THE MICHIGAN DAILY League Hosts, CountyUnits Q4 Red Cross First Aid Work, Junior Group And Disaster Preparedness Slated For Panel Discussions All persons, students and towns-I people interested in Red Cross work, are urged to attend theRed Cross In- stitute meeting beginning at 9:30 a. n. and. continuing through 4:3. p.'m. today at the Michigan League. The 'program will be three-fold, dealing with complete coverage of first aid, disaster preparedness, and the Junior Red Cross. Following reg- istration at 9:30 a. m., the three top- ics will be covered within two two- hour group meetings before and after lunch, according to Mrs. A. E. White, who is, in charge of arrangements for the Institute. Many Countries Represented Eleven county chapter units, in- cluding Washtenaw, Livingston, Mon- roe, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Jackson, Mc- Comb, Oakland. Ingham, St. Clair and Grosse Isle will be present for this luncheon meeting. The luncheon program will be provided by the Washtenaw county branch of the Junior Red Cross. All group meetings will begin at 10:30 a. m, following the registra- tion and addresses of welcome. Those attending the Institute will join one of three group meetings. One group will discuss first aid work of the Red Cross; a second will. concentrate on the disaster preparedness prograin of the national organization. Subject of the third group meeting will be the Junior Red Cross. Authorities To Speak Margaret Ann Ayres, assistant to the director of the junior branch in the mid-west area, will be the speak- er for the Junior Red Cross group. Ernest Goetz, first aid authority and, Ednond Haapaniemi, water safety authority, will speak also. Paul Moore,. assistant to the director of disaster preparedness in the mid-west area, will be the speaker for the disas- ter preparedness group meeting. A combined meeting' for the disas- ter preparedness and first aid groups will begin at 3:30 p. m. Students are urged to attend all the panel discus- sions. Simple Outfts Fil Prerequisites Of University Courses For War * ~ e M , < ,- *-* Smartness as well as serviceability will be the keynote of fashion for the duration of the war. Women have heard and will bear this statement1 time and again, and yet they cannot be impressed enough with the impor- tance of buying durable clothes. The classic wool shirt-waist dress is certain to remain in style for as long as you will need it. However, the large pockets in the dress above add' variety that distinguishes it from others. Made of whipcord which will U# A .. Y t : "5*: Slauson, Tappan Schools To Open New. Surgical Dressing Stations In addition to the two existing sur- gical dressing stations in Ann Arbor, the Red Cross officials plan to open two new branches at Slauson Junior High school next Wednesday, Oct. 14, and at Tappan Junior High School at the end of this month, for the pur- pose of supplying the increasing de- w and for Army and Navy bandages through volunteer work. Stations In Rackham The stations already established are located in the ackham building which is open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a. m. until noon and from 1to 4 p. m., and at the Ann CDVO To Aid Coming Drive The campaign committee -of the USO-Community Fuhd drive, headed by Earl H. Cress, yesterday an- nounced plans to use a great many CDVO volunteers in the coming drive. The volunteers will be selected from the lists of persons registered with the Civilian Defense Volunteer Office. Those who have indicated a' special interest in public contact work and similar activities will be given preference. They will be given posi- tions in all divisions of the campaign. Those volunteers who are signed as campaign workers will receive credit on the 'same basis as other volunteer workers. This credit will apply toward the completion of the 50 hours of volunteer service required by the Citizens Service Corps for member- ship in that organization. All persons who work in the cam- paign and are enrolled with the CVDO will receive credit for their work. It makes no difference whether they enter the drive through the Civ- ilian Defense Volunteer Office or whether they enter through other channels. Arbor High school, operating from 7. until 10 p. in. Thursday. Volunteers may work at the new unit in Slauson Junior High School from 7 until 10 p. m. every Wednes- day. Red Cross officials have not yet decided the nights on which the 'Tp- pan school station will function but evening hours are scheduled. With these additional stations, tlie Red Cross officers hope to overcome any decrease in volunteer work dte to gasoline rationing by establishing stations within convenient walking distance for the majority of the vo- unteers. Instructors will be on hand at all of these stations #nd the only uni- form required is a clean work dress or apron, according to Red Cross headquarters. dRnitting Material Available For all those who wish to aid the defense effort by knitting, the Red Cross also stated, there is sufficient material for 100 sleeveless sweaters, 60 mufflers, and 40 helmets. KCnitters may apply for material at the Red Cross Production rooms on Catberine St. from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. today. The finished products must be returned by Dec. 1 for immediate shipment to the armed forces. Material taken, out before Aug. 15 should be returned by next Saturday, the officials qn- nounced. The Civilian Defense Volunteer Of- fice also announced 'that & volunteer bookkeeper was needed to handle the accounts for the Perry Nursery school, which takes care of small chil- dren, many of whose parents are war workers. The hours would be twice a week, preferably at noon time. i. stand the strongest wear, this dress is perfect for your war-time courses in nutrition, home nursing, or child care. Because slacks will become stan- dard wear for classes in motor me- chanics or first aid which are includ- ed in the Women's War Training Program, it will be necessary to have at least' one or more pairs. Those shown above provide the needed smartness in 'the fine check with carefully tailored pleats down the front. Dressed in these slacks with a matching jerkin you will be the envy of those working with you. In doing the war work which will be demanded of each woman, it will be necessary' to. be as comfortable as 'possible. Flat-heeled mocassins or saddle-shoes or low-heeled walking shoes are a perfect combination with either dress or slacks. Rush Season Will Conclude WithDinners Dressed in their best tea dresses with mhanners on parade, sorority and independent women plunged into fall rushing last Sunday at the first tea which was held' from 3 p. mn. to 5 p. in. After two days of trudging from houseR to "house on. the part of the rusheesand ' a gruelling period of greeting and entertaining by the so- rorities, the functions progressed to coffees on Tuesday night from 7:30 p. i. rto.:30. p. m. These were re- peated yesterday and will also be given todayh Saturday will see activities begin again when some houses give a foot- ball luncheon from noon to 1:30 p. mn. Carrying on. the football festivities and celebrating our victory(?), other groups will hold a buffet supper Sat- urday from 5:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. A Sunday morning breakfast will open functions for the next day, with some huses entertaining from 9 a. im. until 10 a. In. Another buffet supper Sunday eve- ning from 5:30 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. will keep the rushees busy. Monday a cof- fee from 7:30 p. m. until 9:30 p. m. will continue the rushing activities, and then both independents and so- Women Adopt 'PEM' Course Conditioning Program Beginning Tomorrow Will Stress Endurance Here's the opportunity, time and place specifically given, for the wo- men on campus to start building up their endurance and hardening their bodies, in order that they be in the best condition to help win this war. The Physical Education depart- ment for women has made the plans, and now all students are urged to attend either of the two body condi- tioning classes, to be held at 2:30 p. m. and 3:20 p. m. tomorrow at the W. A. B. Anyone may attend, including i freshmen who are enrolled in regular physical education classes, also, up- perclassmen are especially urged to come out and make it a regular habit according to Mrs. Dorothy Miller, of the Physical Education department. These classes will continue throughout the semester at the ap- pointed times. Students need not reg- ister before-hand, but merely come to the classes whenever they desire. Weather permitting, the exercises will be given outside on the field at the W. A. B. When the classes are forced inside, they will be held at Barbour gymnasium. The program will include exercises, marching, and an obstacle course, following the one used in PEM. Be- sides this special body-conditioning program, the first part of all regular physical education classes will be spent on an endurance program. The different sports classes, meeting at the same time, will band together in one big group for part of the hour for a mass exercise program. Elaine M. Wood Married Here Yesterday Noon First Methodist Church Scene Of Wood-Sempliner Nuptials; Dr. C. W. Brashares Officiates Elaine Marie Wood, '41, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Wood of Ann Arbor, and Lt. Arthur W. Seipliner, '39L, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Semp- liner of Detroit, were married at noon yesterday in the Ann Arbor First Methodist Church, Dr. Charles W. Brashares officiating. Mary Kasper, '41, of Cleveland, O., was maid of honor, and the bride- groom's brother, William, was best man. Ushers were Richard Stoll, '43, brother-in-law of the bride, and Rob- ert Green of Turtle Lake, Pontiac. The bride was "Miss Collegiate Aviation" in, 1941 and was listed in "Who's Who Among American Uni- versity and College Students" for 1940. She is affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Phi. Lt. Sempliner, who is a member of Sigma Chi, did his preparatory work at Cranbrook School for Boys, in which he was the first to be enrolled. He has been on active duty at Camp Edwards, Mass., with the engineer corps amphibian command. The couple will spend their honey- moon in Lexington, Ky., before Lt. Sempliner goes to his new station. rority women will be given a day of rest. The formal dinnr during rushing is now a thing of the past. Cooperat- ing in the war effort Panhellenic As- sociation has banned this function, so that this year the dinners which will be held Wednesday and Thursday nights of next week will be complete- ly informal. From 6:15 p. m. until 9:15 p. m. these evenings, the sorori- ties will present their last functions before the complete silence period be- gins. There is to be no communication between sororities and rushees be- tween 9:15 p. m. Thursday, October 15, and 9 p. m. Saturday, October 17. Pledging will take place at 3 p. m. Sunday, October 18. II II I BUY U.S. WAR BONDS AND STAMPS AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN! Army Private Turns Ensign In Two Days NORTH ADAMS, Mass., Oct. 7- (I')- From Army private to Navy en- sign in two days was the feat of Charles Reder. He left with a group of selective service men for training camp last aturday and his commission as en- gign, for which he had applied some time ago, arrived at the Army train- i Ag center Monday. During a one-day furlough the switch from Army to Navy was effected. There will be a meeting of the offi- cers of the Sociedad Hispanica at 4:30 n m today in Room 302. Ro- Classroom Classics Fall '42 Editions 14.95 t 19.95 TRIM TALORED DRESSES with a neat worldly- wise look that makes them especially right for this year's college girl. In crisp rayon gabardines, smooth flannels . . . with long or short sleeves. Beige, cherry, green,- blue, also -& r ... ":>: o: i>t L" " qia I I i I I I :A'T.L IF v liyc UaI w r u.wu ua u vv .1I