ITJV5SDDDAY, 'OCT. - , ,9x T HE YICI XN DOI NV PAGE THEE, Music School h Scene of Concerts StaffExpands " N New Conductor To Lead U' Symphonies., To fill the vacancy caused by the induction of Thor Johnson into the Army, Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, has announcedh the appointmenit 'of Eric DeLamarter to the position of conductor of the University Symphony Orchestra. Professor DeLamarter has long been known as :a leading conductor, having held the position' of associate conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the Chi- ago Civic Orchestra. He is also known as a comnposer of many and varied symphonic and choral works. Five other members have also beenJ added to the faculty of the School of Music. Gilbert Ross on leave of ab- sence from Smith College will hold I the position here as visiting professo'r of violin. Professor Ross in addition fi: ".". A to his work In the University will pre- sent a series of concerts, featuring} well-known violin sonatas. He will be accompanied by Mabel Ross Rhead, who 'Is on the faculty of thed music school. Long a teacher and administrator in the field of meusical education, Marguerite Hood, instructor at the University of Southern California since 1940, will be the assistant pro fessor of music education. Craighead Twins Will Head Course To TehTcts Of Jungle Warfare Undergraduate Scholarships AreOf fered The University offers a number of scholarships to undergraduate stu- dents of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the College of Engineering. These are awarded on the basis of both scholarship qual- ification and financial need. In the College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts two organizations offer scholarships to freshmen. The Michigan Alumni Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to entering students recommended by alumnae chapters throughout the state. The holders of these scholarships are eli- gible to have them renewed for three years upon satisfactory completion of each semester of work. The Horace H. Rackham Fund for Undergraduate Scholarships offers an additional number of scholarships to entering men who have already se- cured admission to the University. Dorm Scholarships Three types of scholarships are available for undergraduate women. Martha Cook, Betsy Barbour, Helen Newberry and Adelia Cheever resi- dence halls each offer a number of room and board scholarships. The Ethel A. McCormick Scholarships are granted to junior and senior women who are prominent in activities and in financial need. The Levi L. Bar- bour Oriental Girls' Scholarships are offered each year to qualifying Ori- ental women. War veterans and their descend- ants may receive aid from the Uni- versity under the provisions of the La Verne Noyes, United States Army Veterans, and D.A.R. War Memorial Scholarships. The Phillips Scholarships for pro- ficiency in classical languages are awarded to six students who comply with standards set by the scholarship committee. Two scholarships for worthy stu- dents in chemistry, the Paul S. Bag- ley and lbrof. Moses Gomberg Schol- arships are awarded annually. Engineering Awards The Simon Mandlebaum Scholar- ships for six undergraduate men in either the College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts or the College of Engineering are awarded annually to men who have attended the Univer- sity for at least one year. Partially or entirely self-supporting undergraduate engineers are eligible for aid under the provisions of four scholarships, the Harriet Eveleen Hunt, Joseph Boyer, Cornelius Dono- van and Robert C. Gemmell Scholar- ships which are awarded each year. The Frank Sheean Scholarships in Aeronautics are offered/ to students' of aeronautics who have completed at least two years of work with grades distinctly above average. Home of Law Students Fund For Students Pays TWo Million In"Loans To Date Established in 1897 by University Alumni and other persons interested in 'assisting needy students, the Stu- dent Loan Fund has furnished loans totalling over $2,115,000 during its existence. To borrow money from this fund it is necessary for students to file an application with the Committee on Student t'oans, stating such facts as the amount of money desired, per- sonal history and estimated yearly budgets. A low rate of interest is charged in order that a reserve may be created for replacing loans uncol- lected because of death, illness or similar reasons and so that loans in existence may be enlarged for future use. Loans are ordinarily payable in installments, but if circumstances prevent'a student from meeting his payments, it is his duty to communi- cate with the proper officials, ex- plain his difficulties and requesting an extension of time. Law Program To Be Continued Despite Reduced Enrollment A pair of Pennsylvania-born iden- tical twins who have traveled in In- dia and Tibet are using thei' knolw-1 edge of the out-of-doors by teaching University students the skills needed on the' jungle battlefronts of this war. John and )'rank Craighead are the twins and they 'have been'trying to satisfy the need cited by a recent- War Department communique for such outdoor-trained men by teach- 'ing a course designed to develop the skills our fighting men,; wil n'eed: when battling viand-to-hand with Jap shock troops in the Pacific. The course is called Physical Education for Men 39. The twins are also work- ing in the University zoology depart- ment for their Ph.D. degrees in game management. In Fits statement, the War Depart- ment pointed out that "Valuable fli- ers, 'downed in combat, with a knowledge of woodcraft, edible plants and natural environment, can read- ily survive and find their base with a little experience in isolated living." In an effort to teach students 'these skills, the Craigheads have di- vided their course into two coordi- nated sections. The "-foxhole com- bat" side of the course gives students training in hand-to-hand fighting techniques while the- "outdoor skills" section concentrates on learning how to. survive in the wilderness. More emphasis is laid on'the latter course and 'an effort is made to simu- t'. _ _ 4 Michigan's Favorite Drycleaner 31i1 23-23-1 r . ri I late the exact conditions an isolated American soldier might find. In or- der to teach the student to adapt himself to unfamiliar country the student is taken toarcompletely iso- lated spot. From there he must pro- ceed to a given destination by use of' a topographic map, the only aid he is allowed. Michigan bogs particu- larly lend themselves to the kind of training needed in the swampy and jungle-filled South Pacific islands. After several weeks of this sort of training, a student is expected to be able to traverse ten miles by topo- graphic map, making full use of con- tours, lakes, streams, forest types, and varied elevations to find his po- sition speedily and correctly. For men who are assigned to for- est, jungle or scouting duty, the course provides instruction in pack making and loading. In order to, lighten the pack by economizing on space, the Craigheads have experi- mented with dried food that is- both light and nutritious. Instruction is given in river and stream navigation that includes canoeing, shooting rap- ids, righting upsets and moving si- lently along waterfronts. John and Frank Craighead are es- pecially qualified to teach such a course because they are trained in almost every phase of outdoor activ- ity. After taking numerous camping trips and exploring expeditions, the boys wrote about their experiences in the Saturday Evening Post, Na- tional Geographic, American Forest and various other publications of the outdoor world while they were jun- iors in high school. The articles cov- ered falconry, canoeing, camping, hiking, hunting and were well illus- trated with photographs taken by the twins. Frank does most of the camera work. Two years ago, deciding that they had had enough of school, the two boys traveled to India, Tibet and other Far Eastern points. They were house guests of Prince Dharmarku- marsinhji or Bhavnagar of India for three months. The Prince taught the twins native hunting methods of stalking game, of hiding in the dense Indian jungles, of silently tracking prey, both human and animal. This was invaluable, training for their present work. Among the other things seen in India by the Craighead twins were three-day wedding feasts, solid sil- ver howdahs, strange sects who kill no animals, fairy tale palaces with unearthly beauty and splendor, hin- du turbans and Mohammedan fezzes. When interviewed last year (be- fore Pearl Harbor), the boys said, "We want to go back. We want to rough it in the Himalayas . . . it's the most wonderful thing we've ever seen . . . just like another world." Now they add another sentence. "We want to go back . . . after we beat the Japs." The Michigan Daily Although the enrollment in the Law School will' be reduced below normal by the war service of law students, all of the regular Law School programs and activities will be conducted as usual for the dura- tion of hostilities. The usual courses will be offered, although certain ex- tra sections normally available in some of the larger courses are being eliminated. All of the related activities such as the Law Review, the Case Clubs, and the Lawyers Club, will operate in normal fashion. Rigorous and com- plete training in law is as essential for those who graduate in war time as under normal conditions. A satisfactory school enrollment is expected, although the uncertainties caused by the demand for soldiers under the Selective Service Act make a numerical estimate impossible. Practically all law students are col- lege graduates, . hence they have reached the age of eligibility under the Act. Moreover, large numbers of them have enlisted in various bran- ches of the sei'vice. The Judge Advocate General's De- partment of the United States Army has recently accepted an invitation to establish in the Law Quadrangle its training school for the Army's legal advisers. The officers in this school will be quartered in the Law- yers Club utilizing space not needed, because of reduced enrollment, by the regular law students. More than 4,000 men and women have been graduated so far from the Engineering Science and Manage- ment War Training program under the sponsorship of the United States Office of Education and the Univer- sity of Michigan since the program's inception in the spring of 1941. The program, which includes about 125, part-time and full-time courses, is being given at a total cost of $190,000, made available through the Federal Government, and serves to train civilians to ac- 0 0 tively participate in the war effort. The full-time courses which are being offered to men and women not involved in actual college work, last from 10 to 24 weeks and require from 36 to 48 hours of work per week. Hamilton Business College Ann Arbor William at State Twenty-Eighth Year Air-Cooled Licensed by Michigan Accrediting Commission U Intensive Business Courses for H IGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE GRADUATES " Victory Courses for war industry and military service. " Secretarial, Accounting, and Business Administra- tion Courses, leading to business employment. College-grade student body. Free Placement Department. School adjacent to University campus. Fall Term Opens Oct. 5 Phone, write or call for free literature. I1 the Michigan Wolverine * the students' own ding club" , am * I 20 MEALSat$5'83 (plus tax) SAVE! 193flIhia eian $3.50 On Campus Today ($.oo clown Payment) Prie~ rk i ae 9 0'0 1te'r * Or any combination of meals at proportionate prices. Limited memberships available All students welcome 1 If 111 M .._ x k :rr>m I I I 1