PAGE FOI THE MICIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1942 PM~E- POD SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 194.2- Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uOse for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.25, y mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 agPRROMTED FOR NATIOI4A. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Serice,Inc. College PablisJers ReP,.esY.talive 420 MADISON AVE. NS YORK. N. Y. GJiICA~oO * OSTON " Los MaDOl Es "SAN FRANCISCO "GERMANS COME FIRST" Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp George W. Sallad. Charles Thatcher Bernard Hendel BErbara deFries Myron Dann Editorial Staff . Managing Editor Editorial Dire tor * . .City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Sports Editor . Women's Editor Associate Sports Editor Business Staff Zdward J. Perlberg . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . * Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager Jahe Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager Janies Daniels . . Publications Sales Analyst Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: LEON GORDENKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. " y~ 4.y. . r k THE FRILLS GO: Bonds For Homecoming- Congrats, IFC, Pan-Het FC-Pan-Hel's voluntary abandon- Iment of customarily extravagant hbme-coming decorations outside fraternity and sorority houses is the most effective, most war- conscious contribution made by these institutions to the national effort. Their decree that money ordinarily spent for lavish displays, and that assessments ordinarily made for home-coming house dances should be invested in war bonds and stamps far out-strips previous flag-flying attempts at patriotism. Because the effort is voluntary we commend John Fauver, Virginia Morse and the other lead- ers of these two campus organizations. And, to these and those that they represent, the war- minded collegian must say, "Thanks for your contribution. Now let's go to it." -Bud Brimmer MAN-SIZE JOB: Save Those Youngsters From Restaurant Work ST 'WAS WELL PAST 9 p. m. when we walked into the restaurant for a cup of coffee. With the shortage of help it was almost amazing to find one open at that hour. Behind a large white apron appeared a blond haired boy, no older than 10 or 11. Every customer's eye was on the lad as he chas- ed orders and manned the cash register. Some joked with him and called him "cute". They were justified, too, for the boy did have a way about him. But it was pretty late and an occasional- yawn wrinkled the youngster's face. -Seeing such a young boy doing a "man size" job started two of the customers talking about the labor situation with special emphasis on Ann Arbor. It goes without saying that we have all felt the labor shortage here. Few restaur- ants can serve us at the hours when we are accustomed to having a snack or cup of coffee. The two customers argued whether proprietors are justified in employing "kids" to work as wait- ers and kitchen help now that few other persons are available. One maintained that the more chil- dren we can get to work in restaurants the more men there will be for defense industries. "NATtMALIY I don't mean they should over- work the kids," the man explained between helpings of pie, "but restaurant work isn't too difficult. Anyway the kids are trying to help in the war effort and helping where there is a shortage of labor is just as important as collect- ing scrap and selling war bonds." "Guess you've been reading Orphan Annie again," was the only reply from the other cus- tomer. Maybe he had more sense than his friend, and maybe he wasn't concerned with the problem. There is more than one restaurant in Ann Ar- bor that is employing child labor. Throughout the Nation the number is enormous. Children as "s ,,no ca vai"vsnla 'r hina jused'jin jbs qa GVh d o £elle,, to the 6 iitorP To the Editor: THIRTY-ONE YEARS have elapsed ..since the Republic of China came into being. In these three short decades she has sur- vived numerous ill-winds and storms-at first from within and then from without-that rose to threaten her existence, but the greater the threat, the stronger she seems to grow. Today, in the midst of her bloodiest strug- gle, with the enemies scattering death and destruction on an ever-increasing scale, China is reaching the apex of her power. Dr. Sun's dream of a politically united China was far from realized when the success of the Wuchang revolt, of October 10, 1911, brought in- stantaneous response from the people to free themselves of the Manchu domination. Almost immediately after the formation of the national government at Nanking, Dr. Sun and his follow- ers had 'to contend bitterly against the ambitions and treacheries of Yuan Shih-kai, the new pres- ident in whose favor Dr. Sun had resigned. THEN FOLLOWED a period of war-lords and opportunistic politicians, and the whole na- tion sank into a hell of indescribable chaos and misery. After General Chiang came to power in 1928, the civil war broke out between Kuomin- tang members and the Communists, and many lives were lost to no purpose. Not until the Jatianese invasion of Manchur- ia in 1931 did China suddenly awake to reality and realize the value and necessity of national unity. The presence of a common foe has drawn the large dissenting household together into one solid unit, arming it with an iron will and iden- tity of purpose never surpassed in any other era since the dawn of Chinese civilization. THE DOUBLE TEN of thirty-one years ago marked the beginning, not the end of Dr. Sun's work. Thousands of things need to be done after the present entanglement has been cleared up: industrialization, education and democratization of the masses, purification of polities*(if politics could ever be purified), abolition of clique-ism and favoritism in public duties, raising of the standard of living, scientific and technical im- provement and perfection, and a thousand other things which must haunt the imagination of us young people who are conscious of the duty and responsibility we owe to our country and to man- kind at large. -Celia Hwaguen Chao I'd Rather Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON - NEW YORK-Wendell Willkie has made him- self a world figure in three weeks. That is a sign of how much room there is at the top. He has done this by saying a number of simple, ordinary things, things which are said at thous- ands of dinner tables, things which are thought by thousands of minds. Only he has broken with peddlers of cant and dispensers of mushmouth talk to say these things out loud. He stands today as the best white spokesman for the aspirations of Asia. And he has clearly become the spokes- man of the most aggressive win-the-war forces in the west. His is a curious position. History may call him the first United Nations statesman; a man without power in any country, who has sud- denly developed enormous power in all free countries. He has spoken in each country as if he lived in it. Is that bad? Another week of it and he will be the unofficial President of the United Nations. He is already the closest bond linking us, next to Hitler. When a man is abruptly whirled to such a posi- tion as this, in a matter of days and hours, we may be sure that great, unchannelized political forces are loose on earth, struggling for outlet. There is that dull ache in the west, that con- sciousness, almost like a feeling of sin, that we have for ten years been too slow, too late, and may be too slow, too late again. That feeling has never found a leader. The natural opposition in this country, which might have given it expres- sion, has too often chosen, instead, to assure a sick world it needs a sales tax. There is, further, a sparking impatience around the world with our wooden complacency on the colonial question, our policy of drift and defense, our pathetic endeavor to save as much as possible of the old world, though we have lost half of it; a river of impatience which now runs from the humblest peasant's hut in China to the floor of the House of Commons in London. How odd, that the last Presidential candi- date of the Republican party in the United States should become the man to head up all these forces simultaneously. That is what is happening. As a result, Wendell Willkie is riding the hot- test horse in the race. Nothing can stop him, be- cause the forces behind him are valid forces. Somewhere on the road, he has met the demo- cratic upsurge, and he has recognized it. That is all that is necessary to make a man great. The world will make any man great who reads its aspirations correctly. You cannot in- vent this stuff. You have to feel it. Willkie has merely read the faces of plain people from Los Angeles to London to China, and has thus been moved to ask for a second front, a world-wide offensive, a free China, a political offensive to win the common man, and a timetable for the end of colonialism in the Pacific. He has become suddenly powerful, not because he is a charming man, but because he has read it right, and said it straight. The Willkie trip is aturning-point in the war. It has synthesized discontents around the M4ERRYw GO* By DREW' WASHINGTON-The President called Senator Scott Lucas of Il- linois to the White House the other day to thank him for his two-fisted support of the Adminis- tration's anti-inflation bill. He also told the able young Il- linoian about some of his exper- iences on his cross-country in- spection tour, one of which was apropos of the inflation fight in Congress. It dealt with the prob- lem of disastrous shortage of farm labor and resultant crop short- ages unless farm parity prices were raised. "The manpower problem isn't as serious as a lot of people are try- ing to make us believe, Scott," the President remarked. "I'm convin- ced we'll be able to lick it in the American way - if we all put our shoulders to the wheel." To illustrate, the President cited a story he had heard while on the West Coast. The California fruit crop was seriously threatened this year due to a labor shortage after the evacuation of Jap fruit work- ers. "No crop was harder hit than prunes," the President said. "It looked for a while as if no prunes would be picked, and they would be left to rot. But just in the nick of time, the people of three or four towns in the area got together and resolved to do something about it. "Almost everybody in those towns, young and old, city offic- ials and business people, rich and poor alike, grabbed buckets and headed for'the orchards. As a re- sult, the prune crop was saved. That's the spirit of cooperation America was built on, and the kind that will win this war. Naval Congressmen Until the White House decreed that Congressmen could not serve in the Army or Navy, Represen- tative Francis Walter, Democrat of Pennsylvania was a lieutenant commander in naval aviation. He' had served in naval aviation in War I, so immediately after Pearl Harbor he was placed in command' of a naval air base south of Nor- folk, Va. There, one of his jobs was to develop new runways and improve the field. But, unable to get suf- ficient concrete, he wrote to the; commanding admiral at Norfolk suggesting the use of black top for the runways. The runways were needed in a hurry, because planes were necessary for patrol- ling the Atlantic Coast against submarines. However, the Norfolk comman- der referred the matter to the Bureau of Naval Aeronautics in Washington; the Bureau of Aero- nautics referred the question to the Bureau of Yards and Docks; the Bureau of Yards and Docks re- ferred the proposal to the Bureau of Shore Establishments; the Bur- eau of Shore Establishments sent the letteron toathe commander of the 5th Naval District, who finally sent it back to "Lt. Comdr. Walter for his apiproval." So, after weeks of delay, Walter went ahead and fixed up his air- plane runways with black top. Representative Walter, now back in Congress, points out that one of the chief reasons for naval delays and inefficiency is the ne- cessity of reporting back to Wash- ington. He has suggested to the Navy Department that individual admirals in charge of bases are. quite capable of making such de- cisions, and shouldnothave to consult Washington on every move. For instance, Walter found that many naval gunners sent to sea on merchant ships to protect sub- marines, never fired a shot before. So he wanted to train them and, to do so, proposed building a skeet shooting range. But when he found he had to go through the rigma- role of asking Washington, he simply appropriated the necessary materials, signed for them and built the range. Rockefeller's Newspaper When Nelson Rockefeller walk- ed through the streets of Rio, Santiago, and Bogota, he found newsboys hawking an illustrated magazine called, "En Guardia." The young millionaire took a few centavos from his pocket and bought copies in each capital. He didn't tell the newsboys, but he himself is publisher of "En Guardia" - "On Guard." As Co- ordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs,, he sponsors this and othlier projects aimed toi impress the Latin (Continued from Page 2) changes may be made only after¢ payment of a fee of one dollar. Membership in a class does not' cease or begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with the instruc- tors only are not official changes. New Graduate Students: All stu- dents registering this semester forl the first time in the Graduate School should report at the Lecture Hall in the Rackham Building for the four- part Graduate Record Examination on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 p.m.t and also on Wednesday, October 14, at 7:00 pm. Credit will be withheld from students failing to take all partst of the examination unless an excuse has been issued by the Dean's office. Be on time. No student can be ad- mitted after the examination has begun. Pencil, not ink, is to be used in writing the examination.t Geology 11: There will be a fielde trip this morning at 8:00 a.m. This supersedes the announcement at the Wednesday lecture. Students shouldt meet at the east door of Natural Sci- ence Building facing the Chemistry Building. C. E. Dutton F Mathematics 20, Air Navigation,1 taught by Professor Carver, will meet in three sections. One section7 is MTUThF at 1:00 p.m., the second section is MTuThF at 2:00 p.m., and the third section will meet eveningss at 7 o'clock. All sections meet in 3003 A.H., Course in Modern Greek: Thei course in Modern Greek offered ini the International Center has beenr cancelled and students who intended to enroll are directed to Greek Lan- guage and Literature 21 under Pro- fessor Blake. Oriental Languages: Students whoa may be interested in a beginning course in Chinese, Malay or Thai n language are asked to call at 3:00 i p.m. today at 2021 Angell Hall. F L. Waterman f p f Concerts Choral Union Concert Tickets: The counter sale of tickets for individual Choral Union concerts will begin " Monday morning, October 12, at 9:00 o'clock, at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical Society,~ Burton Memor- ial Tower. The sale of a limited num- ber of season tickets will continue9 simultaneously.N The first concert will be given by a the Don Cossack Russian Chorus, o Serge Jaroff, Conductor, TuesdayC evening, October 20, at 8:30. _ S Chrls . ik rsdn Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture1 and Design: Student work from the Parsons School of Design, New York City, in interior -decoration, 'costume design, advertising and industrial de- sign, shown in the ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily, except Sunday, 9. to 5, through October 14. The public is invited. Events Today 1 Sophomore Project interviewing will be held today, 9:00-11:00 a.m., in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Coming Events The English Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, October 13, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Here- ward T. Price will deliver the annual faculty research lecture on the topic, "Shakespeare's Third Daughter." All graduate students and members of the department are cordially in- vited. The Zoology Club will meet in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing on Thursday, October 15, at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Karl Bleyl will discuss "The comparative effects of the crude and refined venom of Crotalus atrox upon the circulating blood cells of certain mammals." Social gathering in the West Con-+ ference Room at the rear of the Am- phitheatre. Please remain to get ac- quainted. Zoologists and assistants on the staffs of the Department of Zoology, Museum of Zoology, Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology, School of For- estry and Conservation, Institute for Fisheries Research, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and graduate-stu- dents in zoology are invited. Wives are likewise invited. Varsity Men's Glee Club: Tryouts for membership in the Glee Club will be continued on Sunday, Oct. 11, at 4:30 p.m., in the Glee Club rooms, third floor, Michigan Union. Selec- tions have not yet been made for this year's Club; therefore all old and rain, the hike will be cancelled. All students are welcome. If there are any questions, contact Dorothy Lund- strom (2-4471) or Dan Saulson (9818). International Center, Sunday Eve- ning Program: Mr. Matt Mann, head swimming coach of the University, will speak on '"The Physical Harden- ing Program," illustrated by moving pictures in color of last summer's program at 8 o'clock. International Center, English Lan- guage Service: The English Language Service announces the following sec- tions : I. For doctors and dentists; Mon- day, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30 p.m. II. For women, both students and wives ofrstudents; Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, at 3:00 p.m III. A section of those wishing to improve their pronunciation at hours to be arranged to suit the conveni- ence of students. As these sections are already or- ganized and at work, anyone wishing to take advantage of this service should enroll at once at the Center. All women students who are inter- ested in taking the'Red Cross Nurse's Aide Course are asked to report to Red Cross Headquarters, North Hall, on Monday, October 12, at 4:00 p.m. This request includes those students who have free afternoons and who cannot take the training at the hours stated in the War Training Catalogue. The Inter-Cooperative Council will meet on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 11, in the Michigan Union. The public is invited. Time and place will be posted on the Union bulletin board. Churches St. Andrew's Episcopal Church- :00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:00 a.m. High School Class; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church (all departments meeting at church); 11:00 a.m. Morn- ng Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.; 5:00-7:00 p.m. H-Square Club Party, Page Hall; 6:45 p.m. Discussion group for University reshmen, led by Mr. Clarence Slo- um, Harris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Student Meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker: The Rev. Seward H. Bean, Rector, St. An- drew's Church, Detroit. Subject: What Makes a Christian Different?" First Methodist Church and Wes- ey Foundation: Student Class at :30 a.m., Mildred Sweet, leader. iorning Worship Service at 10:40 .m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach n "Keeping Up to Date." Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6:00 p.m. The Rev. toward Buschin of Farmington will peak on "The Growing Church." upper and Fellowship hour follow- ng the meeting. First Baptist Church: 0:00 a.m.: The Under-graduate Class, led by Mrs. Geil Orcutt, will study the New Testament in the Guild House. The Graduate Class will meet in the balcony of the church to dis- cuss, "What Can We Believe?" There are other classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.: Sermon-"Pride in the Gospel," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 7:00-The Roger Williams Guild will meet in the Guild House, 502 East Huron. Rev. Owen Geer, Pastor of the Mt. Olivet Method- ist Church of Dearborn, will speak on "The Church's Role In Social Change." First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship -10:45. "God Makes Exceptions,"-subjet of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild-6:00 p.m. Supper and fellowship hour in Social Hall. Student discus- sion led by Earle Harris on "How Shall We Interpret Our Reli- gion?" First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., open every+ day except Sundays and holidays, 11:30- a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturdays until 9:00 p.m. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples) Morning Worship 10:45 o'clock. Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Mr. Robert Wal- drop of the Psychology Clinic will speak on "Campus Pressures and Religious Living." A social hour and tea will follow the dis- cussion. Unitarian Church: Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Rev. Edward H. Redman of Virginia, Minnesota, will speak on "Building for the Fu- ture." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i The (Poinhted ~YAL> i. Things that make us feel pretty good depart- ment: Received a: letter from The Daily's "Wash- ington correspondent" Anne Oehm, in which-she