GENERAL SUPPLEMENT itt Iut GEN ERAL SUPPLEMENT i M ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 6 U.S. Post Office Announces Rules For Soldier Gifts -- - - _ i Four Out Of Five Frosh Men Take Math, Physics Professor Van Duren Declares Males Are Candidates For Services, Not Degrees Cossack Chorus To Open Annual Musical Program On Hill Auditorium Stage Government Urges Nation To Write Armrd Forces No Later Than Nov. 1 Mail Christmas Packages Early Playing Santa Claus to members of the armed forces stationed abroad will involve many restrictions and precautions according to an an- nouncement by the Post Office De- partment. Thedepartment, cooperating with the War and Navy departments, has released several instructions regard- ing the packing and mailing of Christmas gifts to soldiers, sailors and marines serving on foreign con- tinents and in Alaska. In order that parcels may reach addresses on time and in good condi- tion postmasters are urging especially that they be mailed promptly. Gifts and cards should be mailed no later than Nov. 1. Patrons are also re- quested to endorse each gift "Christ- mas parcel." Since there is an urgent need for shipping space to transport materials directly essential to the war effort, Christmas parcels exceeding the pres- ent limit of 11 pounds in weight or 18 inches in length and girth combined will not be accepted. The War and Navy Departments are asking the public to cooperate by voluntarily restricting the size of packages to that of an ordinary shoe box and weighing six pounds. Patrons are also requested to omit food and clothing from parcels since members of the armed forces are amply pro- vided with these by the government. Only one parcel will be accepted in any one week when sent by or in be- half of the same person or concern to or for the same addressee. Packages should be prepared care- fully to sustain transporting, hand- ling and any storage they may have to undergo. Wrappings and contain- ers must be durable enough to resist pressure of other mail in the sacks and of other sacks of mail. All pack- ages will be subject to censorship and delay in handling will be minimized if parcel covers are secured so as to permit ready inspection of the con- tents. No perishable matter should be in- cluded in any parcel. Combination packages should be tightly packed to* prevent damaging of the wrapper. Christmas boxes must be inclosed in substantial containers. Candies in pasteboard boxes should be inclosed in wood, metal or corrugated paste- board. Sealed packages of candy, cigars, tobacco and toilet articles may be in- closed within the parcels as parcel post. Points and edges of sharp in- struments such as razors should be well protected to prevent injury to postal employes and damage to cov- ers. All intoxicants, inflammable ma- terials, poisons and compositions which may be used to kill or injure someone or damage the mails, are unmailable. Parcels should be addressed as fol- lows: To men in the overseas army they should include the name and address of the sender, the name, rank, army serial number, branch of service, organization, A. P. O. num- ber of the addressee and the post office through which parcels are to be routed. To men in the Navy, parcels should bear the name and address of sender, the name, rank, or rating of the ad- dressee and the naval unit or ship to which he is assigned and post office through which the parcels will pass. For Marines overseas, parcels should show rank and rating, full name and U. S. M. C., with the unit in care of the post master in New York City or San Francisco, Calif. Units within the United States may be addressed direct, using name, rank, organization and location. Postage must be fully prepaid, Stickers or labels resembling postage stamps are not allowed on the out- side of parcels. Inscriptions such as "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" are permissible. Books may bear simple dedicatory inscriptions not of a nature of personal corre- spondence. Gifts of more than ordinary value should be insured and it is suggested that articles of considerable value also be sealed and sent first-class .._i~m .a m il T _rtrn _ o-+ +, o Freshmen 'Get Sore--And Pots Ain't No More Freshman pots, dug out of the dim past and streamlined from the formerj drab grey to a conspicuous maize- and-blue, sold like wild-fire for a day but it didn't take the new frosh long to catch on. The pots-which sold for 75 cents apiece-suddenly disappeared. Whe- ther those who bought them were ashamed of their color or the pres- sure from the non-purchasing group brought on the disappearance isn't known. But at the Freshman Union Smok- er last week in the Union-tradition.- ally known for its speeches-there wasn't a pot to be seen among the lit and engineering freshmen present. The move by upper-classmen to slap a pot on the head of every be- wildered freshman was planned in advance. The Men's Judiciary Council had made arrangements for the sale of the pots as early as last spring, Harold Trick, manager of. the store handling the pots, said. All sales were handled by The Wol- verines, something new on campus this year. Proceeds were to go to Michigan cheerleaders but no reason was advanced in explanation of this decision. Freshmen reported that they were threatened with a paddling and "you won't get out of the Union without 'em" last Monday during Orientation. The result-more than 700 freshmen bought the dazzling maize-and-blue pots in one day's rush. People began to object and The Daily investigated. An editorial terse- ly announced that pots were not com- pulsory. So the freshmen stood, like Dan'l Webster, on their constitutional rights. They didn't want to be both- ered with pots-not with a war on. They're up here for more serious stuff, they'll tell you. Just ask them. Navy To Organize Club For Reserve Members The U.S. Navy soon will organize on this campus a Navy Club for men enrolled in its V-i, V-5 and V-7 pro- grams. To prepare enrollees for future service, the Navy will provide club members with speakers and pamphlet material about naval history, cus- toms, seamanship and ordnance. Urged by their President to seek an "education for life,not for death," hundreds of literary college freshmen are nevertheless signing up for war courses which they otherwise would never have considered. And whether they will leave the University as well versed in the humanities as were their predecessors, remains specula- tive. Eighty per cent of the men in the literary college freshman class, ac- cording to Prof. Arthur Van Duren, chairman of the college's academic 20,000 Students Receive Loans For Education Fund Set Up By Congress' Helps American Youth To Train For Warfare Twenty thousand students attend- ing 240 colleges and universities throughout the country are receiving assistance from the $5,000,000 loan fund set up by Congress to speed up the education of technicians for em- ployment in the war effort, the US. Office of, Education disclosed last week. About $4,000,000 has already been allotted to institutions which offer an accelerated program-that is, an academic schedule providing over a 12-month period one-third more work than- in a ,nornal school year-in these fields: engineering, chemistry, physics, medicine '(including veterin- ary), dentistry and, pharmacy. The other $1,000,000 is being distributed to. schools which inaugurate such a program this fall. To be eligible for a loan a student must attend a degree-granting- insti- tution which is approved by the Of- fice of Education as having an accel- erated program and he must be with- in two years of completing his edu- cation in one of the specified courses. He must maintain a satisfactory standard of scholarship, agree to ac- cept employment in the war effort if offered him and be in need of assis- tance. If these qualifications are met, loans will be made to the student in an amount equal to his fees and tui- tion plus $25 a month and will not exceed $500 to any one student in a 12-month period. Loans are legalized by notes made payable to the Treas- urer of the United States and carry an interest rate of 21/2 per cent a year., Notes are cancelled if a student is drafted before completing his course or if he suffers total and permanent disability or in case of death. . counselors, are enrolled in mathe- matics or physics or both. "Male students can no longer con- sider themselves candidates for de- grees," Professor'Van Duren asserted. "From now on and for the duration they are candidates for the nation's armed forces." All men students whose high school records indicate an aptitude for these studies will be required to include them in their course schedules, ac- cording to Professor Van Duren. Results of new aptitude tests which were given to the new class, which will be available in a few days, will be used later to guide students into ar-important studies and to rectify any errors resulting from advice given to students on the basis of their high school records. Mathematics, physics and map- reading, along with English, Profes- sor Van Duren declares, are the most important tools a young man can take with him into the armed forces. Re- quiring students who have ability in these fields to take such courses, he says, will not only enhance their value to the armed services but will also make them much more likely candidates for officers' training. New Lectures To Probe War, Peace Ideals Experts To Lead Course Of Unique Discussions On Post-War Problems Problems of the war and of the peace will be the subject of a unique course, Social Studies 93, to be stud- ied by junior and senior students who wish to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the principles necessary to maintain a permanent peace after the war. The course, given inter-departmen- tally in the literary college, will be for two hours credit, and will consist of lectures. The class will meet on Tues- days and Thursdays at 2 p. m. in Room C, Haven Hall. Lectures by experts on economics, political science, geography, sociol- ogy and history will give a balanced outline of the various problems which will become important after the ces- sation of hostilities. The emphasis of the new course will be on the general outlines of the problems rather than on any specific blueprint proposed as a solution to the problems of peace. An integral part of the course will be a discussion of the broad peace aims of the bel- ligerents. The causes of the present war will be outlined to give a clear view of the problems which must be faced at the conclusion of the war. From this be- ginning the topics will turn to the general ideas for maintaining peace permanently. More specific problems will be treated by lectures in special- ized fields. Designation of the chairman of the course is yet lacking. Specific details will be released later. Other courses given by the Uni- versity which were intended to pro- vide a study of the problems of war and peace were History 146 and 147, taught by Prof. Howard A. Ehrmann. At the present time Prof. Ehrmann is serving in the Navy. Reconstructio n Is Main Study Of New Group Concert Stars State Post-War Council Will Hold Seminars, AdoptPrinciples The Michigan Post-War Council, founded last April to stimulate stu- dent interest in problems of recon- struction, will continue its program intended to, further discussion and study of post-war needs. Plans for this semester include seminar groups to discuss post-war affairs, the organization of Michigan college groups into a state-wide Post- War Council and the adoption of a set of principles. Throughout the summer the Post- War Council held weekly meetings conducted by authoritative speakers. After short introductory talks the group, through questions and opin- ions, analyzed such problems as the future of capitalism in the post-war world and the settlement of the In- dtan problem. A New Aim A new aim is the proposed state- wide collegiate Post-War Council. Leaders of the Council have to com- plete the organization of 29 colleges by December. After the initial organi- zation is completed a state-wide meeting of delegates will be held. Adoption of a set of principles is an attempt to formulate some policy resulting from general agreements at the long series of meetings since the Council's inception. , The principles which are expected to be approved are: that diligent planning for a peaceful post-war world is necessary in addition to win- ning the military war; that there should be rational social, political and economic reconstruction to render war unnecessary; that every human being should have the right to free personal development; that all pro- ductive work be rewarded on the ba- sis of work accomplished; and that the Post-War Council will hold itself morally obliged to act on these prin- ciples. Open To Any Person The Post-War Council's meetings are open to any person wishing to at- tend them. Membership on the Coun- cil itself is open to any interested per- son and to the delegates of campus organizations. The initial program at the time of the Council's formation in April was a three-day post-war conference. Featured speakers were President Alexander G. Ruthven, Dr. Francis McMahon of Notre Dame University and Prof. J. Donald Kingsley of Anti- och College. The meeting was attended by hun- dreds of students, both in the lectures and the discussion panels following the speeches. The Post-War Council organized itself into a permanent group at that time to continue work which had already won nation-wide acclaim.. Large attendance to the meetings continued through the summer term when students and faculty members spoke to furnish discussion subjects. SERGE KOUSSEVITSKY, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, will bring his organiza- tion to Ann Arbor on Dec. 9. * * * GLADYS SWART'HOUT, mezzo-soprano, will sing here Octo- ber 29, in Hill Auditorium. * * * ' Serge Jaroff Will Conduct Choral Group In First Of Ten Presentations Soloists, Orchestras Also On Program Serge, Jaroff will bring his Don Cossack Chorus to the Hill Auditor- ium stage on Oct. 20 when the sixty- fourth annual Choral Union Series continues its annual "the best in mu- sic" treat for music-lovers. Maintaining the high standard of presentations of former years, the University Musical Society has an- nounced ten numbers for the current series, six of which will be solo reci- tals by eminent celebrities of inter- national reputation, an outstanding choral organization, and three major symphonies and orchestras. Serge Jaroff, world-famous choral conductor, welded his group together from soldiers of the National Army who were imprisoned during the Rus- sian Revolution. Exiled from Mother Russia and traveling on League of Nations transports, they have toured the world giving concerts in Europe, England, Australia and America, and their record of more than 4,000 con- certs has never been equalled. Mezzo-Soprano Here Gladys Swarthout, whose voice has thrilled audiences in great metropoli- tan centers all over the world, will present the second of the Choral Un- ion Concerts Oct. 29. American by birth and training, she occupies a foremost place at the Metropolitan Opera and has participated in major capacities in practically all the other more important American opera com- panies. Miss Swarthout appeared once before in Ann Arbor in the May Festival, but this is her first appear- ance in the Choral Union Series. Artur Rodzinski and his Cleveland Orchestra are no strangers to Ann Arbor audiences and will thrill them once again on Nov. 8 with superb music. Mr. Rodzinski has been at the helm of this band of players for nearly a decade and each season tours a large portion of the country, always bettering his already fine reputation. First heard in Paris at the age of sixteen, Albert Spalding's career has since then been one of successive tri- umphs. An American by birth, his achievements have been recognized throughout the musical world, and he is one of Europe's favorite visiting artists. He will appear on Nov. 19. Beethoven Interpreter Artur Schnabel's brilliant Beetho- ven interpretations have won for him international recognition as the greatest living interpreter of this composer. He will appear in Ann Arbor Thursday, Dec. 3. On Dec. 9, Serge Koussevitsky and his Boston Symphony Orchestra will appear before Ann Arbor audi- ences for the 12th consecutive time. Performing here for the first time in 1890, they appeared occasionally until 1930, since which time they have been annual visitors. Josef Hoffman, noted pianist, who will open the new year with a concert Jan. 18, has been referred to asthe "youngest old man"~ in concert busi- ness. Heifetz Returns Ann Arbor audiences will welcome Jascha Heifetz back to the scene of many of his earlier triumphs when he appears here in the Choral Union Series Feb. 16. Sir Thomas Beecham, Guest Con- ductor for the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra, will appear in Ann Arbor for the first time March 2. Nelson Eddy, as American music ambassador-at-large, has a "voice heard round the world." Six feet tall, blond and athletic, he is typically American and, in addition to his sing- ing career, possesses distinctive gifts for acting. His appearance on March 17 will close the Choral Union Series for the season. Season tickets for the series may be obtained by writing to Dr. Charles A. Sink, University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor. Those who wish to attend are urged to purchase their tickets as soon as possible to avoid the rush. In addition to the Choral Union Series, the University Musical Society Union Set To Serve Michigan Men With Club Like' Facilities Incoming freshmen and transfer students had their first chance to be- come acquainted with the Michigan Union last week, but along with the upperclassmen they will find the facilities of the Union admirably adopted to constant use throughout) the year. Aside from the guest room facili- ties, the Union offers members the use of the two tap-room cafeterias, the dining room, Ann Arbor's largest Wartime Radio WHilBe Tauorht Prof. Abbott Will Instruct 'Art Of AirPropaganda' The speech department is offering a new course this fall which is de- signed to acquaint speech students with the art of radio propaganda, according to Prof. Waldo Abbot who directs the broadcasting. The new course which is called Wartime Radio Programs will feature two aspects of broadcasting in the war. The first aspect will deal with the radio as a military weapon. Mr. Ab- bot has been very fortunate in obtain- ing from the British Intelligence Service the results of their research on the use of the radio by the Ger- mans in the advance of military MOWS. barber shop, a swimming pool, steam bath, bowling alleys, pool room, bil- liards and ping pong, the Pendleton reading library, and rooms for stu- dent offices and meetings. To obtain membership advantages, male students have only to present their cashier's receipt stub at the un- dergraduate offices between 3 and 5 p. m, any afternoon. Housed in first floor offices, the Union staff steers many campus ac- tivities and services and furnishes students with any information de- sired about the University or Union. Donald C. West, '43E, and Edward R. Holmberg, Jr., '43, are president and secretary of the Union staff. Members of the Junior staff, which handles all Union social, recreational and scholastic functions, are Marvin L. Borman, '44, David F. Striffler, '44, Richard C. Ford, '44, Arthur J. Geib, '44E, Burnett H. Crawford, '44, Alan E. Brandt, '44, Robert B. Shott, ,44E, Charles M. Dotterrer, '44E, Rob- ert L. Schwyn, '44, and Herbert S. Heavenrich, '44E. Some of the larger projects spon- sored each year by the Union include a Union Formal, "Coke" Bars, a book exchange, and week-end dances. War activities such as a blood bank have also been handled during the past year. Second semester freshmen are ad- vised that they are now eligible, if proper grades have been attained, to "try out" for the Union staff. Of- fering numerous opportunities for ex- ecutive and business training, the rta,.ffmnrovidpsA P lmtn. training nr 'The Raven' On Your Shoulder War Dictates What To Wear On Every U.S. College Campus The war has had a hand in fash- ioning almost all the clothes that will be worn on college campuses this year. It has made the U.S. Gov- ernment the biggest fashion designer of them all. Already, the War Pro- duction Board has issued many cloth- ing orders, including a ban on the manufacture of the wasteful "loot suit" with the drape shape. WPB's simplification orders cover many articles of masculine and fem- inine apparel. Men's clothes must be a little shorter, a little narrower and a great deal simpler. Victory suits, topcoats and overcoats are being made without patch pockets, trick backs, trouser cuffs, bolts and pleats. Vests with double-breasted suits, the extra pair of pants, full dr-es coats. rmtawav and doubhle- and brought back the classic silhou- ette that is most adaptable to long and varied wear. Skirts will be slim- mer but the need be no shorter than lengths shown last year. Some pleat- ing or shirring is allowed in non- woolen frocks, but there will be fewer of these details in woolens. French cuffs, leg o'mutton sleeves, patch pockets, jacket dresses, reding- otes, bolero dresses, belts wider than two inches, are among the casualties. Wool linings are banned from coats, but brushed, felted or quilted cottons and rayons can be used in their place. Jackets will be shorter and plainer. Three-piece ensembles can- not be sold at all. Relax, But Simply Simnlificationnstretches all the ARTUR RODZINSKI, con- ductor of the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, which will appear Nov. 8. State Allocation Gives Additional Training Space A $20,000 allocation from the state war fund was approved yesterday to provide the University with extra training space for specialists in the Army and Navy. It was reported, that the money would be used to convert the "U" shaped court formed by the West Engineering Building and Engineer- ing Building Annex into 1,000 square feet of floor space, This would be accomplished by installing a roof, a temporary floor and building one wall to fill in the top of the "U." However, both Dean Ivan C. Craw- ford of the engineering school and Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the civil engineering department, although they knew that the petition had been submitted, denied knowledge of any definite plans for such a building. President Alexander G. Ruthven ex- plained that, "The funds are to be used to provide added training space requested by the Army and Navy," but he did not know any of the de-