Al Mi ii A N If) A~ i1 gyp.. a. . .., a.. .a v i. ra a i'd Perkins Asks Iore Executive Budget Control. Plans for enlarging Michigan gu- bernatorial power in relation to the enactment of appropriations are sug- gested by Dr. John A. Perkins of the political science department, in a monograph published recently by the University Bureau of Government. In this study Dr. Perkins traces and analyzes growth and development of the executive power in this field be- tween 1920 and 1940 and declares that, "Clear-cut responsibility is nec- essary if the people are to control their state government." This respon- sibility, Dr. Perkins asserts, shotild be vested in the state executive. In this manner, he contends, the elimination of the confusion over budget responsibility would assure the principle of popular rule as the gover- nor's position in the public eye would make it 'easier for the public to follow him in the exercise of his increasingly great powers in the field of budget and appropriations. Through his study of the growth of this problem in Michigan Dr. Per- kins points out the division between the executive and legislative depart- ments which has arisen in the field of state finances, "The traditional function of the legislature is to check executive extravagance, whereas, in Michigan the legislature has often been the initiator of appropriations and the executive, with his incomplete power of veto, the check," he says. Other recommendations by Dr. Per- kins include the following: Enlargement of the governor's pow- er to veto items in the budget by al- lowing him to reduce items as well as veto them outright, especially if the legislature is allowed to increase his budgetary proposals. The practice of earmarking reve- nues for some specific purpose should be discontinued. The statutory filing date of the bi- ennial budget should be changed until six or eight weeks after the inaugura- tion of a newly elected governor. A thoroughly comprehensive budget should be prepared. The booklet, entitled "The Role of the Governor in Michigan in the En- actment of Appropriations," reviews the constitutional and statutory pow- ers of the governor and the governor's use of political influence in controll- ing appropriations. Ritians Question G i'rman Field Marshal Red Army General Nikolai N. Voronoff (second from left) questions a man identified as Ger- man Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (right) at the'Red Army's Don headquarters in this radiophoto, sent from Moscow. At left is Col.-Gen. Konstantin Rokossovsky, Commander of the Don front. An interpreter sits between Voronpff and Paulus. Reporter Says Pacific War Stalemate, Japan Stalled On Campus... Highlights MUSIC AND THE DANCE. A discussion of, "the Develop- ment of the Use of Music with Dance from. Primitive to Modern, Times," given this evening by Miss Julia Ann Wilson at the meeting; of the Michigan: Dames music group to be held at the home of Mrs. H. J. Lange. * * * MUSIC MELODY MIXER Melody Mixer, the first activity to be sponsored by the newly formed Student Council of the School of Mu- sic, will be given for students and faculty member of the music school at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. A surprise informal program has been arranged by the council, of which Charles D. Matheson, Grad., has been elected chairman, and Ruby Joan Kuhlman,°'46SMsecretary, with eight others appointed. The council, the first in the history of the music school, is intended to organize activities in the school which will aid students and faculty members in becoming better acquainted. SPANISH CLUB RESUMES Activities of La Sociedad Hispan- ica for -the second semester will begin:with a meeting at 8:04 p.m., Thursday, in the League. Miss Ofelia Mendoza, Grad., of Tegueipelpa, Honduras, will speak on her native country as the high- light of the meeting.-As part of the program, Jose Perdomo, Grad., of Bogota, Colombia, will sing some native Colombian songs, including "Cuchipe" and "Crepusculo." THREE SOCIETIES MEET There will be a joint meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engi- neers and the American Institute of Architects at 7:30 today in the Michi- gan Union. ,Joseph Siddall, a representative of the H. H. Robertson Company, Pitts- burgh, Pa., will speak on "Modern $uilding Construction." Traffic Signs Surrendered Twenty Michigan students, dont with campus hi-jinks for the dura- tion, have contributed souvenir traf- fic signs to allay the war-time meta: shortage, Chief of Police Sherman H Mortenson announced yesterday. Twelve metal traffic pointers were turned in yesterday through the Dear of Students' Office. the Chief said and other students answered the joint-invitation from the Police anc Dean's office of two weeks ago. Walter B. Rea, Assistant Dean o: Students, said students may eithe] contact his office or the police de- partment if they want to contributt souvenirs in the interests of war-timA safety. He emphasized there will b no questions asked. Continuous from 1 P.M. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE Last Day "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER" - Starts Thursday - ~ad4 (E4itcr's Note: AP's Clark Lee has been in China, Japan, Manchuria, Aus- tralia, the Philippines, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and myriads of South Sea islands. Army men called his stories from Bataan the best reporting phis war has produced on any front. Escap- ing from Corregidor just before it fell, he wrote the battle of the Coral Sea, got the story of Midway, was on a car- rier when we made our first landing in the Solomons.) By CLARK LEE NEW YORK, Feb. 9. - - The military situation in the Pacific to- day shapes up as a stalemate in its broader aspects, with both the United States and Japan facing powerful obstacles to any future offensives they. may undertake. Japan has been stopped, but we are not yet ready for the big advance, although President Roosevelt has stated that our growing power will soon enable us to substitute offen- sive war for our policy of attrition. Our difficulty is getting at the Japs. Once we get close enough to slug CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CLASSIFIED Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 3 or more days. (Increase of $.25 for each additional 5 words. Contract Rates on Request MISCELLANEOUS WASHED SAND AND GRAVEI- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112. TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of- fice and portable models. Bought, rented, repaired. Student and Of- fice Supplies. O. D. Morrill, 314 South State St. Phone 6615. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. FOR RENT 2-ROOM furnished apartment, newly decorated, near Intramural Bldg. Wish care of furnace as part pay- ment of rent. Phone 8668. 921 Mary St. WANTED MAKE MONEY-on your used cloth- ing by phoning Claude H. Brown, 2-2736, 512 S. Main. TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. HELP WANTED WANTED: Male student to work at University Hospital six evenings per week. 7-11. 51 cents per hour. WANTED-Waiters and dishwashers. Good meals for few hours' work daily. See Miss Steele at Health Service. MEN and WOMEN to assist in wait- ing table for two meals. Small compensation and meals. Sorority, 2-3119, 407 N. Ingalls. HELP, WANTED: Male, or Female. Full or part time. Knowledge of typing desirable. State Street Store. Answer fully Box 63, Mich- igan Daily. FOR SALE HOUSE-6-room, brick, strictly mod- ern, 3 years old, game room, large cedar closet, 2-car garage, 188-ft lot, faculty neighbors, 4 miles from campus. Call 25-7197. LOST and FOUND LOST-Black Sheaffer lifetime pen in or near Follett's Bookstore. Re- ward. Call 2-2521, Ext. 318. it out with them on the ground, at sea and in the air, we have proven their masters. Their withdrawal from Guadalcan- al, announced today by Tokyo Radio, is a clear cut admission of local de- feat. But at the same time the Jap- anese have undoubtedly taken advan- tage of the past six months to dig in strongly in the other islands of the'Solomons and to establish posi- tioins to which they will cling ten- aciously and stubbornly. Despite the evacuation of the de- feated Japanese remnants from Guadalcanal, our war in the Pacific remains essentially one of attrition. Subs Weaken Japs This campaign to weaken our en- emies is being carried on throughout the Pacific by our submarines; and by our airplan'es in the skies of the Aleutians and the South Seas. In six months of ding-dong fight- ing in the Solomons, climaxed now by the victory at Guadalcanal, our planes have inflicted far heavier loss- es on the enemy than we have suf- fered ourselves. Japan's southward surge was stop- ped there and the attempts to recap- ture the island have now probably been turned back once and for all. General MacArthur, after captur- ing Papua, New Guinea, is putting pressure on the Japanese bases at Lae and Salamaua, further up the New Guinea coast, using planes to ferry troops and supplies over the rugged mountains to our airfield at Wau, which lies in a hilly pocket only 35 miles from the nearest Japanese posi- tions. Burma Drive Slow The British drive from India into northwestern Burma is making slow progress. This attack is not yet a major campaign to recapture Burma and reopen the Burma Road. Its im- mediate objective seems to be to seize the Akyab airport, thus denying the Japanese a base within bombing distance of Calcutta and placing our own bombers within easy range of Rangoon. Japan's armies are comparatively inactive on the fronts of China while the Chinese, lacking artillery and supported only by a small, though hard-hitting American Air Force, cannot take the initiative. . Despite the serious local setbacks they have suffered, the Japanese probably find the present situation not too unfavorable from their long range point of view. From statements made before the outbreak of war by high Japanese militarists, there is reason to believe that the Japanese would be entirely satisfied with a negotiated peace permitting them to hold the areas they have taken. Japs Have Yet To Be Hit The Japanese may be fighting and planning -with that end in view-to bring about a stalemate resulting in a negotiated peace which would give them time to organize their next drive toward an ultimate goal of world conquest. The current fighting in the Pacific does not immediately threaten any of Japan's important bases or lgey con- quered positions. Both the Solomons and New Guinea are many hundreds of miles from the Dutch East Indies, Borneo, the Philippines, Malaya and the other thickly populated and weal- thy areas where the Japanese are ex- tracting raw materials and attempt- ing to unite the native peoples under the slogan "Asia for the Asiatics." Democrats Lose Voting Control Repuhlicans in House Show Strengfh in Vote WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.(IP)-Aid- ed by six Democrats and two minor party members, 197 Republicans took over voting control of the House today on the first legislative roll-call of the 78th Congress. They succeeded, 205 to 200, in re- taining in the Treasury-Post Office appropriation bill an amendment to stop the free mail privilege of govern- ment agencies July 1. With Democratic ranks depleted by absentees, the House earlier 200 to 104 kept in the bill an amendnent aimed at nullifying the Silver Pur- chase Acts of 1934 and 1939..Repub- licans voted almost solidly for the amendment, which would forbid the use of Treasury funds for the pur- chase of silver under these acts. Canadian Cost of Living Rises Little CHICAGO, Feb. 9.- (P)- Donald Gordon, chairman of Canada's war- time prices and tra4e board, stated tonight that the cost of living rose less than one point in Canada in a period of a little more than a year while it rose 9.7 points in the United States. He asserted that it had been' dem- onstrated in the Dominion that price ceiling control could be effective and inflation could be kept in hand "pro- vided there is sufficient determination on the part of the administration, sufficient understanding on the part of the public and a common sense, de- sire on the part of all concerned to find the solution of specific difficul- ties." K IN an s* ...:: p uu pp yysteps # daY a GEORGE En GENE KELLY . - MARTA EGGERTH BEN BLUE "PIGS POLKA" Color Cartoon MMEDIATE Roosevelt in Africa DELIVERY Thursday -- ALAN LADD in LUCKY JORDAN ,MICHIGAN ':: e 1 t)gstclnce.woo U:s ILong r0v 7an 11 7 - - . " . : , . "" /'!"" /, .: .. . ....+!"' ,t A -give HER the "NUMBER, PLEASE" One of the World's Greatest Photographers DR. KENNETH N. Just Returned from WESTERMAN African War and News Fronts! Phonologopedist "SHOOTING THE WAR WITH TH E RAF" VOICE Long Distance telephone wires are loaded with war calls that must go through promptly. And we can't-add substantially to our lines and equipment because the necessary materials are beinw' tance at all, unless your call is really essential. If you must call, you can help speed your message by giving the operator the num- ber of the telephone you are call- in. Then tdp#se e hrie4