacks in the Beja sec- tar continued all day yesterday, add- ing: "These attacks were in every case thrown back." It thus appeared that Von Arnim's gains were made In 'action subsequent to those men- tioned in the communique.) A French communique reported en- emy attacks were repelled in the Medjez-El-Bab sector and that other fronts held by French troops gener- ally were quiet for artillery exchanges and patrols. The support given the ground for- ces. by the Allied air arm was. de- scribed as nothing short of magnifi- cent; Allied pilots reported scores of hits on German arnired cars, tanks and trucks' and on enemy transport crowding the roads in the Beja, Med- jez-El-Bab, Bou Arada and Pont Di Fahs areas. A freshman and. sophomore try- out meeting for the Ensian Edi- torial Staff will be held at .4:30 Thursday in the Student Publica- tions Building. SHenry C. Cassidy Tells Complete Inside Story of Stalin and Russia They toest your toes ! They save your stockings! FOOT WARMERS Double protection. Foot-warmers, stocking savers. Wear indoors with slippers; outdoors with street shoes. f rom 2 5c. 5 Ankle sox from 39c. 0~ "'PRESTIGE" It's that new, deceptively sheer Is cotton mesh that's lovely enough for afternoon, yet heavy enough for really active service. Glam- orous shades of Leg Look and Brown Butter. $1.65. C4 SHEER LISLES They take to sports or tailored "clothes beautifully. a from $1.00. (Continued from Page 1) It was thus that the classic plan for encirclement and destruction of the Germans before Stalingrad was made and executed. Reported At Front Twice, in the legends that are growing up .Around the currnt war, it has been suggested that Stalin himself was at the front. My own impressions was that these stories were more symbolic of Stalin's being with his men in thought, rather than representing his physical presence among them. in fact, no foreigner knows for a fact that Stalin has once left the Kremlin throughout the war. The only time I have seen Stalin ( during the war was in the Kremlin, during the Supreme Soviet ratifi- cation last June of the 20-year treaty of mutual assistance with Great Britain. I know that, when I wrote to him last fall about the second front, and this winter about the Allied landing in North Africa, he received my letters the same day, s9id answered them the next day. Allied statesmen and soldiers who have seen him were relieved invariably in the Kremlin. Starts Late In Day He starts on his enormous vol- ume of work late in the day. The earliest hour at which he receives visitors .s 6:00 p.m. It is morning before he has finished. All who have seen or talked to Stalin during the war have been impressed most of all by his calm- ness. Good news and bad news alike, he receives with the same unruffled air, which means not placidity, but firm control and con- centration. But Stalin is not worried. He is certainly planning more offen- sives of his own-and he is sure his will win. Cassidy Describes Stalin's Associates By HENRY C. CASSIDY NEW YORK, March 1. -WI)- Joseph Stalin's old companions in politics, as well as his soldiers in arms, are working by his side to fashion the victories of the Red Army. The men closest to Stalin in war- time form a cross-section of two institutions, the Politburo, or Po- litical Bureau of the Central Com- mittee of the Communist Party, which guided the Soviet Union in peace time, and the. Stavka, or general staff of the Red Army. Together they make an elite team. Andrei Zhdanov, chubby, cheer- ful secretary of the Leningrad Dis- trict Committee of the Communist party, of whom Stalin is particular- Pay-As-You-Go Plan Approved by House (Continued from Page 1) ly fond. He is in Leningrad, on the military council of the besieged city. Lazarus Kaganovich, tall, dark, solemn Commissar of Railways, who is one of Stalin's oldest aides. He is in the Caucasus,-on the mil- tary council there. Viktor Kruschev, blond, burly secretary of the Communist Party for the Ukraine, another veteran of the Politburo. He has served on the military council of the south- western front since the start of the war, and remains with the armies of that region. Two other Politburo men are doing war work in Moscow: Anastas Mikoyan, lean, dark Commissar of Foreign Trade, has taken over Kaganovich's work on the railways, as well as the general direction of transportation and supplies for the Red Army. Alexander Scherbakov, roly-poly, bespectacled secretary of the Mos- cow Party Committee, has become a lieutenant-general, head of the political department of the Red Army and chief of the Soviet In- formation Bureau, in charge of war propaganda. Molotov's Position Vyacheslav Molotov, who i prob- ably closest of them all to Stalir, remains as foreign commissar, while the other members of the Politburo go on with their custom- ary administrative duties. Of the five original marshals of the Soviet Union, named since the civil war, only one, Klementy Vor- oshilov, holds a top place in prose- cution of the current war. He is on both the Politburo and Stavka, and coordinated the action this winter which broke a path from Leningrad's back door through the German ring. The others have become com- paratively obscure. Semeon Tim- osheknd's star has been out-shone by younger men, although he is still in command of the north- western front. Semeon Budenny has been staying in Moscow. Boris Shaposhnikov has been ill. No post has been announced for Gregory Kulik. Zhukov Coordinates Armies The most active member of the Stavka is Marshal Gregory Zhukov, who has been the chief delegate sent to coordinate the actions of armies. He handled the great oper- ations at Stalingrad, involving joint attacks on four fronts, and at Leningrad, involving two fronts, As first vice-commissar of De- fense, directly under Stalin, he has undoubtedly become the Soviet Union's Number I soldier. Another rising member of the Stavka is Marshal Nikolai Voronov, an artillery expert, who served with Zhukov and Vasilevsky as a co- ordinator at Stalingrad and re- mained there to batter the en- circled Germans to destruction with his big guns. Two generals of aviation, A. A. Novikov and F. J. Falaleyev, also serve on the Stavka. The hierarchy still starts: Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, and then runs through the membership of the Politburo. Stalin's oldest friends, the cream of the Communist party, are still without doubt those closet to. him. Tomorrow:The Secret of Russia's Fighting Strength. Colleges St dy Manpower at OPA Meeting Mary Borman, '44, and Dick Cole, 44, Michigan Manpower Corps head and Manpower publicity chairman respectively, reported yesterda that Michigan has forged the way in a campus work-recruitment program for men. Borman and Cole had just returned from a war emergency conference sponsored by the OPA in Chicago Saturday. The purpose of the con- ference was to provide a clearing house for the exchange of ideas be- tween schools. Here Borman and ;Cole presented in a series of panel and informal discussions the story of the Michigan Manpower Corps. Borman said .it is imperative to the war .effort that all colleges put into effect work-recruitment pro- grams. Of .the 150 schools scheduled to send delegates to the one-day affair only 15 appeared. EinglishWriter Spieas Toda Sir Bernard Pares, English diplo- mat and writer, will speak on "Russia Now" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre, under the aus- pices of the history department. Since 1917 Pares has been a pro- fessor of .:Russian language,, litera- ture, and history at the University of London. He is also director of the School of Slavonic Studies at Kings College, -London.. During the,. first. World War Sir Peres was attached to the Russian army and later to the British embas- sy in Petrograd. He has been very active as a writer on Russian history and literature and is now touring the United States un- der the Institute for Internal Edu- cation. 75 Report for Army Ordnance Courses About 75 enrollees reported for the opening classes in Ordnance and Air- craft Inspection yesterday in the West Engineering Building. Of the 46 persons reporting for the Aircraft Inspection Course.45 of them are women, while in the Ordnance Inspection course 27 out of 29 enrol- lees arriving so far are women. Trainees expected to arrive in the next two days will fill the. quota of 100 enrollees, of which half are sent by the Detroit Ordnance Desk of the Army and half are Civil Service Em- ployees. Pin g-Pong Players Asked To Sign Up All "ping-pongers" are requested to sign up today through Saturday, at the WAB for the all-campus women's WAA Table Tennis Tournament, which will begin Monday. Schedule of play-off will be posted Monday at the WAA and four tables are available at the Women's Ath- letic building and Barbour gym for .use by .members of the tournament. For. any. further information, call ;Marcia Sharpe, '45, chairman of the event. Lecturer Gets Jacket Miss Margaret Bourke-White, re- cent lecturer here, is the recipient of a windbreaker made by Mrs. Mar- garet. Milbank Pillsbury, '05, member of. the Ann Arbor Windbreaker Group . When the famed photographer was here a few weeks ago, she expressed a desire to Mrs. Lucile Conger, head of Alumni Association, to have a jacket for her work with the Army Air Force, - . Guinde ito Beanuty Manpower Cor ps Will S ponsor Warfare Forums on Thursdays A program of open public forums discussions and the first program will designed to acquaint students with deal with the "Effects of High Ex- the complexities of 20th century war- plosives." fare will begin at 4 p.m. Thursday in The program now comprises three the Lecture Hall of the Architecture sessions, but Mary Borman, '44, man- Building. . power head, indicated that the series 'Informal Discussions on Related will be expanded to give a broad gen- War Topics" is the title of the series eral background in civilian defense. which is sponsored by the Manpower The discussions are open to the Corps. . public, but it is the desire of the Prof. G- M. McConkey of the archi- Manpower Corps that all fraterni- tecture school will conduct all the ties, sororities. cooperatives, and dor- mitdries send representatives to the meetings. a ne I s d Discussions will be held every PlY Thursday and present plans call for Post-Wair Hate such topics as Chemical Warfare and C I tIncendiary Bombs to be discussed at future meetings. Bill Muehl To Conduct Prof. McConkey has completed a FeFspecial course in this field and is the ' 'irstWeely mForum instructor for the Buildings and Grounds men who are the campus "Post-War Inheritance of Hate" air raid wardens. will be the topic for a panel discus- sion by Prof. Albert Hyma of the history department, Prof. Wesley H. avreall W il Maurer of the journalism depart- ment, and Prof. Roy H. Holmes of Talk on Ddet the Department of Sociology, at .8 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Alphonse Favreau of the Depart- Room of the League. ment of Romance Languages will The forum is the first in a series discuss "La Jeunesse d'Alphonse of weekly public discussions on post- Daudet," "The Youth of Alphonse war problems sponsored by the Post- Daudet," at 4:15 tomorrow in Room War Council. Bill Muehl, '44L, willD.a. act as student chairman. Following D, Alumn Memoral Hall, the sixth a presentation of views by the fac- in the series of French lectures. ulty members, the topic will be dis- Daudet is the author of "Le Petit cussed by the audience. Chose," a story reminiscent of the The ."first of two panels intended author's own life, and many popular especially for men in the armed serv- short stories- He spent his childhood ice stationed near campus will be in Nimes, in southern France, be- held on Monday afternoon, March came a monitor in a school in Lyon 15, followed by the serving of re- and then went to Paris. Favreau freshments. will point out the influence on Dau- det's writing of these three towns, Latin America C1 b the poverty of his father and other incidences of his youth and will tell a number of anecdotes from the life Elects New Offiers o adt of Daudet. Eduard Franzetti,. Grad., of Chile has been =elected president of the Haircut Prices Jump Sociedad Latino Americano for the Ann Arbor haircut prices jumped semester.- Other new officers are Jorge Deza, up to 75 cents yesterday, the City Grad., of Peru, secretary; Dr. Judith Barbers Association announced. Himenez of Ann Arbor, treasurer, and Increased living costs and shortage Jose Pendomo of Colombia, director of help forced the 10 cent price in- of artistic activities. crease, Association officials said. Children under 12 years old will be charged 65 cents. Giraud Accepts Charter ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN TYPEWRITERS NORTH AFRICA, March .( Bought, Rented In a speech to the newly-formed Al- Repaired gerian Economic Council, Gen. Henri STDENT and Giraud today pledged adherence to OFFICE SUPPLIES the Atlantic Charter and accepted 0. D. MORRILL it "heartily and without reticence." 314 S. State St. Phone 6615 We'll style your hair to give it distinction and smartness. FEATHER CUTS a specialty -65c. GROOMWELL BEAUTY SALON BEAUTY SHOP 611 E. University Ph. 4300 1205 S. University Ph. 4818 . . II OWNIO wr " 0 c1[ut fWol verine and salaries above exemptions of $624 like the victory tax, plus 17 per cent on wages and salaries above reg- ular income tax exemptions of $500 for single and $1,200 for married per- sons plus $350 for dependents, in- creased by 10 per cent to allow for deductions. This would apply to wages and salaries." Cooper estimated this would put approximately 70 per cent of the na- tion's 44,000,000 federal income tax- payers on a current collection system. DELUXE -.SANDWICHES FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Featuring Delicious Malteds Open Sunday 7-12 P.M. Week Days and Satrays 9-12 P.M. Three' Doors North of State Theater Ensian junior editorial staff will meet at 7:30 p.m. today. Members must be present. I ,. I HUDENSITY LEAD / I